The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2098: Treasure

I am very grateful to Windwind Bell (588), Zhang Dagang (555), Yingying Tianqi (588), Jie Jie (200), Mo (100), Shenli719 (100), mableip (100) ), rest 123 classmates (100), Xu Jiaqi classmates (100), mortal? ? Classmate (100) reward!


The dozens of people who stood up for the monks immediately stood up. Where did they dare to let a Chinese innate fairy sergeant go out to find a place to adjust their interest, and immediately greeted each other with politeness, and the whole room was empty.

Xu Ziyan laid a heavy array of methods between the waves, and then took out a space fairy, and after entering the space fairy, he came to the time array in the purple smoke space and began to resume the adjustment.

Ten days, just outside, Xu Ziyan has completely restored his knowledge, left the purple smoke space, came out from the space fairy, put away the space fairy and heavy array, left the black screen fairy city, went to the black plain Collect black beard flowers.

Soon, a lot of black beards were collected, and most of them were transplanted into the purple smoke space, and they were given to the peach blossoms for planting, and she began to refine the mind.

After refining the medicinal herbs, Xu Ziyan went out of the room to find her heart, but she suddenly found out that she did not say that there was no figure in the whole building.

"Where are people going?"

Xu Ziyan could not help but stand in the corridor with surprise, then she left the small building, stood at the gate and looked around, and she did not even find a figure. It’s quiet everywhere.


This shady fairy city is just half-reconstructed. Where did the people go?

Xu Ziyan was shocked. Is it that the Mozu is coming again? And when it comes to great power, will the monks of the Cangwu sect be taken away instantly?

Anxious. Xu Ziyan immediately spread the knowledge, and then her look is a glimpse.

In her knowledge of the gods, more than 10,000 monks of the Clan dynasty gathered at the eastern part of the Black Curtain City, and there appeared to be no trace of attack. But what are they doing there?

Xu Ziyan’s body shape shook, and the next moment appeared behind the crowd, reaching out and patted the shoulder of a monk in front of him and whispered:

"This brother..."

"Don't be noisy!" The monk did not say back.

Looking at more than 10,000 monks in a circle, I don't know what to look at. Xu Ziyan is also very curious, but it is not good to fly into the air to see it, and then spread the knowledge again, seeing a big pit in the middle.

Very deep...

Xu Ziyan hesitated for a moment, and eventually recovered his knowledge. Be prepared to ask first. Raised his hand and patted it on the shoulder of the monk:

"This brother..."

The monk hurried back and shouted coldly: "Tell you not to argue... Xu...sister..."

Looking at the other side's expression changes drastically, the muscles on the face are somewhat deformed, and Xu Ziyan wants to laugh a little, holding back the smile and whispering:

"Brother, what happened here?"

"Oh..." At this time, the monk had already reacted from the shock, and anyone who saw Xu Ziyan showed his power. At some point, he suddenly found Xu Ziyan standing behind him, and he was shocked when he had married her.

At this time, I remembered the question of Xu Ziyan, and I was shocked and excited:

"Big things, big things!"

"What's the big thing?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "What big thing? How do those people who have respected their brothers and sisters are gone?"

"That's it..." The monk swallowed a sip of water: "Are we not rebuilding the shady fairy city?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"Then we found a big secret!" the monk said mysteriously.

Xu Ziyan filled his head with a black line. He really wanted him to let him talk well, but he eventually listened with patience. Because the meaning from the other party can be heard, it is not a danger, it seems to find a treasure.

The monk did not notice the look of Xu Ziyan, still said in the eyebrows:

"Xu Shimei. You know that we had thrown a pair of fairy charms. There are some congenital charms, so the black curtain fairy city was blown up and smashed into countless deep pits."

Speaking of the kind, I turned back and said: "It was there. We found an underground passage, not formed naturally. It was artificial."

"Well?" This time, even the purple smoke is also interested, who is not interested in the treasure!

Xu Ziyan’s expression of interest is not that tight, and the monk is even more excited:

"At first, a few brothers went in and found that the passage had collapsed. So everyone used the earthen fairy to clean up the passage quickly and went down the passage. Guess what?"

The monk was really a potential for storytelling, and Xu Ziyan said with a smile:


"According to the experience of the mine-seeking brothers, here should be a continuous mountain range hundreds of millions of years ago, but after hundreds of millions of years of evolution, it has now become a plain."

Xu Ziyan nodded, this is no strange, after hundreds of millions of years, it is normal for the sea to sang.

Seeing Xu Ziyan just nodded, the look did not change, the monk could not help but feel discouraged, but quickly reorganized his mood and continued:

"Everyone walked to the end of the passage and found a door. I don't know what happened to the door. A brother wants to go forward and push it away, but when the hand touches the door, the power in the body is Crazy to the door swarming away, at that time everyone did not know this situation, the other brother saw the situation is not right, he reached out to pull the brother, but did not think that his body is also sucked away frantically until The power of the two of them was absorbed and cleaned up. This was a soft body and fell to the ground and stunned."

Xu Ziyan was shocked: "What happened to them later?"

"According to Elder Ge Lei, the fate of their two lives is not a big problem, just hurt Dan Tian. I am afraid it will take hundreds of years to recover."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and said: "Have you seen the door?"

The monk immediately shook his head. "I had the opportunity to go down and see, but Elder Gray, they came, and ordered us not to go down, and then those of them who had stayed in the monks would go down. But I heard that. The door looks like."

"What?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"The brothers who have seen the door said: There are many patterns on the door. When the brother pushed his hand to the door, the pattern on the door glowed."

Xu Ziyan silently indulged, suddenly jumped in the heart. According to the monk, the door is clearly marked with a prohibition called endless void.

This kind of ban is also a top-level ban in the inheritance of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan doubts whether there are still people in the Shangyuan mainland who can recognize this prohibition, let alone layout and cracking.

"So it is really a ban in ancient times..."

I remembered that the second brother and other people had already gone down at this time, and the heart could not help but feel the heart. At this time, she had already refused to take care of the other, and her body shape flashed and moved to the middle of the crowd. Standing on the edge of the deep pit.

"Xu Shimei!"

The monks around saw Xu Ziyan, and they greeted Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan just nodded, but his eyes kept staring at the passage below. Then he jumped and fell to the bottom.

Xu Ziyan fell to the ground, and below it was a channel that had been sorted out. This passage had been collapsed by the fairy symbol thrown by the monks and monks, and it was dark.

Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of God. The figure quickly swept toward the front. The channel is tilted downwards. After about twenty interest, a good passage appears in front of Xu Ziyan. At this time, there is a night pearl at the top of the passage, which brightens the passage.

Xu Ziyan speeded up and flew down for about a quarter of an hour. The passage was darkened again, and it was the passage that was cleared after the collapse.

The passage is such a bright and long stretch of darkness, and it took about an hour or so to pass, and Xu Ziyan came to the end of the passage. I saw a dozen monks standing in front of a gate. Her second brother also stood there.

"Two brothers!" Xu Ziyan whispered softly.

The heart of the road hurriedly turned: "Small sister-in-law, are you out? It’s so good! Come and see, what is weird on this door?"

Other monks seeing Xu Ziyan are also a big smile. They all know that Xu Ziyan is in the realm of two fields in the fairy tales, if not because Xu Ziyan shut himself in the room. They are afraid to bother, I am afraid to go to the door of the purple smoke. Let her see it.

Xu Ziyan stared at it and saw dozens of big monks in front of the door, then asked a few steps forward:

"But what did you find?"

More than a dozen big monks shook their heads immediately, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over a dozen major monks:

"That you……"

A dozen or so large monks looked at each other and could not help but smile. Finally, it is said by the heart:

"Little sister, the two brothers who touched this door were in a terrible situation. We didn't dare to touch the door without figuring out the situation."

I heard that the second brother said so, Xu Ziyan was relieved, and at least the door would not be injured. Although the kind of injury can be cured, it is very troublesome. After relaxing, I looked at the second division:

"That you……"

"We have been studying this door!" said the heart seriously.

"What did you study?"

"No!" The heart shook his head very simply: "This door is too complicated. Although we have discussed a little way, we have no grasp and we dare not try."

"What is the way?" Xu Ziyan can not help but be curious.

"This is the case..." A dozen of monks and you said the way they came up with Xu Ziyan.

Then I saw Xu Ziyan sighing with relief, and the eyes of more than a dozen big monks were bright, and the heart said with delight:

"Small sister, what is the solution we are studying?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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