The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2099: Endless void

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"Small sister, what is the solution we are studying?"

"Fortunately, you have not tried!"

The faces of more than a dozen big monks, such as the heart, immediately turned into a purple sauce. The meaning of Xu Ziyan’s words did not understand them. That is, the methods they worked hard to study were simply not.

"Xu...Sister..." Ge Lei asked with some sorrow: "If we used that method, would it be the same as the two disciples?"

"Beyond them!"

"Ah?" The purple face of Grena's sauce turned pale again.

However, the mind on the side heard the meaning, and looked at Xu Ziyan’s delight and asked, “Little sister, do you know the prohibition on this door?”

When other monks heard the words of their hearts, they immediately responded in their hearts, and they could not help but look at Xu Ziyan with a burning gaze.

Xu Ziyan looked at the doorway: "I just have a speculation, I still have to look at it first."

More than a dozen large monks immediately flashed off the sides and gave the door to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan walked to the front door, and then the light of the night pearl looked toward the door. The material of the door in front of him surprised Xu Ziyan, and it turned out to be gold jaundice.

It is important to know that the main role of the diamond is that it is strong and exceptionally strong. It is impossible for the monk to be smashed by the repair. This kind of diamond can only soften it with the juice of the white bone vine, and then cut it. Or refining the fairy and portraying the ban.

Moreover, King Kong is now a lost thing on the Upper Yuan Dynasty. It can only be found in some books.

At this time, the heart behind me said: "Little sister. Let me talk about what it is forbidden, we will use the fairy to directly open the door."

Xu Ziyan sat down on the floor with a little bit of a butt, and looked back at the second division: "Two brothers, do you know what material is this door?"

"What kind of material does it care for? With these big monks, we can't open this door?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a hint of helplessness: “The material of this door is gold jaundice!”

"What happened to the diamond? Jin Gangyu..."

The heart suddenly fell into meditation, and he felt awkwardly where he saw the name of the diamond. At this time, Ge Lei said on the side:

"King Kong! You said it is diamond?"

The heart raised his head and looked at Ge Leidao: "Do you know diamonds?"

"King Kong is a legendary thing, and it is now not seen in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. However, it is recorded that the monk of the Tianzun period will not break it."

Gray said this, the mind also thought about it, can not help but look at Xu Ziyan: "Little sister, it is really diamond?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

At this time, my heart carefully looked at the door, and recorded the characteristics of the gold jaundice. I found out that the material of this door is gold jaundice. When I think of what I just said, I can’t help but look red.

Xu Ziyan once again fell on the door of the Vajra. Seriously look at the prohibition on the door. In the first two steps of the heart, Xu Ziyan stood side by side and whispered:

"Small sister, do you recognize the prohibition on this?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "This is an extremely powerful ban, and it has reached the banned realm of the mid-term. It seems that the back of this door is not a general treasure!"

"The prohibition of Chinese products?" The heart is a shock: "Is this not to say that no one in the whole Yuanyuan can crack? Xiaoshimei, how can you see it?"

Xu Ziyan said, I am a Chinese product, the peak of the fairy charm teacher is good, will not even see this prohibition?

The heart did not notice the look of Xu Ziyan. It’s just there to worry about death and say: “Small sister, you see if you are going out to bring together the disciples who know how to understand the ban, and study it.”

Xu Ziyan looked at his two brothers with a smile, and the heart of the monks who were outside the celestial sects would have a terrific sorcerer? At most, there are six products and seven products. You let a group of immortal teachers study the prohibition of the congenital fairy, and it is a ban on endless voids. What is the difference between this and death? Immediately shook his head:

"No need to!"

"Don't?" The heart looked at Xu Ziyan with astonishment, and then his face showed a bitter smile. He reacted and some of his concerns were chaotic.

Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to her heart at this time. She was eager to observe carefully whether the prohibition on the door was endless.

Xu Ziyan didn't even dare to touch the prohibition on the door. To know that endless void is not only able to absorb the power of the human body. If the monk dares to use the gods to explore the prohibition, the endless void will even absorb the monk's knowledge, absorb the monk's knowledge, and then hurt the monk's knowledge of the sea.

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but look back at the dozen or so monks. I can't help but be grateful that they were careful enough not to probe the door with God.

I saw Xu Ziyan turning back. The spirit of the heart is a revival: "Little sister, do you think of a solution?"

"No, I haven't studied yet!" Xu Ziyan glanced at a dozen or so monks, and eventually he said with no confidence:

"You must never use the knowledge of God to explore this door. If I do not guess wrong on this door, it will not only absorb the power of the monk, but also absorb the knowledge of the monk in the sea, and then damage. The monk knows the sea."

The look of more than a dozen big monks was a change, and then there was a lingering fear, and I was glad that I was just cautious. At this time, Xu Ziyan had turned his head back and began to seriously study the prohibition on the door.

The door of the embroidered jade is covered with mysterious patterns. It looks a bit messy. It is like a person who is a beginner with a doodle, but Xu Ziyan knows that every symbol in the seemingly chaotic symbol is a middle product. Congenital fairy.

With Xu Ziyan's gaze turning, I read all the symbols on the entire door. After I didn't let go of any corner, Xu Ziyan couldn't help but sigh in my heart:

"so amazing!"

At this time, the realm of Xu Ziyan is the peak of the Chinese character, but even so she has to sigh that the prohibition of the monk is extremely superb.

The seemingly chaotic symbols are layered, consisting entirely of a group of three-dimensional patterns, and then a set of three-dimensional patterns to form a complete large array of characters.

The nine-dimensional array of bans are intertwined with each other through the Fu-Ban Bridge, and they are connected to each other. They are static at first sight, but they do not understand the ban, or the monks with low bans are staring at them slowly. There will be an illusion that the endless voids will be banned to see other prohibitions at the finished product level. This will be rashly cracked, and then the body is absorbed.

"Actually, I don't think the prohibition on this door is much better!" said the heart, confused.

"Yeah! We are just discussing whether to try to crack it, Xu Shimei is here!" Ge Lei also whispered.

"This is an endless void ban, not a monk who is a fairy tales will be confused by it, seeing it as an ordinary ban."

Xindao and others were shocked. Although they did not know what was endless void, but a prohibition that can confuse the monks, is it still useful? The heart carefully asked:

"Little sister, then do you have a solution?"

"Let me see it again!"

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng this time. There is no way, because this endless void makes Xu Ziyan dare not use the gods to scan, only to watch with his eyes. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan has a Yan Peng eye, otherwise it is only to watch through ordinary eyes, do not know when to see.

The endless void sign prohibition is extremely complicated, although it will not change in the main body, but in other respects it can have millions of changes, which also causes the endless voids of each congenital emperor to set up Not the same. It is extremely troublesome to want to crack the endless void.

In fact, to crack this endless void symbol, the ban is troublesome, and it is simple and simple. The key place is the bridge between the nine independent stereoscopic bans. Only one bridge among these bridges is the key to cracking this endless vain ban. As long as the bridge is broken, the nine-dimensional ban will immediately lose contact. Prohibition will naturally collapse.

However, with Xu Ziyan's understanding of the endless void, when cracking the endless void, you will not move the bridges. Once you move the bridges, if you make a mistake, you will stimulate the hidden fairy in the endless void. Xu Ziyan knows very well that each of the nine stereoscopic bans hides a powerful fairy. As for the power of the realm, it depends on the cultivation of the person who arranged the formation.

For example, if the owner of this banned layout is a peak of the late Tianzun, then it will certainly hide the prohibition of the peak of Tianzun in the nine stereoscopic prohibitions. As long as Xu Ziyan breaks the mistake, there will be a Xianzhao bombardment of the peak of the Tianzun period. By that time, none of these people in front of the door will survive. And can you lay out a monk with endless voids, will his repair be low?

Fortunately, Xu Ziyan has a smashing eye, and the blue eyes in the eyes, the quaint pattern in the eyes of Kuang Peng was a little bit of glass, and gradually became clear.

The whole endless void is like a huge labyrinth. The eyes of Xu Ziyan’s Kun Peng are studied one by one on the nine bans. The nine bans must have a master ban and a secondary ban. The bridge that is to be destroyed is connected to the main ban. of.

This needs to be deduced, and it is extremely complicated to deduct. If the monk of the Congenital Wizard is forcibly deduced, he will definitely fall into this banned world, lose his mind, and finally touch the door and be sucked out of the body. Yuan Li.

It is naturally easier for Xu Ziyan to go beyond the forbidden product level of the peak of the innate product, and at least it will not fall into the world of endless void.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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