The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2100: enter

Warmly congratulate Wen Xiaowen to become the best law!


About two quarters of an hour later, Xu Ziyan finally locked the third stereoscopic ban, and without re-introduction, Xu Ziyan was able to determine that the ban was the main ban. The rest of the work was to determine that the bridge was the main bridge.

The other eight stereoscopic bans are associated with this third stereoscopic ban, that is, there is a bridge between each stereoscopic ban and the third ban. A total of eight bridges are connected to the third ban, as long as Xu Ziyan judges Wrong, there will be a fairy who does not know how powerful it is from the door.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to take risks, and began a round of deductions. This time it was a deduction of eight bridges.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes began to have some pain, which was a sign that Zhang Peng’s eyes were too long. Xu Ziyan slightly raised his eyes, and the blue strobe in his eyes was swiftly pushed in his mind.

It took about a quarter of an hour, and Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile. She had already determined that the fifth bridge was the main bridge.

She didn't dare to hesitate, because the ban on infinity is unchanging, and it usually changes once in six hours. If it changes, Xu Ziyan needs to re-inspire again. At this time, Xu Ziyan has already felt that the endless void has a changing trend.

Xu Ziyan immediately swayed the finger, and then the void was drawn, and a symbol appeared in the air in front of her. Then Xu Ziyan slowly and firmly pressed the empty picture on the fifth bridge.


The door was flooded with a reputation, like the sound of the void, and then a circle of brilliance. Starting from the fifth bridge of the Fushun Bridge, after about three minutes of time, Guanghua disappeared and the humming stopped.

At the moment when the buzzing sound and the brilliance appear. More than a dozen big monks, such as Xin Da, have changed their faces, but the mere time of Guanghua and Qiming has disappeared, and the hearts of others are shocked. Looking at Xu Ziyan with a confused mind:

"Little sister, cracked?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan looked back and rubbed his eyes and relaxed.

“It’s that easy?”

Xu Ziyan looked at his heart without words. The heart is actually excited, and walks toward the door and says:

"I am going to push the door away!"

His voice just fell, his footsteps stopped, and his face was frozen there. Xu Ziyan also looked back, because the sound of "嘎吱吱" came from the gate.

In front of Xu Ziyan and others, the door turned out to be automatically opened...

The door slowly opened, revealing a slit to fully open in front of them. The world inside the door is not dark, but it is a little dim, it is the light of a night pearl that illuminates the space inside. Then the light of the night pearl can faintly see that there is a long passage inside, and the passage has no idea what kind of material is used for it, because it has thick moss.

The air that was closed for hundreds of millions of years rushed toward Xu Ziyan and others at the moment when the door was open, so that Xu Ziyan and others almost suffocated in an instant, and immediately took a breath and took two steps back. Business of an unshielded shield is also released.

"Go in and see!" The heart of the road rushed into the door in a few steps, and the other monks followed.


Xu Zi commonly just shouted, a dozen large monks have rushed into the door. Xu Ziyan also stepped forward in the helpless way. She has been thinking about why the door was automatically opened wherein she was thinking about it. A dozen people in the heart rushed in, and Xu Ziyan had to give up the research for the time being. The idea went into the door.

Xu Ziyan carefully followed the dozen or so large monks and went in, holding the purple sword in his hands, because there was an endless void in the door. At this time, Xu Ziyan did not dare to spread out. I am afraid that there will be dangers. At the same time, I did not forget to remind the dozen or so big monks in front. The dozen or so large monks heard Xu Ziyan’s words and hurriedly collected the newly-discovered gods and looked back.

Everyone went out for about a few moments. Suddenly I heard the sound of "嘎吱吱" behind me, and Huoran turned back. When I heard the "bang", the door turned off automatically.

Everyone looked at each other, and Gray was afraid to say: "Would we like to go back and see?"

The heart is full of indifference and said: "Gray, when did you become so timid? Go back and see what happens? Nothing more than two results, one is that we can open the door, one can not open. If you can't open it, we can only continue to look inside. If you can open it, don't you leave, don't you go in and see?"


"Do not talk nonsense, continue to go inside!"

Xu Ziyan can't help but smile. The two brothers are really daring. I think of the tradition of Jianfeng. I am afraid that everyone on the Jianfeng Peak is this temper. More than a dozen people walked toward the inside along the passage. The more they went, the more they were scared. This passage seemed to be never-ending. After about half an hour, there was still no end. However, everyone knows that this passage is always spreading deep into the ground, and they are walking towards the depths of the earth.

After another two quarters of time, Xu Ziyan and a dozen large monks stood in a large hall. This hall is empty, and this hall is actually a dead hall. The so-called death hall, there is no way out there, not even a door, as if this is the end of the passage.

"Mom*'s..." said indignantly and indignantly: "There are no empty treasures, no treasures."

Ge Lei’s heart is also very lost: “That’s nothing, why is there such a powerful ban on the door? How is it so boring, is it fun to play?”

Xu Ziyan’s look at this time has a little cautiousness. She feels that it is not so simple within this hall, and there is a faint atmosphere in the space.

It was only this time, not only that Xu Ziyan felt the strangeness here, that is, Xin Dao and Ge Lei’s dozens of monks also felt strange and worked hard to repair such a long passage, and the outside door was portrayed with endless voids. The prohibition of leaving like this, how could it be a dead place here and now, there is no longer a gateway, an empty hall, is it so boring to build a predecessor here?

At this time, the original calm of the space suddenly fluctuated. Converging toward the center of the main hall, a light door appeared in the center of the main hall, but the light door was very unstable, constantly deformed and distorted, as if it would disappear at any time.

The people exchanged their eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan. Here only Xu Ziyan is a congenital immortal and a congenital fairy, and only Xu Ziyan can make a decision.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, looking at the light that was twisting and getting thinner, as if it were going to disappear:

"I don't know this light door very well. I don't know what will happen inside. I will go in and see, you decide."

The words fell, Xu Ziyan's body shape rushed into the light door, and looked at Xu Ziyan rushed in, shouted "Little Sister, wait!", and ran to the door in the center of the main hall. The remaining dozen or so large monks actually have no choice at all. If Xu Ziyan dies inside, they simply don't know how to get out of here.

Being able to cultivate to the realm of the great monk in the respect of the people, they are all courageous people, and immediately rushed into the light door.

As soon as I rushed into the light door, I saw the back of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan was standing there and looking at everything in front of him. After Xindao and others rushed in, they just wanted to shout a little sister, but they just stood open and slugged.

The space in front of them is exactly the same as the hall outside the light door, as if the two layers of the same space are superimposed, and everyone passed through the light door and entered this space.

At this time, Chugo outside the light door behind them, in front of them, there is a door on the left and right. But at this time it is not a distorted light door, but a real stone door.

"Little sister..." said with a little worry, "Is there any prohibition on these stone gates?"

"Let's see it!"

Xu Ziyan first looked back at the light door behind him, and saw it still there, and this was a little relieved. Slightly thought about it, walked toward the stone door on the right, and the heart and other dozens of monks closely followed Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of Shimen. Naturally, he did not dare to use the gods to explore. He just opened the eyes of Kun Peng and looked toward Shimen. It was just this look, and the face was strange, and then I watched it incredulously, which took away the eyes of Peng Peng:

"There is no prohibition on this stone door!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan reached out and put it on the stone door. He pushed the stone door and opened it. Xu Ziyan stood outside the door and waited for a while. It was not dangerous to see it. Then he walked in, heart, etc. People also followed Shimen.

Entering Shimen, the look of Xu Ziyan is a stay, and nine boxes are neatly arranged in the space inside Shimen. Xu Ziyan’s look was because of the ninety-two boxes.

She recognized at a glance that the twenty-one boxes were not ordinary boxes, but storage boxes.

The storage box is actually an enlarged version of the storage ring. The space inside it is at least a hundred times larger than the storage ring, and some even thousands of times.

This kind of storage box, Xu Ziyan, has been seen in the records. In ancient times, it was a powerful family to store resources. At this time, what Xu Ziyan thought was what exactly was in the twenty-one boxes.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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