The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2106: Hui Zongmen

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This time everyone’s heart was really relaxed. I thought of this harvest and I was excited in my heart. Xu Ziyan suddenly turned back and said:

"Dear brothers, I will see if I will let those two brothers put the storage boxes for you after you wait for a while. You choose a place to collect them. Then you will bother the brothers to put the remaining two boxes of materials and two boxes of fairy. Crystal was distributed to the disciples outside, and my two brothers were going to retreat and healed the two brothers."

Everyone nodded and said that they came out along the excavated passage and returned to the ground.

Upon returning to the small building, the mind left the two storage boxes, and took the storage boxes out of the circles and gave them to the seventeen masters. Then he and Xu Ziyan entered a room. After Xu Ziyan set up the formation method, he was ready to heal the second brother.

However, it has long been a mess, and it is exactly boiling. All the monks are happily receiving the resources of their own.

These disciples did not think that these monks and monks would give them a copy after they got the treasure, and there were still many. You must know that the two boxes of the best fairy crystals add up to twenty trillion. And there are only 10,000 disciples in the early days. That is to say, each monk can be divided into nearly two billion best crystals, which is the best fairy crystal, for ordinary monks that is absolutely rich overnight, not to mention two boxes of materials.

and so. Every monk is happy to keep his mouth shut, and he has so many powers to get so many crystals. What is more happy than this?

Then everyone stopped working for one day, and more than 10,000 monks gathered in the center of the black curtain city that had not yet been built.

The noisy black curtain in the fairy city. There is a very quiet place, that is, Xu Ziyan is in the room for healing the heart.

The already arranged array method has isolated the noisy outside, and Xu Ziyan has already taken the refining Tiandan to the second brother to take it down. The heart has already fainted.

Xu Ziyan immediately switched to the body with chaos, and the confusion put his hands on the mind, began to absorb the magic in the heart and find the magic.

Soon, the magic in the heart of the body was absorbed by the chaos, and the magic species was also found. Besides, the magical species felt the pure magic power in the chaos. Without chaos to find it, he immediately took the initiative to approach the chaos, and then into the chaotic hands, into the chaotic body, but instantly reconciled.

"Okay!" Chaos clap his hands and said to Xu Ziyan in the knowledge of God.

Xu Ziyan immediately switched to chaos, and then opened the eyes of Kun Peng to begin to explore the chaotic body. It’s just that at the time of two interest, she knows that her heart is gone, but the body is damaged after all, and it takes time to recover. I thought that I would leave here soon, and I decided to help the second brother once.

Take out a Chinese product congenital immortal to the second brother, and then hold the wrists of the two brothers with both hands, and send the gas of life in his body into the body of the heart.

Now the meaning of Xu Ziyan's life is to reach the realm of great perfection. With the help of Zhongpin Xiandan, it is only a time when the heart's injury is completely restored.

Xu Ziyan let go of the second brother, sitting quietly on the chair next to the bed, waiting for the second division to wake up.

It’s about half an hour later. I woke up in my heart. When I opened my eyes, I saw Xu Ziyan sitting in front of me.

"Little sister, I... how?" asked the heart a little embarrassed.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "The second brother tried it by himself."

Seeing the smile on Xu Ziyan's face, the heart immediately sat up from the bed and operated the body. It’s just that the momentary power is transmitted from the body, and the heart is rushing to explore his body with his own knowledge. Where is there a trace of magic?

Huo Di jumped out of bed and laughed with joy. Xu Ziyan sat there and smiled at the second brother, until the laughter of the two brothers fell, and said softly to the second brother:

"Two brothers, where are you going to go in the future?"

Mind a little thought about it: "Since you go to the South to open a sect, you can't use me, then I will be here for a while. What about you? When are you going to leave?"

"I am ready to leave immediately."

"So fast?" Surprised.

"There is nothing here. I will go back to the Zongmen first. I can’t let the tired Master recruit my disciples in Zongmen. I will go back and see."

"Also! Then I wish all the younger sisters all the best, and establish a big door in the south as soon as possible." Xindao said to Xu Ziyan.

"Don't!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "I just want to build a third-rate small sect in the past, and then there is a place to practice."

"Little sister, don't have to fight with the sovereign and the master."

"Not a gas!" Xu Ziyan shook his head: "The two brothers don't know that I don't have that mind at all. This time it is purely the lord and the master to catch the ducks."

The heart is silent for a while: "Also, you are different from other monks. Other monks expect to build a sect, and then get resources for cultivation. You don't have resources at all. Then you go to the South to play, just The sovereign and the master are afraid to be disappointed."

Xu Ziyan also smiled and shook his head, and the heart took out a jade slip to the Xu Zi flue:

"Little sister, this is the congenital treasure that I want to come out for me. If you have time, give me a refinement. What materials do you need to say, the brothers are now very expensive, hehe..."

Xu Ziyan put away the jade slip, and there is no material at all. Just smile and say:

"When I have time, I will refine the two brothers." Here, Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair:

"I'm leaving!"

"I see you off!"

When the two men opened the door and walked out, they saw the gold invincible standing outside. Xu Ziyan walked outside, and Jin Invincible silently followed Xu Ziyan.

Going out of the small building. I saw the monk who was still there to be jubilant. Xu Ziyan laughed a few words with everyone, and then said goodbye to everyone, with gold invincible. Left the black curtain fairy city.

In the air, Xu Ziyan released the cloud baby, and entered the cloud baby with the invincible gold, and flew toward the sky.

Sitting inside the cloud baby, Xu Ziyan put away the convergence symbol on his body and revealed the repair of the peak of the Emperor of the Emperor. Then I looked at the gold invincible beside me.

I saw the gold invincible gold helmet gold armor, very powerful, domineering. Dressed up with him. As long as it appears in front of people, it is impossible to be unobtrusive. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but frown slightly and said to Jin Invincible:

"Invincible, do you have to wear this golden helmet gold armor as long as you become a human figure?"

“No!” Kim Invincible said respectfully: “It’s just that it’s very prestige, and the defense is the strongest state.”

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan nodded. "Then you still change clothes, the ordinary one."


After Kim Invincible agreed, he saw his golden light flashing, and then the golden helmet gold armor disappeared and replaced with a golden robes.

Xu Ziyan could not help but licked his eyebrows. There was a smile on his face, and Kim’s invincible flashed his body. Where is his own follow-up, he said that he was almost the same as his follow-up.

"That... can you remove this bling?"

"Can't!" Jin Invincible shook his head and said: "This is the gold armor of my body. It is like this, and I have no way." Jin Invincible's face also showed a smile. Although he is a pangolin, he is not an idiot. Naturally, he knows that his own style has covered Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked up and down with gold invincible, but not! This golden robes are the scales on his body. This serious scrutiny can not help but make Xu Ziyan shocked. This scale has the defensive power of the peak of Tianzun. This can not help but make Xu Ziyan sigh that the defensive power of the pangolin is so strong.

I took a chaotic character and flipped it over the golden invincible robes. The robes on the invincible of Jin instantly lost their radiance and became the ordinary robes of the year. From the outside, they are not even the fairy. It is an ordinary robes worn by mortals. However, it is still golden, and it seems that I really want the appearance of a rich family.

"Well! Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded with satisfaction.

Jin Invincible looked down at the robes he wore. The heart is also relieved. As a demon pet of Xu Ziyan, of course, knowing that if he has performed better than his master, it is not a good thing.

In the past few days, it has become closer and closer to Cangzong. Suddenly there was a figure in front of the cloud baby. The figure felt the sound of a broken air behind it. Looking back, I recognized the cloud baby at a glance and stopped the cloud head and shouted to the cloud baby:

"Little sister!"

Xu Ziyan stared at it, and the man turned out to be his own master, Lang Yue, and he hurriedly stopped the cloud baby, calling out from inside:


"Ha ha ha..." Lang Yue screamed and smirked, flew over to Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan entered the cloud baby, and at a glance he saw gold invincible, and his look could not help:

"this is?"

"This is the demon pet I just received!"

Langyue looked at Xu Ziyan strangely, and in the heart, what kind of means did this younger sister have to collect such a powerful demon pet?

"Master, you are back to the sect?" After the two sides were seated, Xu Ziyan asked.

"Yeah!" Lang Yue nodded: "This time I am back for the younger sister."

"For me?" Xu Ziyan looked at Langyue inexplicably.

"I heard that you are going to the South to open a sect?" Lang Yue looked at the opposite Xu Ziyan with interest.

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but reveal a smile. At this time, she already understood the idea of ​​Langyue. Sure enough, I heard Lang Yue said:

"Small teacher, brother, go with you, how about a deputy master?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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