The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2107: Each future

Xu Ziyan’s heart was filled with a touch of emotion. The former two brothers talked about it, and now the master has mentioned it. They are not willing to do even a sword peak, how can they greet a deputy sovereign? This is how several brothers fear that they will go to the south to eat and lose, and they want to help themselves. Depressed the excitement in my heart and said softly to Langyue:

"Master, the second brother also mentioned before..."

Langyue waved his hand: "Then he will be the second deputy!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were a little moist and whispered: “I refused, I am a master, I have to refuse.”

“Why?” Lang Yue’s face was wrong.

Xu Ziyan whispered his plan to Langyue. After listening to Langyue, he couldn’t help but smile. He naturally understood the heart of Xu Ziyan, because he was used to it, and he was not willing to do anything like the Lord, the Sovereign. It is normal to know that the younger sister is completely driven by the lord and the master. It is normal for the younger sister to establish a third-rate small sect. This matter is his turn and he will probably do the same.

Shaking his head and smiling for a while, looking at Xu Ziyan: "If this is the case, I will not go to the fun. Just so, I am afraid that the sovereign and the master will be disappointed."

Xu Ziyan said with his hands: "There is no way. Master, now the mainland has already presented chaos. In such an era, only cultivation is its own, and others are illusory."

"Also!" Langyue nodded in agreement: "Well, I heard that Master has been recruiting disciples for you in these days. We havetened to go back and see what kind of disciples Master has enrolled. ”

"Hey..." Xu Ziyan sighed aloud: "Let me say what disciples are recruited. Can I go alone?"

Langyue looked at Xu Ziyan with a strange look: "Small sister, you are different from other people who have left the Zongmen to go out to open the school. You are the first monk who won the ranking in the last league. How can it not be too It’s sour. How could you let me go alone? How can I have some followers?”

And it is at this time. The cloud baby has come to the front of the mountain gate of Cangwu. Everyone came out of the cloud baby, Xu Ziyan took the cloud baby and landed from the cloud. And the monks who guarded the gate of the mountain chilled a few words, then they emptied. Flying toward a Jianfeng. Far away, I saw a sword peak around some monks, and Song Wanzhong was there to talk to the monks about what to write.

Xu Ziyan and Langyue did not fall into the cloud head, flew directly to a Jianfeng, and fell before Master's Dongfu. The body shape just fell, the front of the Dongfu method separated a small road, Xu Ziyan and Langyue went in, entered the Dongfu, first met after the Master. Only then.

"Come back!" The sword looked at Xu Ziyan and Langyue without a smile.

"Yes, Master!" Lang Yue and Xu Ziyan said respectfully.

"Master, how did you choose the disciples for the younger sister?" Langyue dismissed the thoughts of going to the south with Xu Ziyan, but still hoped that a group of high-quality disciples would follow Xu Ziyan to the south.

The sword did not open his hand and scratched his head. His look was awkward: "You also know that Master is not good at these things, so he has to arrange for it to do this."

Xu Ziyan and Lang Yue looked at each other. Everything in the eyes is so beautiful. As a disciple of the sword, no one knows more about their master than they do.

"Ziyan, if you want to recruit your own disciples, you will also help."

Langyue and Xu Ziyan once again looked at each other. Langyue knew that Xiaoshimei was very uncomfortable about this matter. Where is he still willing to delay this time? It is better to practice this kind of practice. So I hurriedly said:

"Master, the disciples have just returned from the outside, have some sentiments and need to retreat."

Xu Ziyan also hurriedly said: "Ziyan has just returned. There is a lack of body. It must be a monk for a while."

The face of the sword is not empty, laughing and crying, a peak of the late Emperor... ah? The sword is squinting and looking at the Xu Zi flue:

"Ziyan, is your peak in the late Emperor?"

"Well! Go to the West and break through on the way back."

The sword's face is full of joy: "So, Master is more reassured. Ziyan, Master has some feelings recently. Need to go out and prove it. Tomorrow, Master will leave Cangwuzong and go to the South to open a school." I need to be more serious. If there is anything I need, I will ask you four brothers. I have already told him, as long as it is what you need, I will give it to you."

"........." I met such a master who was as interested in pursuing Heaven as I did. Xu Ziyan did not know what to say, and Lang Yue resigned and returned to his Ziyan Peak.

After returning to the Ziyan Peak, I saw the purple smoke peaks, and the intoxicating flowers that have been living here are also a happy face. When I saw Xu Ziyan coming back, I was surrounded by a bee, and told Xu Ziyan in seven words. They were ready, and they were waiting to go to the South to open a school with Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan can't help but smile, but there are also happy things. She saw Xu Haotian from the crowd, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang and other Xu disciples also flew to the mainland. However, she did not see the Yan Xingyun from the crowd. I asked from the opening to the Xu Tianwo:

"What about Yan predecessors?"

"Yan predecessors went to Luo Tianzong!"

Xu Ziyan thought a little and then realized that Yan Xingyun thought that he was a disciple of Luo Tianzong from a very small time in the mainland of China. This heart that has been cultivated for thousands of years can no longer be changed and is deeply rooted. I am afraid that these years are not happy in Mou Zong, the ideological struggle is very powerful, and finally decided to return to Luo Tianzong, that is his fate, but also his destination, Xu Ziyan nodded in understanding, no more words.

"And..." Xu Tianwo continued: "Ye Fei also flew up to the mainland, and he went to the Shenzong."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and Ye Fei’s decision did not lead to the prediction of Ziyan. These monks who have Zongmen in the Upper Yuan Dynasty cannot join other Zongmen. Only people like themselves who have no sects in the Upper Yuan can choose freely.

Taixuan Zong has no sect in the Upper Yuan dynasty. As for the Wan Jianzong, the fundamentals of it have nothing to do with Xu Ziyan. What's more, her master is also driven by Wan Jianzong to remove Zongmen?

I chatted with everyone for a few hours, and pointed out their cultivation. Everyone was in the purple smoke peak.

At this time, Xu Ziyan already knew the reasons for the excitement of these Xu disciples. They all thought that Xu Ziyan would lead them to the southern Kaizong school, just like the establishment of the Zongmen belonging to the Xu family at the Lotus Peak. Therefore, they not only left the things that Xu family had refined these days, but also went to Zongmenfang City to buy a lot of things like Xiandan, Xianfu and so on. Just waiting to follow Xu Ziyan to the south.

They did not consider that their current cultivation is not high, and they did not understand the danger of the southern Yaozu land. Even Xu Xiaotian, who had just ascended up, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang were also prepared for a bun. In their hearts, they feel that as long as there is a purple smoke, there is nothing that can't be done.

For this matter, Xu Ziyan is really a little bit sorrowful, knowing that he has to pay a bit of a tongue. Therefore, Xu Ziyan informed Xu Jiazhong of his own analysis and his idea of ​​going to the south to establish a third-rate small gate.

After listening to the Xu family, they also understood the reason for the matter and the intention of Xu Ziyan. Since Xu Ziyan did not have the mind to make Zongmen bigger, Xu’s disciple lost interest. They also understand Xu Ziyan's decision, but they all bought a lot of resources, but they can't use it at this time, and they can't help each other.

Seeing everyone's expression, Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile: "Today, everyone is going to have a good carnival. Waiting for tomorrow, you will hand over the resources to be sold to the brother of Sirius. When I go to Zongmenfang with my brother, I will The resources are sold out."

Everyone even claimed that they let go of their drinks.

the next day.

Everyone handed over the resources to be sold to Xu Tianlang. Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianlang left Ziyanfeng early in the morning and went directly to Zongmenfang City.

"Ziyan, the price of our sale of resources this time is definitely somewhat different from the price of the original acquisition, I am afraid I will suffer some losses." Xu Tianwo said some reluctantly.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "It is better than keeping something that is useless. Just like those fairy charms, now you don't go to the south, there are not so many battles. What are so many fairy symbols? Not as good as Change to Xianjing, buy some resources that you need. Loss is a little bit worse, we have four halls in our home, and it is not bad."

"That is also true!" Xu Tianwo started a depressed look and re-opened.

"Sirius brother, although the cultivation of Xu disciples is not high, but it is not only closed-door cultivation. You can take some lessons from the Zongmen approach, and there are also downfalls in the Zongmen. You can selectively Go up and talk to the same door in the same realm."

"Well! I know!" Xu Tianlang nodded.

"Also, you have to get in touch with the same door of Zhaizong. Some monks in Zongmen will hold some talks from time to time. Everyone exchanges ideas about cultivation. On the one hand, they can help in cultivation, on the other hand, they can also make some like-minded things. The monk. The four treasures of Xiuxian, the legal and wealthy land, this companion is the Taoist friend. It is of great benefit to practice and exchange with different Taoist friends."

When the two talked about it, they came to Zongmenfang City and spent more than one hour selling everything. When the two people became interested, they strolled around the city.


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ISBN: 2314993

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Brief introduction: The poor farmer woman turned over and sang, and the wind and the scenery led the whole family to run a well-off!


*(To be continued~^~)

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