The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2113: Coming

Falling snow is naturally not good to say that Luoyang, who is fancy, has already died in the hands of Xu Ziyan. It is even more embarrassing to say that the union with the Mozu has also failed. Can only say with vagueness:

"In any case, the strength of Xu Ziyan is definitely not only the late Emperor, but it is not good for her to touch hard."

Having said that, the sky has long sighed: "The contents of the big gates are really different."

"The late Emperor of the Immortals?" Mu Dayong looked awkwardly: "Is the late purple purple fairy emperor?"

"Yeah!" Tian Tianxue said bitterly: "The breakthrough in the ranking competition."

"You mean that she broke through in the battle?" Mu Dayong's look was a surprise.

"Not bad! The qualification of this Xu Ziyan is too amazing. If she continues to grow up, maybe it will not be used for a thousand years, and her cultivation will be on the outside."

"That... why do we want to release goodwill to her?"

"It's just superficial. Don't let her doubt our Tianfu business, and you have to secretly provoke the entire southern party to host Xu Ziyan. It is best to kill Xu Ziyan in the south."

Mu Dayong slightly wrinkled some brows and immediately began: "There is no problem. The South has always resisted the establishment of the Zongmen in the East and the North. In fact, I don't have to go to the dark to provoke, they will also be hostile to Xu Ziyan. If you add another In the case of fire, I will not kill Xu Ziyan in the South. At least she will be unable to walk in the South."

"Okay!" The snow fell to the palm of the hand: "What is the result is this. But be sure to pay attention to confidentiality, and the things that are provocative must be done without knowing it."

"Understand!" Mu Dayong nodded solemnly: "The deputy patriarch, what kind of sect will you establish when Xu Ziyan came to the South?"

"What kind of sects do you say Xu Ziyan will come to the South?" In a small mountain village near the Yao Forest. Eleven people sat around the stone in the village, and a young monk asked a middle-aged monk.

There are only 11 households in this village, and seven of them are single youths, and only four have families. They are not others. It is the descendants of the monks who lived in the south.

They did not return to the ancestral temple according to their ancestral training, so they have been living in the south. However, their ancestors instilled in them generations that they were descendants of the ancestors, which made them very proud from the bones. Although in reality, they are now considered to be unacceptable people. Even if they return to Mou Zong, Yu Zong may not be willing to let them enter Yuzong, depending on their qualifications.

However, they have always been the descendants of the ancestors of the ancestors, and the descendants of the ancestors passed away, so they absolutely refused to join other forces, so they felt that they had lost their faces. Therefore, the descendants of these monks and monks passed down. After the encounter in the South, I came to this remote valley to build a small village. To hunt the demon, and then sell to the shop for a living.

Such a poor life naturally creates that their cultivation will not be very high. The eleven people who are the highest in the cultivation are only the early days of the Emperor, but the lowest is only the early stage of the Emperor.

Originally there were forty eight households in this village, but in the process of hunting and killing the demon, there were thirty-seven households, and now only eleven are left.

They went out to sell the goods a few days ago. I heard that Xu Zi’s Xu Ziyan was coming to the south to open a sect, and one by one was excited. They are other forces that cannot join the South. If they do that, they will violate the ancestral training. However, there is no problem in joining the Zongmen established by Xu Ziyan!

Xu Ziyan was originally a monk of Mou Zong. Now he came to the south to establish a sect. Although he was separated from the ancestral ancestors, he did the same as their ancestors. Therefore, today, the eleven talents gathered in the village to discuss this matter.

The middle-aged monk listened to the young monk and asked him a little. He thought about it: "I heard that this purple smoke was only the cultivation of the late Emperor, but it won the first place in the ranking competition of the Upper League. Its combat power is not good. In the early days of the people, I thought that our ancestors were separated from the ancestral gates. They also took some followers and positioned them as medium-sized sects at the beginning of the establishment of the sect.

After all, it was from Yuzong. If a small sect was built at that time, it would make everyone laugh. It is said that this Xu Ziyan is very happy now. Compared with a large number of followers, I would like to establish a medium-sized sect. ”

The young monk heard a sigh of worry on his face: "So. The purple smoke has many followers, will you still see us? Will it take us?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged monk nodded and nodded. "We have the ancestors' tokens in our hands. We can prove that we are the descendants of the ancestors. We are a family. Xu Ziyan will not refuse us."

After all, I looked around and said: "We are waiting for the arrival of Xu Ziyan, and then immediately go to her."

Mou Zong.

Purple smoke peaks.

On this day, Xu Ziyan is cultivating and accumulating Yuanli, expecting to reach the critical point of breaking the human respects one day earlier, but he was told by the four divisions to inform the Yuanmeng League and other eight sects of the sects to help Xu Ziyan go to the south to establish the sect. The monk has come to the mountain gate waiting to be greeted.

Before that, the rhetoric had also been asked by Xu Ziyan. I wanted to ask Xu Ziyan what else he needed. Zongmen also prepared for her. In fact, the rhetoric knows that this is how many times to ask, to Xu Ziyan master the Dan Fu Array of such a monk, the rhetoric is really do not know what can be given to Xu Ziyan.

Sure enough, Xu Ziyan also thought for a long time, and finally shook his head. The face of the rhetoric is a bit embarrassing. As a big door, there is nothing to give to the disciple, which really makes him feel lost. In the end, I thought about it and suddenly remembered that Xu Ziyan had a hobby, that is, collecting treasures of various attributes, and I thought that Zongmen had a wind crystal, which was passed down by the predecessors of the Emperor Zong, which contained a strong wind attribute, and it was the master. The wind crystal was given to Xu Ziyan, which made Xu Ziyan overjoyed.

In this way, the words and expressions look good, and tell Langyue that Shangyuanmeng and the other eight sects of the sects sent their disciples to the south with the purple smoke, so that Langyue also went to the south with Xu Ziyan as the ancestral representative.

Xu Ziyan and Song Wanzhong came to a Jianfeng, and they saw that the masters were waiting for the two of them. After a greeting, the three people thought about flying to the Zongzongshan Gate.

Before I came to the mountain gate, I saw nine people standing outside the mountain gate. It was the disciple of Shangyuan League and the Eight Great Zongmen. Xu Ziyan's eyes swept the nine people, and the brows were slightly wrinkled. Among the nine people, even one person had no peak at the beginning, and all the people were in the early days.

In the early days, Shangyuan League had a personal understanding. After all, he himself took the only disciple of Shi Zhongyu to kill him. So he also sent a person to honor the monk, I am afraid that he still got the order of twelve days. The **** machine and the celestial sect, the relationship between them and the ancestral ancestors was originally very poor, but Dan Fu Array and Luo Tianzong, Tian Xiangzong only sent a person to respect the beginning, even one person respects the early peak monk No?

Where does Xu Ziyan know that the twelve-day lord and the nine great lords are eager to return to Tianmen, where they are the most concerned places. If you can open Tianmen one day and get the treasure of the lord inside, maybe you can hope to become a lord. The great monk who is with Tian Tianshou, who has also taken care of others. Therefore, just by telling Jade Jane in a hurry, he ordered two sentences and returned to Tianmen.

To say that in the Yuanmeng and the nine major sects, in addition to the ancestral understanding of Xu Ziyan, the ancestors learned more about Xu Ziyan. After all, when the gold was endlessly controlled by Kuitian, Xu Ziyan used to The sect of the Tianzun period of the great monks cooperated, the gold caught was endless, and the gold was endlessly healed. The other Zongmen's understanding of Xu Ziyan is very rare. It is limited to the title of Xu Ziyan who won the royal disciple in the nine ceremonies. There are also a few people who know that Xu Ziyan was in the performance of Thunder. Moreover, none of these Zongmen people went to Shanghai Yuanmeng to watch the rankings.

Therefore, even if there are four ancestors like Dan Fu, and Luo Tianzong, Tian Xiangzong did not pay too much attention to Xu Ziyan. It’s just a disciple of the immortal period. It’s time for a person to respect the early monk to give Xu Ziyan a face. In particular, the four monks who came to the Danfu Array were even more arrogant. Don't look at them, they are just the early masters of the people, but they are different from the other monks who are masters of the Zunmen. They are the first to grasp the four aspects of the Danfu genius.

Can this be the same as the ordinary monk in the early days?

Not to mention the ordinary people who respected the early monks, that is, the monks of the Tianzun period also saw that they were polite, because they have reached nine products in their respective fields. This is the closest to the top of the entire Upper Continent.

Among the nine people, only the one who was in the Yuanmeng League had seen the horror of Xu Ziyan’s battle with Luoyang in the ranking game. I don’t know that Xu Ziyan’s performance is only the peak of the late Emperor...

Suddenly, his gaze was shrinking, and there was a storm in his heart. In the late stage of the Emperor Xian, who was only able to break through in the ranking competition, how long has it passed, she... she turned out to be the peak of the late Emperor...

Doesn't this mean that her strength is stronger?

Taking a deep breath, my heart sighed, there is such a enchanting existence in this world. I know that my own self is not the opponent of Xu Ziyan. I can't help but shake my head when I see the eight people around me look proud. I once again re-formed my face, and my face smiled and greeted Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, I haven't seen you for a long time, everything is fine?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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