The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2114: Leaving Zongmen

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The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. The monk opposite, she naturally knows that she has been in Shangyuan League for ten years. How can she not know the people in front of her?

It was only at the banquet before leaving the Yuanmeng League. Although the other party was very polite to themselves, they were not so polite. However, Xu Ziyan quickly recovered his calmness, and his face showed a friendly smile and greeted him:

"Welcome to a single friend, purple smoke is coming late, and I am looking for atonement."

Single star Shuo smiled and walked toward Xu Ziyan, looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, seeing that there were only two people in the back of Xu Ziyan, Lang Yue and Song Wanzhong, and their hearts were somewhat unhappy. Even if the identity of yourself and others is not enough, the patriarch of the sects will personally greet you. You, the peak of the Jianfeng Peak, the master of Xu Ziyan, should be personally greeted by the sword?

His eyes fell on Xu Ziyan's body, and he said in his heart: "Forget it, the sword is always weak and stubborn. Doing things unruly, can't make it hot for this matter, and give Xu Ziyan a face and a good relationship." ”

So single star Shuo smiled and greeted Langyue and Song Wanzhong, and his face did not reveal an unpleasant look. But he can look calm and does not mean that others can be calm. The two great monks of Luo Tianzong and Tian Xiangzong are also on the one hand. On the one hand, these two sects have always been better than the ancestors, and they have a long history. On the other hand, the strength of these two sects also belongs to the bottom of the nine sects, and naturally there is not so much arrogance. In their view, it is enough to be able to come out to meet them as the peak of the early peak of the land.

But the **** machine. The four masters of the Stars and the Danfu dynasty were unhappy in the hearts of the early monks. The two sects of Shenji Zong and Xingjizong have always been the first and second strengths of the nine major sects. They have always been the masters who are accustomed to. Even if you encounter other monks in other sects, you will have a faint look. Only the masters who meet the Tianzun period will become well-behaved. Because they stood behind the Shenji Zong and the Xingyu Zong, they had the madness.

but. More than they are mad, but there are four Danfu arrays. When Xu Ziyan went to participate in the alchemy conference of Tiandan Commercial Bank, he saw the madness of the alchemy division. What's more, the four fronts are not the characters of the Tiandan Commercial Bank, but the disciples who came from the orthodox gates.

As far as the four monks in front of the monk are, even if they see the monk in the Tianzun period, they can maintain their faint arrogance, not only because they stand behind the big gates like Dan Fu, but also immersed themselves. Pride in the bones.

In their hearts, there are no great monks in the Tianzun period. They have not seen the appearance of the monks in the Tianzun period in order to refine the Danfu squad in their sects.

and so. The two masters of Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zongna only showed their dissatisfaction on their faces, but did not say anything. However, the four-person monk of the Danfu Array is unhappy, very uncomfortable and extremely unhappy.

Although the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect was extremely unhappy, but there was some sensation about the affair of Xu Ziyan in the past, although the sect of the sect was very secretive about the matter, but there were still some rumors passed out. So although he was extremely upset. But still strong and patient.

Like him, Dan Zong’s man was a great monk. After all, Xu Ziyan once lived in Dan Zong, and he heard some rumors.

However, Xu Ziyan has not been to Fu Zong and the sect!

Therefore, the two monks who did not understand Xu Ziyan couldn’t help it. The Fuzong’s man’s face was revealed by the great monk’s face. He was afraid that others could not see that he was unhappy. Xu Ziyan said faintly;

"What about Jianfeng Lord? Why don't you see Jianfeng Lord?"

His expression said such a sentence, the atmosphere at the mountain gate suddenly cooled down.

The shape of Langyue is going to rush to the big mouth to fan him. What kind of person is the sword in the heart of their Jianfeng disciple? That is their father, how can they tolerate others making irresponsible remarks about their father?

At the beginning of your own respect, I still want to let our teacher father come out to meet?

I bother!

However, his wrist was caught by Song Wanzhong, who is well aware of him. Then he made a look at the back of Xu Ziyan. That means that there is a younger sister here, she will deal with it.

Langyue’s figure fell, and his face was still unruly. In fact, his heart is very puzzled. With the achievements of Xu Ziyan in the Danfu Array, do you need four Buddhist monks to help?

Where does he know the thoughts of Xu Ziyan?

What Xu Ziyan thinks is. Someone help why not? You don't have to use it, you can save yourself time and do something else. Anyway, I just want to establish a third-rate small gate in the South, so I don't have to do it myself. Therefore, when I heard the other person’s questioning tone, Xu Ziyan’s face sank, but the tone was as calm as possible:

"What does the Taoist call?"

"Hey!" Fuzong Fuzong first snorted, and then said proudly: "Fu Zong Mo did nothing, this time I came to help you Xu Ziyan to establish the Zongmen in the South, all the symbols in the Zongmen that you established I will be responsible for the whole right. I can rest assured that as long as you have any requirements, you can come up with me and I will arrange it for you."

Xu Ziyan’s face was covered with a smile. Of course, he wouldn’t turn his face with him because he was unreasonable. Wouldn’t that make Mo Wuwei’s sleeves leave?

Where is this good thing?

The more he is, the more Xu Ziyan wants him to go to the South to work for himself. Why not use labor like this? And when you run out of it, you don't have to owe it. Therefore, Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"Oh, it turned out to be Mo Daochang. Next time I go to Fu Zong and the Chinese and my friends, I will be grateful again."

Xu Ziyan did not go to mention Hua Yu, it was a bit scary. Besides, he is a disciple, and Hua Yu is the patriarch of Fu Zong. Even if I say that I have a deep relationship with Hua Yu, this person has to believe that it is counted.

Mo Wuwei saw that Xu Ziyan proposed Hua Gu Ren, his face was slightly changed, but there were some people who did not come to Taiwan in front of everyone. Then he calmly said:

"Since you have already come out, there is no need for us to go to the Jianfeng. I think if there is nothing, we will set off now. Let’s set up your ancestral door soon, and we will return to our respective sects. ""

The meaning of Mo Wu’s words is very clear, that is, if you don’t come out to meet us, we will not go.

Xu Ziyan is not angry with this free labor. I looked at the other eight people. Seeing the look of the eight people did not seem to enter the meaning of a Jianfeng, Xu Ziyan is also a simple person, this Zongzong always leaves, when it is not important. So simply nodded and turned to Song Wanzhong:

"Four brothers, I am leaving with my master!"

"Little sister..."

Xu Ziyan put his hands on his hands and summoned gold invincible in his knowledge. Said to Song Wanzhong:

"Four brothers, although I went to the south to establish the Zongmen, but I can come back at any time, the four brothers can also go to the South to see the younger sister at any time. Go early and go, go away at night, and everything goes."

It is not only Song Wanzhong and now the sullen and angry face of Langyue, that is, the single star Shuo and the eight masters of the monk’s face are also slightly changed. The words of Xu Ziyan have already coincided with the heavens, and they have made a slight change in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. But when I thought of Xu Ziyan going to the southern part of the demon territory to establish the Zongmen, I could not help but sigh in my heart. It is a pity for Xu Ziyan. Their hearts are very clear. That place is not to say that it is a Yaozu, that is, the Terran is also very resistant to the disciples of the Zongmen. Maybe the purple smoke will fall to the south.

At this time, a golden figure fell in the mountain gate. Then strode to the back of Xu Ziyan, no words. Just standing there quietly.

Jin Invincible came out from the mountain gate, and the face of the single star Shuo and the Eight Great Zongmen monks was slightly changed. Although they can't see the true invincible body because of the low level of cultivation, the demon spirit emitted by Jin Invincible has made them cautious.

"A powerful demon..."

There was a horror in the single star, and I didn’t see such a powerful demon at the side of Xu Ziyan when I was in the Yuanmeng League! How long has it passed, and she has a powerful demon around her, what is her relationship with this demon?

The opposite nine people are very clear that they can't see through the opposite of this big demon, that is, the cultivation of the big demon exceeds himself. And even if this big demon is the peak of the people's late stage, as long as it is still within the scope of the human respect, they will be able to vaguely sense the other's cultivation. However, at this time, there is no sense at all, which proves that the repair of the big demon on the opposite side is also the worst of the land.

"Xu Daoyou..." Single Star Shuo swallowed a dry slobber: "Is this?"

"I just received the demon pet, he said that he is not bad!"

Xu Ziyan simply did not want to conceal the identity of the gold invincible demon, if Xu Ziyan wants to conceal, just get a symbol to hide the breath of the gold invincible demon.


Single star Shuo almost did not get Xu Ziyan to die, just received the demon pet? Just because you are a disciple of the immortal period, can you receive a demon pet of the land?

Single star is not an idiot, he naturally knows what is the most basic condition for receiving a demon pet.

It is not to look at your cultivation, but to see the strength of your god.

Your cultivation is not high, you can have the elders to help you catch the monsters. However, if your strength of the gods is not as high as that of the beast, you will not be able to control the monsters, but will cause the demon of the monsters. Xu Ziyan is nothing more than a Xiandi cultivation. Is it that her strength of the Yuanshen will be higher than that of the body, and it will not be achieved.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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