The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2115: Going to the south

I am very grateful to Jie Ji (200), mableip classmates (100), and Longxing Longxing classmates (100) for their rewards!


Single star is a bit angry, it is absolutely impossible. It’s not that there’s nothing in the realm of the Yuanshen, but it’s never been seen before. Therefore, Shan Xingshuo immediately denied this idea.

Also heard him say that he is good?

Nima! Is his strength much better than you? Even if you don't want to tell us this secret, would you bother to make a similar lie?

Is this a perfunctory person, is this not a bully?

However, Xu Ziyan did not have to explain to him. He no longer took care of him. He turned around and said goodbye to Song. After some goodbye, this turned around and swept his eyes:

"How do we go?"

The opposite nine people looked at each other and finally said by Mo Wuwei: "Flying away, or taking a boat ride. Of course, if you don't have a fairy boat, there is also a high-ranking brother of the instrument, and he will naturally let you know. See the high quality fairy boat."

Xu Ziyan looked at the high-ranking brother of the instrumental sect. The high-ranking brother did not have such a slap in the face. After all, Xu Ziyan stayed in the ancestors for a while, even if he had nothing to do with the lord’s gold, he knew The relationship between Xu Ziyan and Jin Ge is irreversible. So I laughed and said:

"If Xu Shimei does not have a fairy boat, the dumb brother has a better means of transportation."

Xu Ziyan has the principle of saving himself and saving the province, and he did not want to go too high-profile to go to the South this time, so he nodded immediately:

"Then ride the fairy boat of the high school brother!"

There was a trace of disdain on the face of Mo Wuwei. Langyue’s mouth was smeared with a trace of sarcasm. He knows that Xu Ziyan has a cloud baby, but it is a kind of cloud baby with a spirit. He has not seen a fairy boat with a spirit in this world. However, when he saw that Xu Ziyan was very low-key, he did not speak. Followed by Xu Ziyan into the fairy boat of Gao Shangde.

This is a nine-pound fairy boat. At this time, everyone is sitting in the hall inside the fairy boat and listening to the single star shimmering for Xu Ziyan to explain the terrain of the south. There was a picture floating in front of them, and the single star shone with his fingers on the scroll and explained.

That picture is the topographic map of the South, but it is very incomplete. It is only the topography of the place where the Terran lived and the topography of a very small part of the Yaozu territory.

In the vast territory of the south, the territory occupied by the Terran is only one-fifth. This time, the Shangyuan League is extremely prepared, not only the topography, but also the various forces in the South, the general strength of each force and their management. The scope of the exploration is relatively clear.

After all the information about the situation is explained, the single star will not speak. After that, Xu Ziyan chose. He also wants to know where Xu Ziyan will choose Zongmen.

At this time, Chu Ge Xu Ziyan was slightly frowning and thinking outside. Others are also thinking about what to choose if they come to the South to open a sect.

Famous mountains and rivers?

This is definitely not enough. Those famous mountains and rivers have long been occupied by the forces of the south. Not to mention that the forces that occupy the famous mountains and rivers in the South will not give the place to Xu Ziyan, that is, they will not sell if they buy them at a big price.

This is not because of the resistance of the Southern monks to the Zongmen, but the land in the French capital is ranked at the end of the four treasures of Xiuxian, but it is also very important. No matter which party, the forces will not do the stupid things of selling land.

If someone is holding Xianjing to buy the land of the nine main gates of Zongmen, will the nine major sects be sold?

Not only will not sell, I am afraid that the other side will be humiliating them, and will directly kill the people who bought the land.

Since the famous mountains and rivers do not have to think about it. Where did you establish the Zongmen?

Everyone's thoughts are different, but everyone's mind is based on the specifications of the medium-sized sect, and slowly has their own place.

However, they know that Xu Ziyan just wants to build a third-rate small gate. If they know that Xu Ziyan just wants to build a third-rate small gate, they will directly drown Xu Ziyan with spit.

To build a third-rate small class, do we have to help?

You just have to find a place to cover three or two thatched cottages is not finished?

At this time, Xu Ziyan was thinking, although she just wanted to build a third-rate small gate, but it was not a matter of finding a place, because she needed to cultivate there. So for the environment, Xian Yuanli's demand does not want to lower the requirements.

Suddenly. Xu Ziyan remembered one thing. She still doesn't know what conditions are needed to build a third-rate small class. In the face of everyone, she naturally does not say that she only wants to build a third-rate small door. She knows as long as she says this. The monks from these various sects will leave when they help her to establish the sect.

This can't be done!

Although it is free labor, it is necessary for them to come up with all the skills.

I opened my eyes and saw the eyes of everyone looking at her. I couldn’t help but smile:

"You brothers and sisters. The time when Xiaomei came to the mainland is still short, and she has been practicing. There are many things that I don't understand. I would like to ask you, how is the grade of this sect?"

All the monks turned their eyes toward Xu Ziyan, and even Langyue was no exception. Even if this most basic thing is not understood, I ran out to establish the Zongmen?

Langyue’s face couldn’t be hanged, and he coughed a bit: “Small sister, let’s explain it to your brother!”

“Thank you Master!” Xu Ziyan said in a hurry, and worried that the master would have forgotten that he only wanted to build a third-rate small gate, but only introduced the medium-sized sect, and added another sentence:

"Master, you have to say all the levels, including...including..."

Langyue couldn't help but turned a blind eye and hurriedly explained it. I was afraid that the third-rate Xiaozong door in the mouth of Xu Ziyan could not afford to lose that person.

"The grade of this sect is divided into three levels in large aspects, namely small sects, medium-sized sects and large sects. Should this little sister know?"

"Know!" Xu Ziyan nodded quickly.

“From a small perspective. There are three smaller levels in each big level, which is third-rate, second-rate and first-class.”

Speaking of it, I took a look at Xu Ziyan. The eyes are full of helplessness: "I will explain it to you from low to high from the third-rate Xiaozongmen. In any case, you are about to become a master. You should have a comprehensive understanding."

"Yes. Thank you, Master!"

"The division of grades is mainly in the number of monks in Zongmen. The necessary conditions for the establishment of a small-scale small-scale sect. There must be five people. The following five people are counted as scattered and will not be recognized as Zongmen."

"As long as five people!" Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief and muttered softly.

Longyue stunned Xu Ziyan, the meaning is clear: What happened to five people? Do you have it now?

Xu Ziyan immediately stunned and smiled and smiled at Lang Yue: "Master, you go on and say."

Langyue looked at Xu Ziyan with a good and funny look. Then he said: "If you want to become a second-class small sect, you must develop the number of monks in Zongmen to 50. And a first-class small sect must have a hundred monks.

Next, we will talk about the medium-sized Zongmen. The middle-class Zongmen of the third-rate must also have a thousand monks. The second-rate medium-sized Zongmen needs to have 5,000 monks. The first-class medium-sized Zongmen must reach 10,000 monks. quantity.

The requirements for large-scale sacred doors are high, and the large-scale sects of the third-rate must have 100,000 monks. The second-rate large sect must have 200,000 monks, while the first-class large sects must have 500,000 monks.

However, there are only nine major sects on the Upper Yuan Dynasty, and these nine sects are top-ranking sects, because the number of any of the nine sects is more than 500,000. ”

Xu Ziyan finished listening, but his heart was confused, and he could not help but ask: "Master, for tens of millions of years, is there no first-class medium-sized Zongmen to upgrade to a large sect?"

The people in the fairy boat were silent and no one spoke. Xu Ziyan looked at the silent monk. The eyes are even more confused. I couldn’t help but look at my master.

"Hey..." Lang Yue sighed a sigh: "Small sister, since you go out to open the school, you have to pay attention to some things."

The number of monks is only to allow the Upper Yuan to admit that you have the qualifications for the ranks of the sects, but whether the sects you have established can survive. After all, I still have to look at the strength of Zongmen.

Many of the sects are qualified, but they have been eliminated by other sects or forces. The medium-sized sect is still in the middle. Even if it is a third-rate medium-sized sect, there are a thousand monks who can develop into a sect of a thousand monks, and its strength will not be too weak. As long as the sect of the sect is not too arrogant, and then ally with some other sects, it will usually not be destroyed.

However, small sects are difficult to survive, especially the third-rate small sect. ”

Langyue once again glanced at Xu Ziyan: "There is only five people in a third-rate small gate, not to mention that other sects want to destroy it, that is, a certain family wants to destroy it, but it is easy. Even a shop wants to destroy a third-rate small door is very easy, and the chances of the third-rate small door being destroyed are very large. Every year, thousands of third-rate small gates are destroyed. Of course, there are thousands of small three-year smalls every year. Zongmen established.

Xiao Shimei, do you know who killed the third-rate Xiaozongmen? ”

"Who is it?"

"Scattered fairy!" Lang Yue said: "A third-rate small gate is too weak, usually the master's repair is not high. So a few scattered fairy tangled together, put a third-rate small gate to death ""

"Why are they going to destroy the Zongmen?" Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably.

"For the resources!" Lang Yue said faintly: "The scattered fairy is relying on this cultivation, usually a few scattered fairy tangled together, will destroy a third-rate small gate, and divide the cultivation resources of the third-rate small gate, even A certain strength of the scattered fairy, a person will destroy a third-rate small sect, and swallow the cultivation resources."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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