The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2116: Wuxiao Mountain

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Langyue glanced at it and sighed a sigh: "There is a small stream of small sects. It is a monk who wants to use it as an object of search resources. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Almost every third-rate small gate Every day, I hope to raise the ancestral door to the second-class small sect, and live a life of trepidation."

Speaking of this, Langyue deliberately took a look at Xu Ziyan, the heart, now you still want to build a third-rate small gate?

Xu Ziyan naturally understood the meaning of the master's brother, sitting there and smiling. However, she eventually wanted to establish a third-rate small class, for no reason, to save trouble.

"That..." Xu Ziyan looked at Lang Yuedao: "For example, what is the limit for establishing a third-rate Xiaozongmen to recruit disciples?"

Langyue reluctantly took a look at Xu Ziyan. From the words of Xu Ziyan, he naturally heard that this younger sister still only wants to build a third-rate small gate. I am weak and say:

"As long as it is a disciple of the refining period."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan was loose in his heart, and his heart said: "Although the southern monks are very resistant to the Zongmen, but not everyone is against the Zongmen. I think it is only those big forces who are afraid of Zongmen coming over and fighting with them. It is so hostile to the Zongmen that the resources are robbed. However, those who are generally not able to contradict the disciples of Zongmen, I should only recruit four disciples above the refining period should be easy."

The Wuxiao Mountain Range has a thousand peaks and is located at the forefront of the border between the southern Terran territory and the Yaozu territory. It is part of the Terran territory. If you talk about the richness of Yuanli, it is neither the strongest part of Yuanli nor the weakest point, and it is also considered a medium level. It is reasonable to say. Such a place should have been occupied by the great forces of the South, but because it is too close to the Yaozu territory, if it is occupied, it will undoubtedly become the first barrier for the Terran to resist the Yaozu. Will often be attacked by the Yaozu.

In the past, there have been various parties in the past who want to build power here, but they are all killed by the Yaozu. As a demon, nature does not want the Terran to establish a force here, and become a bridgehead against the demon and the offensive demon. Therefore, but the Terran wants to build power here, the Yaozu will certainly attack and kill them.

The Yaozu also wanted to capture here, occupy it here, and build a bridgehead to resist and attack the Terran. But the Terran is not a fool, how can you agree?

Therefore, where the Yaozu establishes power here, the Southern Terran must also jointly send troops to kill the Yaozu who occupy it here.

This kind of battle stretched for thousands of years. Finally, the Terran and the Yaozu gave up here in unison. It is very tacit understanding that no one is building a force here. It has become a gap between the Terran and the Yaozu.

No one is here to manage. There is no demon management. Over time, it has gradually become a settlement for poor monks without power and no background. There are also a large number of monk racetracks that have been chased and killed here, and slowly begin to show some Yaozu. Settling here to practice, this place has become a place where the Terran and the Demon are mixed. At the same time, it has become a place for people and demons to exchange resources.

However, no matter whether it is a human race or a demon, no monk wants to build a huge force here. Because they all know that once they do it. It will cause the conquest of the Terran or the Yaozu. It is inevitable that you will be killed.

However, not building a big force does not mean that some small forces cannot be established, so the Wuthering Mountains have now become the most chaotic land in the southern continent. The most inhabited here is the poor monk who has been reduced to poverty. Almost every day there are monks who are dying. Every day, there are strong traitors, robberies and other crimes. In such a chaotic place, only evil people can survive.

Thunder is such a wicked person. He used to be a sinister sin, relying on hunting monsters and digging for ore and herbs to obtain cultivation resources for a living. It was an honest and scattered practice, but when he was only building the base period, he experienced the first robbery, but the monk who robbed him was not high. Although he was robbed of something and was beaten to death, he finally escaped a life.

After he hid to heal the wound, his mind sprouted an idea. Others can rob themselves, why can't they rob others?

Thunder is a cautious person and a very intelligent person. He did not robbery to robbery, but to carefully observe it before making a detailed plan to start robbery.

After the first successful robbery, Lei Ming tasted the benefits, and it was out of control. Since then, he has embarked on the road of robbery. His hands are covered with the blood donation of the monks. He does not know how many people have been killed.

A wise man naturally has the idea of ​​a wise man. He knows that it is impossible to rob a lifetime. He often walks by the sea. Where there are shoes that are not wet, maybe one day will be killed by others.

Therefore, when he became the early day of Xianwang, he decided not to rob, but to take the road of business. At this time he had gathered a group of men, and after consulting with the subordinates, they came to the Wuthering Mountains.

The thunder is very clear. With his own strength and his own power, he wants to compete with those who have already established a power that has not been known for many years. It is only a blank place like the Wuthering Mountains. It is these wicked people who survive. The best soil.

And he has already thought about what to do in the Wuthering Mountains, and he will definitely not do anything to hunt the Yaozu. Not to mention that it is very dangerous. Once the anger of the big demon is caused, I don’t know how to die.

He won't go to dig herbs for a living, it's too bitter, and is the herb so good to find? How much can you harvest in one day? I am afraid that even the resources I have obtained are not enough. What can I do to raise my hand?

Without a man, he is a tiger who has lost his claws, and sooner or later he will be killed.

So, in the end, he decided to look for veins in the Wuthering Mountains. No matter what the veins, just find a vein, it is enough for him and his men to exchange resources for hundreds of years.

From that moment on, the thunder has turned into an ore merchant, and the strength and power are constantly expanding in the Wuthering Mountains. Nowadays, it has become one of the few forces in the Wuthering Mountains.

Especially in recent days, thunder is very happy. This is because his men have discovered a vein. This vein is not allowed, it turned out to be a fairy vein.

It was a medium-sized valley where there were some poor ghosts in the eyes of thunder, forming a village. After learning the news, Lei Ming and his prospecting expert secretly probed it in detail to determine if there was any Xianjing mine there. Of course, you have to go secretly. If you are informed by other forces before you occupy it, you will be in trouble if you occupy it in advance.

However, the result of this secret investigation made him overjoyed. The Xianjing mine is at the end of the village, and there is a scale-free iron vein in the village. This non-scale iron ore vein is the most basic ore for refining the fairy. Most of the fairy tools need some non-scale iron ore. Only the eight or more fairyware can be used without scaleless iron. Ore. Therefore, non-scale iron is the most used ore.

This allowed Lei Ming to sneer back to his nest. He left the prospecting expert there. On the one hand, he continued to explore whether there were other veins. On the other hand, he helped himself look at it. Once there was any wind and grass, Notify yourself immediately. And he rushed back to his old nest and began to recruit his own men, ready to occupy the village.

It’s really a good thing to be in pairs. Just after he had just returned to his home for half an hour, his guest came outside the guest, but he was the one who just won the town of the town’s demon, and he ushered in the Dongfu. After talking about it, he thundered and laughed after the other party left.

After the original Ouyang Xun fiercely won the town of the demon city, he thought of building a powerful Xianjun, which required a large amount of non-scale iron to refine the fairy. Ouyang Xun has sent people to let Lei Ming provide some non-scale iron ore.

In fact, the sale of non-scale iron to Ouyang Xun Meng can not earn a lot of Xianjing, mainly through this matter and Ouyang Xun violently pull the relationship, so he can slowly develop the business to the town demon city. In that case, his development is not limited.

Therefore, after he sent away Ouyang Xun’s fierce hands, he immediately began to summon his men. This is not an easy task. Most of his men are scattered in the various mines he controls. He needs to draw manpower from various mines, and he also needs to draw slaves for mining.

But no matter how difficult things are, thunder is always happy, and the mood is quite pleasant. This discovery is not only able to get a lot of fairy crystals through the Xianjing vein, but also to be able to make a relationship with Ouyang Xun. As long as you think about it, thunder will not be able to catch your mouth.

As for the small village on the vein, he did not worry at all. It was only a few dozen poor people. Although he secretly went to explore the veins, he found that there was a late Emperor in the village, and there was no good scruples. .

Although his thunder is also a late Emperor, but his men have several late emperors, he does not believe that we can not kill a late Emperor in the late Xian Emperor?

He had already thought about it. After waiting for the early arrival of the emperors, he took them to the village and immediately killed the people in the village. Then it will be occupied there.

While he was sitting in Dongfu’s calculations, some of his men had arrived. Thunder’s face smiled and gave his discovery to his men. These men’s confidants were with his robbery career. The old partner who came over. After these people heard the words of thunder, they were all excited and screamed.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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