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"Boss, what are we waiting for? Go and get there and take it!"

"Yeah, boss, don't let other forces take it first."

Thunder smiled and said: "A little more, it is estimated that for a while, other brothers will arrive, and then we will go to the village and take it there."

Sure enough, there is still no time for an hour, and some emperors and immortals have arrived one after another. Thunder has glanced at them. There are already nearly a hundred people. Such forces can already be occupied there. When they are occupied, they will be all defensive. Once the layout is complete, there is no need to leave so many people there.

Thunder stood up from the chair with confidence and just wanted to talk, but he heard the jade that was hanging on his waist. Immediately opened the communication jade, which revealed the panic voice of the prospecting experts who stayed in the village:

"Boss, ... a big deal..."

The voice of this panic came from the jade in the communication. The thundering heart was a trembling. A bad thought floated from the heart and hurriedly rushed to the jade:

"What happened? Is there any other force that discovered the veins there?"

"No, no... no..."

"Call..." Thunder sighed with relief, as long as it wasn't for the veins. However, then his heart broke out with anger. It is not a mine accident. You panicked!

You panicked nothing, but it shocked Lao Tzu. I couldn’t help but yell at the jade briefing:

"It's not a mine accident, what are you panic?"

"Yes, it is... It’s an accident in the veins..." There was still a panicking voice on the side of the jade.

The thunder was almost mad, but he needed to know the situation. Instead, it suppressed the anger in the heart, and the tone calmed down slightly:

"You just didn't say that no one else found the veins there?"

"Yes, yes... No one has found the existence of the veins, but just a few people have just arrived. They gave the villagers in the village some Xianjing to occupy the valley."

"Mom*!" Thunder almost threw the messenger jade in his hand. But in the end, I still managed to control my emotions and asked:

"Do you know which side they are?"

"I don't know! I am also an old man in the Wuthering Mountains, but I don't know any of these people. I look like I just came in from outside the mountains."

"Mom*, there are outsiders coming to grab the site with me!" Thunder's face showed anger: "What are they doing here? But found the vein?"

"It doesn't seem to be, I pretend to be a villager to listen to. They seem to be talking about what to build a sect in this valley?"

"Create Zongmen? Why don't you die?" Thunder roared: "When did you hear that you built a Zongmen in the South? They must have discovered the veins and want to grab the business of Laozi. You are there to monitor. They, I immediately brought someone to arrive."

Lei Ming will summon the jade brief. His face is still angry. He really didn't know that Xu Ziyan came to the south to establish a sect. The news of the monks who hide in the Wuthering Mountains like him is much more occluded, and he does not care about those things at his level. So Thunder confirmed that this was someone who was robbing him of his business.

Thunder was angry, and the result of his anger was very serious. In his heart, those who robbed him of his business had been seen as dead. Immediately took nearly 100 people around him and killed the valley.

Among the nearly one hundred people, there are eighteen monks who have been cultivated by the Emperor, and the rest are also the Emperor and the Emperor. As for the monk who did not take it, he is to take this absolute power. Thoroughly crush the person who dares to offend him. Let the monks in the entire Wuthering Mountains know his power and cruelty, so that they will not dare to provoke themselves in the future.

Seeing their boss's anger, those men are also angry, especially when they know that someone wants to grab their financial roads, and their eyes are unabashedly revealing endless killings.

Nearly a hundred people flew toward the valley, and everyone’s cultivation was not low, and the flight speed was extremely fast. Soon he came to the valley mouth of the valley and landed down from the air.

After just descending from the air to the valley, I saw the prospecting expert flashed out from a big tree and plunged into the thunder. Pointing to a group of people in the valley:

"Boss. You see them."

Lei Ming's eyes looked far away to the people in the valley. He didn't use the gods to observe the other's cultivation. It didn't need to be. Who didn't know that the highest monk in the Wuthering Mountains was the peak of the late Emperor. As for the monks of the Xianzun period, they will never come here. What are you doing here? Is it sin? Even if one person respects the early monks in the South, there will be countless forces recruiting, why bother to suffer here.

at this time. Those people are surrounded by the woman, seeming to be discussing with the woman, do not ask, that woman is the leader of this group of people.

"Xu Daoyou, have you really decided to establish a Zongmen here?"

Shan Xingshuo frowned and looked at Xu Ziyan. He really couldn't understand why Xu Ziyan came here to establish the Zongmen. He is an old fritter that has been cultivated for many years. How can he not know the past of the Wuthering Mountains? The southern part of the country is big, why do you want to choose here?

In the attitude of being responsible for Xu Ziyan, Shan Xingshuo said that Xu Xiaoyan and Xu Ziyan did not know about it. No wonder that no Terran and Yaozu established a large-scale force here. It turned out that once this kind of power appeared. The Yaozu or the Terran will not hesitate to completely eradicate this power.

Xu Ziyan could not help but look to the master and asked: "Really?"

Lang Yue nodded solemnly and said: "Really, Xiao Shimei. Do you still want to establish a Zongmen here?"

Xu Ziyan jade hand patted the chest and said: "Fortunately, I just want to build a three-stream small sect door here, there will be no monks to destroy my sect."


In addition to Lang Yue sighed, all the people looked at Xu Ziyan with a dull face. quite a while. Fu Zong’s no exception is called:

"Xu Ziyan, what do you say? You just want to build a third-rate small gate here?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan's face was cold and cold: "What advice does Mo Shixiong have?"

"Oh..." Mo Wuwei smiled and said: "You just set up a third-rate small door to ask us to do here? You can just cover a few thatched houses, can't you?"

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "What kind of Zongmen I want to build is my business, I just want to ask you..."

Speaking of it. Xu Ziyan glanced at the monks in front of him: "How did your sects account before you came?"

Mo Wu is a stagnation, very unsightly. However, Luo Tianzong, a monk who has always had a good relationship with Yuzong, first opened his way:

"Everyone knows that Luo Tianzong belongs to Jianzong, and the most precious thing in our Luo Tianzong is that there is a Da Luotian sword array. This sword array is where our Luo Tianjian sects try to improve the kendo."

Langyue's eyebrows screamed: "Don't Luo Tianzong be willing to set up a big Luotian sword array for the younger sister."

Luo Tianzong’s great monk shook his head and said: “That’s the sect of the sect, how is this possible? But although this sect can not set up a big Luotian sword array for Xu Daoyou, he can set up a small Luotianjian array for Xu Daoyou. Although the effect of Xiaoluo Tianjian is only One tenth of the Da Luotian sword array is already very valuable.

And when it comes, the lord has already explained it, no matter what kind of sect is wanted by Xu Daoyou. We Luo Tianzong have put this little Luo Tianjian on the line. It’s just that I can't pass on the method of setting up the Xiaoluojianjian array. If the Xiaoluojianjian array is damaged in the future, you can pay Xianjing to ask our Luotianzong monk to come to repair it. ”

"Thank you brother!"

Xu Ziyan heard great joy, she is not a rare little Luo Tianjian array, but has a battle, in addition to their own understanding of the Kendo, can fully play this small Luo Tianjian array to the Da Luotian sword array. And it is very likely to play the super Luotian sword array.

"That... Brother, can you start laying out right now?"

"Yes! Please also ask Xu Daoyou to point out the place where the Xiao Luo Tianjian array is set up." Luo Tianzong the great monk said calmly.

"Oh..." Mo Wuwei and Xiaoxiao smiled: "This valley is such a big place. After you set up a small Luotianjian array, I saw that there is no place to even build a house."

Xu Ziyan did not take care of him. He took out a nine-character space fairy and handed it to Luo Tianzong’s master:

"Brother, how do you see it built here?"

"Yes! But the materials you need need to be provided."

"Well, the brother told me the materials you need."

Luo Tianzong’s monk took out a jade slip and handed it to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan didn’t even look at the jade slip. He thought that there is still material in it, and he can’t lay a small Luotianjian array. It’s up.

I just finished talking here. The great monk of Tianxiangzong also said: "Our Tianxiangzong is a purely ruling sect. There is a thousand magical illusion in our sect. This array is the place where the disciples practice the trial of Xian. We can't set up a thousand magical illusion for you, and we can only set up a magical array of imaginary dreams for Xu Daoyou. Similarly with Luo Tianzong, we can't pass on the layout method of the illusion of illusion. If there is damage in the future, you I can only use Xianjing to ask our monks of Tianxiangzong to come to repair for you."

Xu Ziyan rejoiced and nodded: "The sister gave me the required materials."

Tianxiang Zongda’s monk smiled. I took out a jade and handed it to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took over the jade and collected it, and looked at several other people.


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "Chaotic Giants"

Book number: 3142979

Author Name: Rabbit Eye Blueberry

Introduction: The days of the emperor are changed by her.


*(To be continued~^~)

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