The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2129: High building

When the monsters first appeared in front of the monks, they were shocked by the monks. The main task of these southern monks is to defend against the Yaozu, and few of them will go to the power of the Western Mozu. Now I saw the monsters that exuded the magic, and I couldn’t help but be scared. I don't know what monsters they are facing at this time. For unknown things, human beings always have fear. Seeing that the team was a little confused, Xu Ziyan immediately shouted:

"Don't panic, they are just the bodies of the demon and the human race that have been eroded by the magic. It will be smashed. If they are not broken, they will cut off their heads and limbs, and there will be no threat."

Everyone heard the heart was shocked and happy, and it was shocked that they met the Mozu here. The favorite is that Xu Ziyan seems to know the Mozu. So they listened to the instructions of Xu Ziyan and bombarded these monsters.

In this battle, the human monk also lost more than 500 people, but in the end it was through this area. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and she knew that she would enter the country of the big demon.

Sure enough, when the eyes were bright, Xu Ziyan and others walked out of the cloud forest, saw a vast plain in their career, and stood a huge castle on this vast plain. Only at this time the huge castle exudes a hint of magic.

Xu Ziyan caught the magical moment in an instant. After all, she was not dealing with the Mozu for a day or two, and she was still full of dark attributes. Although the magical charm was hidden, she could not hold back the purple smoke.

Everyone quickly flew to the huge castle. It was only before that that the huge castle was ruined and almost collapsed by two-thirds.

Simple. Decline, the mysterious atmosphere is blowing towards Xu Ziyan and others...

Xu Ziyan sucked his nose, and a trace of magic gas inhaled into the body, running dark attributes. Refining it in an instant. His eyes glanced back and forth across the huge castle.

It has already been completely eroded by the magic gas, but I don’t know where the irresistible pressure that the flying otter just felt has gone. How can I not see the slightest trace?

At this time, the magic of the entire castle was almost hidden. If it weren’t for Xu Ziyan, the monks who had dealt with the Mozu repeatedly. Moreover, the people who cultivated the dark attributes to the grand perfection could not see that there was a hint of magic here. I will only see the weather of the decay of this huge castle, and I will not see the slightest danger at all.

Xu Ziyan became cautious. The invincible power that the flying otter felt before disappeared without a trace. It is definitely not the Mozu in the castle who saw Xu Ziyan. These monks came and fled, I am afraid there are conspiracy tricks.

"I don't know if this is really hiding a big devil!"

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and stepped into the castle's already run-down gate. Xu Ziyan walked very slowly, the whole body's nerves were tight, and his eyes swept around. At this time they are walking on the avenue inside the castle. Almost all the houses on both sides collapsed. Even if there is no collapse, it is also ruined.

Others can't feel it, but Xu Ziyan can feel the strong magic under the houses on both sides, but it seems that these magical things are suppressed, and there is almost no leak. However, it is only almost, there is still a very weak glimpse of it, which is enough for Xu Ziyan. She could not help but stop. She knows that there should be a lot of monsters hidden under the two-step house. I can't go in like this anymore. If I go in like this, I will fall into the encirclement of the monster.

After the monks behind her came out of the cloud forest, they felt the spirit loose. When they walked all the way to the front of the castle, they still did not find any magic objects to attack, and the mood was more relaxed. After entering the castle, he walked about fifty meters. Still did not find any danger. Although the mood did not say that it was completely put down, it also put down most of it.

Once this mood is relaxed, greed floats from the heart. To know who saved Ouyang Liu Xian will get 10 billion best crystals, and a heart of trees.

What is the heart of the tree we don't understand. I don't care too much, but they know what it means to be a billion. What's more, this castle is a monument at first glance, and maybe there are treasures in it.

At this time, only the fools went with Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianyao. If they saved Ouyang Liu Xian, who got the treasure?

Xu Tiandui still has nearly seven hundred men, and Xu Ziyan also has a sacred guard, and those who have been recruited have only more than 500 people. It is the lowest in strength, so they want to leave alone.

At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan stopped. A monk who had been repaired to reach the peak of Emperor Xian finally came to the front of Xu Ziyan and Xu Tiandiao, and said:

"Xu Daoyou, Xu Xianzi, you see that this castle is so huge, can we separate the action, and we can find the fairy son faster?"

Xu Tianzhao’s words are also a movement in the heart. Seeing that there is no danger in this castle, everyone is able to find the fairy son faster. As for who finally found the Xianxian son, who got the reward of the city owner, it is not what he cares about, he only cares about saving the son of Xianxian, so he could not help but look at Xu Ziyan.

The thoughts of the monk's late monk and Xu Tian's heart, with the experience of Xu Ziyan, are instantly clear in the heart. If this is to change a sultry person, when they know that there are a lot of monsters hidden under the houses on both sides, they will not object, immediately agree with their opinions, let them go to death, and she will quickly search the whole with gold invincible. castle.

However, Xu Ziyan is not a sultry person after all. Since he knows that there are a lot of monsters under the houses on both sides of the street, he can't watch these monks go to death. Anyway, everyone is human, and they have been walking together for ten days. This is also a fate.

However, Xu Ziyan could not directly say that she knew that there were a lot of monsters under the houses on both sides of the street. This would make people wonder how she knew it. Therefore, Xu Ziyan only kindly reminded:

"Everyone, we just met a lot of monsters in the cloud forest. I don't think there is a monster inside this castle."

"Magic?" All the monks are looking like a stiff, just the way, but the loss is huge, nearly 1,000 people have fallen, if there is a monster inside the castle...

Everyone couldn't help but look around and couldn't help but loose their hearts. In the depths of the cloud forest, wherever there is a monster, they can feel the rich magic. But at this time there is still a hint of magic in this castle? The courage was not strong, and the peak of the Emperor of the Emperor said with a smile:

"Xu Xianzi said, laughing, there is no trace of magic, where is the magic?"

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but feel uninterested in her heart. These people have nothing to do with her, and they have already reminded them that they can be regarded as benevolent. I gently shook my head and smiled helplessly:

"Oh, maybe I care more, you are right..."


The voice of Xu Ziyan did not fall, and the ruins of the houses on both sides of the house flew upwards. A monster was drilled out of the ground and rushed toward the crowd.

"There is no magical power here. How can there be a monster? It seems that I am too courageous. The Taoist friend is really wise and martial. I will not have any magic objects when I see it here."

Xu Ziyan seems to have not seen the monsters in front of them, but still shyly said there. At this time, the Emperor Xianfeng and Xu Tiancai and other people looked at the monsters flying in horror...

Xu Ziyan silently looked around the monks who were scared by the sudden appearance of the magic object, and reached out and took a picture of Kim Invincible:

"Invincible, up!"

"Yes, master!"

Kim was invincible, and his figure still flew out in a gesture of salvation.

next moment.

I saw a very blurry golden afterimage in the air. Wherever the golden afterimages passed, the monsters turned into powder.


At this time, Xu Tianyao also reacted and screamed and screamed at the monsters. All the monks joined the battle, and only Xu Ziyan stood alone in the center of the street, his eyes widened.

At this time, a magical object swooped from the air to Xu Ziyan.


A purple qi spurt out from the body of Xu Ziyan. In the air, the monster was smashed into powder, and then flew back to the side of Xu Ziyan, hovering around the body of Xu Ziyan.

"Oh..." Another dozen monsters flew from the air.

"Oh..." A dozen purple swords came out of the body and chewed the dozens of monsters. Xu Ziyan's gaze looked at the center of the castle, where there was a kilometer tall building that could be clearly seen from a long distance.

More than a dozen purple gas swords hovered around Xu Ziyan's body, Xu Ziyan slowly closed his eyes and turned the dark attribute of the body. Only in an instant she can clearly feel the space in the castle fluctuating with a strange rhythm, which is the soul sensor of Xu Ziyan, clearly feel that these monsters attacking them are controlled by this strange rhythm, and this The strange rhythm is from the distant kilometer tall building.

"It seems that there is really a strong demon there!"


A dozen swords that were coiled around the body of Xu Ziyan spurt out, and they will chew again to her monster. Then Xu Ziyan drank a loud voice:

"Go to that kilometer tall building!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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