The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2130: Entering the tall building

I am very grateful to Shannee (100), mableip (100), 629 students (100), Snow の Fairy (100), and Mo (100)!


Xu Ziyan understands that if he can't destroy the demons in the tall building, he won't know how many monsters there will be in the big castle. If the killing is not clean, I am afraid that he will be exhausted by these monsters.

These monks on the road were very disdainful to Xu Ziyan, but did not expect that Xu Ziyan took them through the clouds and walked into the dusty castle. Xu Ziyan has a kind of trust in the subconscious. I heard Xu Ziyan’s words now. One by one, they struggled to kill the high-rise buildings in the distance.

Countless monsters came to the crowd, and the sky was black and pressed, and everyone seemed to be in a closed space filled with magic. As the monks move forward, the monsters are also stronger and stronger, and the pressures of the monks are getting bigger and bigger. If it is not the strength of the end of the gold invincible, and the defense of his early days, I am afraid that these monks have already collapsed at this time.

However, even this is not optimistic. The surrounding monks are constantly falling. Moreover, the Mozu above the high-rise building of the kilometer seems to hear the purple smoke saying "Go to the high-rise building of the kilometer." Therefore, it began to pay attention to Xu Ziyan. Countless magic objects began to attack Xu Ziyan, so that the surrounding of Xu Ziyan was completely shrouded in magic.

The surrounding monks saw all this and could not help but worry about the safety of Xu Ziyan, although they had despised Xu Ziyan before. But since entering the cloud forest, their views on Xu Ziyan have changed. Especially at this time, everyone knows that Xu Ziyan saw the weakness of this castle. It is the most correct action to kill the high-rise building of the kilometer. Otherwise, it will not attract so many, such a strong monster, it seems that there is a secret hidden in the tall building. Only by breaking the secret can you get out of danger.

For such a monk who can see the weakness at a glance, they still admire from the heart. Xu Ziyan may not be strong, but undoubtedly this is very precious. In such a crisis, what they need most is not strength, but a monk with a sharp eye and commanding talent.

And Xu Ziyan is undoubtedly such a person.

Therefore, almost all the monks are coming to the purple. I hope to help Xu Ziyan resist those monsters. However, just in the moment they just launched the impact, they saw a hundred purple swordsmanship from the middle of the dark magical object, and slammed the magic around the purple smoke into a powder.

Then I saw a hundred purple swords surrounded by Xu Ziyan in the middle, hovering around her body, the whole person shrouded in a group of purple air, the figure of sapphire blue looming.

In a shocked gaze. Xu Ziyan walked forward and marched toward the front of the team. The purple swords hovering around the body spurred from time to time, and each violent purple sword smashed a monster.

At this time, Xu Ziyan knows that it is difficult for these people to rush to the front of the high-rise building with Xu Tiandiao. This team needs an arrow, and she and Jin Invincible are undoubtedly the sharpest arrows at this time.

"Invincible, join hands!" Xu Ziyan screamed.

"Yes, the master!" Jin Invincible figure stood in the side of Xu Ziyan.

The two men walked toward the kilometer high building one step at a time, although the pace was not fast, but extremely firm. There is no pause. Did not change the frequency of the pace, so step by step forward.

Every step of the gold invincible takes a step forward, and in front of him there will be a sudden thorn, destroying a monster. It’s just a matter of ten, and on the avenue in front of them is like a forest formed by the thorns. The monsters on the ground close to him and Xu Ziyan were all defeated.

Hovering a hundred purple swords in the air. The swordsmanship, the purple air jet, will hit the magical creatures flying in the air into a powder.

The monks followed behind Xu Ziyan and Jin Invincible, while defeating the sporadic monsters on both sides, and staring at the back of Xu Ziyan. They did not think that this woman who had been despised by them would have such high strength.

I thought of the eyes that Xu Ziyan had despised and the unspeakable words that I had said before. I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy in my heart. I don’t know if the purple smoke would hate it.

Xu Tianyao also looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, his brow was slightly locked. The strength of this purple smoke is really powerful! Doesn't it mean that he only has the late Emperor?

Will Emperor Xian have such strong strength in the later period?

Xu Tianyao is not a fool, and his eyesight is not bad. Although he couldn't see what the strength of Xu Ziyan showed at this time, he knew that it was definitely stronger than the strength of his late Emperor.

Is her cultivation more than the peak of the late Emperor, reaching the early or half-step respect?

And her side is also carrying a gold invincible that can kill two white tigers in an instant. This time, I must tell the city owner about these news, and be cautious about Xu Ziyan’s establishment of the Zongmen in the south.

At that time, the peak of the Emperor of the Emperor who wanted to be separated from Xu Ziyan at the gate of the castle was even more uneasy at this time. He believes that his own words at the gate of the castle are arrogant, but Xu Ziyan, a monk who sees where the castle is weak, can't understand the true meaning of his words.

What's more, just in the moment when the monster appeared, Xu Ziyan once ridiculed him. He looked at Xu Ziyan with a guilty conscience, and his heart was dark.

"It seems that I don't have to think about saving Ouyang Liu Xian's reward!"

However, I thought that I had already got a batch of Xianjing before, and Xu Tianyao promised to go back later, and would give double celestial crystals, and the mood would be better.

In any case, there is a strong person like Xu Ziyan, and he has the possibility to leave here alive. Once you really broke the Mozu in the tall building, you might be able to find some treasures in this castle, which is even more perfect.

Hu Yanang was also very shocked at this time. He had already thought that the strength of Xu Ziyan would not be as low as it might seem. He could have a strong person like Jin Invincible as a follower. How could it be a weak person?

However, he did not expect that Xu Ziyan would be tough to this extent, although he has not reached the point of being invincible with that gold, but it is much higher than them.

Finally, Xu Ziyan and Jin Invincible took the monks across a long distance and stood in front of the kilometer high building. Xu Ziyan stepped into the building without hesitation, and the monks followed her.

Beyond the high-rises, the monsters made a collective scream, and everyone was trembled in their hearts. When they suddenly looked back, their faces showed surprises.

It turned out that those dense monsters stopped their steps and dared to roar outside the building, but did not dare to go one step. And in that roar, there is a faint instinct of fear and resentment.

Xu Ziyan’s beliefs moved, and the sword was hidden like her body. She looked around and did not feel the danger close, she said faintly:

"Everyone rests for a while, and the high-rise building does not know what is fierce."

Everyone was tired at this time, listening to what Xu Ziyan said, immediately sitting on the ground and swallowing Xiandan to adjust his interest. Xu Ziyan also sat on the ground and began to adjust interest rates. She swallowed the peak of the Chinese product, so the speed of recovery is faster than other people, that is, gold is invincible and she is not fast.

About half an hour later, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked out the door.

Beyond the gate, there are still a lot of monsters, black and pressed. Looking at the high-rise building of kilometer, from time to time, a loud scream was heard.

Xu Ziyan listened for a while, slightly frowned, and stretched his brow after a few moments.

It seems that there is really a Mozu in this high-rise building, and these monsters are controlled by the Mozu, so although they are already dead, they instinctively have a fear and a bitterness.

I looked up and looked up, and my heart said: "What kind of demon is this? It is so hidden here that there is no such thing as the Yao and the Terran."

Xu Ziyan looked at the monsters outside the door with some ecstasy, thinking about the dangers that would be encountered in a while.

After half an hour, the monks had adjusted their interest rates, and they couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan. At this point, they once again looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes have become different, fearful, and embarrassed, but more is respect.

At this time, Xu Tian's heart already knows that it is necessary to save Xu Ziyan from here. He also refused to look at the faces of the monks and went directly to the front of Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Xianzi, as long as this time can save the son of Xianxian, the heart of the 10 billion best fairy crystal and the tree is yours."

At this time, Xu Tianyao used the name of Xu Ziyan unconsciously, and then looked at Xu Ziyan with his eyes. And the monks who had been recruited heard the words of Xu Tiandui, and there was no sorrow on his face. They are very clear in their hearts, without the help of Xu Ziyan, let alone rescue the immortal son, it is hard to say whether they can wait for themselves to leave. At this time, they have no idea about the 10 billion best fairy crystals and the heart of the tree. Instead, they hope to find some treasures here.

Xu Ziyan stared at Xu Tianyao for a while, until Xu Tian's look was somewhat unnatural, and her face showed a bitter smile:

"Xu Daoyou, when you arrived at this time, do you still think that Ouyang Liu Xian is alive? If he really came here, I am afraid it has already died."

Xu Tian's face was gloomy for a while, but in the end it still showed a hint of hope in her eyes:

"Xu Xianzi, I am sure that the fairy son must have come here because I saw the secrets left by the fairy son at the gate of the castle."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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