The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2131: Killing all the way


Xu Ziyan’s heart raised a hint of curiosity. It seems that Ouyang Liu Xian is not easy? I was able to go through the heavy forest of clouds and come here.

"and after?"

"No later!" Xu Tianzhuo said bitterly: "I have never seen the secrets left by the fairy son."

Speaking of this, Xu Tianyao’s face showed a bitter smile: “Maybe he also entered this high-rise...”

After I finished speaking, I felt that my words were very embarrassing and untrustworthy. I only looked at Xu Ziyan helplessly. Waiting for Xu Ziyan's answer.

Xu Ziyan looked at the stairs leading to the left side and nodded. "In any case, we have already come here, always go up and see. If you meet Ouyang Liu Xian, you can save, I will save. ""

"Thank you Xu Xianzi, the town demon city must remember your great grace."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and stood up from the ground, and his eyes fell on the stairs again, gently spit out a breath:

"Let's go, let's see the monuments that have been sealed for hundreds of millions of years!"


Everyone looked up excitedly and visited the monuments! What an exciting thing this is! A lot of treasures are waiting for them!

However, they all know in their hearts that even if they find a treasure, they may not be theirs. There are Xu Ziyan and Jin Invincible here, where are they?

However, Xu Ziyan and Jin Invincible are unlikely to occupy it? Will you always leave some soup for them?

As long as they leave some soup, they are satisfied. After all, if you want to leave here, you still have to rely on Xu Ziyan, and the strength of Xu Ziyan and Jin Invincible are not what they can resist.

After all, this world is respected by strength!

"Treading step..."

The footsteps of the people resounded through the tall buildings. Kim Invincible walked to the forefront. The defense of his early days was not at the forefront. Who was at the forefront?

Xu Ziyan walked behind Jin Invincible, her eyes glanced around from time to time, and she tried to release her knowledge. But still can't spread the knowledge. The heart was once again nervous. She did not release the flying otter. At this time, it was already the time to see the true chapter, and the original flying otter seemed to have an instinctive fear. Therefore, Xu Ziyan simply went up step by step.

Soon, the monks went to the second floor.

Xu Ziyan traveled around, this second time is different from the first one. The first floor is a large hall, which is clear at a glance, but this second floor has many rooms. Xu Ziyan thought a little for a while:

"I don't think everyone should separate. Maybe there is any danger in the room. Let's take a look at the room together."

Everyone is in the heart. At this time, although there was no sound in the second layer, but who knows what will be in the room, they all nod.

Xu Ziyan first walked toward a room and reached out and pushed the door open. Seeing that there was nothing in the air, Xu Ziyan did not give up, and opened up the eyes of Wu Peng, and finally returned in disappointment. There are also a few monks who do not enter the heart. Finally, I also returned with disappointment.

After searching a few rooms, there was no danger at all. Xu Ziyan also slightly lowered his heart, and felt that everyone searched together. How many years before the high-rise building could be searched? Then the condensate said:

"Everyone can act separately, team up and search quickly!"

At this time, these monks also felt that there was no danger in this second layer. They couldn’t wait any longer. When they heard Xu Ziyan, they immediately went away to a room. Xu Ziyan also chose a room to open the door...

quickly. One by one, the monks walked back with a frustration. At first glance, there is no gain, and some monks are still angry and arrogant. It is nothing but a monument, and nothing. Not even a single one.

Xu Ziyan had no words and walked toward the third floor. The monks hurriedly followed, but the third layer was still without the slightest danger and the slightest gain.

In this way, their group of people went to the 58th floor. At this level, they finally got the harvest, and there were some ridiculous gains. After picking up a few smashed fairyware, Xu Ziyan just looked at it and was no longer interested.

There was still no danger along the way, but the look of the monks became a little excited, because they picked up some fairy instruments, and the quality of the fairy was slowly increasing. When they reached the 120th floor, they already I found some eight-piece fairy.

Moreover, they found that Xu Ziyan was dismissive of these fairy wares, and they were too lazy to go. As a result, they are more reassured. Every time they go up, they are eager to search for each room.

In this way, they came to the 150th floor.

Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped, and he felt a hint of magic swaying in this layer.

"Be careful!"

Xu Ziyan just shouted the exit, and saw all the room doors open openly, rushing out of the inside of a monster, rushed toward Xu Ziyan and others.


A purple cloud floated out of the body of Xu Ziyan, which was a purple sword with a handle, and instantly smashed the monster that flew to the front. At this time, the monks also sacrificed the fairy and the monsters to one place.


Xu Tiandiao, the monks, was shocked when they killed the monster. They found that the magic here is much higher than the magic of the outside of the building. There is already a monster of the immortal level, and the horrible atmosphere envelopes this layer.

They are not afraid of this layer of magic, but create space for the future. This is only the 150th floor, and there is a monster of the fairy king level. What about it?

At this time, Xu Ziyan also slightly frowned. The magical objects appearing on this layer are not only high in strength, but Xu Ziyan also found their differences. They seem to have some wisdom, and they have not shed their fears and grievances against the building. It seems that this is the magic that is completely controlled by the Mozu.

Don't look at the outside of the building to deal with the monsters that are not strong. These monks still have a lot of casualties. That's because there are too many monsters outside the building.

Although the magic objects here are of the Xianwang level, but the number is really not much, and eventually they are quickly killed by these monks.

After quickly searching through this layer, everyone began to go up again. But at this time every monk is cautious a lot. Sure enough, they began to encounter monsters constantly, and these monks gradually began to suffer casualties.

By the time they boarded the second hundred layers, the look of each monk changed, because in this layer they encountered the magic of the Emperor.

Here, God's knowledge is completely suppressed. Even if Jin Invincible can't release the pressure of the late peaks, it can only kill the monsters with real strength.

As a result, the fall of the Terran monks began to intensify, and gradually there was no monk in the ranks of the kings, and the monks of the immortals had fallen.

Xu Ziyan did not deliberately save the monks, she must preserve the strength to deal with the danger of the unknown. She knew that there must be a Mozu in this building, and that the strength of the Mozu must not be low. I am afraid that even if I have done my own cards, I have no grasp. At this time, she still dares to consume strength but save others?

That gold invincible would not even care about that idle thing. His task is to protect Xu Ziyan. Before Xu Ziyan did not order him, there was a monk who died in front of him. He would not look at it.

Along the way, when he came to the 250th floor, all the monks' faces became even lower and ugly. Here, the magic of the Xiandi level began to appear.

After destroying all the monsters in this layer, Xu Ziyan stopped and looked at the eyes and said these monks snorted:

"Everyone, I think everyone has already understood the dangers here. If you go up, I am afraid that there will be monsters of the Xianzun level. I and invincible will not protect you, because we do not know that there will be What is the strength of the Mozu. So we have to save our strength.

From now on, you have to think about it. If you go ahead, it is very likely that you are waiting for you to fall. If you don't want to continue to go up, wait here! If we can come back alive, take you away. If you still want to continue going up, pay for life and death. ”

At this time, there were only a thousand people left in these monks, and there were more than 600 monks left by Xu Tianyao, and those who were recruited were only four hundred.

Xu Tianjiao heard the words of Xu Ziyan and immediately said: "Xu Xianzi, the people of our town demon city are to save the fairy son, so even if we all fall here, we must go up. Do not ask Xu Xianzi to protect us, Just want to have the opportunity to save the fairy son, please also take the shot."

Xu Ziyan nodded and looked at the more than 300 monks who were recruited. Their choice was very confusing for Xu Ziyan. No one left, and they decided to follow Xu Ziyan to continue to go up. Xu Ziyan could not help but smile in the heart, this southern monk is really awkward!

However, this also raised a little vigilance in Xu Ziyan's heart. The southern monks were so embarrassed that it would not be easy to build a sect in the South.

Going up one by one, the Terran monks have fallen more and more, but the grades of the founders they have found are getting higher and higher, and they have reached the peak of the late nine products.

When they reached the 280th floor, the number was already less than 500, and there were no emperors. They had fallen, and the monks of the Xiandi period had fallen.

Sure enough, when I went up, I met a monk who was respected by people. When the nearly five hundred monks changed their minds, Xu Ziyan was relieved. She found that although human monarchs appeared from this level, the number is really small, but dozens. It seems that these high-powered monsters are not so easy to cultivate. The more the monsters go, the less the number of monsters will be.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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