The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2132: Frightened

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At this time, I couldn't rely on those who were at the Xiandi level. When they went up, they were looking for death. Xu Ziyan simply took them back downstairs and only let Jin Invincible rushed to the 280th floor.

In the invincible position of the gold invincible, coupled with the strength of the early Tianzun, it is only in less than two quarters of time to clean up all the monsters in this layer.

Xu Ziyan did not immediately approach the upper layer, but handed him a gold invincible, a congenital immortal, let him adjust the interest first, and then continue to go up one level.

Layer by layer upwards, this time by virtue of the strength of gold invincible and powerful, other monks including Xu Ziyan have become spectators.

Sure enough, the more you go up, the stronger the strength of the monster, but the less it is. All of them were killed by Kim Invincible alone. After Kim Invincible killed the last demon of the last land, everyone has stood on the 295th floor.

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood on the stairway leading to the third floor. She did not let Jin invincible go up, but let him stand beside him. At this time, let alone the purple smoke, other monks can also see the strong black magic from the top of the third floor of the stairs, so that they can not see the top.

"Good powerful magic..."

The look of Xu Ziyan became dignified and locked his brow deeply. This kind of rich magic made Xu Ziyan feel shocked. The gold invincible standing on her side felt the pressure. The eyes were full of vigilance and even faintly revealing fear.


The rich magical spirit spread from the stairway to the bottom. It was only in an instant that the 290th layer was enveloped in the dark magic, and it was accompanied by the power of Tianwei...


A sound of falling, behind the Xu Ziyan and Jin invincible, those monks were on the ground. Sweating, can't move at all.

Xu Ziyan was very uncomfortable at this time. His knees were shaking and he was swaying. The same is true of the gold invincible on her side.

Xu Ziyan was scared in his heart. Only those who can push them to this point are only those who are above Tianzun, that is to say, the above-mentioned demon is the worst and the first is Tianzun. It is necessary to know that not only the invincibility of gold is the cultivation of the peak of the late Zun, but also the consciousness of Xu Ziyan has reached the realm of the peak of the late Zun.


This is not at all she can resist. Even if she did her cards, she only had a way to go.


The bones of Xu Ziyan’s body are ringing, the waist has been bent down, and the knees are only two inches from the ground, so they will be on the ground. And the invincible gold beside her has already slammed into the ground.

Suddenly, the soul of Xu Ziyan’s body surged up and remained unyielding. A trace of pride gradually enlarges from her soul. That is the soul of the phoenix master who has completely integrated the soul of the purple smoke. Although it has been completely refining by Xu Ziyan, the will that belongs to the phoenix owner still exists, but now it has become the will of Xu Ziyan. At the time, this will was motivated.

Xu Ziyan's body gradually straightened and sweated. Hesitant in the eyes, she did not know if she should go to the third floor. There is no doubt dangerous, but the unyielding will in her soul is tumbling, which makes Xu Ziyan understand that if he retreats, this unyielding will will collapse here, and his own cultivation will be very It is difficult to improve.

Perhaps because of his current state of mind, he has reached the peak of the late Zun, and his future cultivation will still break through to the peak of the late Zun, but it will be impossible to break through the barriers of the Tianzun period.

Can not break through to Tianzun, after the birth of the lord. I am afraid that I will still die. It’s just a little more live.

Xu Ziyan finally lifted her footsteps, and she could not let her unyielding will collapse. Going forward, there may be hope for survival, but take a step back. In the future, there is only one death. The relationship with the mountain spirit is destined to stand on the opposite side of the lord in the future, and there is no other way to go.

In the eyes of everyone shocked. Xu Ziyan’s one foot finally stepped on the stairs. Step by step toward the top, behind her, Jin invincible struggled, but could not stand up, and finally he climbed up the stairs, although slow, but climbed extremely strongly toward the top.

at last……

Xu Ziyan stood on the third floor, sweat was soaked in clothes, staring at the front, faintly saw a black shadow sitting on a tall chair.

I saw that the figure waved a little, and the pressure disappeared instantly. The thick magical air formed a whirlpool in the air and flew toward the figure. The magic of the whole space entered the body of the person like a long black river. The space has become bright again.

There was a footstep behind him. Jin Invincible first stood by Xu Ziyan’s side, staring vigilantly at the person sitting on the tall chair opposite, and at this time, Xu Tiancai and others also came up. . The magic gas and the pressure suddenly disappeared, and they raised hope in their hearts. They thought that Xu Ziyan had defeated the other side and ran up in shock. ,

However, after they came up, after seeing the person sitting in the tall chair, the fear in the heart was magnified again, and they stood behind Xu Ziyan one by one.

Xu Ziyan's gaze looked toward the other side. It was a slender, pale-skinned monk. Two thick eyebrows were inserted underneath. One pair of eyes was bright like a star, the nose was straight, and the lips were thin. The pale face not only did not show his weakness, but gave a noble atmosphere.

"Welcome!" the monk said faintly, a very natural expression of a kind of extravagance in the tone, people can not help but give birth to a kind of surrender.


Behind Xu Ziyan and Jin Invincible, Xu Tiancai and others were involuntarily squatting on the ground. The unyieldingness of Xu Ziyan’s soul has taken a deep breath and made his voice become old and well:

"who are you?"

"Oh..." The monk smiled faintly twice: "Want to know who I am, you still have to squat!"

When the words fell, the pressure of the spurt spread again from his body. This time, Xu Ziyan and his distance were closer, and the body of the purple smoke instantly became sweaty...


There is a phoenix in the soul of Xu Ziyan, full of unyielding will. However, the repair of Xu Ziyan was too far from the other side, and was completely suppressed by the other party's power. Although it was not on the ground, his face had become pale and his body began to tremble.

"He...what is his realm..."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a bit stunned at this time. This kind of pressure is not as simple as the early days of Tianzun in her experience. Is it the middle of Tianzun, or even the late Tianzun...

To be honest, Xu Ziyan really had the idea of ​​immediately turning around and fleeing, but she knew that she was no longer eligible to escape. The other party is a god, how can you escape?

Besides, as soon as you escape, you will completely reveal the defeat, and will only make it easier for the demon to kill yourself. The only way out now is to fight, then die.

But where do you fight?

Even if Xu Ziyan is stronger, can he stand shoulder to shoulder with a god?


Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief, knowing that she had fallen into a situation of ten deaths and deaths. As a result, her state of mind calmed down and looked at the monk opposite, her heart:

"I have to see what kind of Tianzun I am in death."

At the time, Xu Ziyan’s eyes were blue and opened the eyes of Yan Peng. Then Xu Ziyan stayed there, and his face was completely unbelievable.

The other party actually went so far... It turned out to be a late peak of the land...

How can this be?

At this time, the fascinating power was squeezed toward Xu Ziyan, and even the surrounding space began to distort, as if there was a pair of invisible big hands kneading Xu Ziyan, to knead her body and soul. Into the powder.

However, Xu Ziyan’s heart was not feared at this time, and some were just scared.

Why is this big monk in the sense of power that is a godly period in the eyes of Kuang Peng is only a peak of the late stage?

"Oh, it is quite stubborn!" The Mozu monk smiled twice and extended a long, white hand in front of him.

In the air, a large hand was condensed, and the boundless magical gas was swept down to Xu Ziyan. The huge palm has not been photographed yet, and the shadow has already shrouded Xu Ziyan. It’s just that time, the hair of Xu Ziyan’s body is upside down.

At this time, Xu Ziyan could not retreat. As long as she retired, she would not say that Xu Tian carved the monks, that is, the gold invincible beside him would be killed by the slap.

"call out……"

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath, and the metallic world quickly gathered on her right fist. The golden awns around the fists flashed, and between the vague, the golden mountains and rivers could be seen from the flashing golden awns, as if The golden world rushed to the giant palm of the volley.


A loud bang, Xu Ziyan's world was smashed, and the giant palm stagnated in the air for a moment, the color dimmed a point, but eventually slammed on Xu Ziyan's body.


Xu Ziyan was on the ground and the two knees shattered. Xu Ziyan’s face was pale and blood was sprayed from the seven gongs.

The giant palm dissipated, and the space came with the faint voice of the Mozu monk: "This is right, you have the hope of living down! Hehe..."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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