The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2134: The story of the magical demon (Happy May Day)

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), Fuyang Feixing (100), mableip (100), Tu Yishui (100), Suoyang Chen Xia (100), Feng Wu Han Sha (100) reward!

Looking at the chaos and the invincible gold was knocked down again and again, and rushed again and again, Xu Ziyan’s heart was bleeding, and the eyes burst into the light of hatred, and the unyielding will in the heart became more and more high.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up.

Unyielding will!

This is the will in the soul of the phoenix, but now it is refining by Xu Ziyan, and the soul of Xu Ziyan is merged. However, Xu Ziyan remembered the power of the original phoenix's soul and the fire spirit. At that time, the fire spirit did not refine the soul of the phoenix, but borrowed it.

But now it is different, the soul of the Phoenix Lord has completely belonged to Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan has already been integrated with Huo Linger. If you merge with Huo Linger now, it will definitely explode huge power.

You must know that today is not just the soul of the phoenix, but the three scorpions. At the beginning, I got a glimpse of the black space deep in the Xinghai of the Central Plains, and the fire spirit was the lamp that was refining there. The second time was a glimpse of the fun in the palace, and then I got a glimpse on the phoenix feather. Nowadays, it has been completely refining by Xu Ziyan, and it has not been able to know how much it is bigger than before.

The most important thing is that nowadays it is not the fire spirit to use this unyielding will to force the power, but this unyielding will rely on the fire spirit to fight.

The reason why Phoenix has the title of immortality is that they have the magical power of rebirth. As long as they have fire help, they will send out desperate power. What's more, is Fire Linger a normal fire?

It’s just that Xu Ziyan is still afraid of being the opponent of the Mozu monk after the integration with Huo Linger. After all, my strength is there, and Huo Linger has not reached the peak of quality. Therefore, Xu Ziyan’s heart has a thought that is to merge the unyielding will and the fire spirit. Released by sound work.

"I don't know if this will create another kind of sound?"

Xu Ziyan only slightly raised a thought, and he decisively killed this thought. Now is the time, where will there be time for her to create what exercises, directly using the Fengming in the Dragon and Phoenix. Just in line with the unyielding will.

"Fire Linger, Fusion!"

Xu Ziyan screamed in the gods, and Huo Linger immediately merged with Xu Ziyan's soul. The unyielding will seemed to find a place to live, and cheerfully blended into the fire.

Xu Ziyan pulled the already merged Huo Linger into a silk thread, blowing it into the jade flute from the air, and then blowing it out from the jade flute.

Feng Ming in Long Fengming!


The magic of the sky dissipated...

With a loud phoenix, all the monks saw a bonfire that was reborn in the air. The initial is still very small, like a big palm of fire, but then it is like a skyfire, incomparably dazzling, incomparably noble...

This phoenix did not release any sacred powers, nor did it attack any of the Mozu monks. But at the moment when it appeared, the bright phoenix was filled with space with an unyielding will.

The power of the Mozu monks was filled with the white snow under the sun. Even the Demon monk seems to have been suppressed, and a pale face has become paler.


A fairy palace seal and a golden scale scorpion were bombarded on the body of the Mozu monks. Since the battle, the Mozu monks were shot and flew out for the first time. The trickle hit the wall behind the distance.

At this time, the pressure of the Mozu monks has completely disappeared, and chaos and gold invincible have released all their strength. In this way, the Mozu monk is still the opponent of the two peaks in the late stage? He himself is only a peak of the late stage. What's more, chaos and gold invincibility are the peaks of the general dedication?

The most important thing is that at that time, the Mozu monk was not only unable to suppress chaos and gold invincibility in the gods, but was suppressed by the phoenix of Xu Ziyan, in this case. Soon he became a abused character. Chaos and Jin Invincible completely released the grievances. His delicate and noble face has now become a pig's head.

"Make a promise... Fairy... Win..." Xu Tianyao looked at everything that suddenly changed in front of his eyes, as the dreams said.

"It seems... is...winning..." Another monk also stuttered.

All the people looked straight at the chaos and Kim Invincible pressed the Mozu monk, and the Mozu monk gradually lost his resistance. In the end, Dan Tian was sealed by chaos and was kicked by Jin Invincible. It fell in the corner.

Immediately after the silence in the hall, the chaos stood silently, and Jin Invincible stood still. Although Xu Tiancai and others have climbed from the ground at this time, but see two silent people, they stopped to step in, for fear of causing misunderstanding between the two people, attacking themselves and others.

In the air, the huge phoenix phoenix shrinks toward the middle, and then turns into a tiny flame that hides into the chaotic eyebrows.

In the chaotic sea, Xu Ziyan put away the jade flute, and also collected the fire spirit, and then entered the time array in the purple smoke space, began to heal.

It was only a few moments before, and Xu Ziyan had completely recovered in the time array. He switched to the chaos again and appeared in the hall.

"Invincible, take a break!" Xu Ziyan threw it to Jin Invincible, a congenital immortal, and then thought about the demon monk who was shrinking in the corner.

Kim Invincible swallowed the elixir silently, and then sat down to sit and adjust. The other monks did not dare to move when they saw Xu Ziyan and ignored them.

At this time, Xu Ziyan already knew that the Mozu monk was sealed, and walked toward the Mozu monks who were shrinking in the corner. Looking at the face of the demon monk who was picked up by the pig's head, he could not help but smile:

"This chaos and invincibility are enough!"

Looking down at the demon in the corner of the demon monk, and at that time the monk monk is looking up and looking at Xu Ziyan. Because at this time he found that the monk of Xu Ziyan became the peak of the late Emperor.

what on earth is it?

"Hello, magic!" Xu Ziyan said.

" know me?" There was a fluster in the eyes of the magical demon.

"Come with me!"

Xu Ziyan turned and left, walked toward the tall chair where the magical demon had been sitting in the hall, and then sat down. Also adjusted a comfortable sitting posture, the mouth praised:

"This chair is nice and very comfortable!"

At this time, the magical demon stood opposite Xu Ziyan and looked at Xu Ziyan. The eyes that had been smashed into a seam were blinking.

"Talk about your origins!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The thin lips of the magical magic are closed, and although the face is like a pig's head, the eyes are full of noble and proud eyes.

Xu Ziyan looked at the magical demon who stood opposite him, thinking about it, thinking of the movement, the gloom of the body, and floating in the air.


The horse was rushed out from the inside, and the magic was swaying. Standing next to Xu Ziyan, his eyes fixed on the opposite magic.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze fell on the horse’s body. After seeing that the horses in the world have swallowed up the Mozu monks who appeared on the plain of the black curtain, they have been upgraded to the peak of the people’s mid-term, and their faces are not satisfied with a smile. Reaching out and gently stroking the back of the horse:

"not bad, very good!"

Then I once again fell on the opposite side of the magic. Said faintly: "Ma Jiao, he is your food!"


Ma Jiaoda snorted and the snoring was full of joy. Towards the illusion, he rushed over, opened his mouth, and his sharp teeth shone with cold light.


The magical instinctively stepped back two steps. If he was not sealed, he could crush the horse with one hand, but now he can only become a food for the horse, with fear in his eyes, no more noble and proud. Some are only fears and wolverines.

"Come back!" Xu Ziyan whispered softly. The horse was unwilling to retreat, but his eyes were red and red, staring at the opposite magic.

Xu Ziyan did not speak, but a hand gently stroked the back of the horse. A faint look at the magic.

The magic demon carefully looked at the horse and saw that Ma Jiao honestly stood next to Xu Ziyan. This turned his eyes to Xu Ziyan, who had struggles in his eyes, but when he saw Xu Ziyan's gaze gradually revealing his murder, he immediately gave up his nobleness and self-esteem.

"I am a little magic in ancient times..."

"The little magical magic in ancient times?" Xu Ziyan's spirit rose and he sat up straight.

"At that time, my cultivation was not strong, only the strength of Xianjun. But the war between the Terran and the Mozu was even more fierce. In a battle, the Mozu was defeated. I was afraid..."

Speaking of this, there is a shyness in the eyes of the magical demon: "I fled, I don't dare to go back to the Mozu. After I go back, I will be sent out to fight the Terran. I don't even dare to go over the Terran, so I secretly drop Sneaked into the demon side.

The Yaozu is also fighting the Terran, and is also fighting the Mozu. At that time, the entire continent was like a huge and chaotic battlefield.

Here is a country established by the big demon, destroyed by the demon, I fled all the way, surrounded by constant wars. I had to hide in the depths of the ground, converge on all my breath, and then let myself enter a long sleep.

Because only long sleep can make my breath not leak out, this is an innate skill of our magical demon. However, when I woke up, I found that the war here had disappeared.

I waited for the millennium again in the underground, and I did not see a war here again. This came out of the ground. But I didn't dare to go out, but I stayed here to practice, and gradually began to talk about the body here turned into a monster, and then set the surrounding forest out of the illusion, the cloud forest you passed. ”


Double pink ticket, it’s hard to chase after this time. Comrades, vote!


*(To be continued~^~)

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