The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2135: Soul sacrifice

Xu Ziyan’s gaze: “Do you know how to do it?”

"No!" The magic demon carefully looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "I won't, that's our magical skill."

"Oh! Then you will continue."

"Nothing!" The magical whispered softly: "I am practicing here, and I have been practicing until now. If I enter the people or demons of this big demon country, I will kill them and turn them into monsters. As for just I didn't pay attention to the monks in the cloud forest. If they can go out best, they can promote the danger here, and save someone to disturb me."

Xu Ziyan raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, looking at the magical road: "After a long time, how are you still a late peak?"

The illusion smiled bitterly: "Our magical magic is very difficult to advance, and there are not many resources here. I dare not leave here, so..."

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "That is to say, there are still some resources here, have you used up?"

"Yeah!" The magic devil nodded cautiously. At this time, Xu Tiancai and others suddenly realized why they came all the way and only found some fairy tools. The rest of the resources were used by the magic.

"That..." Xu Ziyan looked at the magical road: "Ask you."

"You say!"

“How many people have been here before?”

"Yes!" The look of the magical spirit became tense, and Ai Ai said: "They...and you..."

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "Don't worry, you just tell me where they are now?"

"They...they..." The magical look became even more tense: "Only one person is on the third hundred and tenth floor, and the rest are dead."

"Dead?" Not only is Xu Ziyan's look changed. That Xu Tianyao is a huge change.

"Yeah!" The magical eyes were a little confused, but they honestly said: "I saw that one of the humans could break my illusion, and he knew that he must be a fairy sergeant, so when they entered the castle. When I was besieged by the monster, I grabbed him directly."

Xu Ziyan looked at the illusion with a strange look: "Then you should also know that I am a fairy sergeant. Why don't you catch me directly?"

"You are not in danger of life... just let yourself come over..." and said that he hurriedly explained:

"I have been paying attention to you, if you are in danger, I will definitely pick you up."

Xu Ziyan smiled a little, and the magical magic reacted to it. Can the use of Xu Ziyan still use himself to save? I stood there with a note.

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Tian's engraving: "If you don't guess wrong, the monk who will break the line should be Ouyang Liu Xian, you go up and rescue him."

"Yes, let's go right away, thank you Xu Xianzi!" Xu Tiancao and his party hurriedly flew toward the 310th floor.

Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite magical demon, gently stroking the back of Ma Jiao’s back: "You seem to have no use..."

Xu Ziyan also had some tangles in his heart. In fact, she does not want to kill this magical magic, how good a helper! It’s just that she has no way to control the magic. If you can't control him, taking him out is a disaster. Now the overall strength of the Upper Yuan dynasty is much worse than in the ancient times, so that the illusion will go out and it will definitely set off a storm.

With the control of the soul, Xu Ziyan's mental strength is probably worse than the magical magic, because don't look at the magical magic is only the end of the peak. However, he was able to revive the power of the celestial period, which proves that his knowledge is absolutely powerful and beyond his cultivation.

In this way, if you use the soul control, you can not only control the magic, but will be controlled by the magic. This is what Xu Ziyan will never let it happen.

As for the phoenix who controlled the gold invincible, Xu Ziyan was really not enough, and no research was done. It is completely impossible to make one yourself. Xu Ziyan has always been very cautious about things that have not been studied. This is why she is competing with the magical demon, preferring to take the violence and increase her own. Do not give gold invincible reasons to take.

Although the message left by the phoenix's soul is to control the monks who are higher than themselves. However, Xu Ziyan did not try it easily without thoroughly studying the Fuxi. At the beginning, I dared to control the gold invincibility of the late peaks. That is because the cultivation of Xu Ziyan was the peak of the late Emperor, but her strength of consciousness was the peak of the late Ming Dynasty. The same as gold invincible.

However, if a gold invincible is given to a sharp increase in Dan, the invincible repair of the gold will suddenly increase to the peak of the late Tianzun. There is too much uncertainty in it, how can Xu Ziyan dare to take risks?

Therefore, with Xu Ziyan's cautious mentality, I thought about it and decided to let the horses turn over the magical demon. The original Ma Jiao's cultivation could not swallow the magical demon, but it will be swallowed by the magical demon, but now the magical demon is sealed, then I had to pay a cheap horse.

"Don't..." The magical "噗通" slammed on the ground: "I...I your slave!"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward, stopped the instigating horse, and looked at the magical eyes.

Seeing Xu Ziyan stopped the horse exchange, there was a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the magical demon, and said quickly:

"I can sacrifice for the soul!"

"Soul sacrifice?"

Some of Xu Ziyan is not very clear, she is not very clear about the things of the Mozu. But it doesn't matter, she has confusion. Then he sank into the gods to ask the confusion, and then Xu Ziyan’s face showed a hint of joy, looking at the magical demon:

"Let's get started!"

Xu Ziyan is not very reassured about the magical demon. He deliberately brought the chaotic **** of the gods into his own sea of ​​knowledge and let her monitor the magical demon.

The magical magical knees were on the ground, and then the hands began to bear the enchanting konjac, and the pale face began to appear extremely painful color, and gradually his blood began to ooze out.

Xu Ziyan has been staring nervously at the magical demon, and there is no reminder of confusion in the sea. This means that there have been no errors so far.

Gradually, there was a faintly shaped flame in the eyebrows of the magical demon, but it was still very unstable.

"Ziyan!" There is a chaotic voice in the sea: "The almost transparent flame-like thing is the soul of the magical spirit. If you refine your soul, you can control him later." Life and death, as long as your mind is moving, it will make him fly away."

"No side effects? He won't retort me?"

"No! But the reason why this soul sacrifice is called a sacrifice is that he must give it to you. You can forcibly strip it but not."

"Oh, then I am not robbing now?" Xu Ziyan asked with some concern.

"Of course not, at most, it is forcing him."

"This is good! This is good!" Xu Ziyan finally let go of his heart and refocus his attention on the magical body.

At this time, in the magical eyebrows, the almost transparent flaming soul becomes more and more clear as the magical demon in the hands of the magical demon.

Gradually, as the same group of real flames jump under his pale skin...


A whisper, the soul of the group finally jumped out of the magical eyebrows, floating in the air between the magical and Xu Ziyan.

"Oh..." The magical spurt three feet of black blood, and the look became frustrated.

As soon as the soul of this group appeared in the air, the endless pressure spread in the air, making Xu Ziyan's breathing one of them.

Xu Ziyan’s mind was moved, and the eyebrows began to distort, and then began to spin to form a whirlpool, and the soul that peeled off the magical magic was sucked in.

Xu Ziyan sat motionless on the tall chair, the power of the soul began to wrap the soul of the magical demon, and then began to refine it...

Xu Ziyan originally thought that it would be very difficult to refine the soul of the magical demon, and it would make him very painful. After all, the magical power of the magical spirit should exceed itself.

However, she did not think that the soul of the magical devil had just been absorbed, and the unyielding will in her own soul rushed up. It was very easy to completely suppress the soul of the group, and then Xu Ziyan began to refine.

Xu Ziyan’s soul power began to rise sharply with refining, and her soul power increased sharply. Her gods also rose sharply. With the sharp rise of the realm of the Yuanshen, the power between the heavens and the earth also Beginning to meet Xu Ziyan, less than a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan is like being wrapped in a huge shackle...

At this time, Xu Ziyan understood that the soul of this group not only improved the power of his own soul, but also elevated his own realm of the Yuanshen. He also accumulated his own strength in Dantian to the peak and reached the critical point of breakthrough. As long as you go back and refine the sacred period, you can get a breakthrough.

After half an hour, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked at the magical demon of Futon, and a congenital fairy flew to the front of the magical demon:

"Magic, you take it down!" Then waved to Jin Invincible: "Unlock his seal."

Jin Invincible stepped forward to unravel the seal of the magical demon, and the seal of the magical demon was unraveled. The original arrogant horse was immediately exposed to the horror of the horror, and “嗖” slammed into the gloom, and Xu Ziyan saw it as a joy. Waved and collected the Nether.

"Thank you for the master!" The magical devil immediately swallowed the elixir, and then sat on the ground and practiced.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were swept away, and it was discovered that Xu Tiancai and others had already come down from the third hundred and tenth floors and were looking at her anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably.

"Xu Xianzi, can you help me?" Xu Tianguai anxiously stepped forward.

“What are you doing? Did you find Ouyang Liu Xian?”

"No... don't know!"

"do not know?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued~^~)

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