The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2136: go away

Thank you very much for the lmslty classmate (1888), the mableip classmate (100)!


"There is a ban on the above, we can't open it, please let... let..."

Xu Ziyan immediately understood the meaning of Xu Tiandui, and wanted to let the magical demon to open the layer of the ban. I glanced at the magical demon that was being cultivated and stood up from the chair:

"I will go see it!"

Xu Tiancai and others look a glimpse. They did not expect Xu Ziyan to be a fairy sergeant.


Is the grade of Xu Ziyan enough?

Seeing Xu Ziyan has walked up the stairs, Xu Tiancai will quickly catch up, the heart is dark, anyway, the magic is here, waiting for Xu Ziyan to break the law, then ask her to let the magic devil break open.

Xu Ziyan embarked on the 301st floor and there was a ban on it. After pulling the Yuanshen’s Yuanshen into the sea of ​​knowledge, he took the hand and stood up, letting the array want to crack the way of prohibition.

However, Xu Ziyan’s move was in the eyes of Xu Tiancai and others, but it was everyone’s demeanor, and the backs of Xu Ziyan were more respected.

Soon, the first one told the way to crack this ban, Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan turned a hand and put a few handcuffs into the ban, the space in front of it swayed, like a mirror broken, revealing the inside space.

In the vision of Xu Ziyan and others, there was an anteroom where a young man was standing in front of a gate and motionless.

Seeing the back of the man, Xu Tianyao stepped out from behind Xu Ziyan with excitement, and called in the mouth:

"The son..."

Suddenly I felt a hand clutching tightly on his wrist. Let him not be able to move forward. When I suddenly turned around, I saw Xu Ziyan. I just wanted to ask questions, but I saw Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly and looked a little dignified. Xu Tianyao immediately closed his mouth and his face showed an anxious color.

Xu Ziyan let go of the hand of Xu Tiandui and walked toward Ouyang. Standing on the side of Ouyang Liu Xian, I saw that the eyes of Ouyang Liu Xian were sluggish. at this time. Xu Tianyao also stood on the other side of Ouyang's study abroad. He saw the situation of Ouyang Liuxian, and could not help but look at Xu Ziyan with anxious eyes.

Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: "You can talk now. You can't hear the sound, he can't hear it."

"Xu Xianzi, staying in the fairy son... What happened to him?"

"His realm is too low, he wants to crack this ancient formation, and now he is caught in the formation of the law, has lost five senses. In this way. He will run out of the gods and fall."

"That that... what should I do?" Xu Tianyao anxiously slammed in front of Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Xianzi, please help, the town demon city will definitely remember your great grace!"

"I will try it!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"Thank you, thank you!" Xu Tiancai hurriedly climbed up and looked forward to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took out the jade flute, across the lips, and the dragon and plumbing music was poured into the sea of ​​Ouyang Liuxian. Less than a time. Ouyang Liu Xian’s eyes were restored, and then they stunned.

Xu Tian, ​​who has been standing by the side, stretched his hands and held Ouyang Liu Xian, and asked anxiously to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Xianzi, son, he, he, he... what happened to him?"

"The gods are over-consumed, and he woke up in a while, but it takes a while to restore the original state. Don't bother me, let me see this prohibition."

"Yes Yes!"

Xu Tianyao gently placed Ouyang Liu Xian on the ground and sat down with concern. Others also sat quietly on the ground, looking at the back of Xu Ziyan. Xu Tianyao also glanced at the back of Xu Ziyan. In the heart:

"Leaving the fairy son is the eight-character sect. So they are all banned by this array of law. And Xu Ziyan can save it, so that Xu Ziyan is even higher in the realm of the ban on the law than the immortal son! ”

The eyes that looked at Xu Ziyan became complicated and shook his head gently. These things must go back and talk to the city owner.

At this time, Xu Ziyan asked in the knowledge of God: "How? Can you crack it?"

"Well, this is not a high-level ban. It's just a product of the inferior sentiment. But I still need time to study it. He has a different approach."

The time of an hour soon passed, and the magical demon came up. When Xu Ziyan stood in front of the ban, he came to the front and Jin invincible stood silently behind him. Xu Ziyan looked at him and said:

"You left Ouyang Liu Xian to want him to help you crack this ban?"

"Yes!" The magical devil nodded and said: "I have been cracking this ban for a long time, and I can't solve it. I think there should be some resources for cultivation."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded and no longer spoken.

After about two quarters of time passed, Xu Ziyan suddenly moved, his hands pulled out the shadows in the air, and then there was a stream of light into the battle.

The stream was radiant, and then after the ray was exhausted, a circle of laps suddenly appeared, and finally calmed down. Xu Ziyan reached out and pushed the door and went inside. The magical and gold invincible followed closely behind. The Xu Tian and other monks outside looked at each other and finally resisted greed and sat on the ground.

The life of himself and others is saved by Xu Ziyan. This prohibition is also cracked by Xu Ziyan. The most important thing is that the strength of himself and others is too far away. Xu Ziyan is too far away. Don’t cause Xu Ziyan to misunderstand and kill himself and others here.

After Xu Ziyan had just left the room, he saw some demon and fairy crystals piled up inside the house. The gods swept away and could not help but shook his head.

It seems that the original war was fierce and consumed too much resources. There aren't many resources left here, but the demon is only a few thousand, and the fairy crystal is only one billion.

As a result, Xu Ziyan lost interest, and after thinking a little, he took a step back and recruited Zhao Tiancao and others to ask for help:

"You come in too!"

The eyes of everyone were bright, and they stood up and walked into the room. It was Xu Tianyao who also came in with Ouyang Liu Xian. See the demon and the fairy crystal on the ground. One by one, the eyes could not help but squat. However, I thought that there was still a purple smoke standing here, and I couldn’t help but look forward to it.

The reason why Xu Ziyan let them in is to divide them into a resource. After all, everyone came together. If they are not given to them, they will not say anything, but there will be ideas in their hearts. The repair of these people is not low. They are all Emperor Xian. In the future, they will secretly confuse themselves in the South. They don’t know how to suffer.

If you give them some resources, the situation will be different. Maybe they will hear something, but they will give themselves a letter in advance. Sometimes a message is worth a billion dollars.

Of course, Xu Ziyan will not give these demon and Xianjing to them, so that they are not being merciful. It is stupid. Therefore, when she swung her sleeves, she collected half of the demon and the fairy crystal, and then walked toward the door and said:

"The rest of you are divided!"

This third layer is already the last layer. Xu Ziyan walked down with the gold invincible and the magical demon. The magical demon turned back from time to time to look at the demons and fairy crystals upstairs. On the side of the gold invincible looked at him scornfully, since Kim invincible followed Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan gave him a lot of Xianjing and Xiandan, and he naturally couldn't see the upstairs. Xu Ziyan looked at the two people's expressions a little funny, they took out a storage ring and threw it to the magical road:

"This is for you, run out and ask me again!"

For Jin Invincible and Magical Xu Ziyan is very generous, now in the South these two people are their own right arm, not only their own super beaters, but also can help themselves deal with the Zongmen matters in the future, so that they can be able to practice.

The magical magic took over the storage ring, swept it inside with the knowledge of God, and there was a surprise on his face. Hizi put the storage ring on his finger. Then prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your master."


Xu Ziyan walked down to the tall chair and sat down, looking at the gold invincible and the magical magic wrinkled his brow. Kim Invincible exudes a demon and can tell others that he is his own demon pet. How do you say the magic of this magical demon?

Do you want to tell others that this is your own magic pet?

It seems that there is no such thing as a magic pet in the fairyland. Xu Ziyan has some headaches. If he can't do it, he can only make a cover to cover his magic.

"Magic. Can the magic of your body cover it?"

"Yes, I am a magical demon, able to cover everything." The magic demon said proudly.

When the words fall, I see that the magical spirit of the magical spirit has converged, and I can no longer feel the existence of a magical power.

At this time, Xu Tiancai and others also came downstairs, and all the faces showed joy. When they saw Xu Ziyan sitting on the tall chair, they walked up and prayed:

"Thank you Xu Xianzi!"

"Everyone is a channel, when you are not thankful!" Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and smiled and walked down:

"We should go back too!"

"Is the ban that you broke?" A somewhat fanatical voice came out.

Xu Ziyan looked back and saw that Ouyang Liuxian had already woke up, but his face was still weak. Then nodded slightly.

"Then you accept me as a good apprentice?" Ouyang Liu Xian squinted and looked at Xu Ziyan feverishly.

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. This Ouyang Liu Xian is really crazy about the formation. Xu Ziyan has the idea of ​​recruiting him into too imaginary, but that also has to agree with Ouyang Xun! Therefore, Xu Ziyan really could not agree to Ouyang Liu Xian at this time, but said vaguely:

"Leave the fairy son, what you need most now is self-cultivation, and we will have the opportunity to learn from it later!"

Ouyang Liu Xian also felt that she was very weak now, and some of them were not willing to nod, and everyone walked downstairs. At this time, there is a magical demon, and it is easy to leave the cloud forest. Looking at the monsters that evade one side, Xu Ziyan can't help but shake his head with some regrets. If these monsters are really good, how can they be swallowed up?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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