The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2141: Banquet

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The magical demon understood, and there was some shock in my heart. He now knows that Xu Ziyan is a fairy singer. Now, listening to what she said, Xu Ziyan is still a refiner.

" won't be a refiner?"

"I am not a refiner!" Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I am a congenital treasure teacher!"

"This..." The magical look was amazed and asked awkwardly: "What is the master of the realm?"

"Of course, it is the innate first division!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

The magical demon is there, is the human being so powerful now? Is the innate teacher already ruined the street?

At this time, there was a knock on the door: "Xu Xianzi, under the Xutian carving."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand, and Jin Invincible took the pair of sledgehammers up, then walked toward the door with the magical demon and opened the door. Xu Ziyan also stood up from the chair:

"Xu Daoyou, please come in."

Xu Tianyao walked into the house and sat opposite Xu Ziyan. Then she smiled and took out a storage ring and put it on the table:

"Xu Xianzi, here is the heart of 10 billion best crystals and trees. Please collect them."

Xu Ziyan scanned it with the knowledge of God, and saw the heart of the 10 billion yuan fairy and a tree in the storage ring. There was a hint of joy on his face, and the storage ring was closed.

"Xu Xianzi, tomorrow night, the owner of the city will feast at the city government, please come to the fairy." Finished and handed a beautiful invitation.

Xu Ziyan took over the invitation. I glanced at it and nodded. "Okay, I know."

"That's good, I will send someone to pick you up!"

"Those monks..."

Xu Tianyao immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan. I hurriedly nodded: "I have already arranged for the other monks' bounty. They just have to go to the banquet tomorrow night."

Xu Ziyan nodded, Xu Tianyao also bowed to Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan sent him to the door, and then said to Jin Invincible:

"Invincible. You have to refining the pair of sledgehammers!"

"Yes, Master!" Jin Invincible and the Magic Retreat went out and gently closed the door.

After Xu Ziyan left Jin Invincible and the Magic, he began to sit on the bed and practice. Just cultivated an hour, Xu Ziyan’s heart was a move, and the gods returned to the sea to look at the virtual god. At this time, the **** of the gods has refining the heart of the second tree, and there is more green on the gods.

Xu Ziyan simply took out the heart of the tree that Xu Tianyao had just sent. Put it in the arms of the gods, let her continue to refine the heart of the third tree. Then I will be in a daze there.

At this time, her accumulation of strength has reached the critical point of breakthrough, and it is no longer necessary to accumulate strength in a short time. After thinking about it, I took out the phoenix feather that I got from the black plain, wrapped it up with the gods, and extracted it with a little bit of purple smoke.

This is in line with Feng Yu’s technique of the phoenix master, and Xu Ziyan is now comprehending this technique with the charm of Feng Yu.

Unconsciously. It is already at dusk the next day.

On the door, a knock on the door sounded, Xu Ziyan put away the knowledge of God, and his face showed a hint of joy. This phoenix feather is really full of esoteric techniques. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that if he comprehends the skill of the phoenix feathers on the phoenix feathers, he will become a first-class fairy tales.

After getting up, he released a cleaning technique for himself, then came to the door and opened the door. He saw a monk standing outside the door and saw Xu Ziyan open the door. Immediately applied a courtesy:

"Xu Xianzi. The villain is the person in the city's main house. Come to pick up the fairy for a feast."

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and then informed Jin invincible and the magical demon with his knowledge. The gold invincible magical demon appeared immediately at the door, and then walked toward Xu Ziyan. Looking at the invincible smile of Jin Invincible. Can not help but ask:


"Well, Master." Kim Invincible nodded hard.

With the master of the city, the monk walked out of the inn. I saw a flying carriage parked outside. Xu Ziyan took the gold invincible and the magical magic on the carriage, and the master of the city government urged the flying carriage to fly toward the city government.

Around two quarters of an hour, the flying carriage stopped at the gate of the city's main government. Xu Ziyan walked down from the compartment with the golden invincible and the magical demon. The monk of the city government gave a ceremony to Xu Ziyan:

"Please wait for the fairy to go down and report to the city owner!"

Xu Ziyan instantly understood that this was to show respect for himself. Ouyang Xun Meng wanted to meet himself in person at the door. Then he smiled and nodded.

A few of the gatekeepers who greeted the guests at the door couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan, Jin Invincible and Magical Demon have all done their hands and feet on the body, not only to adjust to the peak of the late Emperor, but also the clothes on the body have been made into ordinary clothes by Xu Ziyan, which makes those who welcome the monks Very strange, what are the three people? It looks very ordinary, it is ordinary, and the clothes are ordinary, but it means that someone in the city government will come out to meet. Who will come out to meet?

Just as they thought about it, they heard a hearty laughter, and then the welcome monks stunned and looked at Ouyang Xun from the inside with a smile on his face.

"Welcome to Xu Xianzi to visit, radiant and radiant! Hehe..."

Xu Ziyan arched his hand as a ritual: "I have seen the Ouyang City Lord."

Ouyang Xun rushed back to the ceremony, and now he has heard about Xu Ziyan from Xu Tiandui, and he has attached importance to Xu Ziyan. The eyes swept over the gold invincible and the magical demon standing on the left and right of Xu Ziyan, and the smile on his face became more intimate:

"Xu Xianzi, you are my benefactor, please come in!"

Xu Ziyan and Ouyang Xun stalked side by side, smiling and said: "The city owner is polite, I just take people money to kill people, it is not a benefactor."

"Oh..." Ouyang Xun screamed two times and led the words away, leading Xu Ziyan to walk inside the hall.

While chatting with Xu Ziyan, my heart is extremely complicated. Last night he thought about it for one night and did not decide what attitude to treat Xu Ziyan.

The entire South is undoubtedly not welcome to Xu Ziyan, and as the owner of the southern town of the demon city, the largest force in the South, if excessive enthusiasm for Xu Ziyan, this will be misunderstood by the entire southern monk, which is just sitting on the seat of the city Very unfavorable.

However, if Xu Ziyan is cold, not to mention that Xu Ziyan is the savior of his son, the strength of Xu Ziyan mentioned in Xu Tian’s mouth and the terrorist power of the two people behind her are undoubtedly a picture for himself. Big enemy.

There is no need to consider the ancestors. The southern monks did not consider the ancestors. Although one of the nine main gates of Mou Zong, but after all, it is in the east, very far from the south.

He was jealous of Xu Ziyan and the gold invincible and magical behind her. It is because of the strength of these three people that it is enough to make him jealous. How can such a person be offended?

So Ouyang Xun can not help but be in a dilemma.

In the end, Ouyang Xun fiercely decided to treat Xu Ziyan as a benefactor. As a result, the southern monk knew and could not say what he was. However, it is impossible to make deep contact with Xu Ziyan.


If there is an opportunity, he does not mind to take some action against Xu Ziyan in secret. It is a big deal not to kill Xu Ziyan and drive it away from the south.

After entering the hall, Ouyang Xun said with a passionate enthusiasm and Xu Ziyan, he left to entertain other guests. Xu Ziyan took a gold invincible and magical magic and found a seat to sit down.

Just sitting down for a while, Xu Ziyan felt that there was something wrong with Jin Invincible sitting on her side, turned to look at Jin Mi Mi, and saw Jin Invincible looking at the four people at another table not far from him. .

"Invincible, what happened?"

"Master." Jin Invincible used the knowledge of God and Xu Ziyan to exchange: "The four people are not human, they are demon."


Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look at the table and saw four old people sitting there. The body is very strong, but I can't see the cultivation of these four people. Xu Ziyan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the blue strobe flashed in her eyes. However, the face of Xu Ziyan’s face was a fascination. She could not see that the other party was a Yaozu.

Not confused to the invincible voice into the secret channel: "Invincible, can not see that they are Yaozu!"

"They have something to hide the atmosphere of the Yaozu, but they can't see it, but I can feel it."

Xu Ziyan is silent, and I feel very reasonable in my heart. Jin Invincible has lived and does not know how many billions of years, naturally has his special features, presumably he can feel that the other party is also a normal family. Not to be curious about the identity of the four monks.

What is the identity of these four old people, dare to go to the city government to attend the banquet?

From this point of view, the four people in the town of Demon City should be very identifiable, and it has not been seen that these four people are the identity of the Yaozu. So, what are the purposes of these four people in the Terran?

When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he saw the four old men standing up from the chair and coming over to Xu Ziyan and others. This can't help Xu Ziyan's heart to be nervous, and the heart can't help but secretly. Is the four monks coming to Jin invincible? After all, only gold invincible is a Yaozu here, and has not concealed his demon.

Jin Invincible was also a little nervous at this time. He felt that the four old men on the opposite side gave him a lot of pressure, which proves that the repair of these four old men is more than invincible.

Xu Ziyan felt the invincible tension of Jin, and said to Jin invincible in the knowledge of God: "Invincible, calm!"

Kim invincible nodded, took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and looked at the four old men's eyes gradually sharpened.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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