The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2142: bother

Congratulations to the new no-winners and recruit students to become the best law!


Xu Ziyan quickly poured the power of the body and the knowledge of the sea into the headdress on the forehead, and then contained Yuan Li and the gods without sending it, only waiting for the four people to be disadvantageous to themselves. Release the power of the headgear instantly.

Xu Ziyan was prepared very quickly, and the four people were not slow. The Xu Ziyan was just ready, and the four people were already standing in front of Xu Ziyan.

"This little friend, is this your demon pet?" An old man smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and showed a warm smile on his face.

"Little friends, can you give this old pet to the old father! You can rest assured that the price is free to open!" The old man still smiles, but the tone is unquestionable.

"No!" Xu Ziyan's smile converges.

The repairs around him were quiet, and they looked over here. The look of the four old men was a stagnation. They did not expect that Xu Ziyan would refuse to be so simple. How long has this been, no one has simply refused them.

"Can't you discuss it?" Finally, the smile on the old man's face was somewhat convergent, and his eyes fixed tightly on Xu Ziyan.

"There is no possibility of negotiation! I am not lacking Xianjing!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The old man frowned slightly, then suddenly laughed and said: "Little friends, you are not lacking Xianjing, what about the Danfu array? We can use these to change."

"I don't miss these!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The faces of the four old men were gloomy, and the old man who had been communicating with Xu Ziyan said coldly:

"You don't know us?"

"Why should I know you?" Xu Ziyan spread his hands.

"Good!" The old man nodded. "Young people are very courageous, huh..."

Then the four old people turned and left. Xu Ziyan gently spit out a breath, slowly sitting on the chair, frowning and wondering why the four old men should do this.

"Master..." The voice of gold invincible sounded in the gods.


"I think the four demons are not the ones who want me to be masters. The Yaozu is also very proud. In fact... In fact, the Yaozu always thinks that human beings are very humble..."

Xu Ziyan understood that the four old people, as the Yaozu, naturally could not tolerate the human beings to turn the Yaozu into a demon pet. So the four of them are ready to save the gold invincible. And they use Xianjing to buy, it will only make the surrounding humans feel that they just fancy gold invincible, want to buy gold invincible as their demon pet. No one will doubt them.

However, understanding the hearts of the four old people, Xu Ziyan has a more headache. Xu Ziyan’s heart has already been determined at this time. After the banquet is over, these four old people may be looking for opportunities to grab the gold invincible.

The strength of these four old men must not be low, I am afraid that they will not be the opponents of these four people. However, Xu Ziyan did not have no chance, and he could not see through the other's cultivation. The other side will also think that there are only three peaks of the late Emperor.

In this way, the four of them should not come together to find themselves and others. If there is only one person, and the invincible and magical powers suddenly burst into strength, they may be able to kill each other.

When Xu Ziyan was thinking about it, he heard Jin Invincible lowered his voice and said: "Master, the city owner is calling you."

Xu Ziyan looked up. Sure enough, Ouyang Xun is looking at her and telling her. Xu Ziyan stood up in confusion. It turned out that Ouyang Xun had to say a few words before the feast. These words were thanks to Xu Ziyan for saving his son. Xu Ziyan also thanked a few words and the banquet began.

Xu Ziyan sat there to eat something casually. The food was really good. Most of them were made of fleshy animals and had a lot of power.

However, Xu Ziyan's attention was still placed on the four old men, and they saw that the four old people seemed to be communicating with God. Looking at her from time to time. That gaze is definitely not a kind-hearted look.

Xu Ziyan is annoyed in his heart and does not know how these four old people will treat themselves. But she knew she couldn't say that the other four were demon because they had no evidence. And since these four people can sit here to attend the banquet, their identity is definitely not low. Just when Xu Ziyan was upset. I heard a familiar voice:

"Oh, this is a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here. Listen to what the city owner meant. Did you save his son? I don't believe it! Just rely on your cultivation?"

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but show a bitter smile. The more annoying, the more hateful people appear. Put down the chopsticks, lean back on the back of the chair, and let yourself sit comfortably. This will look at Mu Tiankang.

That Mu Tiankang was a sneer of a face sitting on the opposite side of Xu Ziyan: "I just listened to the city director, you called Xu Xianzi, I don't know what you call it? From which family?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at Mu Tiankang faintly, and then he took the wine glass and drank it gently, no longer paying attention to him. Mu Tiankang’s face was angry, but he quickly endured:

"Why don't you talk? Was it debunked by me? What tricks did you use? It was a good way for the city owner and the Xianxianzi to be fooled together. Tiankang admire."

Mu Tiankang really does not believe that Xu Ziyan will save Ouyang Liu Xian, will she be repaired by her emperor?

What is this possible?

Want to know that it is in the demon territory, is she a place where the emperor can cross?

However, she is indeed very curious about this matter. The city government and the monks who went to the cloud forest are vague about this matter, so he ran to the front of Xu Ziyan half to ridicule the purple smoke, and half to see if he could stimulate the purple smoke. Say the truth and satisfy his curiosity.

At this time, a middle-aged monk came from a distance, holding a glass of wine in his hand, and he knew from the direction of his walking that he was coming toward Xu Ziyan.

Sensitively felt that the man came to himself, Xu Ziyan's eyes could not help but pass. The gaze is a miniature, the middle-aged monk wearing a blue robes on the surface, it looks very general on the surface, but Xu Ziyan recognizes it at a glance that it is a robes made of silk woven silk.

And it's not ordinary silk, because the blue is too ordinary, and even some colors are not uniform. People even have a feeling that this is a poor quality ordinary robes. However, Xu Ziyan thinks so, especially after slightly opening the eyes of Kunpeng, it is determined that this is a silkworm spit out of the variegated silkworm. It has a strong defense force and belongs to the top refiner material.

Such a monk, but also an early stage of the land, at this time toward himself, can not help but let Xu Ziyan be cautious.

Obviously this is a stranger, Xu Ziyan has never seen him. The monk pulled in with the distance from Xu Ziyan, and the smile on his face gradually enlarged.

At this time, Mu Tiankang looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze, and could not help but change his appearance. He jumped from the chair and greeted the middle-aged monk with respect and respect:


However, the middle-aged man did not pay attention to Mu Tiankang, and looked at the Xu Zi flue in full bloom:

"Xu Xianzi, hello!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart immediately responded. On the way to the south, she already had a clearer understanding of the South. When he heard that Mu Tiankang called his father to the middle-aged monk, he knew that this middle-aged monk was the head of the southern branch of Tianfu Commercial Bank, Mu Dayong. So, I asked if I didn’t know:

"Hello! Is the friend?"

"My name is Mu Dayong. I was responsible for the Tianfu business that you went to yesterday."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan "Oh" no longer speaks, she really does not know what other people can talk with Tianfu business.

However, at this time, Mu Tiankang is not happy. Mu Dayong is not only his father, but also the general manager of the Southern Tianfu Commercial Bank. What is more important is the strongman of the early stage of the land. You are a fairy emperor. The little monk is "oh"?

"Do you know a little politeness? You are sitting opposite you, but you are a great monk in the land. Do you not know if you should bow down? Are you an uncultivated savage?"

Xu Ziyan is really too lazy to take care of him, his mouth slightly floating a trace of sarcasm, faintly looking at Mu Dayong. That's very obvious. Your son, you are going to discipline, don't scream like a mad dog here.

"To shut up!"

Mu Dayong snorted coldly. In fact, his heart was also very angry. He did not pay too much attention to the purple smoke. Although the sky is full of snow, he wants him to be polite to Xu Ziyan, and he has to close the relationship with Xu Ziyan. But he is a great monk in the land and has his own pride.

It was this Xu Ziyan that destroyed his own plan. He had already cheated Ouyang Liu Xian into the cloud forest. He did not expect to be saved by this purple smoke. How does this make me go back to the Lu Yaoer?

Moreover, he also regards his son as a mad dog. What is more important is that he has purchased all the fairy skins and blood in his shop. How does he explain to the headquarters and customers?

And I still don't give myself a face. Does she really think that the disciples of the ancestors can walk the world?

What's more, now you Xu Ziyan has left the Mou Zong!

But when he remembered the snow, he finally endured it. One of the tasks he came here today is to hand in a good purple smoke. The second task is to buy those fairy skins and blood from the hands of Xu Ziyan. So I really can't turn my face with Xu Ziyan.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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