The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2144: Break

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Mu Dayong flew forward silently, and he was stunned by the snow. Finally shook his head and sighed:

"Tiankang, this thing we can't do in person!"

“Why?” Mu Tiankang asked inexplicably.

"The patriarch does not want our Tianfu business to have a direct conflict with Xu Ziyan, but I hope that we will deal with Xu Ziyan in secret. Therefore, we cannot directly conflict with Xu Ziyan."

"What should I do?"

"Nothing." Mu Dayong's face sneered: "Some people in the South have always owed their fatherhood, and now they should return."

The banquet of the city's main government was over, and Xu Ziyan was personally sent by Ouyang Xun to the outside of the city. Xu Ziyan walked to the inn with the gold invincible and the magical demon, and wondered that he should leave the town of the demon city and return to the Wuthering Mountains tomorrow.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly became a policeman, and a dangerous atmosphere rose to his heart. Xu Ziyan immediately stopped and looked around.

There is no slight change in the surrounding scene. The moon shines in the sky, the silvery white moonlight falls down, and a straight avenue extends on the ground. On the left is a Danpu, and on the right is an inn, which is consistent with the scene when I came. . There is no slight change.

Looking back, the city government is still bright and bright, everything seems to be true. But Xu Ziyan always feels a illusion.

Is it... I am trapped in the formation?

Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart and immediately opened the eyes of Yan Peng, and his face showed a shock.

Sure enough, I have already fallen into the battle. What I saw in my eyes is illusory. Nowadays, the left side of his own is a Dan shop, and the right side is indeed a shop. There is no mistake in his place, but he has been stripped off in the real town.

Someone used the formation method to copy the town to the demon city. I pulled myself into the space of this battle from the real town of the demon.

Who owns such a rumor? Will you let yourself enter the opponent's formation without knowing it?

Xu Ziyan’s back was cold and sweaty.

At this time, in front of him in the void, a "beep" sound, and then the space rippled, an old man appeared in front of Xu Ziyan so suddenly.

Xu Ziyan took a closer look, but it was one of the four old men who had been embarrassed with themselves in the banquet of the city government. Xu Ziyan looked at the old man opposite the guard, and at the same time pulled the Yuanshen of the first one into the sea of ​​knowledge, and said in a sigh of anger in the gods:

"Look at what is this?"

"Not bad!" The old man who looked at Xu Ziyan’s gaze showed a slight appreciation: “I can see that I am caught in the old man’s formation.”

Xu Ziyan still silently speaks, and in the knowledge of God calls for a palm of water: "Small water. Defense."

A palm of water immediately came out of the purple smoke space, and then formed a layer of defense on the surface of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan was slightly relieved. Silently watching the old man opposite.

The old man smiled softly: "Xu Ziyan, you should not be nervous." Said here to reach out to the gold invincible:

"You just have to leave him from the master-servant relationship, let me take him away, I will let you go."

"Master, this array is a congenital fairy tales in the early days of the middle. If you want to completely crack it, it will take some time, but if you just want to leave, there is no problem."

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea was softly said. Xu Ziyan heard it, and a heart settled down quickly, looking at the old man with a smile:

"If I want to leave, I can leave at any time!"

"Oh..." The old man sneered a sigh: "The little doll, since you already know that you are caught in the formation, you also know how to do some formations. You think that without the approval of the old man, you really Can you leave this array?"

Xu Ziyan licked his mouth and had no words. At this point she is receiving a message from her to her how to leave the lineup. The old man is still condescending and said:

"Little dolls. The old-fashioned array of methods has no one to crack in the entire Upper Continent, even if it is in and out. No one in the entire Yuan dynasty has surpassed the old man in the formation."

"Cut..." Xu Ziyan grinned disdainfully: "If I can easily leave this array, how are you going?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The old man laughed loudly: "Little doll, if you can leave this battle, the old man will never care about you and the pangolin."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded immediately, and the strength of this old man was invisible. It’s just that you can’t see through it. Xu Ziyan knew that it was because the old man had a baby who covered the monk. However, Xu Ziyan can still feel the strength of the other side, so strong that he is not an opponent at all.

Therefore, being able to leave in this way is the best option. Immediately turned back to the gold invincible and the magic demon said:

"Follow me!"

"Yes!" The magical and gold invincible immediately nodded.

The old man did not stop Xu Ziyan, but smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan, and even stepped back. But then the look on his face was stiff on his face, and then his face was amazed. He waved his hands and looked at the law, looking at Xu Ziyan not far from him. Half-sounding, smiled and shook his head:

"Well, I won't care about you and the pangolin in the future. But..." The old man hesitated and smiled:

"This does not mean that no one is in charge."

Xu Ziyan blinked and said: "Is the three predecessors with you?"

The old man shook his head and said: "The old man has not succeeded in this personally. The three of them will not pull down again because this thing is difficult for you. But our strength is not low."

"Understood! Thanks to the seniors for their mercy!"

Xu Ziyan handed a gift and turned to take the magical and gold invincible to leave. The old man looked at the back of Xu Ziyan’s departure, and his face showed a smile:

"This little doll is a bit interesting!"

The body shape disappeared into the space, and it was once again in the central small building of the four churches...

Early the next morning, Xu Ziyan left the town of the demon city with magical and gold invincible.

The four old people who appeared yesterday gave Xu Ziyan too much pressure. This made Xu Ziyan realize that her strength is still too low. She wants to go back to Taixu Zong, and after she has finished the matter, she will immediately retreat and refine her ancestors.

On the cloud baby, flying toward the Wuthering Mountains, the clouds on both sides were quickly broken open, and swiftly passed over the two sides of the cloud baby.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped, and the cloud baby also flashed toward the side, and the opposite cloud was smashed by a sword light. The side of the sword light that wiped the cloud baby spread over.

Xu Ziyan's figure instantly appeared in the air, and the cloud baby turned into a cloud at the foot of Xu Ziyan. Gazing at it, I saw a monk coming out of the sky and looking out to Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise. He did not think that his own unexpected sword would let Xu Ziyan hide in the past.

"Who are you? Why are you coming to kill me?" Xu Ziyan said coldly.

"I just owe someone else a person, killing you is just to return to the human condition." The man said coldly.

"Who?" Xu Ziyan said coldly: "Tell it out and spare you a life."

"Oh..." The man smiled disdainfully: "I won't tell you, and there is no time to hang around with you. Let's die!"

His voice just fell, and the voice of Xu Ziyan followed: "Since this is the case... Invincible, kill him."

Xu Ziyan has already seen that this monk is just the peak of a person's respect, and he is too lazy to know who is going to be like this. But there are some southern monks.

Kim was invincible and his face was immediately excited. It is not because the other party is a person who is a great monk, but because he can finally test the sledgehammer that Xu Ziyan has made for him.

Stretching out a pair of big hands and a hand, a pair of sledgehammers appeared in the hands. Without saying a word, the right hand picked up a sledgehammer and leaned over to the opposite monk.

At this time, Jin Invincible has refining the pair of sledgehammers. This right-handed hammer has just turned out, and then sees a sledgehammer in the sky, with golden light shining like a sun falling.


The man who was a great monk was completely dumbfounded. Although he resisted strongly, he shook a sword that wanted to stop the falling sledgehammer. However, when Jianguang and Hammer Shadow touched each other, it was broken, but it was just a face-to-face. The sledgehammer smashed the body and fell on the spot.

Kim invincible licked his lips, a look that was not addictive. Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled, letting the cloud baby turn into a fairy boat, with the magical and gold invincible into the cloud baby, and went to the emptiness of the Wuthering Mountains.

Tianfu Mountain Villa.

Mu Tiankang sat in Mu Dayong's study.

"Father, can you kill Xu Ziyan by measuring the amount?"

"He is a person who respects the peak of the late stage. It is not a hand to kill a fairy emperor. I really don't know how to do it. I sent a fairy emperor to the south to establish a sect, and the falling snow has always shown Xu Ziyan. The taboo, ask him why, he does not say, in fact, he does not say that I also know, is not the jealousy of the ancestors? But now, so Xu Ziyan secretly done, how can the ancestors be?"

Xu Ziyan returned to the Wuthering Mountains and flew straight toward Tianxu. From afar, I saw that the mountain gate of Taixu has been established. There are three big characters on the tall mountain gate:

Too imaginary!

From the cloud, from the mountain gate into the Zongmen, they saw that Shaqianli and others were practicing in Zongmen Square. When Xu Ziyan came in, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute:

"See the Lord!"



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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