The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2145: Dumbfounded

Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and helped Sha Qianli and others to look up. His eyes widened up. At this time, the Zongmen Valley was completely established, the houses were patchy, and several medical gardens were established. This made Xu Ziyan secretly Nodding, there is indeed a sect.

Although it is very small, it is just a small sect of the weather, but Xu Ziyan is also very satisfied. After all, this has a place to settle, and she has no ambitions.

I was thinking about going to Neigu to see it, but I saw Lang Yue and others walking towards her. Before I came to the front, I said nothing loudly:

"Xu Ziyan, our work is done, you see what else we need to do, if not, we will leave."

Xu Ziyan was too lazy to take care of him. He just nodded lightly. First, he released his knowledge to see the large array of guardian sects established for her.

Sure enough, it is a nine-character array, but the idea of ​​Xu Ziyan is different from that of the big monk. The big monk of the squadron set up a Yuan dynasty in the eye, where there were a hundred and eight grooves, and the groove was prepared to hold the fairy crystal. Only the placement of Xianjing could start this large array.

Xu Ziyan certainly won't do this. If he does this, it is a bad behavior. You need to know that a big Zhoujian sword array needs to consume a lot of fairy crystals. Even if the purple smoke is rich, it can't be wasted. Her cultivation will cost too much. Fairy crystal.

At this time, the face of the big monk in the array appeared a smug look, and asked Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, how?"

"Not bad! But there is a place to improve."

"Well?" The big monk of the array did not expect Xu Ziyan to say so. After stunned, I couldn’t help but laugh:

"Please also ask Xu Daoyou to give pointers!"

This sentence is very polite, but the look of the face of the great monk and the tone of the mouth is completely ridiculous.

Do you want to know how to arrange purple smoke?

If you let Ziyan know how to arrange, what are we going to do? Isn’t your own arrangement finished?

Is it that you are too lazy to start, take us as free labor?

"In fact, there has not been any major change. It is just a matter of changing the line that provides the big force." Xu Ziyan said as he walked toward the line.

The sect of the sect of the sects heard a glimpse of the words and changed their eyes? The array is the hub of a battle, the most important place. Can you change it at will?

As long as there is a mistake in the change, the entire array will be scrapped. If this is abolished. It’s in vain for a few months of hard work, and I’m not going to be busy here for a few months. At the thought of this, his face was white, and he looked up and saw that the purple smoke had stood in the eye, and he could not help but anxiously called:

"Xu Zongzhu, don't act rashly!"

This sentence just shouted the exit, but suddenly the arm was stiff. He suddenly thought that the big array was hidden underground, and that eye was more important because of it. Therefore, the layout is more concealed, and I have not introduced it to him. How did she find her place?

Just in this shackle, I saw that Xu Ziyan had taken out eight pillars from the storage ring, and then the eight pillars were pushed deep into the ground between the hands.

The sect of the sect of the squadron rushed into the underground and saw that the lines of the eyes began to sway, and then the eyes disappeared. An arm hangs weakly. In the heart:

"It seems that I have to be busy for a few more months..."

Suddenly, in his knowledge, the lines of the eye began to sway again, the space was distorted, and then a strip of lines began to dock again, and then spread toward the gate.

"This pattern..."

He was shocked. Is there a metal vein in the ground? Xu Ziyan, is this to replace the fairy crystal with a metal vein?

He came here to set up a law for Xu Ziyan. Although everything was done very seriously, it was also for the reputation of the ancestors. But there is no such thing as to see if there are any veins suitable for building a large array. Now I have seen the changes in the formation, which is clearly based on the veins of the veins, for a while. God could not help but follow the vein to explore the mountain gate.


He is dumbfounded. There really is a scaleless iron vein...


A humming sound, the space of the entire valley was twisted, and then restored to its original appearance. Xu Ziyan patted his hands happily, and his eyes were full of smiles.

It is good to have free labor! Everyone is ready to go. As long as you finish your finishing touch, you can do it.

"I am really a free laborer!" The monk is a bitter face.

At this point, he was stupid and knew that Xu Ziyan’s formation was definitely more than him. For a moment, his heart was like a five-flavored bottle. All kinds of tastes come to my heart.

At this time, several other monks also took up the look of arrogance. Except for the monk who had been on the first day of the Yuanmeng, he gave five pieces of dilapidated space fairy to Xu Ziyan. The rest Those who repaired also received the space fairy that Xu Ziyan gave them.

However, Xu Ziyan did not give them space to the fairy, but let them arrange things such as Xiao Luotianjian array in the space fairy. Now that they have all been laid out, they have taken it out and handed it to Xu Ziyan.

Every time Xu Ziyan took one, he had to look at it carefully, and then he collected these things one by one into the purple smoke space, and handed them over to them for six people, so that they immediately began to deduct.

At this time, the face of the great monk of Fuzong was a little nervous. He saw that Xu Ziyan could easily change the nine-piece array, and there was no bottom in his heart.

As a master of the system, he naturally knows that there are many places in the array and the symbol. Now Xu Ziyan can easily change the nine-product array, which means that Xu Ziyan's formation must be the peak level of the nine products. As for Xu Ziyan, he may be a congenital singer. He didn't think about it. Is that possible?

However, this is what makes Mo Wuwei surprised. Because Xu Ziyan only asked him to lay out 1,080 non-attribute attack patterns, he still laughed at Xu Ziyan.

Although it is very tired to lay out so many patterns, these patterns are not attributed, and they all belong to the basic formation. He really wants to see the jokes of Xu Ziyan. What is the attack power of such basic formations?

Of course, how can he not be laid out, and there are as many as 108. Resist a fairy emperor can still do it. But it is hard to say that it is against ten emperors.

However, after he saw the big Zhoutianjian array that Xu Ziyan changed easily, his heart was not calm. Anyone who can see Xu Ziyan at this time is using the big monk of the sect as a free labor. This is a big joke.

He was still canceling the other party in his heart, but now he is worried. If Xu Ziyan can easily change the pattern of his own layout, does it mean that he has also been used as a free labor?


Just as his face changed, he saw that Xu Ziyan had begun to look at the patterns he had laid. Xu Ziyan walked along the outer valley toward the inner valley and looked at the pattern of Mo Wuwei. He walked to the inner valley, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Mo Daoyou did a good job!"

There was no such thing as a arrogant color on his face, and he did not call the name of Xu Ziyan, but he nodded nervously.

In the eyes of Mo Wuwei, who is nervous and looking forward to it, Xu Ziyan puts the symbolic thing aside. As if he praised the words of nothing, this matter ended in general.

Looking towards the inner valley, a large number of buildings have been built behind the inner valley, which are written with "Alchemy Room" and "Refining Room".

Xu Ziyan first walked toward the alchemy room, went to the alchemy room to look at the patterns on the surrounding walls, and nodded toward Mo Duo, so I couldn’t see Xu Ziyan’s failure to change the layout of his own layout, and gradually calmed down. When I got up, the arrogance on my face gradually emerged.

Xu Ziyan opened the fire again and was very satisfied with the quality of the ground fire. He thanked the great monk of Danzong. Then he walked toward the refining room. In the refining room, Xu Ziyan once again affirmed the insignificant pattern. After thanking the emperor, the people walked out of the refining room and once again stood in the inner valley.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept through the valley, and he was prepared to place his cultivation in the middle of the valley. Step by step to the place that has already been selected, and take a heart from the purple smoke space to take out a middle-aged Xianxian Xianbao, which is a space congenital fairy treasure.

This is not a simple space congenital treasure, just like a simple house. It is a small building complex.

The front door has a gateway. After entering the portal, there is a courtyard. Then there is a large hall. There are two side doors on the left and right sides of the hall. There are also one courtyard from the side door. There are two rooms in each courtyard.

There is a courtyard from the back door of the main hall. Behind the courtyard is a room with a main room and a hatchback. The whole layout is magnificent, but it does not lose the genius.

After the space was enlarged in the air, the innate fairy treasure fell in the center of the valley, facing the passage of the outer valley to the inner valley. The temperament of a sect was instantly highlighted.

Xu Ziyan looked at the door and smiled. He took the lead and walked toward the door. Lang Yue and others followed behind and walked into the first courtyard, then walked straight toward the hall.

Entering the main hall, Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at Langyue and said: "Master, you said that since I was the founder of the Heavenly Emperor, did you set up a statue in this hall?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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