The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2151: Weird change

The sound of the Thunder's Great Sword rang again: "Ziyan, the original lord was holy, I have seen him many times. Once a monk stepped into the holy level, his breath in appearance is like chaos, see again. Not his cultivation, like ordinary people who have not cultivated immortals, this is the return to the truth."

Xu Ziyan digested the words of the Thunder giant sword for a while, and suddenly jumped in his heart: "Then I..."

"I haven't seen this situation in your case, but after my speculation, it may be because of the space in your body. At first, the lord, the demon, the demon, the evil, and the Quebec are all breaking through the holy level. At that time, the realm of cultivation in the body turned into a real space. I have heard of these things in the past."

“The world is transformed into a real space? What do you mean?”

"I don't know very well. The Thunder Tian Zun of the year wanted to break through to the holy level, so I was very clear about these things. He meant that a monk is usually a single spiritual root, and the most is only Wu Linggen. So the boundaries of these monks' cultivation are also single to five attributes.

And only these attributes can't build a real world, just like the world we are in now. However, once it breaks through the holy level, it breaks through this embarrassment. No matter whether you have the five spiritual roots or the single root, it will happen. It has become a lot of spiritual roots. I don’t know how many roots there are. Anyway, the attributes that build a world will evolve.

In this way, the cultivation of the Holy Class has a real world in the body, and his power is naturally the power of the world. The monks under the holy level, even the peaks of the late Tianzun, are like an ant in their eyes. And it is precisely because their body has evolved into a real world, and the breath on them has changed. Become chaotic, return to the truth, in the eyes of others like ordinary people.

And your body is in the space when I first met you. It was only at that time that your space was still very weak. Even the embryonic form is not considered, perhaps there are still some attributes missing, can not be counted as real space. Maybe your repair is too low, and I am not very clear. I have never seen this situation before. I heard that I have never heard of it.

Now that your cultivation has been upgraded to half a step, and the space in the body has already taken shape, this may be the reason why you are now showing signs. If I don't speculate on the mistakes, and wait for you to truly break through the human respect, you should reach the realm of returning to the real world. From the outside, it is an ordinary person. ”

Xu Ziyan stood there for a long time, and his heart suddenly said with ecstasy: "Is this saying that I already have the foundation to break through the holy level, and I will be able to break through to become a holy monk?"

"It's hard to say!" Thunder's giant sword seems to be very cost-effective: "You have not encountered this situation. But this is a good thing in advance, according to my speculation, it is a bad thing."

"What do you mean?" Xu Ziyan's heart was raised again.

"On the one hand, as you just said, you should have the basis to become a holy monk. But on the other hand, it is because you have this foundation in advance that it will make your breakthrough very difficult. Less than that realm, but having the realm of that realm is like not having the strength. But it is going to resist a mountain. The speed of walking is of course slow, much slower than others, as long as you don’t break through. Holy level, your life is limited. With such a mountain, no one knows if you will go to the holy position before the life is exhausted."

Xu Ziyan thought about it, and the mood became easy again: "I don't have to worry about this, I am still small."

"Yes, you are still small, it seems to have endless life. But there are many monks who are all smooth, and then stuck in front of a barrier. One card is thousands of years. Then run out of life and fall. You are now The cultivation is very smooth and does not mean that you will always go smoothly in the future."

Xu Ziyan’s look is a stagnation. She knows that the Thunder’s Great Sword is absolutely right, and she is going all the way. That is, you have not encountered a real level, once you encounter an insurmountable level. I don't know how long it will stop, maybe ten years, a hundred years, a millennium, a thousand years, maybe eternal life.

Teng Ran, Xu Ziyan's soul has a hint of unyielding will, this unyielding will screams and spreads in Xu Ziyan's soul, and instantly makes Xu Ziyan's fighting spirits high.

What is a barrier?

The barrier is to keep people broken! In front of my purple smoke, there are no barriers that can't be broken!

come on!

The Thunder giant sword in Dantian also felt the fighting spirit of Xu Ziyan, and there was a hint of joy in the voice:

"Ziyan, I didn't think that you broke your heart and soul so quickly, and you got a breakthrough in your mind. Your hope of breaking the holy level is a little more."

The mood of Xu Ziyan gradually subsided. At this time, she knew that the reason why the Thunder giant sword had just said that was to quench his mind in advance. If you wait until you encounter a hard-to-break barrier, you will know about these situations. It is very likely that you will be devastated. If you run out of life, you will not be able to break through a barrier.

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan said in a natural way.

"Don't thank, this is also your chance." Speaking of this, the Thunder giant sword laughed happily: "Now you are already half-step people respected, the strength of your daily absorption is greatly increased, I can also be more Absorb these forces and restore my realm. When you really break through the human respect, I can come out of your Dantian again. Hehe..."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and his mood was also great. A pair of robe sleeves rushed to the sky and rushed straight toward the demon territory in the Wuthering Mountains.

Xu Ziyan hunted for three days and three nights in the demon territory of the Wuthering Mountains, and completely stabilized his half-step monk. These three days and three nights of countless demon people let her kill, so that there is no demon in the area near the Taixu.

Beside the couch, let others sleep!

Xu Ziyan came out to hunt the Yaozu on the one hand to consolidate his realm, and on the other hand to clean up the Yaozu near Taixu. Otherwise, one day, my own sects will come out and be eaten by the Yaozu. Who are you looking for?

There are not many disciples of Taixu, only seventeen, and one less is dead. This situation can never happen. Presumably after their own hunting, those Yaozu no longer dare to appear in the vicinity of Taixu.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was standing in a peak and looking toward the direction of Taixu Zong. This is the place where he will cultivate later.

"Let's go back and see!"

Xu Ziyan raised his footsteps and paused. He thought that his breath kept changing. It was hard to see that his cultivation was not important. The key was his own cultivation. He couldn’t help but shake his head and smiled. Immortal, is preparing to release and adjust his own cultivation, but heard the sound of the Thunder giant sword passed out:

"Don't use the convergence charm!"

"Why?" Xu Ziyan's hand is a meal.

"You are at a very critical moment at this moment. This instability of the atmosphere is a process that is becoming stable. In this process, you can't receive a trace of interference. This instability is in my opinion. Space is absorbing the heavens of the Yuan dynasty to grow up.

If you use the convergence charm, it will also shield the heavens while concealing your cultivation. Although the resistance to shielding the heavens is limited, it also plays a blocking role. It is very likely that because of your blocking effect, the space in your body has undergone fundamental changes, and finally you can no longer break through to the holy level. ”

Xu Ziyan heard the shock and was shocked, and hurriedly collected the collection of fairy charms. However, his face was unable to show a smile. Because at this time, from the outside, her realm has become a base period.

"That... I have always changed this way?" Xu Ziyan scratched his head, and his heart was helpless.

"This is also a way to do things, you still have to find a way to break through to people's respects as soon as possible!" The sound of Thunder's giant sword is also very helpless.

"so be it……"

Xu Ziyan can't help but smile. If he comes this way, I am afraid that it will be a big geek in the fairy world. However, if you don’t go out, you will not find yourself. Waiting for yourself to break through the people's respect and go out.

Thinking of the solution, Xu Ziyan's mood was great, and the sleeves were smashed, and the volley was empty, and soon fell to the gate. When he raised his foot and just wanted to enter the mountain gate, he suddenly stopped and suddenly looked back into the air and frowned slightly.

More than a dozen figures in the air fell to her, and Xu Ziyan knew it. They saw a total of 18 monks. The 18 monks were the highest in the late Emperor’s peak. The lowest was the nine-day Xuanxian. .

The figure fell in front of Xu Ziyan, and the head of the Xian Emperor's late peaks swept away in Xu Ziyan, and his eyes could not help but reveal the color of contempt. However, he hid very well, but he recovered his graceful expression in a flash.

In fact, it does not blame the late Emperor's late peaks on Xu Ziyan's contempt for color. At this time, the appearance of Xu Ziyan's appearance is only a fairy period. Just like this, I dare to go to the Wuthering Mountains. How is it different from finding death?

"It seems that the sect of Xu Ziyan is really weak!"

At the end of the Xian Emperor's peak, he looked at Xu Ziyan, and he was happy in his heart. His name is Pu Songhe, and the seventeen monks he and behind him are actually the same as Shaqianli. The only difference is that Shaqianli is a descendant of the monks who have left the Zongmen, and Pu Songhe is the descendant of the monks who separated from Zongmen.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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