The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2151: Danzong descendants

I am very grateful to Shannee (100), mableip (100), rest 123 (100), and 18,912,529,299 (100) for the reward!


The ancestors of these monks were the same as their ancestors in Shaqianli. They were very self-respecting monks. Although the dream of opening a patriarch was shattered, they were not willing to return to the Zongmen to be ridiculed, so they came to the South from the East. With your own skills.

This to the south has become a kind of dispersal, passed down from generation to generation, the days are getting more and more bitter, there is no cultivation resources, and generations are also being repaired more and more. Adding to the constant death, the 18 people who have gathered together today.

They came here today, and they have the same mind with Sha Qianli. Other forces in the South cannot join, but this is too imaginary to join!

Everyone is a person from the Eastern Zongmen... Well... We are also descendants of the Eastern Zongmen. Although we are Danzong, they are Zongzong, but Miao Zong is also a big gate, and it is not a shame. In fact, being able to join Taixu is already their best choice. If they are low, they will not say it. Even if the monks of the late Emperor’s peak are old, they want to return to the eastern Danzong. Danzong may not accept them. . And the south is far from the east, and it is not known whether they have a life to return to the east.

So they went to the Taixu, and Pu Songhe was worried before he came. Worried that if you are too strong, you will not see them. However, their hearts are also somewhat emboldened. After all, they are descendants of Master Dan Zong, how to understand some alchemy. I must have promised that the purple smoke has just established the Zongmen and also needs the alchemy of the alchemy.

When Pu Songhe saw that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was only a fairy, his heart was completely put down. It seems that Xu Ziyan’s establishment of this too imaginary strength is also common.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was also looking at the 18 monks opposite, and his heart was pondering, and the appearance of these monks did not want to come to trouble. How can you find trouble with a monk at the level of nine days? So why are these monks coming to this time?

Pu Songhe saw Xu Ziyan, a fairy who even looked at him in the late stage of the Emperor, and could not help but frown slightly. However, I think that I am now a self-disciplined identity, and the other party is a Zunmen monk after all, and then suppresses the unhappiness in my heart and said:

"My name is Pu Songhe. Come and meet your family!"

"What is the Taoist friend?" Although Xu Ziyan was somewhat confused, he asked politely.

Pu Songhe’s face became even more ugly, especially when he saw that Xu Ziyan’s body was dressed in an extremely ordinary dress, and his heart was inevitably disappointing. In my heart, I really have the idea of ​​leaving my sleeves, but when I think of myself and others in the South, it is like a ghost of the wild, there is no place to stand. If you lose this opportunity, maybe there will be more generations, and these descendants will disappear completely.

"Forget it. Look at the cultivation and dress of this person in front of you. This is too imaginary. It is just like a rumor from the outside world. It is just a third-rate small sect. So, you and others join the small sect of this strength." At the very least, the status will be higher. Maybe the purple smoke will hand over the Zongmen to yourself, and that is the first person under Xu Ziyan."

I figured this out, and Pu Songhe’s mood improved. In this mood, he is too lazy to pay attention to a small fairy. It is still a big thing to join too imaginary, but it is not necessary to give this little fairy face in front of you. When she joined the imaginary, she was just a disciple under her management.

Then, I looked a little deeper: "I am talking to your lord, is it something that you can know with a little fairy? You just have to report to the lord, let us visit."

Xu Ziyan was a little bit smirking, but after hearing the words of Pu Songhe, Xu Ziyan discovered that his own cultivation has changed from appearance to Xianjun, and he feels that his physical condition is really troublesome. Shaking his head slightly, but his heart was not unhappy because of Pu Songhe’s attitude. Instead, I was curious and said:

"I am Xu Ziyan. I don't know why the Taoist friends came to Taixu."

"You... is Xu... the sovereign?" Pu Songhe looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement, and could not help but re-examine Xu Ziyan, the look on his face became strange.

He does not think that this person is lying, no one will lie in front of the sacred mountain gate that he is the sovereign. No one has ever done such a stupid thing.

However, if you say that the person in front of you is the illusory master Xu Ziyan. But it is also unbelievable. No matter from that aspect, a master will not be a monarchy. Do you think this is a Central Plains galaxy?

Is it... is Xu Ziyan deliberately hiding the repair?

This is impossible! Even if Xu Ziyan wants to hide and repair, it will not be hidden so thoroughly?

It’s not a hidden repair, but a stupid thing to get your own cultivation into the Xianjun period! With such a thought, Pu Songhe could not help but blurt out:

"You really are Xu Zongzhu... Xu Ziyan?"

The smile on Xu Ziyan’s face is helpless. She also knows that her condition is confusing, but she still shows a smile:

"Yes, I am Xu Ziyan. I don't know what the Taoist friend is looking for."

Pu Songhe swallowed a spit in difficulty, and looked up at the three characters of 'Tai Xu Zong' on the mountain gate to make sure he did not go wrong. But still can't help but ask:

"Xu Zongzhu, your repair is..."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "There are just some minor problems, nothing."


Pu Songhe understood in his heart that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation had a problem, and he did not know how to fall to the Xianjun period. As a result, Pu Songhe’s heart hesitated. I don't know if the problem with Xu Ziyan is temporary, or I have to rebuild it from Xianjun.

If Xu Ziyan needs to be rebuilt from Xianjun period, is there too hope for this too imaginary?

Is it not a joke to lead a sect by a fairy? Maybe it will be destroyed within a few days...

"Xu Zongzhu... Is there a problem with your body?"

Pu Songhe felt that his nephew began to dry up. He really didn't know what his mood was like. He was coming from a thousand miles, and there was a problem with the cultivation of this master. How does this make you choose?

"Well, there is a little problem." Xu Ziyan answered naturally.

Pu Songhe indulged in a moment and finally decided to join Taixu. In fact, these people have no retreat in the South. Life is very difficult, and resources have been broken. Anyway, this is also a sect. Moreover, Xu Ziyan’s body has problems, and it is even more important to rely on himself as the peak of the late Emperor.

"Xu Zongzhu, under the Danzong vein..."

"Dan Zong Yimai?" Xu Ziyan raised a brow.

"This..." Pu Songhe's old face is red: "We are descendants of Dan Zong's monk..."

Xu Ziyan immediately understood the heart, and these people were the same as Sha Qianli. I don't have to ask and know the purpose of their trip.

Xu Ziyan has no slight resistance to accepting these people, and she is very happy. Regardless of the ancestors of Pu Songhe, they are descendants of the Eastern Zongmen monks. There is no doubt that they will be in a group with themselves in the South. This is their only choice.

There is no doubt about the Xu Ziyan in their center. In the southern Zongmen, there is only a imaginary family. They are unlikely to be inseparable from the forces in the south. If they want to go to the southern forces, it is impossible to stick to the present. As for whether they will go to Danzong in the future, Xu Ziyan is not worried.

This stems from her absolute confidence.

As the so-called good birds choose to live in the woods, they will be able to return to the descendants of these Danzong monks in the name of their own innate angels.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan believes that these people actually have no impression of Dan Zong at all. These descendants have never been to Danzong, but they persisted because of their ancestral training. In fact, there is no feeling for Dan Zong. When they join the Taixu, they have fundamentally drawn a line with Dan.

As long as they resort to the means, these people will soon forget Dan Zong, become a true disciple of Taixu, and be faithful to the Zongmen. What's more, when they see their own alchemy means, they will drive them away, they will not go.

"Evidence!" Xu Ziyan's look became serious. She still had to strictly examine the monks who had gone to their own ancestral halls. They had just established a sect in the south, but they did not want their own sects to come in.

"The purpose of the Taoist friend is?" Xu Ziyan asked faintly.

Pu Songhe bowed his hand and said: "We are coming to the Taixu, and ask the Lord to take it."


Pu Songhe immediately took out a jade card. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already learned about these things through Langyue, and when he saw it, he confirmed the true and false.

Xu Ziyan nodded and smiled on his face: "In this case, let's go in and talk!"

Xu Ziyan turned and walked toward the mountain gate. The faces of the monks such as Pu Songhe were also a joy, and there was finally a place to settle. Followed by Xu Ziyan.

However, just as Xu Ziyan’s foot had just been lifted up, her brow wrinkled again and turned and looked up into the air.

I saw that more than fifty figures appeared in the sky and fell to the mountain gate. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge was swept away. One of the fifty people was the peak of the late Emperor, and the rest were also Xiandi and Xian. Emperor.

Fifty of them fell on the ground, and their eyes swept over a dozen people, such as Xu Ziyan and Pu Songhe, and then their faces sank and shouted:

"You are a virgin disciple?"

Pu Songhe and others looked at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan stretched his brow and said faintly:

"Yes, who are you?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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