The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2153: Zongmenqian

Hey, the chapters in the previous chapter are wrong! This chapter is corrected!


"Who are we? Hahaha..." The first Emperor of the Emperor, who was headed by the late stage, laughed happily: "You guys don't even know us, even dare to establish a sect in the Wuthering Mountains?"

Having said that, his eyes spurted a fierce color and said: "We are the Qinglong gang in the Wuthering Mountains, let the purple smoke come out and meet me!"

Pu Songhe and others are suffering. At this time they also understand that these fifty monks are coming to trouble. And Pu Songhe also saw the strength of the other side, the three peaks of the late Emperor, and the monks between the early 21st Emperor and the late Emperor, and the rest were also Emperors.

These strengths are simply not the 18 people they can resist today, let alone the purple smoke of the Xianjun period. Is it that you and others have just invested too much in emptiness?


A burst of clothes and smashing sounds, such a big noise outside the mountain gate, how can they not hear the sand? One by one flew out and saw Xu Ziyan standing at the gate of the mountain. One face was a joy, and hurriedly bowed to Xu Ziyan:

"See the Lord!"

"Exemption!" Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite fifty monks, and said faintly: "I am Xu Ziyan, what do you have?"

"You are Xu Ziyan?" The head of the Emperor Xiandi, who was headed by the eyes of the late Emperor, looked at Xu Ziyan with suspicion, and finally bowed his mouth and said disdain:

"I didn't think that the sect of the tyrant is a shrinking tortoise, and even sent a little fairy to pretend to be."

"Shut up!" Sha Qianli shouted: "You dare to insult us too imaginary lords!"

But after he had drunk, he reacted. I couldn’t help but glance at Xu Ziyan. This look, the face is not eclipsed, he did not think that Xu Ziyan really became Xianjun, this is the sinister thing /

"Lord. You..."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and looked straight at the peak of the Emperor Xian: "Speak your purpose!"

The emperor’s late peak looked awkward, and his eyes patrolled one side of Xu Ziyan and Sha Qianli’s face. This was asked with some suspicion:

"You really are purple?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan nodded. At this point his mind has some understanding. These monks are looking for trouble in front of them. However, Xu Ziyan did not put them in the eyes, and even a smile appeared on his face:

"Do you want to see the power of this sect, want to go to this sect?"

Pu Songhe’s heart is a bitter, this Xu Ziyan is not very reliable! It is the individual who can see that these people are not good intentions. How could they come to you?

This is this... what is this eyesight!

The golden invincible and the magical demon who stood quietly at the end of the crowd just wanted to go forward, and the voice of Xu Ziyan was heard in the gods:

"You two will hide there first!"

Jin Invincible and the magical demon in the knowledge of the gods, they stood still in the same place.

"I am!" The Emperor of the Emperor was angry at the end of the peak: "We are investing in your sect? Are you daydreaming? After today, your sect will not exist."

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan licked his long hair. I was puzzled by the face: "I don't understand it. How can my ancestral door not exist?"

"You are stupid!" The eyes of the late Emperor of the Emperor were even more contemptuous: "See you?"

"See!" Xu Ziyan nodded very seriously.

"We are here today to destroy your sect!"

"Destroy my sect? Why?" Xu Ziyan's look is very cute.

"Ha ha ha... I didn't think that the sect of the tyrant is a fool!" The other party released a laugh and said: "Where is this place? Here is the Wuthering Mountain Range! Is there any reason to kill people in the Wuthering Mountains?"

Xu Ziyan's look gradually cooled down. The reason why she and the other party crap, is to know who is standing behind the other side, is it a conspiracy of the forces in the South, and now it seems that it is not, she will no longer delay with the other side. Said coldly:

"So it seems that you have no one to instruct, but you want to destroy me too imaginary?"

"Crap, killing you a small sect also need someone else to instruct?"

If the words fall, it is a big hand: "On, killing people, things are robbed, and the gates are smashed!"


Fifty monks rushed over to Xu Ziyan. Sha Qianli took a look at Xu Ziyan. When she saw Xu Ziyan did not tell them to kill, she had to squat at the opposite Qinglong to help the monks, but did not dare to rush to go up.

The Pu Songhe on the side bites his teeth. He did not go to see Xu Ziyan and Sha Qianli. Because time is too tight to see. I feel that since I have decided to join Taixu, I can’t just kill Xu Ziyan. Look at the establishment of this mountain gate is good, as long as dragging on a moment, everyone withdraws to the mountain gate. There will always be a large array of guards to protect themselves and others.

So he rushed out in the first time, and he was in front of Xu Ziyan’s body: "The Sovereign. You first withdraw the Zongmen..."

Suddenly, he was standing in the same place, but in an instant he felt the violent fluctuations of power from behind him. The kind of fluctuations seemed to be like a hurricane, and it was like a wave.

"It’s over... there are stronger enemies behind me..."

Pu Song’s heart was as gray as he was, his neck was as stiff as a puppet, and his eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes almost smashed out.

He clearly saw behind him, the majestic world of heaven and earth with Xu Ziyan a simple handcuffs, the wind gathered together, as if the power between the whole world was in a violent state...

How can this be?

She...just a fairy...


Even if she is now rehabilitated, it is said that she is only a peak of the late Emperor, but what happened in front of me is the movement that the peak of the late Emperor can make?

Looking back, I looked at the Qinglong to help the monks. When I saw Qinglong, the monks were pale and pale. Under the pressure of Xu Ziyan’s huge knowledge, even the steps became difficult. Especially those emperors, the body at this time can not help but tremble, they will be on the ground.


Pu Songhe looked up in a stunned look. Under the map of the sun, the sky was colorful and colorful. The handle of the moon was like a crescent moon, reflecting the sun, densely falling from the sky, hovering, whistling, facing The fifty or so Qinglong monks smashed the past.

Pu Songhe’s look became pale...

He is not seen in this kind of fairy, but he has seen it for the first time.

In his sense, this power is not within the scope of Xiandi, but belongs to the power of Xianzun.


How can Xu Ziyan be a fairy...

This is irregular! How old is she?

"Xu Zongzhu...forgiveness..."

Qinglong helped the emperor's late peaks, and his liver and gallbladder cracked. His face completely lost his blood color, and even his lips became pale, and he screamed and stammered.


A handle of the Moon has relentlessly harvested a life, but did not kill the peak of the late Emperor, as if he had to look at his hand and his head was cut off.

"I, I, I, I... I warn you... You are a foreigner... Foreigner... If... Kill us, the whole... The Whistling Mountains... will be against you..."

"Are you finished?"

The crisp sound rang from the mouth of Xu Ziyan, and a stalk of the fine wheel swept from his neck, and a head fell from the neck.


More moonlight wheels are whistling, and the monks of the Qinglong gang have not been seen. The eyes of the monks have been completely filled with the moonlight wheels that are full of colorful light...

Xu Ziyan's sleeves waved, and there was a loud sound in the air. The thousand-year-old fine wheel was scattered, and the thin ice particles fell from the sky, like a road of ice falling from the sky, mapping thousands of Guanghua, beautiful and unusual. .

"Too scary..."

Pu Songhe took a breath of cold air, but it was a group of Xiandi and Emperor! So Xu Ziyan gently moved a handcuff, and then died...

Pu Songhe once again turned his neck stiffly and wanted to see the purple smoke. He only felt that the back spine was cold from the tailbone, spreading along the spine, rushing to the brain, and the scalp was numb...

Pu Songhe understood in his heart that this Xu Ziyan is playing the pig to eat the tiger, get the identity of Xianjun, and then kill the monk who dared to offend her.

Pu Songhe’s heart bitterly laughs again and again. You said that it’s not necessary to hide your cultivation. How can you get the identity of a fairy emperor? It’s not a fairy emperor. It’s the minimum requirement to get a fairy king.

Do you want to be so shameless! Actually get the identity of Xianjun...

Fortunately, I did not offend her because Xu Ziyan was just a fairy, but now I don’t know what it will be like.

"I just made sure I didn't offend her?"

Pu Songhe thought about it seriously, although he had despised Xu Ziyan in his heart, but it did not seem to be apparent on the surface...


I seem to have revealed it for a moment, she will not find it?

At this time, Pu Songhe’s heart began to suffer from loss, standing in front of Xu Ziyan’s head, and even the atmosphere did not dare to come out. The monks behind him also bowed their heads one by one, and they had a hint of fear in their hearts.

Xu Ziyan's big sleeves waved, and a hurricane smashed, and the ground was cleaned up in an instant. The look on his face did not change at all, as if he had killed more than 50 people and did not consume him.

"Back to the gate!"

Xu Ziyan said faintly, his hand went toward Zongmen, and his mouth flicked a smile. If she put it before, she would not do much to kill these fifty monks, but it would never be as easy as it is now. Breaking through the half-step human respect, her strength has crossed the level of the Emperor, and these emperors are undoubtedly like ants in her eyes.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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