The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2154: Pu Songhe’s heart is crazy

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Pu Songhe’s eighteen people entered Zongmen with Xu Zi’s feeling behind him, and then they were stupid there.

"What are those?"


The small round is back!

Xiao Jianyi Tower!

Metallic meaning tower!

The meaning of the wooden property tower!

The meaning of the water property tower!

The meaning of the fire attribute tower!

The meaning of the soil property tower!

This is the third-rate small gate established by Xu Ziyan in the rumors of the South.

When is the threshold of the third-rate Xiaozong door so high?

Is this a fake? Just a look?

Xu Ziyan kept on foot and said no to his head: "Sha Qianli, you first take Pu Songhe, they visit Zongmen, and then come to the Neigu Hall."

Sha Qianli suddenly understood the thoughts of Xu Ziyan. This is to use the sacred earthquakes of Zongmen to smash the Pu Songhe and others who have just come forward.

"Yes, the lord!"

Xu Ziyan gently "hmm" and walked toward the valley.

"This is Pu Daoyou, I am the deputy lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sha Qianli!" Sha Qianli smiled and walked toward Pu Songhe.

Pu Songhe saw that Shaqianli was also the peak of the late Emperor, and he could not help but smile. He still thought about being the first person under Xu Ziyan. It turns out that people already have deputy lords. Hurry and get married:

"Songhe meets the deputy master!"

"See the deputy lord!" The monk behind Pu Songhe also called out.

Sha Qianli’s heart was so happy that it was only a few days to establish Zongmen? Then there were eighteen monks who came to go to the battle. As a result, there were thirty-five disciples, and the invincible and the invincible. The Magic has thirty-eight monks. As a result, the distance is not far from a second-rate small gate!

The most important thing is that he just saw the strength of the sovereign.

To be honest, he has been very worried about the strength of the lord before this, although the lord has come up with so many sacred places to cultivate. But if you don't have the strength to protect them, it is for others. And once someone else discovers the situation here, I am afraid that it will immediately cause the embarrassment of other monks. He has been thinking about discussing with Xu Ziyan these days, asking if Xu Ziyan can lay a magical array outside this big Zhou Jianjian, and hide the interior of the Zongmen.

The current Taixu is not famous, Xu Ziyan is low-key, and there is no grand celebration of the opening ceremony. There are not a few monks in the entire Wuthering Mountains.

But now Xu Ziyan will destroy the Qinglong gang in the Wuthering Mountains. I am afraid that the Taixu will soon be famous for the Wuthering Mountains. By that time, when the monks in the Wuthering Mountains watched carefully outside, they will definitely find the situation in the valley, and the trouble will be great.

But now that he saw the strength of the sovereign, his heart was put down most of the time. Now I see Pu Songhe and others join the Taixu Zong, the heart is hot!

"Everyone is excused. In the future, everyone is a brother of the same class. You don't have to be so polite. Come, I will take you to see the cultivation of the Holy Land..."

Sha Qianli first took Pu Songhe and others into the Xiao Luo Tianjian array, and then the small round back! Xiao Jianyi Tower! Metallic meaning tower! The meaning of the wooden property tower! The meaning of the water property tower! The meaning of the fire attribute tower! The meaning of the soil property tower!

Waiting for the 18th tour of Pu Songhe, the whole head was dizzy when he came out from the last tower of the earth property.

This is the sect of the establishment of Xu Ziyan? This is the third-rate small gate? Which idiot is this pass out? Third-rate Xiaozongmen will have such a heritage?

All the way to the valley was dizzy, and I saw two children running towards them.

"Father!" The two children ran to the sand and the sky.

The children in the middle of the sand and the sky were also very happy, but at this time they did not dare to delay the time and asked two children:

"Xiaofan, to report to the lord, we said that we came to see."

"come in!"

The voice of Sha Qianli has just fallen. The voice of Xu Ziyan drifted out of the hall. Sha Qianli hurriedly took everyone into the hall. Seeing Xu Ziyan sitting on the top, standing behind him with gold invincible and magical.

"See the Lord!" The people met neatly.


Xu Ziyan’s voice was very light, but it was clearly passed into everyone’s ears. When everyone lifted up, Xu Ziyan looked at Pu Songhe and said:

"Pu Songhe. Introduce the people you brought!"


Pu Songhe stepped forward and began to respectfully introduce the remaining seventeen people to Xu Ziyan. After the introduction. I retired back respectfully.

"Pu Songhe!"


"In the future, you will be the tyrannical master of Dantang. After a while, you will go to the outer valley to build your own Dongfu. The monks you bring are all returned to Dantang. There are alchemy rooms in the inner valley. You can choose Dantang disciples to enter with you every day. Alchemy indoor alchemy."

"Xie Zongzhu!

"Pu Songhe was overjoyed in his heart. At this time, where is his mind to be the first person under Xu Ziyan? He is already very happy.

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan waved his hand and said: "First, let me talk about your practice of cultivation and your understanding of the practice."

If this is done before, Pu Songhe will hesitate and think that Xu Ziyan wants to get the ancestral exercises from them. But after I saw the strength of Xu Ziyan, I didn’t have such a thought in my heart.

Without such an idea, thinking about things is much objective. I immediately understand that Xu Ziyan just wants to point them to cultivation. Although the heart is happy, it is still somewhat puzzled. To know that Dan Zong's exercises are different from other sects, they are all transformed from Dandao. There is a path to Dan Dao. The origin of Xu Ziyan is Mou Zong. Does she know Dan Dao?

Do not understand the truth of Dan Dao, how to point yourself and others?

However, he did not hesitate in the end, and immediately stepped forward to bring his own practice. Then I will tell my own insights and incomprehensions to Xu Ziyan.

After listening to Pu Songhe’s remarks, Xu Ziyan took out a jade slip and began to use the gods to convey the message inside. Xu Ziyan’s soul has the most complete heritage of Dan Fuzong. Moreover, she is now the innate sage of the middle class, and she immediately heard that the practice of Pu Songhe’s cultivation is already a ruin. I want to go through a generation. Most of the exercises on his ancestors have been lost.

She did not go to complete his exercises, and then she seems to complete the exercises, it is better to give him a new practice, and Xu Ziyan's practice will be a low-grade practice?

Soon, Xu Ziyan sent the new Gongfa into the jade, and there were some detailed notes, which was thrown at the Pu Songhe Road:

"You will practice this practice in the future!"

Pu Songhe took over the jade, and he was shocked when he heard it. Also a little disappointed. Is it that Xu Ziyan does not pass Dan Dao, so he gave himself a martial art practice?

But when he explored the gods into the jade, there was a madness in his mind:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How can she have such a high-level Dandao practice?"

To see the detailed notes left by Xu Ziyan, his heart was crazy again.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How can she understand this practice so thoroughly? It must be that she accidentally got a Dan Dao exercise, which is given to herself. Yes. It must be."

Pu Songhe finally convinced himself and gave a deep ceremony to Xu Ziyan: "Thank you, Master!"

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "You come to the side and understand this practice. I will give you some answers after I have something to understand."

"What?" Pu Songhe just convinced his heart to be crazy again: "She... What did she say? Say to answer my questions? Is it that she...had the master really practiced such exercises?"

In order to resist the madness in his heart, Pu Songhe sat on one side of the hall and began to understand the exercises in this jade. At this time, Xu Ziyan began to listen to other monks.


Town Demon City!

In the secret room of the city government.

Ouyang Xun and the governors of the big forces in the south gathered here, waiting for news from the Wuthering Mountains.


On the table, the communication jade screamed, and Ouyang Xun rushed to open the communication jade, and a monk’s voice was heard from it:

"The city owner, the Qinglong help was destroyed!"

After the monks in the secret room heard the news, no one changed color. The strength of the Qinglong help they understand. Xu Ziyan is the strength of the peak of the late Emperor of the Emperor, and is one of the nine sects of the Eastern Dynasties, which is comparable to the general scattered repair. And now Xu Ziyan's Taixu is also a dozen disciples, and it is no surprise to be able to destroy the Qinglong Gang. I just don’t know that the Taixu has gone through such a **** battle. How much damage.

Seeing the look of the monks, Ouyang Xun is naturally aware of what these people are thinking. However, his heart was a bitter smile. Is there a loss in Taixu?

Ouyang Xun secretly shook his head, and the news from Xu Tiandui, with the strength of Xu Ziyan, and the invincible and magical magic, want to destroy the Qinglong help is also between the hands. However, it still has to be installed, so I asked coldly about the jade briefing:

“How much loss is there in Taixu?”

"No!" There was a weak voice over there.

“No?” Ouyang Xun’s fierce voice was a little higher. At the same time, the monks in the Chamber of Secrets are also slightly changed.

"Yes! No. That Xu Ziyan is just a move, and it releases a densely-filled Yuejin Wheel, killing all the people who have helped the Qinglong."

"one move?"

The monks in the Chamber of Secrets couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, killing the entire Qinglong gang, which is easy for the monks in the Chamber of Secrets. However, they are all masters of the Xianzun period. Although they are different in respect or respect, they are all Xianzun after all!


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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