The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2155: Conquer

What is the purple smoke?

However, it is the peak of the late Emperor Xian, how could it be possible to destroy the entire Qinglong help?

Silence for a while in the Chamber, a monk in the early days of the land suddenly laughed and said: "This is also a good thing for us!"

When I saw the eyes of the monks, I looked over, and there was a smug look in the early monk’s look:

"Tai Xuxu as a new force in the Wuthering Mountains, will kill the Qinglong help, will certainly cause the hostility of the entire Wuthering Mountain range. It is not so easy for a new force to survive in the chaotic Wuthering Mountains. What about Xu Ziyan still in the form of Zongmen?

When we bought the Qinglong gang to deal with the Taixu dynasty, we did not expect the Qinglong gang to destroy the Taixu sect. We just wanted to use the Qinglong gang to provoke the hostility of the entire Wuthering Mountain Range to Xu Ziyan. I did not expect Xu Ziyan to really cooperate with us, and suddenly gave the Qinglong help.

In this way, I am afraid that we no longer have to buy the forces of the various parties in the Wuthering Mountains. As long as we send people to mix and provoke some of them, we can completely isolate the sinister sect of Xu Ziyan, in the future conflict between Wuxiao Mountain and Taixu. If Xu Ziyan kills some monks in the Wuthering Mountains, I am afraid that all the forces in the entire Wuthering Mountains will take action against Xu Ziyan.

And what we have to do is to give some support to the monks in the Wuthering Mountains at the right time. Then we will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, to appreciate how the Taixu Zong was destroyed, hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..." The monks listened and couldn't help but laughed.

The atmosphere in the Chamber of Secrets relaxed with this laughter, and everyone planned again. How to send people to the Wuthering Mountains to provoke, how to support the forces of the Wuthering Mountains and so on.

After two hours, the people left, and there was only Ouyang Xunmeng and his confidant Xu Tianyao in the secret room.

"The city owner! The strength of the purple smoke is not the resistance of the monks in the Wuthering Mountains. Not to mention the gold invincible and magical magic, why the city owner..."

Ouyang Xun swayed his hand and stopped Xu Tian's engraving: "Of course I know that no one in the Wuthering Mountains is the opponent of Xu Ziyan. However, there are many monks in the Wuthering Mountains, there are no 500,000. There are also 300,000. If the whole Wuthering Mountains The monks inside are all enemies with Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan may not be able to survive. The so-called ants are more like elephants."

"That... if Xu Ziyan insisted on..."

"I want to stick to the emptiness in the Wuthering Mountain Range, only by Xu Ziyan, Jin Invincible, Magical Devil and the dozen or so disciples can't do it at all. The only way for Xu Ziyan is to kill a group of monks in the Wuxiaohou Mountains. Then they pulled a group of ancestors who entered Taixu Zhuang and strengthened themselves, and then formed a group, but this way, her sect would have to grow up, that is, at that time, she wanted to control the growth of Taixu.

"Too virtual sects grow up..." Xu Tianyao looked shocked at Ouyang Xun, and he did not understand the meaning of Ouyang Xun. Didn't you always want to destroy Taixu? How do you listen to the meaning of the city owner and let Xu Ziyan be too imaginary?

"Oh..." Ouyang Xun screamed softly, his eyes flashing with wise light: "When Xu Ziyan will be too imaginary to grow up, we can spread this thing in the Yaozu. Of course, it should be slightly exaggerated, not as good as the east. Zongmen wants to use the Wuthering Mountain as a barrier. Then attack the news of the Yaozu. Do you think that the Yaozu will let Xu Ziyan live in the Wuxiao Mountain Range?"


Ouyang Xun suddenly stood up from the chair: "So we have no loss of the southern monk, Xu Ziyan's Taixu is destroyed by the Yaozu, Xu Ziyan was killed by the Yaozu, and there is no relationship with our southern monks. I am depressed, hehehe..."

"High! It is really high!" Xu Tianyao gave a thumbs up admiringly.

In the depths of the Wuthering Mountains, the Taixu Hall.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was pointing to Pu Songhe and Sha Qianli and others. At this time, it was three days since Xu Ziyan killed the Qinglong Gang. Within three days, Xu Ziyan pointed out every disciple of the Taixu in this hall.

Compared with Pu Songhe and other monks who have just joined Taixu, the problems of Sha Qianli and others are even more. After all, they have been practicing for a while, and Pu Songhe and others just touched the practice that Xu Ziyan gave them.

but. Even so. When Xu Ziyan explained the confusing places of Pu Songhe and others, he also let Pu Songhe and others from shock to admire. They did not expect Xu Ziyan not only to understand Dan Dao, but also so profound.

Three days later.

The faces of these disciples were stunned and excited, but it was because of the guidance of Xu Ziyan. Understand what they have been confusing, and the excitement is that Xu Ziyan is so erudite. A great master's temperament.

Is there such a sovereign, is it still too much to survive in the South? Isn’t it too imaginary to be able to carry forward?

After Xu Ziyan sent them a piece of the inferior Xianbao and the elixir that suits their realm, their mood was even more shocked.

Of course, they also received a jade slip of the statute, knowing that this is only the first time to get the benefits, and will not be there anymore. If you want to get all kinds of benefits, you need to do the task and exchange points.

Just as Pu Songhe and others were excited, they heard the voice of Xu Ziyan ringing in the hall:

"Right, Pu Songhe, are you a few of them?"

Speaking of his own specialties, Pu Songhe couldn't help but straighten his chest. Before they started, the reason why they were able to maintain the most basic cultivation was because of their identity as an immortal.

"The accused lord, under the six products Xiandan division!"

The words fell, and other people introduced to Xu Ziyan again, the highest in the realm is his Pu Songhe, the six-class Xiandan division, the remaining highest grade is five, the lowest grade is three.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but shake his head secretly, no wonder they mixed so badly, it seems that the things left by the ancestors are also lost. However, it is normal to think about it. The generations of these people have not known how many kills they have experienced, and it is normal to break the inheritance. Don't say that these people, is it that many sects have not been broken?

"Your grade is really lower!" Xu Ziyan finally did not hold back and said it.

When Xu Ziyan said this, Pu Songhe’s face was slightly changed. In his heart, he is very admired that Xu Ziyan is not fake, and he is determined to dedicate himself to Taixu. However, in the field of alchemy room, it is not that you can make Xiandan convinced if you have strong combat power. They are still admired to surpass their monks in the realm of alchemy.

Therefore, there was a dissatisfaction on his face. Xu Ziyan glanced at the 18 people of Pu Songhe. After experiencing the alchemy conference, she understood Pu Songhe’s thoughts in their hearts. I said faintly:

"In the future, I will take a little time to teach you alchemy. I hope that you will work hard. Just because your current grade is not enough to maintain a sect."

Can not maintain the operation of the Zongmen, this Pu Songhe knows. Because of their level of alchemy, they just barely maintained the most basic cultivation of their eighteen people. But when I heard Xu Ziyan say that he wants to point out their alchemy, Pu Songhe and others are a bit dumbfounded.

"Is it... Is the Sovereign a Zenan?"

Pu Songhe swallowed a spit and felt that his nephew was a little dry: "The lord...the disciple now has some questions to ask."

Xu Ziyan glanced at him and his mouth flicked a smile. She understands Pu Songhe's thoughts and wants to test her depth in the realm of alchemy. However, this is also the result of Xu Ziyan's deliberate intention. He wants to shock him in the field belonging to Pu Songhe, and let him work for Zongmen. So I nodded lightly.

Pu Songhe thought about it for a moment, and he remembered the three-grain Qingyang Dan who had not succeeded in refining. If he can refine the successful Sanwen Qingyang Dan, he will enter the realm of Qipin Xiandan. He has been stagnant for more than a hundred years in the realm of Liupinfeng, so he unknowingly remembered this kind of elixir.

"The Sovereign, I have been studying Sanwen Qingyang Dan for a hundred years, but I have been able to refine only two lines, and I can't refine the three lines!"

"Talk about the process of refining!"

When Pu Songhe said that he had refining the process of three-grained Qingyang Dan, Xu Ziyan said with a smile:

"You have been wrong from the very beginning. This is the main medicine of Xiandan is Qingyangcao. In the process of alchemy, you divided the Qingyang gas that was refining Qingyang grass into three parts at the beginning?"

"Yes! Sovereign, is there anything wrong with this?"

"Of course this is not right! You misunderstood Dan Fang. The three lines of Sanzhi Qingyang Danzhong do not mean to divide Qingyang gas into three parts at the beginning."

"Please advise the lord!" Pu Songhe bowed down respectfully.

"This three-grain refers to the three-part three-point. The first step is to make the refining of the Qingyang gas condense, to condense it to the extreme, to become black and then divide into three scorpions. The solution in nine kinds of herbs is deep. When it is green, it is divided into three. Then, when it is light green, it will be condensed into one. Then when the liquid turns dark yellow, it will be divided into three sputums, and when the liquid turns pale yellow, it will condense into one. After that, I waited until the liquid returned to the dark green to divide into three sputum, and then condensed Dan, it was successful.

Your previous method of alchemy, in the beginning, divided Qingyang gas into three scorpions, so that Qingyang gas is not enough to consolidate, it will naturally dissipate. Only such a three-point three-point can refine the three-grain Qingyang Dan. ”

Pu Songhe looked down and thought about it. About a quarter of an hour, Pu Songhe looked up and excitedly looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Lord, I want to test it right away."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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