The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2156: Uh huh...

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"Lord, I want to test it right away.

"Go ahead!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Pu Songhe gave a deep ritual and turned to run outside. Xu Ziyan began to explain some of the alchemy knowledge to the remaining seventeen monks.

At dusk, I saw Pu Songhe sprint back to the main hall, and “噗通” squatted in front of Xu Ziyan, holding an elixir in both hands, excitedly said:

"The Sovereign, I have made it, I am the Seven Masters!"

Xu Ziyan snorted and said: "You can only refine a kind of seven-character fairy, and there is still a long way to go from the seven-character Xiandan division. There are several Danfangs of the seven-character Xiandan, you take it to study."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan threw out a jade slip, Pu Songhe caught Yu Jian, and said nothing to the three purple heads of Xu Ziyan, and then worshipped on the ground.

Xu Ziyan took a sigh of relief in his heart, knowing that the heart of Pu Songhe and others had been completely conquered at this time, and then he could really let go of his cultivation.

Still have to break through to the people's respect! Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the outside of the body to look at the cultivation of his own body, can not help but laugh and laugh, this time actually showed the realm of the refining period.

He called Pu Songhe and encouraged a few more words. I just wanted to disperse everyone, but I saw Sha Qianli coming out:

"The lord, the disciple has something to tell."

"You said."

"The Sovereign. Can you deploy a magical array outside the Great Sunday Swordsman?"

When Xu Ziyan understood the thoughts of Sha Qianli, he could not help but nod. "I am negligent, you have done a good job!"

The words fall and the clothes rise. Going outside the hall, the monks in the hall followed the Xu Ziyan. Pu Songhe looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, and his heart was shocked. He quietly came to the back of Sha Qianli. Pressing down the voice and saying:

"The deputy lord, the lord will still be deployed?"

Sha Qianli proudly saw Pu Songhe as if he wanted to be in the same line: "Of course!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already risen to the sky, and his hands are constantly playing a banner, and a stream of light in the air has hidden into the ground.

It was only less than half an hour, Xu Ziyan fell from the air, at the moment when Xu Ziyan fell to the ground. The space inside and outside the valley is rippling, as the same circle spreads around.

However, only the instantaneous space has returned to normal.

The monks looked around excitedly, but they were confused for a while because they did not see any change. Xu Ziyan puts his hand in hand:

"Can this illusion be seen from the inside? If you want to see it, go outside and see."


A group of monks flew away from the outside, and even Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian ran toward the outer valley. Xu Ziyan was dumbfounded. Walk towards your room. My heart should be closed to myself.

All the monks of the Taixu dynasty ran outside the sect. When they turned and looked toward the Zongmen, they could not help but smile.

I saw that the two valleys that appeared in front of their eyes were still the same, just a few more thatched houses.

This ... the Sovereign really can do it, even got a few thatched houses, where it is like a sect, and even the mountain gate disappeared in front of you.

Sha Qianli scratched his head and really wanted to find another one. But if you think about it, forget it. Anyway, it doesn't make people see the truth in the Zongmen.

At this time, Qinglong helped to annihilate Taixu. On the contrary, the news that the Taizong is completely destroyed has spread throughout the Wuthering Mountains. And various rumors spread around the world.

What Xu Ziyan wants to establish Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains. What is the purple smoke to whistle the mountains, what is the purple smoke from the famous door, the most hateful is the sinful people in the Wuthering Mountains, so Xu Ziyan vowed to kill the monks in the Wuthering Mountains...

The first reaction of all the monks in the Wuthering Mountains was anger.

Not bad!

It is anger!

Who are they? They are all extremely wicked people. A small Xu Ziyan, a small fairy emperor. Just want to challenge the entire Wuthering Mountains!

How many monks are there in the Wuthering Mountains?

There are no hundred thousand and three hundred thousand. Can you be able to withstand the attacks of hundreds of thousands of monks in the late peak of the Emperor?

I dare to say so much!

However, although these people are extremely vicious people, they are not stupid people. Although a Qinglong gang is weak, it is destroyed by Taixu. Before I understood the true strength of Taixu, most people did not immediately take the other person Xu Ziyan. Instead, while secretly exploring the strength of the Taixu, while watching others, waiting for others to take the shot.

Xu Ziyan did not think of this, in fact, she was too lazy to think about it. After returning to my room, I set up a time array in my room, and then set up a large-scale array with the best celestial cloth in the time array. She was sitting in the big Yuan dynasty. Practice and accumulate the power of the body.

Xu Ziyan felt that he had not practiced for a long time, and he heard the voice of Sha Xiaofan coming from outside the door:

"The Sovereign, someone asks outside the mountain gate, let you go to the mountain gate to meet!"

"Well, who is this big tone?"

Xu Ziyan took the work out of the formation, opened the door and saw that Sha Xiaofan was standing there, and asked casually:

"Who is this?"

"He said he is your master!"

"My Master?" Xu Ziyan said in his heart: "Where is my Master now?"

"Outside the gate!"


Xu Ziyan’s body shape disappeared in front of the door. The next moment he stood at the gate of the mountain and looked out to the outside. It was really his own master’s sword, and he stepped out and excitedly called:

"Master, how come you?"

"How can I not come?" The sword looked like a sham.

Xu Ziyan’s face was immediately filled with a more brilliant smile: “Of course you can come, I am not happy!”

"It's about the same. Don't take me to visit your sect?"

"Yes, Master please!"

Xu Ziyan led the way in front, and the sword was behind, and two people passed through the mountain gate. Enter into the Zongmen.

The sword went from the outer valley to the inner valley, and it was always gloomy, and the monks who were too imaginary were hiding in their own rooms. Even Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian of Neigu also ran into the medicine garden and hid far away.

Always into the hall. The sword is sitting in the first place on the main hall, and the face is sullen and waiting for Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan naturally understands why Master is sullen, isn't he blaming himself for finding such a small valley to build a third-rate small gate?

I am not willing to do this! Still not you forced me to come?

Xu Ziyan also screamed on the side of the chair with a small face, not to ignore the sword. The sword is nothing but the temperament of Xu Zi's smoke. Shaking his head, some helplessly said:

"Ziyan, can you not be so noisy?"

"How do I get bored?" Xu Ziyan didn't look at his face and didn't look at the sword.

"You run south to build a third-rate small gate, you are not too shameful. Master is also too shameful."

"Then you let the lord send someone else, I am not rare!"

"You..." The sword is not imaginary and points out a little bit of Xu Ziyan: "Even if you build a third-rate small gate, you can just go to the south, and the pressure is great. You will develop slowly later, but you should not take it. The door address is built here!"

"What happened here?" In fact, Xu Ziyan did not understand, but he did not understand.

"What happened here?" The sword said with no anger: "Do you know where it is?"

"Of course I know, here is the Wuthering Mountain!" Xu Ziyan looked at the sword with concern and looked at the sword: "What happened to Master? Is it sick? How do you even know what name is here?"


The sword was illusory, and Xu Ziyan was half-sounding, only to drink a voice: "Give me a big peach, let the master get rid of the gas first."

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Ziyan hurriedly took out a big peach and gave it to the master. Then he took out one and sat next to it. There was a sizzling sound in the room...

The sword ate a big glutinous peach with a few sham, and then the big hand said: "One more."

Xu Ziyan looked at Master and looked down at his own hand and only ate less than one-tenth of the big peach. He immediately took the peach blossom and took a hundred large peaches in a storage bag and handed it to the sword.

The sword had no illusory look and took the storage bag and took out a large peach. Then the storage bag is closed. Three times and two times, I ate the second big peach, and I looked at Xu Ziyan with satisfaction:

"Ziyan, here is the Wuthering Mountains. It is impossible for the Terran or the Yaozu to build a great strength here. Do you understand?"

"Hmm..." Xu Ziyan did not raise his head as he licked the big peach.

"So. You have built the Zongmen here, even if you want to expand the Zongmen in the future, is it impossible? Do you want to guard a third-rate small door here forever?"

"Hmm..." Xu Ziyan still does not lift his head and is really big.

"Oh..." The sword sighed without a long sigh. Just look at the appearance of Xu Ziyan, and know that she did not hear her words.

"Forget it!"

There is no boring sword, and some regrets in my heart. I first cooperated with the lord to let Xu Ziyan win the first place in the ranking competition. I went to the south to establish the Zongmen. I knew that it was better to let Xu Ziyan stay at Jianfeng.

"There is something to tell you!"

"what's up?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan also finished eating the big peach, and took the peach core into the purple smoke space, and released a cleansing technique for himself, which only looked to Master.

"I heard that you are suspecting that Tianfu Business has been secretly dealing with you?"

"Not doubt, some things for me must be done by them." Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed with fierce light.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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