The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2158: Early human respect

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The entire force of the Wuthering Mountain Range is coming to the Xu Ziyan, not to mention the disciple of the Heavenly Emperor, which was discovered by other monks in the Wuthering Mountains. But everyone is in a state of utter disappointment, not knowing what the riots of the power of the heavens and the earth are.

This is because the movement of Xu Ziyan is too big. It is not like a monk in a breakthrough. What kind of monk breakthrough will make such a big move?

Is it different treasure?

All the monks couldn't help but fly toward the place where Yuanli gathered, and then they saw that the heavens and the earth were all gathering in the inner valley of Taixu.

This can't help but let them face each other. Will there be different treasures here?

At first, some people rushed into the Taixu dynasty, but the original sacred Taizong suddenly burst into the sky, and the few monks who rushed in were only twisted into thousands of swords in an instant.

All the monks' faces have changed. They never imagined that they had never been able to afford the imaginary sect.

But the desire to smoke people, these monks are gathering more and more, and finally broke out on a large scale, hundreds of thousands of monks began to attack the big Zhou Jianjian.

Within the Zongmen, Sha Qianli's face was blue and green, his hands were handcuffed, and the big Zhoutian sword array turned from defense to attack. ,


There was a humming sound between the heavens and the earth, and the dense sword light spurred out from the big Zhoutian sword array. Just as the rising sun is rising, thousands of suns shine, but there are thousands of monks in the blink of an eye.

However, at this time, the monks who had been crazy in the Wuthering Mountains had attacked Taixu. At the same time of continuous degeneration, it also smashed the big Zhoutianjian array.

In one day, the monks in the Wuthering Mountains fell by nearly 50,000. This amount of degeneration finally calmed the fanatic monks. They know that if there is no singer, they will break. I don't know how many people need to be able to break this guardian.

However, the calming monks are not willing to take the lead in such a rash. After all, life is more important than different treasures. Hundreds of thousands of monks have retired, leaving only some people to continue to monitor Taixu.

They are not really retreating, and they are looking for a sect, and they are tempted to attack more violently.

Two days later, the breath of Xu Ziyan climbed to the early stage of human respect, and the meaning of the wind reached the realm of Zhongcheng. Xu Ziyan immediately flashed out of the hall, and the next moment appeared outside the mountain gate. I haven't waited for those monks who have monitored the imaginary to react. I saw Xu Ziyan's body shape flying toward the air. At the same time, the big sleeves slammed into the air, and a rainbow fell from the sky. It was composed of a handle. , suddenly spread out. Cut the air, and with a sharp scream, hovering toward them.

"Puff puff……"

The heads were smashed, and none of the monks who monitored the imaginary were missing a net.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has disappeared, and she flew away toward the Yaozu territory. The sky began to gather clouds, making Xu Ziyan scared.


The back of Xu Ziyan gave birth to a pair of wings, which is the wing of the wind. At this time, the wing of the wind already contains the wing of Zhongchengfeng. The speed of Xu Ziyan suddenly increased again. It was originally tight from the territory of the Yaozu, and the speed of Xu Ziyan was extremely fast. Soon into the third of the Yaozu territory.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to go too deep into the demon territory. And this time it seems that the robbery cloud has to open the portal. Xu Ziyan did not know why the thunder was so fast, or immediately chose a valley to fall.

Just after the fall, the robbery cloud broke open a portal, and countless immortals will be like a thunder flooding toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan slammed out with a punch. Five cents will be turned into a thick Thunder force to cover the Xu Ziyan inside, while the dense Thunder fairy will be surrounded by Xu Ziyan. A handle hammer was bombarded against Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan was surrounded by all sides. From the outside, he could not see the trace of Xu Ziyan.

This kind of power is too big, just from the beginning to alarm the demon people in the demon territory. They looked at each one with fear and fell from the sky, like the thunder and the river, the Thunder fairy, where dare to think that this is a thunder, all think it is a thunderbolt. Therefore, all of them were flustered, including the big demon of the Tianzun period, and all of them went to the distance, for fear that the thunder would be hit by them.

While Xu Ziyan absorbed the power of the Thunder, he tempered his body while running the quenching exercises. With her current body strength still able to cope with this power of thunder, Xu Ziyan estimated that waiting for the thunder of the land of honor can not hold her body strength. But at that time, the Thunder giant sword could come out, so she was worried.

Whenever she absorbed the power of the Thunder, she slammed the Thunder and smashed it, and then absorbed the Thunder's power to quench the body. With her tempering, her body strength is constantly improving, and she does not take these thunders as a thing.

This huge robbery cloud, the unprecedented thunderbolt not only alarmed the Yaozu, but also alerted people.

Many monks in the town of the demon city looked at the thunder of the distant demon territory without any color. Xu Tian's voice was a little trembling and asked:

"The city owner, this...what is the big demon?"

Ouyang Xun shook his head violently, and there was anxiety in his eyes. If the Yaozu has a big power, this is not a good thing for the Southern Terran.

The four church owners looked at each other and their bodies disappeared. When they reappeared, they were not far from the place where Xu Ziyan was robbed. But the power of the thunderbolt made them dare not approach, and they could only look far away.

However, the shape of Xu Ziyan was too tightly wrapped by the power of the Thunder, and they could not see the purple smoke. In this case, they dare not even explore the gods, it will be discovered by the thunder, and the thunder will be poured on them.

"Which big demon is this? Is he in a robbery or was he being punished?" Fu Tangtang said shockedly.

The rest of the three halls were shaking their heads, just to lock their eyes on the thunder. They want to see what the big demon is robbing here after the end of the thunder, or is it provoked?

Of course, they all believe that this should not be a robbery, but a punishment. The big demon who was wrapped in the thunder and punishment was very difficult to get through the penalty, and maybe it would be smashed into powder after a while.

In the sky, only the four church owners are looking at Xu Ziyan. In this case, the Terran is impossible to enter the Yaozu. If it is really the big demon in the robbery, the race of the Terran will inevitably lead to misunderstanding of the Yaozu, so how can there be no big demon protection around the strong robbers?

Going this time, isn't that looking for death?

The Yaozu thinks that this is a thunder penalty, and there is no demon to come. There is a super big demon who wants to take a look, but he is at the crucial moment of cultivation. Only a sigh, closed the five knowledge, continue to practice, he is the demon Lord.

The power of the Thunder struck the valley into a scorched earth, and the place where Xu Ziyan stood was smashed into a deep pit, and the deep pit continued to deepen, and the body of Xu Ziyan was as deep as the piling. The power of the Thunder flooded into the deep pit like a river.

After nine days, Xu Ziyan’s body has been hit below 500 meters below the ground.

The robbery clouds in the sky began to dissipate. The fairy voice fell from the sky, and a colorful rainbow fell from the sky and fell into the deep pit. It shrouded Xu Ziyan and nourished the body of Xu Ziyan.

As soon as this colorful rainbow appeared, all monks and demons knew that it was not a thunder, but a thunder, and there were monks who were there.

All the monks and demons were shocked. Who would cause such a powerful thunder?

Countless demon and ethnic monks began to gather in this direction. Soon they gathered around the monks, waiting for the monk to come out after the robbery. No one uses the knowledge of God to explore, because everyone knows that the rainbow will bounce back all the monks.

Xu Ziyan did not think about it at this time and caused such a huge thunder. There must be a lot of monks waiting for himself outside, and he could not help but smile.

She didn't want to be so eye-catching. After three days, the colorful rainbow had just left her body and retreated toward the sky. When she had not left the deep pit, Xu Ziyan flashed into the purple smoke space and then controlled. The purple smoke space flies against the rainbow and flies upwards.

The purple smoke space clinged to the colorful rainbow and quickly rose to the sky. Looking down, I saw the dense people and the demon monks looking toward the deep pit.

At this time, no one of the Terran and the Yaozu dare dared to use the gods to explore the deep pit. The thunderous robbery caused by Xu Ziyan was too amazing, so that these Yao and Terran monks were cautious. Who knows what kind of horrible existence there will be, and use God to explore, who knows what the consequences will be?

Therefore, a personal and demon monk is honestly waiting in the air, even the four masters are no exception. Xu Ziyan left the place quickly and flew in the direction of Taixu.

I waited until Xu Ziyan returned to Taixu, and those people and demon monks could not wait any longer. The four masters tried to use the gods to explore, and then the face was changed. Where is the trace of the robbers in the deep pit? ?

Xu Ziyan returned to the room in his inner valley, and the gods were outside, and they saw that their body was chaotic from the outside, like an ordinary person. People can't see through, like the town of the demon city, but Xu Ziyan knows that the four church owners are definitely not the self-contained space in the body, but the hidden treasures of what is hidden.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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