The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2159: Mountain soul arrival

"Thunder the Great Sword, come out and let me see."


A thunder, the Thunder giant sword appeared in front of Xu Ziyan, the pressure released by the sword was even more fierce.

"Thunder the Great Sword, how much has your strength recovered?"

"60%!" Thunder giant sword said happily.

"When can you recover to 10%?"

"The higher your repair, the faster I recover!"

One person and one sword chatted for about two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan took the Thunder giant sword back to Dantian, and at this time the Yuanshen came a message, Xu Ziyan looked happy, knowing that he was in the time array. Time, the Yuanshen has refining the heart of the third tree, and when they enter the sea of ​​knowledge, the body of the **** has already presented a layer of pale green, and the heart of the fourth tree has been taken out. In the arms, I left the heart of the tree.

In the place where Xu Ziyan was robbed, the Terran and the demon monks were disappointed to find that the person who had been robbed was gone. One by one, the gods were thoroughly spread out and they looked around for the monks. But where can you find the trace of Xu Ziyan? At this time, Xu Ziyan had already returned to Taixu.

The Terran Monks and the Demon Monks just looked at each other and there was no fight. At this time, there was no such thought. The human race monks left the demon territory one by one, but these monks did not return to their own territory, but they all came to the Taixu.

A few days ago, there were volatility fluctuations in the illusory, and later the siege of the Wuthering Mountains monks, but the final result was unexpected. The monks in the Wuthering Mountains actually fell by nearly 50,000. The Taixu is still standing tall. This can not help but make the southern monk curious.

First, the curiosity of the tyrannical sect found out what kind of treasures, causing the world to change, but curious about the imaginary ancestors of the patriarchal ancestors. Therefore, as long as some of the monks in the South have gone to the Taixu.

Of course, they are not going to attack Taixu. Instead, I visited the Taixu sect and congratulated the Taixu Zongjian.

Since Taixu is established in the South, it is naturally impossible to refuse the visits of the various parties in the South. Although Xu Ziyan felt annoyed, he still personally greeted the monks. Get up the spirit and the monks chill. On the contrary, Sha Qianli and Pu Songhe are extremely excited. The forces of the various parties in the South have come to congratulate each other too much. They feel extremely face-saving.

Three figures were flying in the air. It was the town of the demon city, Ouyang Xun, who took his son Ouyang Liu Xian and his Xu Tian eagle to fly to the virtual sect.

They are not flying fast, and the face of Ouyang Liu Xian has always shown the feeling of suffering. This time it came to Taixu Zong, it was Ouyang Liu Xian who was carrying Ouyang Xun to bring him.

Since seeing the erudition of Xu Ziyan's formation, his heart has completely plunged into Xu Ziyan's body. I can't wait to be accompanied by Xu Ziyan, and I will fully learn my own body.

"Father, what do you say that purple smoke will be in the realm of formation?"

"Leave the fairy. Can not be so rude. Waiting to see Xu Ziyan to call Xu Zongzhu!" Ouyang Xun suddenly sinks his face.

"Yes, father!" Ouyang Liu Xian said with respect and respect: "What kind of realm do you say that Xu Zongzhu will be in the formation?"

"How do I know?" Ouyang Xun stunned Ouyang Liu Xian and said: "I am not a fairy sergeant. You have been with Xu Zong for a while, and you are an eight-character singer. Don't you know?"

"I don't know!" Ouyang Liu Xian shook his head and flashed his eyes in the eyes: "Xu Zongzhuo is too learned, I can't see her depth."

"Welcome to Ouyang City Lord!" Xu Ziyan looked at the three people who fell from the air. I greeted with a smile.

"Congratulations to Xu Zongzhu!" Ouyang Xun Meng also laughed forward.

"Xu Zongzhu, I am here too!" Ouyang Liu Xian came out from the side and smiled very brightly toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan saw Ouyang Liu Xian, it was a headache, this Ouyang Liu Xian entangled the martial arts Xu Ziyan but saw it.

"Leaving the fairy son is also here, please!"

Xu Ziyan hurried back and led Ouyang Xun Meng three people to walk toward the Zongmen, and then handed them over to the Zongmen disciples, immediately away from Ouyang Liu Xian, and went to meet other monks.

At this time, a lot of people have come in the Taixu Zong, Xu Ziyan will open both the inner and outer valleys to all the monks. Let them visit at will. There is nothing to keep secret anyway. Simply let the monks look at them, lest they always remember.

These people were scattered at this time and visited the various layouts in Taixu. Surrounded by Ronaldinho! The small round is back! Xiao Jianyi Tower! Metallic meaning tower! The meaning of the wooden property tower! The meaning of the water property tower! The meaning of the fire attribute tower! The meaning of the earth property tower is watching, and the colors of surprise are all in one eye.

"This is too imaginary is not simple!"

"Yes! Just relying on these layouts is not only the foundation of the small sects! It has the foundation of a first-class medium-sized sect!"

"Yes! It is the general first-class medium-sized Zongmen that does not necessarily have such a place of cultivation. It is a disciple of the big door. The details are different! It is not something that we can compare with the South."

"Study, Stuart, how come you?"

At this time, looking outside the Zongmen, there was a surprise color on the face of the coming person. The person who came is the chief of the Tiandan business, Situ Ming.

“How can I not come?” Situ Ming said cheerfully: “Our Tiandan firm also has branches in the South!”

"Oh, please!"

"Ziyan, I am here too!"

A far-sighted figure rushed down from the air, and Xu Ziyan fixed his eyes on it. It turned out to be the main singer of the singer.

In the next two hours, the monks who met at the alchemy conference, the patriarch of the celestial business, the tungsten iron, the shadowless building advocated Luoshu, the light dance building owner stepped, the swindler door to the loyal, Huijing Huang Tian, ​​the head of the commercial bank, arrived in the quiet of the Baiyun Building.

Xu Ziyan is happy in the heart. These people are not in the eyes of the Nine Zongmen, but they are not small forces for the South. I was chatting with these people happily, but I saw that the Zongmen was introduced by a disciple to a black robe youth.

This black robe youth did not give off much breath, but it was like ordinary people. Only careful people will find that the black robe youth seems to be closer to nature. Putting it into the illusion of the surrounding, it makes people feel comfortable. This breath instantly made Xu Ziyan's back stiff, and slowly turned his head to look at the black robe youth.

Xu Ziyan did not go forward, even now. She is still worried about the fact that Yanshan soul put her in the fairy prison. If it is not a god, I am afraid she is still trapped inside.

Yanshan soul slowly walked to the front of Xu Ziyan and said softly: "I'm sorry!"

The monks looked at this black robe youth. Although I can't see through the other's cultivation, I instinctively feel that this black robe youth is not simple. The sound around him gradually weakened, and gradually quieted down, and a pair of eyes converge on the body of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan.

Seeing that he was concerned by the monks, Xu Ziyan’s face was slightly red, and said softly:

"Come with me!"

Xu Ziyan entered the Inner Valley with Yanshan Soul and came to the Great Hall. Some of the visiting monks within the Great Hall also retired. Xu Ziyan sleeves a wave. The door of the main hall was closed slowly, and the hall was swayed, and the hall was isolated from the outside.

"Ziyan..." Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan, and his face was full of apologies: "You don't blame me, I don't want to hurt you!"

Xu Ziyan does not speak, just looking at the soul of Yanshan. Yanshan soul was seen by Xu Ziyan, and he whispered:

"Okay. I will not make my own ideas in the future, you will forgive me!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart sighed softly, and she was really afraid of Yanshan’s soul and took her away wherever she was.

"Mountain Spirit, are you coming this time?"

Seeing that Xu Ziyan finally opened his mouth, Yanshan soul exaggeratedly breathed a sigh of relief: "I heard that you ran to the south to establish the Zongmen, I will come and see."

Then I looked up and down Xu Ziyan, and suddenly there was a trace of surprise on my face: "Ziyan, you...have cultivated space?"

"Well!" In front of the monks of Yanshan soul, and in front of a person who knows himself very well. Xu Ziyan has nothing to hide. And it can't be hidden.

Yanshan soul frowned slightly: "Weird, how could this be?"

After thinking for a long time, I finally shook my head. He didn't let Xu Ziyan open the space for him to go in and see. This is a very secret thing for the monk. Unless Xu Ziyan personally invites, Yanshan soul can not ask for it. Even with his relationship with Xu Ziyan now a fairy. Also avoid these.

However, Yanshan soul still carefully observed a few purple smoke, and finally assured: "In any case, it is always helpful for you now, and will greatly enhance your combat power. You can be more challenging." The level of challenge is probably higher now."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "Do you mean using the power of the world?"

Yanshan soul eyes brightened: "You already know how to use the power of the world?"

"This... isn't it difficult?" Xu Ziyan said with some hesitation: "Isn't it the power of the world?"

Yanshan soul screamed: "Just these? You are ruining the power of the world, actually using the power of the world. This usage not only can not release the true power, but also hurt the world of the body. This It’s purely a Hulai. If you let the lords and the Mozu know that you are using the power of the world, you have to laugh at you, and even I will be jokes.”

Xu Ziyan was a little crying and laughing, and he stunned Yanshan soul and said: "If you don't know me, you won't be able to do it. No one will laugh at you."


Recommend a friend a book:

Title: "Jinxiu Qingyuan"

Author: Stuart Yilan

Book number: 3128928

Introduction: There is a half-mad mother, and there is a buns.

There is also a twin brother whose life and death are unknown.

A bunch of best relatives took turns

Su Xueqing feels deeply

I am living this time again, but it’s really not a bright future.

And see how Su Xueqing got out of the shackles of filial piety

Step by step to find your own beautiful embroidered edge.

Well, this little girl with a slightly awkward personality struggles independently in the world and makes a family story~~~ I hope everyone likes it~


*(To be continued~^~)

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