The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2160: The power of space

What to do? Yesterday it seems to have passed through the general, it is amazing. I clearly felt that I had sent the second chapter. Just went home and turned on the computer to know that I had a chapter passed yesterday. I was shocked at that time...

I don’t even say it, this chapter is for yesterday’s!


"How is this going?" Yanshan said with a smile on his face: "How can I make you laugh at them alone? How can I share some with you?"

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye, don't overdo it. Yanshan soul laughed at two channels: "Ziyan, do you still have some disapproval in your heart, think that the power of the world is such a thing? I tell you, the power of the world is definitely not as simple as you think."

Xu Ziyan turned his head and said: "How much is it simple?"

Yanshan soul stood up from the chair and said: "Light and you said that you will not understand, we two to fight once, what are you doing now?"

"The beginning of people respect!"

"Okay! I will use the cultivation of the Emperor's level to fight with you." After reading it, he looked around and said: "With your realm, should you have a protective barrier here?"


Xu Ziyan also stood up from the chair, and her heart was very excited. She also wanted to know how much she was using the power of the world. And the heart is indeed dissatisfied, because Yanshan soul actually wants to use the level of Xiandi to fight against her.

Xu Ziyan turned a hand and moved a few handcuffs, and the space inside the hall was shaken. The ground, the ceiling and the surrounding walls flickered and then concealed. But the entire space has changed, and a tyrannical barrier force is generated in the hall.

"Well?" Yanshan soul looked around and looked around: "Ziyan. Your position and the realm of Fuxi have improved?"

"This is natural!" Xu Ziyan's face showed a smug look.

At this time, the monks in the south retired from the inner valley. Xu Ziyan closed the door, indicating that she and the black robe youth had a secret to say that in order to avoid suspicion, they should also launch the inner valley.

All the monks visited the cultivated land in the outer valley. But they are all separated by a group of people who are familiar with each other.

In the corner of the outer valley, the big forces in the south gathered together and exchanged ideas with each other.

"Everybody. It’s not like looking at the illusory of the imaginary is to build a third-rate small sect!"

"Yeah, I think so too!"

"What do we do then?"

"But Xu Ziyan built the Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains, not like the meaning of the Zongmen that wants to expand!"

"We have to make sure that Xu Ziyan really decided to build the Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains, rather than retreating, and doing so."

"Yes, as long as I can confirm that Xu Ziyan has built Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains, we don't have to worry. Here she can't expand the Zongmen. If she dares to expand the Zongmen, it is to find death. The Yaozu will not let her go."

"But... How do we determine if Xu Ziyan really wants to establish a sect in the Wuthering Mountains?"

"This is very simple. We have negotiated a relatively good place and invited Xu Ziyan to go there to establish the Zongmen. If Xu Ziyan promised, it would prove that Xu Ziyan established Zongmen here to retreat. If she refuses, it proves that she has no ambition. Is to build a small sacred door here."

"That... she agreed to go to the place where we gave him the choice to establish a sect."

"Oh... the place we choose must be among the big forces of ours. Even if she builds the Zongmen there, I want to expand the Zongmen under our double bag. It is not so easy, but it will be suppressed by us. Slowly annihilating it. Besides, understanding her intentions is better than letting her hide in the dark.

"Yes, let's discuss which place to draw..."

Inside the inner hall.

"You quickly suppress the cultivation, let's compare it!"

Looking at the appearance of Xu Ziyan's eagerness to try, Yanshan couldn't help but feel funny, and suppressed his cultivation in the early days of Xiandi. He made a hug to Xu Ziyan:

"come on!"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a shocking color: “Would you use the early cultivation of Xiandi to fight against me?”

"This is enough..."

Just said three words. I saw the dense moon wheel swaying toward him, and this is not the general moon wheel, but the moon wheel with the power of the world.

"You sneaked..."

Yanshan’s soul screamed in anger, and then he waved his sleeves. The display of the "walls" is the way to block all the moon wheels.

The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. Stopped his hand and asked curiously: "Mountain Soul, what kind of realm are you practicing now?"

Seeing that Xu Ziyan stopped, Yanshan soul stopped and said proudly: "Now I am already a fourth-level holy..."


A dragon swayed the hall, and a huge long dragon swooped over the Yanshan soul. It was the water dragon.

"You attacked again..."

Yanshan’s soul was ruined to the extreme, and he couldn’t help but swear: “Ziyan, when did you become so shameless...”

The spirit of Yanshan controlled the wall and stood against the dragon. The huge pressure was like Tianwei's general pressure toward Xu Ziyan, which made Xu Ziyan have a feeling of suffocation. Immediately let Xu Ziyan feel like a bunch of hands and feet, even the action has become slow.

"Right, are you using the power of the world now?"

"of course……"


Thirty-six dragons are filled in the main hall, surrounded by the spirit of Yanshan, and constantly swooping toward the Yanshan soul.

Yanshan soul no longer cares about Xu Ziyan at this time. No matter what Xu Ziyan said, he did not hear it. He only controlled the thirty-six water dragons that were released by Xu Ziyan.

Inside the hall, there are space barriers laid by Xu Ziyan, which seal the power of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul battles. But this is just a seal of the power of two people to fight, and the power generated by the two people still has a hint of exudation.

This breath is a breath of the world's power, although only a trace of silk. But the resulting pressure is that all the repairs in the outer valley feel the horror from the depths of the heart.

"This is this... what is going on here?"

"Good... It seems to have come from the inner hall of the inner valley."

"The inner valley hall... is it the movement of Xu Ziyan and the black robe youth..."

The look of the monks became strange, and the eyes of each other became hesitant.

After about an hour, that glimmer of power disappeared.

Inside the hall, Yanshan soul stood on the ground and looked down at Xu Ziyan, who was lying on the ground at this time: "How? Purple smoke. Can you still fight?"

"do not fight……"

At this time, Xu Ziyan did not even have the strength to stand up. He climbed to the chair on the ground, sitting on the chair with his hands on his chair, and even the eyelids were too lazy to lift them up again.

"Do you know the difference between you and me in the use of the power of the world?" Yanshan soul sat opposite Xu Ziyan. Looking at Xu Ziyan with a smile.

"Know it!" Xu Ziyan adjusted his sitting position to make himself sit more comfortable, and then took out a fairy to swallow it.

"Then do you know why there is such a gap?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head immediately.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the Yanshan soul and couldn't help but say: "You are really powerful. Just relying on the cultivation of the early Emperor of the Emperor, I used only one walled fairy to defeat me. How is this done? of?"

"Tiandao!" Yanshan soul's look became serious: "You are just rudely borrowing the power of the world in your body space. This is the best way. The best way is to go to the heavens that completely control your body space. Then use the heavens in your body as a seed, and then borrow the heavens of the outside world.

The same is borrowed, but one is borrowing power, the other is borrowing heaven, which one is more powerful? ”

"Of course... borrowing awesome!" Xu Ziyan said weakly, "but how do you borrow Tiandao?"

"How is it so stupid?" Yanshan said, his forehead said: "Don't you tell me about it? First, you must completely control the space in your body. How to use the heavens in your body as a seed, borrow the heavens of the outside world. ”

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation. She knows that Yanshan soul can't be wrong. The reason is very simple, because his past life is a lord, and the evil master is a holy power. The most important thing is that the evil master has lived for too long, and whoever has lived for so long The understanding of Heaven will be very thorough, not something that Xu Ziyan can understand.

Moreover, the Yanshan soul completely awakened the memory of the evil master, and returned to the fourth level of the holy level, reborn and reincarnation. More than one sentiment. I am afraid that nowadays, the four masters of the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec are less able to reincarnate than the Yanshan soul. There is no deep understanding of the heavens.

In the previous battle, the Yanshan soul was not only suppressed in the early days of Xiandi. And it has always been just to use a fairy who is standing on the ground, so that I can get myself busy, until I run out of all the power in Dantian, I am tired and have no strength at all.

Of course, Xu Ziyan can open the power of the acupoints, but Xu Ziyan understands that even if he opens the power of the acupoints, there is no chance to defeat the soul of Yanshan. The result can only be consumed by the Yanshan soul.

Full control of the space in the body?

Xu Ziyan was somewhat confused. She thought that she could have two quarters of time and had to look up again:

"Mountain Spirit, I feel that I have completely controlled the heavens of the body space. I just enter my space and transform into the heavens. Everything in the space is under my control. Heaven is no exception."

The look of Yanshan's soul became serious: "Ziyan, I know that after you left the prison, you know that you absolutely will not hide and watch me fight with the lord in the future. In fact, I also understand your temper, just For your safety, you have to do it. Now that you have come out, it is only for you to have more self-insurance in the future.

This time I am here, I want to help you improve some of the fighting methods as soon as possible, and teach you some ancient immortals, I did not expect you to have cultivated the body space. This may be because you understand the meaning of multiple attributes.

But in this way, it saves a lot. As long as you can master the rules of borrowing Heaven, it is much stronger than any kind of fairy. Now I will talk to you about how to control the heavens in the body. ”


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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