The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2162: tough

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Mu Dayong came to the heart with two tasks. One is to repair the relationship with Xu Ziyan. Now it seems that although it has not achieved results, it has made progress. The second is to secretly provoke the relationship between Xu Ziyan and the Southern monks. This task seems to have been completed. Just now, with his help, these southern monks have already decided on a plan and will implement it in a while.

However, now his heart has a bad mood growing. He saw the enthusiasm of Situ Ming and Tungsten Iron for Xu Ziyan. Situ Ming and Tungsten Iron are the patriarchs of Tiandan Commercial Bank and Tianyi Commercial Bank, and they are no less powerful than Tianfu Commercial Bank. Such a monk expressed a close relative to Xu Ziyan, and suddenly Mu Dayong felt a lot of pressure.

Moreover, there is Luo Tianba of the Fairy League, and there is no killer head of the photo studio. The head of the light dance building, the head of the Baiyun Building, there is no one to provoke.

Not to mention the financial resources of Huijing Commercial Bank. These people are all friends of Xu Ziyan?

Doesn't it mean that the disciples of Zongmen do not bother these monks? How do you make purple smoke close to them?

For a while. Mu Dayong felt that his heart was cold, and Xu Ziyan had these connections. He must be careful in the future. Once the concession shakes the monk to know that he is secretly arguing the relationship between Xu Ziyan and the southern monk, he told Xu Ziyan. That is not fun.

When Mu Dayong was alert, Xu Ziyan stood up from his seat and walked over to them. Some monks in the south have been left out for a while, and Xu Ziyan naturally wants to come and sip a glass of wine.

That Ouyang Liu Xian also followed the fart. Ouyang Xun glanced at him fiercely, and this led the wine glass to smile towards Xu Ziyan:

"Congratulations to Xu Zongzhuo to establish the Zongmen!"

"It's just a third-rate small gate. The purple smoke is just a place to find a place in the south. I hope you can maintain it!"

"Everyone is the same way, this nature!" A group of southern monks said neatly, and then they all looked at Ouyang Xun. Ouyang Xun fiercely coughed a channel:

"Xu Zongzhu, we are visiting the nobles today. The foundation of the nobles is good! It is a pity to build Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains!"

"Nothing a pity! Where is the cultivation! Let me say that the purple smoke comes from the east. It should be kept in this duty. Here is the poor mountain, the land that you give up, the purple smoke will be built here, and there are many and everyone. Friction between."

Xu Ziyan said this straightforwardly, that is, I have no intention of fighting with you, and you should not bother me. ,

Some of the Southern monks couldn’t stand their faces, but they all cultivated old fritters that didn’t know how many years. It’s just a little embarrassing, then it’s back to normal. Ouyang Xun Meng said by Xu Ziyan’s words:

"Hsu Zongzhu must not say that, isn't it true that our southern monks don't know what to do? Our southern monks are not so unbearable. Whether it is an oriental monk or a northern monk, everyone is a monk on the Yuan dynasty. It’s Tiandao, so everyone is the same in the source. Does Xu Zong think it is?”

There are some embarrassments in Xu Ziyan’s heart. What does this Ouyang Xun’s words say? The eyes swept over these southern monks and saw that they all nodded there, and they could not help but be warned. But on the surface, I still feel happy nodding:

"Yes. It is a narrow purple smoke. Ouyang City is full of hearts!"

Ouyang Xun fiercely waved his hand: "Everyone is the same, you don't need to be like this. But we have a thing in the South to have a thing to discuss with Xu Zong."

"The city owner please say, purple smoke is listening!"

"This is the case. We, these people, always think that Xu Zong is a great talent. Seeing the truth of Taixu Zong, I feel that Xu Zongzhu has built Zongmen here. It is indeed wronged by Xu Zongzhu. This is the rudeness of our southern monks, no Take care of your distant colleagues. Please allow me to apologize to you on behalf of the South."

Having said that, Ouyang Xun fiercely bent down and gave a deep ceremony to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan rushed to the side and talked in the mouth:

"Don't dare! Ouyang City Lord is killing me!"

Ouyang Xun hurriedly raised himself and smiled and said: "Xu Zongzhu, in order to make up for our mistakes, we have just studied here. In the south, we chose a place to be sent to Xu Zongzhu to establish the Zongmen. Xu Zongzhu should not establish the Zongmen. In the Wuthering Mountains, you can avoid the cold in the South.

As I spoke, I took out a picture, opened the picture, pulled the image inside, and pointed to a local road:

"Xu Zongzhu, how do you see this? If you are satisfied, from now on, here is the chassis of your imaginary!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was somewhat unexpected. So far, she did not understand what these southern monks were. The face still looks forward with a natural smile, looking into the picture, the smile in the eyes is even stronger.

Before arriving in the South, Xu Ziyan, a landform and power distribution in the south, already had a more detailed understanding. Now, when I look at that place, I understand the minds of the southern monks.

That place is not small, and Yuanli is also strong, but it is indeed in the center surrounded by five strong southern forces. As long as you look at it altogether, Xu Ziyan knows that the place where they built their own ancestral halls is composed of five places.

Xu Ziyan said that this is because they want to use themselves to come to the South, for the unfamiliarity of the southern landscape and the forces of the various parties, and dug a pit to let themselves jump.

On the one hand, it is to see if you really want to establish a third-rate small gate in the Wuthering Mountains. If they insist on staying in the Wuthering Mountains, they will be relieved. If they accept the chassis they gave themselves, they will be very wary of themselves, and then they will form a double-team for their own. I am afraid that too imaginary will disappear in the baggage of the southern monks.

I want to understand everything, Xu Ziyan is honest and honest: "You, the friends, you see these so-called sects are not the purple smoke willing to do so, but the gift from the Yuanmeng and the nine sects to the purple smoke. Purple The smoke is longing for the heavens. I really don't want to pay attention to the mundane things. The mountains here are ancient and deep, and there are no traces of people, and I am in the heart of my heart. So I will take the good intentions of you, and Ziyan does not want to move the sect."

The eyes of the monks gathered on the face of Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan saw them very simply, they were relieved. In addition to reassurance, some people could not understand the purpose of Xu Ziyan.

It is now that they are not willing to believe that Xu Ziyan will come to the South to be willing to build a third-rate small gate in the Wuthering Mountains.

Who is this to whom? No one can believe it!

The head of the Lin family’s eyes turned and smiled on his face. “Xu Zongzhu, since you came to the south, you will count as a part of the South from now on. Now Ouyang City Lord is the general lord of the South, Taixu Should it also follow the rules of the South?"

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head. If he agreed to the other side, this is undoubtedly a **** on his own body. How can one fight with the whole South?

As long as you agree. They will use a variety of southern rules to put themselves to death, not only delay their own cultivation, but also become the cannon fodder of the southern monks and demons. At that time, let alone maintain their own sects, I am afraid that I I don’t know how to die.

"The words of the Lin patriarchs are not in the same place. This whistling mountain is strictly not within the scope of the forces of the South. It belongs to the state of the southern forces and the demon forces."

"Xu Zongzhu..."

Xu Ziyan stopped his hand and smiled and said: "If you are led by Ouyang Chengzhu, you will completely remove the Yaozu in this Wuthering Mountain Range, and establish a guardian's barrier here, and completely integrate it into the sphere of influence of the South. The purple smoke rate is too imaginary to listen to the Ouyang City Lord."

All the southern monks look a glimpse. Xu Ziyan said that they all understood that they thought Xu Ziyan would refuse, but did not expect that Xu Ziyan would refuse to be so simple. This is why Xu Ziyan should completely detach from the South, which means that Xu Ziyan does not want to have an intersection with your southern monks. I am not going to participate in the things in your south, but your southern monks don't even want to count me. Xu Ziyan wants to be completely independent of the South.

Ouyang Xun is a joy in his heart. He is eager to let the purple smoke do this. When the demon attack is too imaginary, they will not come to help each other, causing others to say that they have ignored the human channel and lost the duty of the human race. So the disguise is unpleasant, and the face is awesome:

"Xu Zongzhu, can't say this. Can it be said that in the future, the Yaozu will invade the Terran territory, and Xu Zongzhu will see the southern tribes failing to help each other? Isn't that cold the heart of the southern monks? So, if the demon The family attacked the emptiness of the heavens. How do you let the southern monks go?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "If the Yaozu attacked the Heavenly Emperor, Ziyan did not dare to seek the same fellow, and all of you can follow the heart."

Ouyang Xun’s fierce look is a stagnation, and the meaning of Xu Ziyan is very clear. In the future, there will be danger of extermination of the sect of the sacred ancestors, and no one will ask the southern monks to help. Of course, if the southern monks help, Xu Ziyan will remember this situation. By the same token, if the Southern Monks and the Yaozus will have a fairy demon battle in the future, don't think about helping the Heavenly Emperor. Whether the Heavenly Emperor and the Zen Emperor help each other depends on whether the Heavenly Emperor is willing to help. If the Heavenly Emperor is assisted, it will also appear as a reinforcement. Instead of being a member of the South, the South must remember the truth of the Heavenly Emperor.

This is to completely separate the Heavenly Emperor and the South. Although the Taixu is built in the South, it has nothing to do with the South. No one thought that Xu Ziyan, who had been low-key since coming to the South, would be so tough. Does she have any cards that don’t care about the attack of the Yaozu?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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