The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2163: Fixed

It should be known that this Wuthering Mountain Range is at the forefront of the Terran and the Yaozu territory. If the Yaozu wants to attack the Terran, it will be the first battlefield of the Yaozu conquest, which means that the Taixu is the first of the Yaozu attacks. power. How can Xu Ziyan not care so much?

In fact, Xu Ziyan thinks far less complicated than they think. Xu Ziyan thinks that she does not want to participate in the complicated struggles of various forces in the South. She only wants to build a third-rate small sect, and has a foothold to practice. If one's own cultivation is upgraded, it will be able to protect itself after the birth of the Five Saints. Compared with the five saints, these things in the South, the demon family, are simply the end, not worthy of concern, not worth the effort.

As for this too imaginary, her heart did not have to be the same thing at all. Anyway, just like a disciple, when the big demon squad happened, she packed it up and left with the sect of the sect.

However, when it comes to this part, Ouyang Xun has naturally said his own thoughts in the words of Xu Ziyan:

"Good!" Ouyang Xun's fierce look became serious: "Since Xu Zongzhu said so simply, in the future, when the celestial sect encounters with the Yaozu attack, it has nothing to do with our southern monks. At that time, don't blame our southern monks for not having the same purpose! ”

In the end, everyone was very unhappy on the surface. After the banquet, everyone also said goodbye. Xu Ziyan also enthusiastically sent the people out of the mountain gate.

Situ Ming and others did not leave immediately. Instead, they stayed in Taixu for two days. This was followed by Xu Ziyan’s resignation.

Too quiet is quiet, but the south is not peaceful.

At first, the purple smoke refused to be too crisp. This made the forces of the southern parties unable to understand what Xu Ziyan had at the same time, but his heart was also extremely unhappy.

Unhappy is definitely not good, was ignored by Xu Ziyan, how could it be cool?

Ouyang Xun was sitting in the secret room. The look on his face is dark and watery. In the South, this is a force. Today, only he knows the horror of Xu Ziyan's strength. It is also because he knows the strength of Xu Ziyan best, so that he does not dare to face Xu Ziyan directly. Now he has just taken the seat of the town of the demon city, has not yet settled. At this time it is impossible to conflict with the powerful Xu Ziyan. This will only be cheaper than other forces.

But the same is precisely because he is the city owner of the town. Representing the overall power of the South, if Xu Ziyan is allowed to establish a Zongmen in the South, this will undoubtedly reduce his fame in the South. We must know that since ancient times, there has never been a Zongmen force that has extended to the South.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan did not give him a face. In Taixu Zong, it was very simple to express that Taixu was to be independent of the South. Ouyang Xun slammed his fists fiercely, and his eyes spurred with anger.

Xu Tianzhu looked at the anger of Ouyang, and his heart was very tangled. He sighed in his heart. He knew the strength of Xu Ziyan better than Ouyang Xun. Can't help but hang down.

"Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan!" Ouyang Xun suddenly couldn't help but hate the voice: "This monk is too ignorant. Even if you want to be completely independent of the South, where will this city owner be?"


A boxing hit the table beside him, and the entire table was bombarded into pieces.

There was a man sitting next to Xu Tianyao, but not wearing a robe, but a Confucian shirt, gently shaking the folding fan in his hand:

"Why should the city owner be angry, and Xu Ziyan does not do what we want?"

"Combined with our minds? Feelings. Are you stupid? At the time of the Taixu sect, we and Xu Ziyan rushed to settle down and the imaginary sect was independent of the South. After that, the tyrants completely broke free of the South. The bondage, how can we take too much imaginary?

Besides, even Xu Ziyan really wants to build a third-rate small gate in the Wuthering Mountains, but it is also successful in establishing the Zongmen in the South. This has never happened in the South since ancient times. How does this make me think about the Southern monks? Is this not an excuse for the forces of the southern parties to attack me? Do I still have a good life in the future? ”

Ouyang Xun’s fierce chest swelled up and down violently, his face full of haze.

Fei Siquan slightly wrinkled and frowned: "I am worried that Xu Ziyan will expand too imaginary. If the appointment is too imaginary, it will inevitably attract the attention of the Yaozu. At that time. The Yaozu will not be too imaginary and us. The relationship in the South is bound to be thought to be that our Terran wants to build a barrier in the Wuthering Mountains.

In this way, even if the Yaozu will destroy the Taizong, it will attack us a lot. At that time, the Southern monks must think that the city owner did not expel the Taizong as soon as possible. This brings disaster to the Terran, and the situation of the city is dangerous! ”

Ouyang Xun’s fierce look is also a shock. The atmosphere in the chamber is even lower and heavier. Xu Tianzhuo thought for a long time:

"The city owner, this purple smoke is not only amazing, but the mind is not simple! At the time of Taixu Zong, if Xu Ziyan promised to transfer the Zongmen, she would fall into our double-team. But in such a very short time She made a decision to reject.

Her hand seemed to be arrogant, and she did not put the southern monk in her eyes, and she offended almost all the southern forces. But at the same time, it also got rid of the shackles of the South, but the benefits are always relative. She got the benefits, and we didn't get all the bad. ”

"We also got the benefits? Why didn't I see it?" Ouyang Xun said angrily.

"Oh..." Xu Tianyao said: "Looking at the meaning of Xu Ziyan, at least in the short term will not extend her imaginary forces beyond the Wuthering Mountains, which gives us time to stabilize the situation in the South. After all, the city owner has just sat on the seat of the town demon city, and needs to operate the south into a piece of iron.

When we were in the South, Xu Ziyan offended most of the Southern forces because of her independence from the South. Not to mention a sect, it is impossible for a monk to be completely independent from the surrounding illusion. Always need to cultivate resources? Maintaining the operation of a sect is not so simple, and resource consumption is a big problem.

However, Xu Ziyan has arrogantly offended most of the forces in the South. Who will buy something that is too imaginary, and who will sell it to Taixu resources? Needless to say, it is only this one, too imaginary, not to say that development, it is very difficult to maintain. Maybe we don't have to deal with her. After a few years, she will dismiss the Zongmen and return to the east. ”

Ouyang Xun’s fierce look eased, and looked at Xu Tianyao’s eyes, his eyes flashing, and finally slowly nodded:

"Tian eagle said that Xu Ziyan is indeed looking for a dead end. When I manage the South into a piece of iron, the Taixu sect has no basis for survival."

Xu Tiancao said again: "As for the considerations, there is no such thing as thinking about it. I don’t think that Taixu has not maintained the resources for the survival of the Zongmen, and how to develop the Zongmen. If the Zongmen cannot be developed, the Yaozu will not pay too much attention. Virtual sects, naturally, will not happen to the demon genius to destroy the tyranny, and then aggressively attack the Terran."

The amount of Faith on the side also heard the darkness and nodded: "The city owner, Tiandiao said it makes sense. But thinking that we can't wait for the South to control the resources of Taixu, we should actively promote this."

Ouyang Xun suddenly heard the eyebrows and said: "Yes, as long as we break the resources of the imaginary cultivation, the Taixu dynasty will kill itself sooner or later. This thing really needs to be promoted, but it can't make us the town of the demon city. Shoot."

"The lord of the city!" said Fei Siquan respectfully: "This matter can only be promoted in secret. On the one hand, Xu Ziyan has saved the Xianxian son after all, and on the other hand, he avoids direct conflict with Taixu. At the same time, he can also reduce the Huyan family. And the strength of the Li family."

"Hu Yan family and Li family?" Ouyang Xun's fierce eyes revealed the color of thinking.

"Good!" Fei Siquan stood up and slowly walked back and forth on the ground. "There are two families closest to the Wuthering Mountains. One is the Huyan family and the other is the Li family.

These two families are like two doors that separate the Whistling Mountains from the outside. As long as these two families are too sinister in terms of resources, too imaginary will become a dead land. ”

Ouyang Xun’s fierce mood was sharply improved, and the wisdom in his eyes was re-dissipated:

"In fact, it is easy for us to push this thing secretly, even without spending a lot of resources."

"Please ask the city owner to express!" Fei Siquan and Xu Tianyao arched together.

"Paradox!" Ouyang Xun said with deep gaze: "As long as we secretly proclaim Xu Ziyan, we will exaggerate it and make the public opinion bigger. The southern monks were originally hostile to the eastern Zongmen, and we will expand Xu Ziyan’s remarks. It caused the hostility of the southern monks to be too hostile to Taixu. Not to mention the sacred resources of Taixu, I am afraid that there are still many **** monks going to attack Taixu."

"Ha ha ha... the city owner is very good!"

"But..." Ouyang Xun said with a sigh: "We still need to guide when we push in the dark, just to sever the resources of the imaginary cultivation, don't cause the southern monks to attack the Taixu, this will be the town demon. The city is involved. We don't have that time and energy now."

"The lord of the city!" said Fei Siquan: "Our southern monks can't attack Taixu, but the monks in the Wuthering Mountains can! Anyway, the chaos is the Wuthering Mountains, not our south. So we used to whistle the mountains. The plan is still going to be implemented. What's more, there is a good opportunity now."

"What good opportunity?" Ouyang Xun eyes brightened.

"Isn't the illusoryness of the past a sign that evokes the vision of the heavens and the earth? It is not speculated that there are different treasures in the imaginary sects, and the monks in the Wuthering Mountains are besieged too imaginary, but they are eventually killed by the Taizong Guardian. Nearly 50,000 monks?

As a result, the enemies of the Taixu and the Wuthering Mountains were settled. If it is not for the powers of the southern parties to visit the Taixu sect, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of monks in the Wuthering Mountains have once again attacked Taixu. ”


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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