The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2165: Second-rate small gate

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On the side of Shaqianli, he led the iron and others to walk toward the valley, while saying to Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian:

"You two entered the inner valley and stayed outside the main hall. If the lord went out, he immediately reported the matter to the lord."

"Yes, hey!"

"Yes, Uncle Sha!"

The two children leaped to the inner valley, and Sha Qianli turned to the iron and said: "Iron brother, the lord is in retreat, and you will practice the cave house in this outer valley first. After the lord leaves the customs, call you again." ”

But said that this matter in the room of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan did not retreat, it was originally forced to be called out by the Yanshan soul. The reason for the Yanshan soul is very good. He is about to leave, and Xu Ziyan does not know when to meet, when to practice cultivation, or to cherish the short time of two people.

So two people didn't have luck last night, drank the wine in the middle of the night, and faintly recalled the two people from the time they met to the present, especially when talking about the Yanshan soul of the five-year-old, Xu Ziyan even smiled forward. When Xu Ziyan lost his mind and stood in front of the pub's door and shouted "hungry," Yanshan soul also pointed to Xu Ziyan laughing.

The last two people fell on the bed in a dizzy manner, the clothes were thrown all over the floor, and the red account was lightly shaken...

The sky is bright. I don’t know how long I haven’t slept, Xu Ziyan opened her eyes, only felt refreshed, and took a long sigh of relief, stretching out two jade arms and stretching a big waist. Looking over the head, I saw that the Yanshan soul had already got up, a black robe and a straight waist. The hand is holding what the writing brush is writing.

"Wake up!" Yanshan soul put down the pen and turned to Xu Zi flue: "There is a lot of snow outside, let's go out to snow!"

Xu Ziyan retracted his stretched arm and said lazily: "I haven't slept for a long time, I don't go, I am lazy for a while."

Yanshan soul with his hands on his back and looked at Xu Ziyan: "You are the main example for the sects of the sects! If the disciples are too lazy, you will soon be separated."

Xu Ziyan said vaguely: "No matter. I don't care, I haven't slept for more than 100 years..."

Yanshan soul walked to the bed in a funny way: "The big deal is that we will come back from the snow and sleep at night!"

"Deng Zezi!" Xu Ziyan turned his head and leaned over to the inside.

The ears of Yanshan soul suddenly moved, and reached out and took a slap on Xu’s buttocks:

"Get up, there are two little devils who have been spinning around in front of the door. It is estimated that there is something to find you."

Xu Ziyan looks a glimpse. The gods were released, and I saw Sha Xiaofan and Liang Dongtian turn around in front of the front door. I will pass the knowledge into the sea of ​​two people and ask:

"Xiao Fan, Dong Tian, ​​is there anything?"

"The Sovereign, there are twenty-one descendants from outside, who want to go to us too imaginary." Sha Xiaofan and Quandong screamed in unison.

Xu Ziyan was not as happy as he had imagined. Instead, he sighed softly and released a cleansing technique for himself, then got up and put on his clothes.

Yanshan soul has been looking at Xu Ziyan, seeing the look of Xu Ziyan can not help but strangely:

"Ziyan. Someone is going to vote. Why are you still unhappy?"

Xu Ziyan snorted and said: "I am not here to really build a sect. I want to have a place to cultivate. The bigger the sect, the more things, the more annoying!"

"Then it is not finished to drive them out?" Yanshan soul does not care.

Xu Ziyan turned a white-eyed road: "How to say it is also a descendant of the ancestors. And people sincerely voted, so rushed out. Once this time passed back to the division, my master still did not run to settle with me?

Hey, originally, I just wanted to build a third-rate small sect, not counting gold invincibles and magical devils. There are already 36 people in the following. Now there are twenty-one people, so the number of people has reached fifty-seven. This is how long it takes to become a second-rate sect. It’s really annoying..."

This time it was the turn of Yanshan soul to turn a white-eyed road: "Ziyan, this is not kind! I don't know how many third-rate small gates, dreaming every day to develop into a second-rate small gate. You don't have to work hard, It has developed into a second-rate small sect, and then complains here. If you let those third-rate sects hear it, you must not self-destruct the sect to commit suicide!"


Seeing the spirit of Yanshan is interesting, Xu Ziyan can not help but laugh. Standing up and gently patted the Yanshan soul road:

"You will say it!"

"Brother is telling the truth!"

"Well, know that you are telling the truth, let's go out!"

"I don't want to control those mundane things. It is your disciple. I stay here to practice!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and walked out helplessly. In the hall, I met the iron and heavy people, and then set up the twenty-one people to set up a church. If the original Danzong descendant Pu Songhe was accepted, Xu Ziyan quickly conquered the iron and heavy two with the profound refining technique. Eleven people.

After the iron and others were sent away, Xu Ziyan released his knowledge and explored it. When he saw that Jin Invincible had not returned, he would still be drilling around in the depths of the ground. The magical devil is honestly staying in the room to practice.

Just want to stand up from the chair, I saw the Yanshan soul came out from behind. Then he laughed:

"What? Still want to go out to snow?"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "Forget it, I will soon leave to find the Lord, or save some time to help you communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth!"

Xu Ziyan heard the words and said: "Right, mountain spirit, how do you think about looking for the Lord? Do you want to kill him?"

"It's not without this thought. If there is a chance to kill him, I will naturally not be merciful. After all, he also hurt me. If there is no chance to kill him, I would like to form an alliance with him."

"I am allied with him?" Xu Ziyan could not help but wonder: "How can you both form an alliance?"

“Why not?” Yanshan soul sat down on the side: “At the beginning, the lord gathered the demon and the demon to kill me. So my main enemy is the lord. He can gather the demon and the devil, why should I Can't you ally with the Yaozu, the Lord, and kill the lord?"

"Do you want to kill the lord?" Xu Ziyan asked in amazement.

"Of course, is it waiting for him to kill me? I and Quebec were originally victims. So we can easily reach an agreement. Last time I went to Quebec. We have formed an alliance. And before that I I once visited the demon Lord, and the sentiment was obtained from him. He gave me a sentimental spring, and I promised that if I realized that the real heaven would be taught to him in the future. With such a foundation, nature can also The demon Lord is allied. If I can form an alliance with the Lord again, then our four holy levels will deal with the Holy One, and I will not believe that he will not be able to kill him."

Xu Ziyan thought a little, and nodded: "Yes, it is a good plan."

"Okay, don't think about these troublesome things. Let's find a way to communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth!"

"You just said help me, how can I help me?"

"I will stay here these days, sitting in front of you every day, opening the world to you completely. You can use your knowledge to observe the trajectory of the heavenly path in my body. Communicate the secrets of the bridge of heaven and earth. Then By analogy, you will have a multiplier effect on understanding the bridge between the world and the world."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan’s face was eager to try. Yanshan’s soul sat in the chair and closed his eyes. Xu Ziyan released the knowledge of the side while opening the eyes of Yan Peng, and carefully observed the heavenly track and the bridge of heaven and earth in the body of Yanshan.

The entire Wuthering Mountains are in the sky, and the heavy snow has continued for one day. The whole space is fascinated. Extremely looking, a piece of silver.

In this fascination, thirty-two monks flew in the long snow, all in white, and they could not see them in the snow.

Most of the thirty-two monks were women, and they fell to a mountain in the Wuthering Mountains. Before I fell to the peak, I saw a strong man standing in the snow and shouting in the air:

"Snow Master!"


Thirty-two people fell to the peak, and a woman’s face appeared with a smile: "Sister Zheng, are you talking about it in the jade? I brought all the people. If you I. I will live with you with the descendants of our Tianxiangzong and give you to the poor."

"Ha ha ha ... naturally is true!" Zheng brother smiled and said: "But if the sister is willing to live here, my brother I hope that I can't hope for a good thing."

At this time, dozens of monks came out from some caves on the mountain. The monks who marched toward Tianxiangzong enthusiastically greeted them.

Everyone entered the cave of Zheng’s brother, and Zheng’s brother said slowly: “Xue Shimei. You also heard that Xu Zi’s disciple Xu Ziyan came to establish the Zongmen in the south?”

The snow fluttered and sighed a bit: "Nature has heard of it, but I heard that the purple smoke was only a peak of the late Emperor, and you cultivated it as a general. What are the results? I am afraid that there will be no residue left by the forces in the south. Therefore, I had put the matter aside and did not pay attention to it. Until a few days ago, I heard you tell me in the jade. She actually built the Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains, and I realized that Xu Ziyan had arrived."

Zheng Hongzhen shook his head and smiled lightly: "We all looked down on Xu Ziyan. When she came to the Wuthering Mountains to establish the Zongmen, I knew that it was just that I was with you. I didn't pay attention to Xu Ziyan. I didn't expect Xu Ziyan to make it in the Wuthering Mountains. A big move."

"So, what you said is true?" Snow fluttered and said: "The monks in the Wuthering Mountains really attacked Taixu, but eventually they lost nearly 50,000 monks?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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