The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2166: Murder

Warmly congratulate Jie Jie as a master!


"Oh, of course it is true." Zheng Hongdue smiled bitterly: "Snow Shimei, you should know that I was able to stand in the Wuthering Mountains, not being eaten by the monks in the Wuthering Mountains, or relying on my ancestors as a disciple. Although I didn't learn the true skills of the ancestors, but nowadays it is also a seven-character sect. So, the monks in the Wuthering Mountains have no way to take me. And I don't want to provoke them. This makes us the descendants of the ancestors. This vein survived here.

However, on that day, I saw a large array of guardian ancestors, far higher than my standard. I guess that is probably a big nine. With this big array, Taixu is no worries in the Wuthering Mountains. ”

"Are you going to besiege too imaginary that day?" The snowy face was a sinking.

The snow flies and smiles: "How can I? I will say that the siege of Taixu was not discussed in advance. It was an accident. There was a sudden sign of the birth of a different treasure in Taixu, so the monks of the entire Wuthering Mountains almost went. Too imaginary, and then attacking Taixu in the chaos, I went there, but there was absolutely no shot, just watching it from a distance."

"What does that brother mean?"

"We are going to be too imaginary! We are too bitter, maybe too imaginary will be our chance."

"But..." The snow flew a little hesitantly: "She is only the peak of the late Emperor of the Emperor. I want to know that the nine ancestral gates have never had a disciple who ran out to open the sect, which is not a monk in the Xianzun period! That is the case, ten Cheng also had a failure of 90%. Although there was a large array of guardian sects, but this time the Wuthering Mountains collapsed nearly 50,000 monks. Can they bear this breath? I think they must look around for the sect. Once the founder is found, the Taixu will be destroyed immediately. Is it too risky to go to this time?"

Zheng Hongzhen took a deep breath. In the eyes, there is a firm color: "Snow Shimei, the snow in the snow is always stronger than the icing on the cake. We joined the Taixu sect at this time, it is a sincerity, and it is the same as the Taixu dynasty. If you wait for the Taixu to solve the Wuthering Mountains That's the matter. Then we are insignificant.

Besides, our nine major sects are in the same breath. Is it really too difficult for us to see it? ”

"If the Taizong guardian ancestor was broken..."

"Then we will die together!" Zheng Hongchen said with a gnashing voice: "I am so good enough to sneak into the law."

I believe that since Xu Ziyan dared to leave the Zongmen as a disciple and came to the south to open a sect, it would never be simple. Her true strength is definitely not only the peak of the late Emperor, but also the worst. This allows the person to give her time and let her grow up. It must be a man of great glory on the mainland.

Not to say her future, she said her present. I don't think that there is only one guardian of the sect of the sect. Xu Ziyan dared to establish Taixu Zong in the Wuthering Mountains, and it would not be a whim. In my opinion, the monks in the Wuthering Mountains know how to converge. If they don't know the convergence, they will offend the imaginary imaginary. Maybe the purple smoke will remove these monks from the Wuthering Mountains. ”

If the snow flies, you will realize it. Finally, the bite bite one bite: "Picture, not a big death. I also went to Taixu with Zheng brother."

"Good!" Zheng Hongdang said: "These days we have to buy some resources. The Taixu is now blocked by the monks of the Wuthering Mountains. It should be very lacking in resources. We will go to the market with resources. It is also a meeting. ”

"Yeah!" Snow fluttered hard.

At this time, Zheng Hongzhen’s look was somewhat hesitant: “But I have heard of one thing. Now the South is rumored that Xu Ziyan is only building a third-rate small gate, and I don’t know if it’s true or false.”

The snow flies and frowns slightly: "If you just look at the Xu Ziyan to build the Zongmen in the Wuthering Mountains, it really means that. In the Wuthering Mountains, the Yaozu will not see Xu Ziyan in any case. Is it true that Xu Ziyan really wants to Create a third-rate small gate?"

"I really can't figure it out!" Zheng Hongzhen shook his head and sighed: "It is reasonable to say that a monk can make a feat from the sect of the sect. It will never satisfy the establishment of a third-rate sect. But she will The door is built in the Wuthering Mountains..."

"You said..." The snow-flying eyes revealed a trace of surprise: "Would she want to occupy the entire Wuthering Mountains? How to build a big door?"

"This is... the ambition is a bit big?" Zheng Hongzhen shook his head like a rattle: "Where will the demon family make Xu Ziyan so big? If Xu Ziyan did it, it would not be the human race to face the Yaozu. A bridgehead? The Yaozu will not be allowed.

If Xu Ziyan really wants to do this, it is too risky. Since then, no one has been able to establish a force equivalent to more than a second-rate medium-sized sect in the Wuthering Mountains. Once this power is exceeded, the Yaozu will definitely wipe this power from the Wuthering Mountains. And it will also attack the Terran. In order to warn the southern people. ”

In this way, Xue Yifei and Zheng Hongzhen did not understand Xu Ziyan’s move. Two people frowned and thought for a long time, Zheng Hongzhen said slowly:

"Xu Ziyan has come to the south since he came to the south and did things unexpectedly. He did not establish Zongmen in other places, but he chose the Wuthering Mountains and killed nearly 50,000 monks in the Wuthering Mountains. However, there was no further action, but the mountains could not be closed. It’s hard to see. The more I can’t see through, the more happy I am. Only such a person can open the situation in the South.”

"Not bad!" Snow flies in the eyes is also a flash of brilliance: "We will go to the Taixu, if this can not die, we will look at how Xu Ziyan is planning?"

At this time, the two men are in a state of spirit. The two men each led a vein left by their ancestors to struggle in the south. To be honest, they all felt that after a few generations, their pulse in the south would disappear completely.

Now with this opportunity, they no longer want to let go. If the tyrannical ancestors were destroyed, they would only die a long time. Even if they did not go to the Taizong dynasty, they would not last for generations.

Too imaginary.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are learning to communicate with the bridge of the heavens and the earth, and they hear a scream of a wolf in the inner valley:

"I am a seven-character teacher! I am a seven-character teacher... hahaha..."

Xu Ziyan can not help but smile, this voice is iron heavy, presumably after he passed his own teaching and refining a seven-piece fairy.

Is there a seven-piece fairy?

As for the iron heavy outside, so screaming at the neck, how can Xu Ziyan understand? Besides, the disciples of Zongmen have made a breakthrough and they should go out and encourage themselves. Xu Ziyan stood up and knew that Yanshan’s soul would not pay attention to this kind of thing. He walked out of the room and passed the hall. When he came outside, he saw the iron carrying a sword in the valley and yelling...

Xu Ziyan stood quietly at the door and looked at the iron with a smile. In fact, she also understood this feeling. Iron is different from himself, and his soul has a complete heritage of Dan Fuzong, so when he made a breakthrough in the technique of making and alchemy, although he was excited, he was not so ironic.

The inheritance of the iron ancestors did not reach the point of the innate Xianbao, and the highest is the peak of the late nine products. After experiencing the changes in history, the life that has been displaced, and the generation of iron and heavy, there are very few left, so the iron is always a six-piece fairy. I don't know if it has been stagnant for thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years. Now that you have made a breakthrough, it is understandable to be ecstatic.

"Sovereign!" Iron looked at Xu Ziyan, and unconsciously released the worship in his eyes. He ran over to Xu Ziyan. "噗通" screamed in front of Xu Ziyan, slammed his head and screamed with excitement. :

"Thank you, Lord!"

Pu Songhe walked out of the alchemy room and saw the iron heavy appearance. He remembered his own experience and couldn't help but burst into tears. He looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of gratitude and worship.

Xu Ziyan reached out and lifted the iron up. He took out a jade slip and whispered to the iron:

"Iron is heavy, you just have just broken through to the seven-character sorcerer. This jade has a narrative about the level of the seven-character singer and some refining techniques. It is for you, you take it to comprehend one. Fan, if you don't understand, you can ask me."

"Thank you, Lord!" Iron was so excited that the muscles on his face trembled, and he had to give Xu Ziyan a hoe. The situation like this is not seen in the big gates, except between the masters and the apprentices. How could this not let the iron be touched, but in the end he still didn't go down, his shoulder was held by Xu Ziyan, and he was not able to move the ball, which made him have a understanding of Xu Ziyan's cultivation, looking to Xu Ziyan's The eyes are more respectful.

"You go!" Xu Ziyan said warmly.

"Yes, the lord!" After the iron weighted toward Xu Ziyan, he turned and took a step. He suddenly stopped and turned and said:

"The Sovereign, Tiezhong heard a lot of rumors on the way to the patriarchal gate..."

"Well? Tell me."

"The South is rumored that you are a big disciple and despise the southern monks. Say you want to separate the Taixu from the South, and say that you want to conquer the monks in the entire Wuthering Mountains and build a large gate in the Wuthering Mountains. Then Take control of the entire South, and control the resources of the entire South in your hands. The Southern Monks are only for you to mix and match, and finally you have to slay the Yaozu. Now this rumor spreads all over the South, the Wuthering Mountains, and even spread to the Yaozu territory."

Xu Ziyan held his hand and slowly frowned, his face gradually becoming ugly. With her experience and wisdom, I just wanted to understand the hidden murder after these rumors.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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