The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2172: Immortal

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this is too scary! No more temptations!

This is the thought in the hearts of every escaped person. Even most of the monks began to think about whether they left the Wuthering Mountains...





In a secret room in the southern continent, one monk seems to have been given a body and is standing on the ground...

The door of the main hall opened, and Xu Ziyan and his party walked out of the main hall.

Looking around the valley, Xu Ziyan and other people are very ugly on the face, the entire valley has been completely destroyed. Not only was it destroyed by the monks, but also by the thunder of Xu Ziyan.

The Zongmen, which has been painstakingly established, has completely become a ruin.

"Sovereign, let's rebuild the sect!" Shaqianli will lead the Zongmen disciples to rebuild.

"Forget it!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Now we are already a first-class small sect. This valley is a little small for us. Let's change the place to build a sect."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan looked at the peak of the central part of the Wuthering Mountains. The Yaozu there has been killed by Xu Ziyan before.

"Let's go to the mountain to build the Zongmen!"

When the words fell, the wave of the hall was closed, and the sky was emptied. The figure flew up to the central mountain. Sha Qianli and others swayed, followed by Xu Ziyan, breaking the clouds. . Wandering in the air...

After half an hour, the monks of the Taixu sect stood in the clouds in the air and looked toward the mountain below. It is a huge mountain, occupying a hundred miles. If you add the hills, valleys and rivers around the foot of the mountain, there are already five hundred miles.

Xu Ziyan pulled the Yuanshen of the first one into the sea. Said to the front: "1, with this mountain as the center of the five hundred miles, set up a top grade of the peak of the week."

The array shook his head and said: "Now, there aren't so many pillars. I just broke through to the top grades, and I haven't had time to refine the ranks."

"What grades are there now?"

"Only the peak of the peak of the middle class, you can barely set up a big Sunday sword."

"Okay, then set up a peak of the middle class in the late stage!"

When Xu Ziyan fell, he gave the body to the Yuanshen to control. After a pair of hands flipped, a string of pillars with a brilliance fell toward the ground below. Then hidden in the depths of the ground.

In the air, the sands and thousands of miles of the monks were stunned and looked at their hands and continually flipped through the purple smoke. One by one, they were shocked and thought:

"The lord... turned out to be... innate first division..."

At this time, there are no other people besides Xu Ziyan, who are too imaginary monks, whether they are monks in the Wuthering Mountains, or those who secretly sent out to monitor the Taixu in the south.

They have been scared, although far away, far away, there is a brilliance in the middle of the central mountain range of the Wuthering Mountains, but no monk dare to visit here.

A full three hours of time. In the late stage of a Chinese product, the peak of the congenital celestial circle was completed.

Xu Ziyan led the monks to fall from the air before they started to handcuff. The sound of "嗡", a flash of brilliance, the entire array of fires started, connected to the metal veins of the ground, the entire array was started by the underground veins.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked around and then flew toward the east, followed by Sha Qianli, who was already in high spirits.

At this time, they naturally knew that the array of Xu Ziyan was much more powerful than the previous Zhou Jianjian. I am afraid that they will be safer from now on, and they will be able to crack. This is the innate fairy. And here is a lot bigger than the previous valley. This is what a first-class small sect looks like!

Xu Ziyan fell on the edge of the east side of the Great Zhoutian sword array. Then I pulled the Yuanshen and the second gods into the sea and said to them:

"Create a mountain gate here!"

"Yes, master!"

Device One and Device II returned to the time array method and began to build a mountain gate for Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is holding hands. Facing the Thousand Miles Road:

"Let's go find a place to build your own cave!"

"No hurry!" Sha Qianli and others said together, they saw Xu Ziyan after using the Leizhu to kill the monks in the Wuthering Mountains. I also saw that after Xu Ziyan set up the congenital fairy squad, where is still willing to leave, I want to see what Xu Ziyan is doing here.

Xu Ziyan no longer persuaded them, but only a few moments of interest, in the time array method, the device and the second two have joined hands to build a mountain door in the late stage of the top grade, and handed it to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took out the mountain gate and threw it into the air. The palm-sized mountain gate immediately zoomed in the air. Xu Ziyan handcuffed, and opened the portal of the Great Zhoutianjian. The mountain gate slammed down from the sky, and then merged with the Da Zhoutian sword array to close the mountain gate.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, his body shape rose to the sky, and he moved his handcuffs out of the big Zhoutianjian array. Then his body shape circled in the air, and the flag was thrown out. One hundred and eight streams of light slid into the ground and space. Rippled a bit, and restored calm. Xu Ziyan set up a simple magical array to cover the situation in the Zongmen.

The figure fell from the air, and the handcuffs moved. The big Zhoutian sword broke open a gap. The shape of Xu Ziyan fell from the gap and the gap on the head closed.

Xu Ziyan stood in the air and looked down. He opened the head of Peng Peng and looked at the veins of the entire Zongmen. Then he took out five veins in succession. Each vein was like a dragon, locked in a stone platform. on. When the five crystal veins were taken out, the extremely rich Xianyuan force erupted.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan screamed, and the five veins fell to the ground five lines, hiding in the ground.


Xu Ziyan stretched out his finger and the five veins were fixed to the ground. Did not sink into the depths. The gods fell to the bottom. In less than a quarter of an hour, a large number of celestial forces spread out from the ground, creating a layer of mist that floated toward the sky.

The sand on the ground is thousands of miles away. Pu Songhe, the iron and heavy snow and other monks were shocked, all this is too fake, just a little bit of effort. The sectarian power in Zongmen has more than doubled, and it is still growing...

Xu Ziyan’s body shape fell toward the peak, and at the same time, the voice of Xu Ziyan fell down in the air: “Go each to open a cave house!”

Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe, iron heavy and snow flew in each other and looked at each other with excitement in their eyes. At this time, they finally made sure that they were very certain that Xu Ziyan would be able to successfully establish Taixu Zong in the South. And I am also very sure that I am practicing in such an environment. Must be able to get a breakthrough in a short time.

Hard work!

Everyone thinks of their past life, and at this time there is a feeling of living inside a honey jar.

With a shout, more than a hundred monks ran wildly and cheered.

Xu Ziyan fell on the peak, and she fell behind her invincible and magical. Xu Ziyan looked around and began to set up his own cultivation.

Slowly in the snow, Yanshan soul flies in the air. A black robe is extremely conspicuous. He did not rip the space, but flew in the air without hesitation, admiring the scenery inside the demon territory.

He wants to go to the cloud forest to see the demon Lord, telling the demon Lord that the sinister Xu Ziyan is his own Taoist, do not personally target Xu Ziyan.


The Yanshan spirit lived in shape, and the opposite snow flew up to the sides. The space was rippling, and a white figure appeared ten meters away from the Yanshan soul. A white robe, his face was upright. Looking into the Yanshan soul with a smile.

"Yu Tian!" Yanshan soul slightly raised his eyes. The surrounding snow fluttered and turned into a powder falling down.

"Oh... evil Lord, am I calling you Shisheng? Or is it called Yanshan Soul?"

Yanshan soul took a deep breath and his heart was calm: "The lord. You finally appeared!"

"Oh, you have all appeared. How can I not appear? Isn't that tired? How long have you been waiting?"

Yanshan’s soul smiled faintly: “I’m not having an opponent. It’s not a good time. Let’s play one game today!”

The lord gently shook his head and said: "The evil Lord, we are old acquaintance anyway, and when we meet, we call and scream and kill."

"Oh..." Yanshan soul sneered two channels: "Do you still want to have a drink with me?"

"This is not a bad thing! I hope the evil Lord can appreciate the face!"

When the words fall, the sleeves of the emperor's robes are lightly swayed, and a white jade pavilion is added in the air. The white clouds under the pavilion hang around the white jade pavilion in the air. The fairy took a step and stepped into Bai Yuting, making a pose for the Yanshan Soul.

Yanshan soul robe sleeves waved, entered Baiyu Pavilion, seated on the opposite side of the fairy, and looked straight at the main road:

"On the wine!"

The lord did not care, and sat down in a sloppy manner, with a faint smile on his face, took out a white feather pot, two white jade cups, then reached for the white jade pot, filled the two white jade cups with wine, and then lifted Cup Road:

"Evil Lord, please!"

"Soul Lord, please!"

Two people sipped, and then the two did not talk, just a cup of you, I drank in a cup.

A Xiangyun held a white jade pavilion.

Inside the pavilion.

a black robe, a white robe...

Outside the pavilion, the snow is flying...

This wine is drinking the sunset and drinking the sunrise.

Yanshan soul has been silent, he believes that the lord will not appear suddenly to drink with him, must have his purpose. But he just doesn't ask, if the lord never says, the Yanshan soul will definitely leave the robes and sleeves.

The lord could not keep him, and he could not keep the lord.

The lord put down the wine glass and fixedly looked at the opposite Yanshan soul. There is appreciation and shock in the eyes. For a long time, there was a helpless smile on his face:

"The evil Lord, you are different from before! No longer as violent as before!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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