The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2173: Endless ladder

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), shannee (100), bookmate 131801813613673 (100), mableip classmate (100)


Yanshan soul smiled in the sunshine: "This is all for your blessing, let me experience more than one. The experience of the two worlds will always make me change."

"You have indeed changed, hahaha..." The lord laughed cheerfully: "You are a ruthless stone, and you have a Taoist in this world, hahaha..."

The look of Yanshan's soul is a change, and then it becomes cold and cold: "Do you dare to try purple smoke?"

The lord frowned slightly, and there was a slight disappointment on his face: "I am not so embarrassed. Although I am not a good person, but not everyone has the qualification to let me shoot. Although we are not friends, But I don't think you will know me."

Yanshan soul is silent, he does not believe that the lord will not move the purple smoke, but he believes that the lord still does not bother to move the purple smoke in a short time. Put a little down in my heart and say faintly:

"Speak your purpose."

"I am coming from the demon Lord."

"so what?"

"I heard that you have taken a love spring?"

"Not bad!" Yanshan soul's eyes became sharp.

"Don't look at me like that!" The eyes of the lord showed a wise light: "I want to deal with you, but I understand now, with our strength, no one can tell the other person between me and me."

The eyes of Yanshan soul became more and more cautious, although he knew that the lord said it well. Even if the lord stood there and let him play the spirit of Yanshan, he would not kill the lord. The same fairy can not beat him. Otherwise, the original cockroach has already died, and where is the opportunity to reincarnate?

However, the more the fairy is said, the more certainly there is a reason. There must be a conspiracy that can hurt you. So the heart jumped, is it because there is a sentiment?

"Now I have a chance, maybe it will kill you!" said the fairy, and said as if he was talking about a trivial little thing.

Yanshan soul gently shook his head: "I understand you. If there is a chance to kill me, you will not let go, where will I drink here with me?"

"This..." The face of the lord showed a trace: "This must have your cooperation..."

"Oh..." Yanshan soul was mad by the words of the lord: "You mean let me cooperate with you to kill myself? Do you see me stupid?"

"Of course you are not stupid, huh, huh..." The lord also laughed: "If you are stupid, I am running around with a fool, what am I?" But...

The lord looked at Yanshan's soul and said: "I believe that you will cooperate with me, because this matter may not be good for you."

"Well?" Yanshan's soul faintly reveals a trace of sarcasm.

"Because half of the opportunities may make you break through the realm higher than the previous one." The look of the lord gradually became serious.

The look of Yanshan's soul gradually became serious, and it was slightly indulged: "Is it because of the love?"

The lord smiled and said: "Not bad."

After the laughter was gone, the lord said seriously: "This is the idea that I have raised from the demon Lord after you have taken the sentimental spring. I have gone through a few days of deduction. I feel that after taking your love. There will be two results.

One result is that you will eventually die. Because you are a stone, even if you are born again, it is a stone. And what you cultivate is the ruthless and ruthless practice. Now, after your reincarnation, you not only have a feeling for Xu Ziyan, but also have a sentimental spring, which should have hurt your roots. You are still not dead now, because your ruthless stone is too strong. It would have been stronger than the sentimental spring. After the second world of reincarnation, you will become more powerful, so there is a love spring can not completely hurt your ruthless stone in a short time.

Another result is that you break through the limits of life and death, ruthless, and love. A ruthless stone represents a student, and a sentimental spring represents death. If you can fully integrate the ruthless stone and the sentimental spring, form a cycle of life and death. I am afraid that not only will not die, but will also break through to a higher level, and even breaking through the final flaw may not be impossible. ”

Yanshan soul is silent, in fact, he knows that the lord said it makes sense. Moreover, the ability of the lord to promote is also a must in the five saints. And over the years, Yanshan soul has been fighting with the emotional springs in the body.

Why have he always been short of Xu Ziyan in these years?

On the one hand, it is not to implicate Xu Ziyan. But more is fear. With Xu Ziyan, his body will be separated from the emotional spring, if not for his strong suppression, as the lord said. His ruthless stone body is too powerful, I am afraid I have long known what kind of consequences will happen.

So he only tried to stay away from Xu Ziyan.

The lord said nothing wrong. Even if he is reborn, he is still a stone, a ruthless stone. Because he was born from a body of a skeleton.

Over the years he has been trying to integrate emotional springs, but he has not found a direction.

"The evil master, with your current cultivation, either of these two outcomes will eventually happen after hundreds of millions of years. Have you waited so long? Even if you can wait that long? Can Xu Ziyan wait so long? When you merge the sentimental springs, forming a cycle of life and death, I am afraid that the purple smoke has fallen and turned into a loess.

However, I have a way to shorten this time, even if you dare to take the risk. ”

The words of the lord hit the heart of Yanshan soul.


I am a holy class, and I have a lifelong life with the world. I can use hundreds of millions of years to try to integrate the love spring. However, Xu Ziyan is not a holy class. Although Xu Ziyan seems to have the potential to become a holy class, it just seems to...

According to the derivation of the lord, there are only five holy powers in the world. Although the prophecy of the lord is not necessarily accurate, if Xu Ziyan can't break through the holy level?

However, because of the fact that there is a love spring, he is not able to stand up with Xu Ziyan, and he can only occasionally gather for a short time. This kind of day is not what Yanshan soul wants. What he wants is to be able to form a shadow with Xu Ziyan.

"Talk about your approach?" Xu Ziyan said quietly.

"I can arrange a big array. This big array can intensify the conflict between the ruthless stone and the sentimental spring, so that the origin of the two directly faces."

Yanshan’s soul smiled faintly: “Your formation is not as good as me? I don’t know if there is such a big array, you will know?”

The lord smiled and said: "Not you will not, but you did not think. You see!"

The lord hands and fingers are moving. Then there was a model of the array in front of the two people. The soul of Yanshan looked at the model and thought of it on his face:

"Endless ladder?"

"Not bad!" The lord waved his hand to disperse the model.

Snow is flying...

The soul of Yanshan was sitting in the white jade pavilion and was in motion. His body has a ruthless stone and a sentimental spring. Therefore, although his ability to promote is not as good as the lord, he is more aware of his own situation than the lord. The lord no longer speaks, just drinking silently.

Sunset, sunrise, falling again, again...

Yanshan soul slowly said: "Your deduction is wrong, there should be three results."

"Well?" The fairy **** looked a little glimpse, and then showed interest: "Talk about it?"

"One result is that I will eventually walk to the end of the endless ladder..."

"Ha ha ha..." The lord laughed and said: "If there is an end, will it be called an endless ladder? Once this large array is completed, it will coincide with the heavens, automatically run, and never end."

"Idiot!" Yanshan said with sarcasm: "This endless ladder is originally a heart, whether it has an end and a heart. If I finally embark on the end of the endless ladder, it is my ruthless full advantage, the love spring I was expelled from my body. I will be the original one."

The lord looked a glimpse, and a little loudly nodded: "If you have been walking to the end of the endless ladder..."

"I won't be able to go all the time!" Yanshan soul interrupted the words of the lord: "The second result is that I am falling in the endless ladder. That is because the emotional spring eventually swallowed my ruthless stone."

The eyes of the lord are bright: "Yes, not to the end, but to fall halfway. What is the third result?"

"The third result is the collapse of the endless ladder. At that moment, I completely integrated the ruthless stone and the sentimental spring into a moment of life and death."

“Not bad!” The lord praised the location: “How? Are you willing to try?”

"Of course I have to try, this is my chance! But why should I let you be there?" Yanshan said faintly.

"Evil Lord, be kind to be a man!" The lord smiled. At this moment, his face disappeared and the righteousness turned into a sinister smile.

"This method is what I came up with!"

"so what?"

"You can't get rid of me!" The lord smiled and said: "From now on, wherever you go, I will go there, I will never leave you."

"Hey!" Yanshan soul airway: "Who is with you!"

"Oh, huh..." The lord said: "I must not leave with you! If you really fall down. I will absorb your gas in the first time! I thought about this way for what?" Isn't it for the airlift that came out after your fall?"

Yanshan soul shook his head. Knowing that the lord is telling the truth, he came up with the idea to get his own air. And both of them are holy, and it is not easy to get rid of the traces of the lords.

"Forget it, you are willing to follow it!" Yanshan soul stood up. Step by step, Bai Yuting flew toward the front.

The lord also stepped out and waved Bai Yuting. Catch up with the soul of Yanshan: "Evil Lord, where are you going?"

"Follow it!" Yanshan soul flutters in a large sleeve, a master with a follow-up appearance, so that the lord can not help but suffer a bit. However, when I saw the direction of Yanshan’s soul flight, my eyes turned a blind eye:

"You are going to the demon Lord, so that the demon Lord should not shoot Xu Ziyan?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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