The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2174: Xu Jiaxiu

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"Know still ask! There is also a sentimental spring that the demon Lord gave to me, so when I step on the endless ladder, I naturally let the demon owner stay there. If I fall, he can also get me a copy. Air transport, counted as a promise I gave him."


Two black and white figures quickly disappeared into the snow...

Mou Zong.

Purple smoke peaks.

Xu Tianwo stood in the middle of the main hall: "I don't want to stay here. I will go to the south to find purple smoke tomorrow."

"But..." Xu Haotian said with hesitation: "When the purple smoke left, let us develop in the emperor!"

"I agree with Uncle Sirius!" Xu Xingfan stood up and said: "We can't always rely on my aunt. When I was in the mainland of China, Xu was built by my aunt. I am in the lower galaxies. The aunt laid the foundation, and in the Zhongyuan galaxy, the aunt brought the Xu family to the peak. Now, if the aunt is still in the South, if the aunt is working alone for the Xu family in the south, what face do we have to see the aunt? Even if the aunt does not Mind, those monks who follow their aunts in the South to lay the foundations will not look down upon us."

"But..." Xu Zhenshan also hesitated and said: "Ziyan said when she left, she just wanted to build a third-rate small door and didn't want to develop."

Ling Xiao stood up and shook his head and said: "You still don't understand purple smoke. I and Sirius are coming together with the purple smoke from the secular world of the mainland.

Not bad. Purple smoke does not have any big ambitions. She just wants to live better with the people around her. However, there are too many involuntary things in this world. At the beginning, the purple smoke in the secular world of the mainland was forced by the three major families. Once he fled, he entered the Xiuxian world and was forced by Da Luotian. The lower Yuan galaxies were forced by the Yaozu and the Mozu. I won't say anything about the occurrence of the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Everyone knows.

In fact, not only purple smoke, any monk and family, Zongmen will face all kinds of persecution, which are caused by cultivation resources, no one can avoid.

However, some monks chose to endure under such persecution. Eventually nothing happened and Shouyuan was exhausted and degraded. Some people choose to rise up and resist. But it was killed because of the lack of strength.

However, do you think that the purple smoke will endure? ”

Everyone is silent. In fact, everyone understands the temperament of Xu Ziyan. It is the more persecuted and the stronger the rebound. From the vast mainland to the present Yuanyuan, when did Xu Ziyan surrender?

"So!" Ling Xiao said firmly: "Ziyan wants to establish only a third-rate small gate in the south. This is simply her illusory ideal. The southern monk will not allow her to establish a sect. Even if it is only a third-rate. Xiao Zongmen. What's more, the Southern Monks would believe that Ziyan only wants to build a third-rate Xiaozong Gate? If you are a Southern monk, would you believe it?"

The monks, look at me, I look at you, and eventually they all shake their heads.

"So the purple smoke will never be calm in the south. The southern monks will definitely push the purple smoke on the road to expand the sovereign. At this time, we will not help the purple smoke, who will help the purple smoke?"

"We are going to help Ziyan!"

"We are going to help my aunt!"


More than a hundred Xu disciples in the hall shouted.

"This..." Xu Weitian and Xu Zhenshan looked at each other. When Xu Ziyan left the Mou Zong, there were thousands of people. Be sure to be optimistic about these Xu disciples. This is the fire of the Xu family in the Upper Yuan Dynasty and cannot be lost.

Not to mention that Xu Ziyan attaches importance to these Xujia disciples. Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan should pay attention to these disciples. Xu Jiake never stood on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, and now it’s hard to come to the mainland. If the whole army is over, Xu Zhentian and Xu Zhenshan are ashamed and will be ashamed to die.

"Father!" Xu Qinyang stood up and said: "The prosperity of a family is not cultivated. I used to leave the family with Ziyan in the most difficult time of the family and fight side by side. That experience made me know that the power of a monk requires a strong heart. A monk is like this, and so is a family.

A family that has not been baptized by battle is not cohesive and will not be strong. Although there will be deaths in the process, the death of these people will be in exchange for the power of the family. Qin Yang is willing to exchange for the strength of the family, please let Qin Yang go to the south. ”


"I am not a person of Xu family. I will leave Ziyanfeng tomorrow and go to the south." Shen Qianhua said softly.


"I also want to see the owner!" Tuo Xingman said softly.

"Good!" Xu Haotian finally made up his mind: "Let's clean up and go to the South three days later."

The demon main palace.

The demon Lord sat on the high platform, and the enchanting woman with the body of the nine-tailed fox squatted on the ground.

"Hui Meier, how is the matter going?" The demon Lord asked softly with a squint.

"Things are going smoothly, Meier has already regained one-fifth of the Yaozu territory. In addition to the Meier in the south, there are four peaks of the late Tianzun, and the master does not let Meier reveal your existence, so to the present It’s hard to expand your power until now."

"Yeah!" The demon Lord nodded lightly: "I will immediately stop all actions and stick to the occupied territory."

"Master, why?" Hu Meier asked inexplicably.

"A few days ago, the lord came to tell me some outside situation. Now Xu Ziyan, the Taoist soul of Yanshan, ran to the Wuthering Mountain to establish the sect. So the demon will definitely conflict with Xu Ziyan. Just sit and watch the opportunity. That's it, if Xu Zifei is defeated, if Xu Ziyan wins, you will take the opportunity to conquer the Yaozu and expand your power."

"Master, as long as you go out and shake your arms, the world will come together, why bother..."

"What do you know?" The demon Lord yelled: "Now the other four saints in the Five Saints are not really born. Can I rush out? Besides, there is no big battle between the three demons. I have the energy to do these things. Trivial things? Didn't you see that the lord did not accept the Terran?

The five of us are fighting for the air, and the evil Lord has returned, and the days of the return of the queen will not be far. Although I reached an agreement with the evil master, Kui Tian hated me. The lord and the demon are not trustworthy, and I cannot help. ”

Teng Ran, the brow of the demon Lord fainted: "Go down, do what I want."

"Yes!" Fox Meier went backwards.

When the demon figure was in motion, he stood outside the hall and looked up at the sky and laughed:

"The lord, the lord is coming together, and the glory is shining!"

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a laughter in the air, and two black and white figures landed in the air.

Holy Land of the Mozu.

Xu Xiang slowly received the work, the magic dragon formed by the hundred magical spirits was sucked into the body, Xu Xiang opened his eyes. There was a hint of melancholy on his face. He was originally an introverted person. He only felt happy when he was around Xu Ziyan. Now he is more melancholy within this holy land of the Mozu.

Over the years, since he broke the ban, and his cultivation has been leaps and bounds, he has now reached the peak of the late Renren, and only the last step has entered the early stage of the land.

He didn't want to see any monks, he was always very good to him, and he didn't want to see him. He did not have a little pressure with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan did not force him to practice, he was free to play, and there was Xiaobai’s sister. But here, although Sado is good to him, he has been forcing him to practice.

Gently sighed and looked at the empty hall. His thoughts were awkward, and a heart did not know where it was.

The devil's handsome Sado took a light walk on the ink-colored stone road, and now he has reached the peak of the late stage. Although his cultivation is growing rapidly, he thinks that the cultivation of the demon's son is growing faster, and a smile appears on the corner of his mouth.

The dark clouds in the sky shrouded, and a black wind column hovered from the ground into the air. Sado looked at the dark clouds in the air, and whispered in his mouth:

"As long as the devil's son grows into the devil, it is the time when the dark clouds cover the entire mainland."

Suddenly, a shadow came from a distant sky, and saw Sado in the distance, falling from the air and heading towards Saddo:

"Magic handsome, hit... fight..."

Sado raised his brow slightly and said, "What is it?"

"It is the Mozu outside the Holy Land who attacked us again!" The Mozu monk said anxiously.

"What?" Sado said in his heart: "Isn't it with them? How come again?"

"I don't know! They suddenly launched an offensive. I don't know how to get some of the Terran sects from there, and crack the way we are in the Holy Land."


The shape of Sado disappeared into the air in an instant, and the next moment appeared on the edge of the Holy Land of the Devil, within a large array.

"Mei Qi, you give me out." Sado shouted.

Outside the big array, a shadow appeared, and Sado, who looked at the big array, smiled and said: "Sado, what do you call the deity?"

"What?" Sado said angrily: "What do you ask me? I have given you a territory of the Holy Land of the Devil. You are attacking the Holy Land today. Why?"

"Oh, huh..." Mei Qi was not annoyed at the swearing of Saduo. Instead, he laughed and said: "Sato, do you say that you have a qualification to occupy the holy land of the Mozu? Such a holy place should be the enchantment of the peaks of our late Tianzun. Before you talked with you, it was just a matter of expediency. Now that we have a fairy squad, it is only a matter of time before we break open. Are you open up now and welcome us in, or wait for us to break the big battle and kill you? ”


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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