The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2180: Seeking

I am very grateful to the thousands of students (1888), mableip students (100), and the rest of the 123 students (100)!


The Taixu dynasty gradually quieted down, and all the monks entered the cultivation. The Wuthering Mountains also recovered calm. Both the human monks and the demon monks lost a lot in the conflicts with the Taixu, and the two sides seemed to have reached a balance.

However, this calm did not last long, and the mountain gates of Taixu were ended with fierce bombardment. Xu Ziyan, who is practicing, spread the knowledge of the gods and saw that the Taixu sect was surrounded by the Yaozu. At this time, the bombardment of the Taixu Zongshan Gate was a big demon with a late peak.

It seems that the last time the big demon was killed by Jin Invincible, the Yaozu invited another more powerful demon. However, this man's demon in the late peak may be an invincible existence before Xu Ziyan did not come to the Wuthering Mountains, but in today's Wuthering Mountains, his strength is not enough.

However, Xu Ziyan did not go out at all, nor did he send gold invincible and magical magic. At this time, Xu Ziyan has already thought of it. It is not difficult to kill the big demon who is in the late stage. But once this thing is done, too imaginary will attract the attention of the Yaozu, and it may lead to even more powerful demon, or directly the demon army will come to destroy the Taixu. After all, in the tradition of the South, there will not be a presence in the Wuthering Mountains that has a sufficient threat to the Yaozu.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan took back his knowledge and continued to practice. Xu Ziyan did not issue an order. The monks who were too imaginary also continued their cultivation as if they had not heard the bombardment outside. Because they all know that their patriarchal patriarchal squad is a congenital sect, and it can be solved by relying on brute force.

The bombardment continued for three days and three nights, and the big demon was unwilling to leave. But this kind of unwillingness to let the big demon's heart be very wrong, and there is nowhere to vent. In the end, they all vented to the human monks in the Wuthering Mountains. The murder of more than 10,000 Terran monks left the Wuthering Mountains.

Sun and Moon Valley.

"It’s a big deal! It’s a big deal..." A monk rushed into the valley in a panic and shouted: "The owner of the valley, the owner of the valley..."


A palm was condensed in the air, and a slap in the face knocked the monk over to the ground. Liu Zhen swears:

"What is the system of flusteredness? If you let the same person see it, wouldn't you give us a divorce in the sun and the valley? In the future, there is still a face in the Wuthering Mountains?"

"Valley, the demon is coming over!" the monk said with a bitter face.

"What?" The landlord jumped out of the chair and never calmed down again: "How many demons are there? How far is it from the Sun and the Valley?"

When his voice just fell, he heard a "bang" and the Yaozu had already rushed in.


The sun, the valley and the valley rushed out of the main hall, and the place where the eyes were filled was the dense demon. The monks who are chasing the Sun Moon Valley are being chased around.

The sun, the valley and the valley have changed their faces, and the number of the demon people is not comparable to their small sun and moon valleys.


The Lord of the Sun, the Valley and the Valley drank a loud voice, and the monk next to him immediately rose to the sky and fled.


A hurricane broke through the air, and a giant smashed the space in an instant, opened the mouth and swallowed the sun and the valley.


The Yaozu or the use of the magical power. Or with a strong body, it took less than two quarters of an hour to kill thousands of monks and monks in the sun.

The Terran and the Yaozu battles in the Wuthering Mountains have once again begun. This time, the war of human monks has clearly fallen into the wind. The reason is very simple. Although the demon of the late peaks left the Wuthering Mountains, a large number of demon people from the demon territory have completely surpassed the human monks in number.

"Not good! Not good!"

A monk slammed into the main hall of Wuthering Heights, the largest force in the Wuthering Mountains.

"Yuezhuang, Zheng Jia, Yang Jia, Zhao Jia are all destroyed by the Yaozu. What do we do?"

Yue Wuxin listened, and his heart was a pump. I feel that my soul is flying out of my body. Zheng family. Yang Jia and Zhao Jia were destroyed by the Yaozu, and now the number of Terran monks is only 70,000. What do you want to do to stop the impetuous demon army?


A figure fell into the hall, and Yue did not feel at ease, but he sent him out to ask for help from the town. In his opinion. The Yaozu is attacking the Terran of the Wuthering Mountains. This is to completely occupy the Wuthering Mountains. Turn the Wuthering Mountains into a bridgehead for the Yaozu. This will definitely not be allowed for southern monks. The town demon city will unite with the southern family to send monks to expel the demon, and can not help but look at the monk's gaze, and hurriedly asked:

"how about it?"

The monk cried a face and said: "Ouyang City Lord did not see us at all, but only came out a word, the Wuthering Mountain thing, the monks of the Wuthering Mountains deal with themselves, they have no money to annihilate us evil people, it would be good, how can help we?

"Damn!" Yue Wuxin took the handle of the chair into a powder.

The dragon on the side helped the trembling voice: "Yuezhuang Lord, let's escape?"

"Escape?" Yue did not bitterly smile: "Where to escape? The opposite of the Wuthering Mountains is the demon territory, we can't escape there. The rear is the territory of our southern people, but we were originally murdered in the south. The disaster only fled into the Wuthering Mountains, but now Ouyang Xun has clearly stated that she wants us to die in the Wuthering Mountains. If we launch the Wuthering Mountains, I am afraid that the Ouyang Xunmeng family has already dug up the traps waiting for us to enter."

"That... what do we do?" The forces in the Wuthering Mountains began to panic.

"What can I do?" Yue Wuxin said tragically: "We only have to fight with the Yaozu in this Wuthering Mountain Range, or to be able to hold a piece of land or be killed by the demon."

"We still have a way!" A monk suddenly said, his opening immediately attracted everyone's attention, and each pair of eyes revealed the color of the wings.

"We can go to the Taixu!"

"Seeking too imaginary?" The look of the people glimpsed, and then showed a hint of joy: "Yes! Too imaginary is also the same way in the Wuthering Mountains. Although we have had conflicts, everyone is human beings after all..."

"But..." Another monk hesitated and said: "If Taixu and the town of the demon are just ignored, what should we do? After all, we ruined their sects and forced them to rebuild their ancestral homes. ......"

Everyone was silent again. Everyone knew in their hearts that it was really an idiotic dream to let the Taixu come out to help them. I used to destroy the sects of the people. Why do people help themselves? People are not stupid!

"That... If we invest too imaginary? After all, the imaginary wants to expand, we need the addition of monks. We can join the Taixu sect for Xu Ziyan. As long as the tyrants take us, there is too much protection. We have no worries when we have a large array."

"Yes, we are going to be too imaginary. Too imaginary will also be willing to accept us. After all, the cultivation of these people is not low. With the joining of these people, the strength of too imaginary will increase greatly. With the ability to resist the forces of the various parties in the South. After all, the entire South is now hostile to the illusory, blockade is too sect, and too imaginary is also eager to expand its strength."

"Right right, maybe after we joined Taixu, Xu Zongzhu will give us a position that is not low, and the worst will give us a position as an elder."

Yue Wuxin stood up from the chair with a sigh of relief: "We immediately selected a few representatives to go to Taixu, and the owner of the village went in person. Who else will go with me?"

"I go!"

"I go!"


Yue Wuxin immediately elected five monks. He left the Wuthering Heights and sneaked into the Taixuan in the middle of the Wuthering Mountains. Entering the central area of ​​the Wuthering Mountains, it has become a vacuum zone, and neither the Yaozu nor the Terrans dare to get involved.

Before Yue Wu’s six monks came to the Taixu Zongshan Gate, Yue Wuxin shouted at the mountain gate and shouted:

"Wu Xiaoshan Zhuang Yue did not want to see the Taixu Xu Zongzhu!"

"Wu Xiaoshan Zhuang Yue did not want to see the Taixu Xu Zongzhu!"


Yue Wuxin shouted in a row, but there was silence in the Taixu.

Yue Wuxin’s face was blank, and he once again bowed his hand to the mountain gate: “Xu Zongzhu, the demon family made a big crime. Now the human monks in the Wuthering Mountains have been killed by the Yaozu less than 70,000, and Xu Zongzhu is asked to save. ”

There is still no sound in the Taixu Zong, and Yue’s unspoken face is even more stunned. “噗通” slammed down on the ground, and the five bodies voted:

"Please ask Xu Zongzhu to save, I am willing to join Taixu Zong, for Xu Zongzhu to drive!"

Too imaginary, Xu Ziyan held his hands and stood behind her, standing silently invincible and magical. Slightly wrinkled his brows, Xu Ziyan's look is hesitant. After all, these human monks in the Wuthering Mountains are not good people, but they also besiege the Taixu, destroying the first sect of the Taizong.


These monks are also human monks after all, and if these human monks are killed by the Yaozu, there are only more than 200 people who are too imaginary. It is also inconvenient outside the Taixu.

But it is absolutely impossible for Xu Ziyan to accept these people who are not evil. If these people who do not do evil are included in the Zongmen, then the future of the illusory is not smoldered by these monks?

This is definitely not allowed by Xu Ziyan. Even if he has maintained the situation of the first-class small sect, he will not be taken into the sect.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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