The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2181: Double display

A few words were told to Jin Invincible and the magical whisper, Xu Ziyan returned to his secret room to continue cultivation, while Jin Invincible and Magical Demon were the body shape disappearing in the air, the next moment has appeared before the mountain gate, stepping out of the mountain gate. Yue Wuxin and others, looking at the outside of the mountain gate, said faintly:


Yue Wuxin looked up and saw Jin invincible. He had no impression of the magical demon. He did not know whether the magical demon was powerful or not. However, he knew that Kim was invincible, and Jin Invincible had already revealed his skills in the Wuthering Mountains more than once. At the moment, the face appeared a happy color, climbed up from the ground, and all the way to lead the gold invincible and the magical devil to the Terran in the Wuthering Mountains' place of residence.

At the beginning, Yue Wuxin still thought that he would steal the sneak as he did when he came, but he was stopped by the gold invincible frowning, and his face was a little unpleasant:

"Fly fly directly!"

He is still sneaking in the late peaks and avoiding the Yaozu. Isn’t this a joke?

Yue Wuxin smiled and his heart reacted. However, there are still some worries in my heart, all the way to the Wuthering Heights.

Sure enough, they flew in the air like this, and they were discovered by the Yaozu. Immediately surrounded by the demon family.

Yue Wuxin swallowed a dry spit and looked back at Jin invincible. Jin Invincible has not opened yet, and the magical demon on the side opens:

"It’s always that you follow the master, this time I am coming."

Jin invincible nodded in no expression, Yue Wuxin and others looked at the magical magic one by one:

"What is this handsome person doing, and how to look at his appearance and tone does not put these demon people in his eyes!"

I haven't waited for the thoughts in their hearts to finish, and I feel that the sky is suddenly dark.

Do not!

Not dark. Instead, the surrounding space is in a darkness, as if it is suddenly in a boundless dark world. One by one, they couldn’t help but sway, but they only looked around and watched.

Just for a moment. Their fears just seemed to rise from their hearts, and the dark space disappeared. Yue Wuxin and others looked at it in a blank way. Where is the shadow of a Yaozu?

If it wasn’t for their personal experience, they would not believe that there would be thousands of demons that had just rushed to them.

Yue Wuxin’s throat squirmed a few times. The mouth is open and closed, and the eyes are all fear. At this time, he remembered that when they were besieging Taixu, the Taixu sects only bombarded them with a big bang, and the two men did not appear. It is hard for him to imagine that if the two men had smashed the Taizong squad, he could still stand here alive.

On this road, every time I see the demon appear, it is a magical shot. Every time the magical magic shot is clean and neat, it makes Yue Wuxin and others feel happy, but it is even more fearful for Taixu. The heart has already made a decision that no longer provokes too sinister. At the same time, it is more and more expected to join the Taixu.

Before landing in the air in the hall of Wuthering Heights, "Hula" came out from the hall to a group of monks. Not yet waiting for Yue Wuxin to introduce, Jin Invincible said faintly:

"Organize the monks immediately, and we fight back against the Yaozu."

The monks who ran out of the hall did not see Xu Ziyan, and when they saw Taixu, they only sent two people, and their hearts were inevitably disappointed. Some of the monks who had seen the invincible means of gold closed their mouths. However, some monks who have not seen the invincible means of gold are dissatisfied with their faces, one by one:

"You are so imaginary that you have come to such two people. If you don't discuss the plan, you will fight against the Yaozu in a hurry. Isn't that looking for death?"


A monk coughed twice and just wanted to speak. The Yue on the side was anxious. Nima, you want to find death, don't pull us! Do you still want to question the decision of Kim Invincible? So he immediately shouted loudly:

"All the people listened, and all the monks within a quarter of an hour immediately gathered here and began to fight back against the Yaozu."

Yue Wuxin shouted, and desperately made his eyes to the monk. But the monk is still hesitating, and he feels that there is something to do. The Terran monks are now running out. But 70,000 people. The Yaozu has at least 200,000 at this time. Just counter the demon?

Are you kidding?

and so. He finally spoke up: "This...we are not discussing it again."

"Consult your mom!"

Yue Wuxin can't wait to go up and hit his feet. You idiot, you didn't see me giving you a look? If you anger the two tyrannical sects, you don’t know how to die. Especially the person who was wearing a blue robe handsomely messed up, it was terrible! Think of it here. He couldn’t take care of the face of the monk again, and he screamed:

"Ye Shendong. Didn't you hear me? If you don't want to participate in the counterattack against the Yaozu, immediately take your people away."

When Ye Shendong’s look was stagnation, he felt a wrath in his heart. But he still suppressed this anger. First, he did not beat Yue, and second, where is he leaving now? Outside are the Yaozu. In the end, I was standing there with a sullen face.

Seeing to suppress Ye Shendong, Yue Wuxin sneaked a sigh of relief, then he saw that these people still stood there, and they could not help but be angry. Immediately shouted:

"Don't go to the monk, why are you standing here stupid?"

The leaders of the various forces in the Wuthering Mountains immediately dispersed, and they all felt that today’s Yue’s heart was somewhat abnormal. As if the heart was under a lot of pressure. But at this time, they should not be allowed to think more, or they should first gather their own hands and talk about it.

Just fighting with the Yaozu, it is a big deal to retreat to the Wuthering Mountains.

In fact, these monks have no choice at this time. Do you live in Wuthering Heights without listening to Yue Wuxin? Irritated to Yue Wuxin, Yue Wuxin does not have to kill you, as long as you drive away, you will fall into the encirclement of the Yaozu. Therefore, these people immediately gathered their own hands, regardless of whether they were willing or not.

Seeing that all the monks were gathered on the square, Jin Invincible nodded toward Yue Wuxin:

"lead the way!"

Yue no heart nodded nervously, he said that he understood very well, this is to lead him to lead the gold invincible directly to the main force of the Yaozu. However, at this time, he was not allowed to retreat. He bit his teeth and flew away from the outside of the Wuthering Mountains. Gold invincible and magical magic sleeves waved, and the body shape rose to the sky. Nearly 70,000 monks behind him also sneaked in the air and followed behind.

In the distance, a cloud of demon clouds shrouded, and there were 50,000 demon army in the demon cloud. In the middle of the cloud, a peak of the emperor’s peak was waved, and a demon around him released a enchanting, a streamer The high air, bursting in the air, turned into a banner in the air to recruit, shining light.


The heavens and the earth shook, and the Yaozu in the distance began to gather rapidly here. The 50,000-year-old Yaozu in the cloud also began to attack the people. In the sky above the clouds, a group of demon clouds sit on the knees of a demon, but it is the demon of the late peaks.

This time, the Terran monks in the Wuthering Mountains were the plan of this big demon. His intention was to force Xu Ziyan to force him out and kill the Taixu monks. Since the Taixu monks are not in the big array, they will lead you out. At this time, I saw the Terran monk approaching, and looked at the gold invincible and the magical demon flying in front. The look on his face was changed. He found that he could not see through the cultivation of these two monks.

what does this mean?

This means that the two monks are going to surpass him.

How can this be?

When will the Wuthering Mountain have such a monk?

Teng Ran, his gaze shrinks, the whole back is stiff, and he feels that the hair under his body is upside down. Because at this time, Jin Invincible is looking forward to him.

"He... found me?"

Jin invincible at this time has become a touch of gold, through the heavy demon cloud looked at the big demon, his face showed a sardonic smile, suddenly a big foot in the air. A group of golden clouds scattered, the invincible figure of gold as a scorching sun generally rushed toward the big demon in the air of the group.


The golden robe of Jin Invincible suddenly shattered, turned into a piece of scales, and then hovered in the air, just a cockroach turned into a gold invincible, but the body is slightly smaller than the gold invincible, toward the opposite demon family Killed the past.


The shape of the magical devil flew toward the air, and then a pair of big sleeves swayed downwards, and the two large-sleeved cuffs spurted the endless magic, but the whole sky seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds. The huge black cloud circling like an oversized vortex, hanging from the spiraling black clouds, the tentacles of the thick arms, entangled toward the demon.

The big demon hidden in a group of demon clouds showed the color of panic, and never dared to stay in the slightest, rushing out of the demon cloud and fleeing toward the demon territory.

"Want to go!"

Jin Invincible shouted, it was this loud drink, the big demon figure fleeing in front was a shake, almost fell from the cloud, hurriedly showed the body, it was a winged tiger, at a faster speed Escape to the demon territory.

Under the invincibility of Kim Invincible, countless demons fell from the air, and were entangled in countless black tentacles, and then were broken into pieces.

At this time, the Terran monks finally woke up from the shock, and a ecstasy rose in their hearts, screaming and thinking that the demon rushed to the past. Ye Shendong looked at Yue Wuxin and his heart was full of gratitude. At this time, he has already reacted. Just now, Yue did not stop him. It is definitely for him. As soon as I thought that I had dared to question the invincibility of Jin, this kind of drink would shock the existence of countless Yaozu. Ye Shendong felt that his back was cold.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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