The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2187: Star field descendants

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and this voice was a battle between the monks. For some of the low-grade corpses of the three-legged Jinwu, is this true?

Xu Ziyan shook his head and turned his gaze. At this time, he heard an angry voice and shouted:

"This three-footed Wu was hit by me and returned it to me!"

Xu Ziyan looked a little stunned. The angry monk was a young man of four men and two women who were commensurate with his brothers and brothers. At this time, he was an angry middle-aged monk. At this time, the middle-aged monk opposite the other was taking a three-footed Wu into the storage ring, and snorted and said:

"You said that you played what you played? I also said that this is what I played!"

"You fart!"

The middle-aged monk's face was a sinking voice: "Yu Yalong, don't think I don't know your identity. I want to remind you that this is the South, not the East that your dreams are winding around."

The monk who competed with him for the three-legged Ukrainian face changed. The middle-aged monk continued to ridicule and said:

"Moreover, even if you are surrounded by dreams? Are you not going back to the South with awkwardness? Finally, it is not coming back in vain. I heard that it was returned by the Stars, and people don’t want your garbage. Hahaha..."

"You..." At this time, not only the young man repaired his face, but also the other five male and female monks were also full of shame, and they sacrificed the fairy.


There was a cold sigh of Yang Jia Tian Zun in front of him. It was just a cold sigh. He let the two sides of the confrontation form a skeleton, and then looked at Yang Jiatian Zun in front of him with jealousy, and then both sides smashed each other. At a glance, each leaves.

The team once again flew toward the front, and Xu Ziyan immediately followed the six men and women monks, looking at their backs and secretly:

"These six people are commensurate with the brothers and brothers, and the young monks have been to the Eastern Stars. Are these six people descended from the sects of the Southern Territory to the Southern monks? And Shaqianli them?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan felt the volatility between the six people in the front, and immediately spread the knowledge out, shrouded the six people inside, and heard the exchange of knowledge between the six of them.

"Hey brother, you have been unhappy since you came back from the Eastern Stars. We asked you, you don't say, what happened to you in the Stars? Do you want to hide us forever?"

Yan Yalong was close to his lips, his face was very embarrassing, but he still said nothing.

"Hey brother, don't you go to the South at all, or go to the South without going to the Stars?"

For a long time, Yan Yalong still kept his lips closed, but when he saw that the five younger sisters and sisters had been looking at him with their worried eyes, they finally sighed:

"Oh... you don't have any illusions about returning to the Stars in the future!"

“Why?” asked five men and women at the same time.

"I now understand that after our ancestors failed to send a patriarch, why did they not return to the celestial domain?" Yan Yalong's face became very awkward.

"匡师兄..." A female repair voice trembled a little.

"Oh..." Yan Yalong sighed a long sigh: "I will talk to you today, lest you still have unrealistic fantasies about Zongmen."

Yan Yalong indulged for a while and said: "I returned to the East with great enthusiasm, and I have reached the Star Fields with great pains. After telling my origins, I was also taken over by the Stars. I admit that I am a Star. disciple."

"They got you started?" The five young men and women shouted excitedly, and a small star appeared in their eyes.

Yan Yalong smiled bitterly: "I was as excited as you were at the beginning, but the days that followed were not what I thought. I just tried my best to make a good fight with my sects, and I tried to prove myself. But what I got was only endless rejection and ridicule.

They call me garbage, even if it is not as good as my disciple. I said that one of my descendants who had left the sect to go out to open the sect of the sect was still coming back. Once, a monk who was a lot lower than me would dare to mock me and humiliate our ancestors. I couldn’t help but teach him a meal. In fact, I left my hand, but I slap him two slaps, but I was rushed by the monks of the celestial domain to kill me for half a year. After half a year of self-cultivation, I recovered.

However, I still have to endure it. I thought to myself that as long as I work hard to cultivate, I will get the approval of the same door when I upgrade my strength.


I am too naive……

For them, I am a descendant of a loser, a junk, a glimpse. They won't be able to afford me. I face ridicule every day, even if it is a boy in a refining period, and dare to sneer at me in front of me. They unscrupulously snatched the cultivation resources that I deserved, and I exchanged a fight with a little resistance, and then there was endless humiliation.

I told the elders about this, and the elders did not care. In the end, I really couldn’t stay, and I secretly left the Stars and returned to the South. ”

Six people were silent, and the air around the six people became stagnant. The faces of the six people are very embarrassing. In the end, a female practitioner said indignantly:

"Hey brother, why don't you tell the Stars of the Stars that you are leaving the Zongmen, and you are leaving right?"

"Zhu Shimei!" Yan Yalong said with a smile: "If I dare to do that, I am sure I will die in the East and I will never come back."

"What? Do they dare to..."

"I am in the Zongmen. They are afraid to kill me because of the rules of the Zongmen, but they have already humiliated me. This great hatred has already been settled. How can they let me live and leave the East and return to the South?"


"Sure enough, it is the descendant of the Eastern Zongmen!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the backs of the six people and secretly sighed, and could not help but think of his situation. If you open a sect in the south, I am afraid that the return to the ancestral sect is also endless ridicule?

It seems that I used to think that I have been simple. I feel that I have failed to make a new sect in the South. I am not a big deal. I can’t go back to a Jianfeng.

Now it seems that it is not the case. If you fail, you will return to Mou Zong, not only will you be endlessly mocked, but also a sword peak will be implicated, will be looked down upon by Xuanmen Baifeng, the most important It is the environment of Xu’s disciples that will become bad at once and will be difficult to survive in the ancestral hall.

"Or..." The teacher, Zhu Shimei, hesitated, "Is it better to go to Taixu?"

The other four people are also refreshed. One of them is difficult to repair and say: "Yeah, before we proposed to go to Taixu, you have always disagreed, why is this?"

"Oh..." The brother-in-law sighed again: "You haven't been to the East. I don't know. The Stars and the Zongzong can be described as water and fire. In the beginning, the Emperor was a little bit. Zong gave the extrusion of the nine major sects. If it was not because of the sudden appearance of the Shangyuan League in the north, I am afraid that the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of Accept us?


The look of my brother-in-law has become very fascinating: "I heard that the Stars have once assassinated Xu Ziyan. Although it is only a rumor, there is no evidence. But there is no wind and no waves. I want Xu Ziyan to hate the stars, and how can we accept us?"

Six people have been silent for a long time. For a long time, Zhu Shimei said: "I can't say that. Now we don't have a relationship with the Xingyu Zong, especially the encounters of your brothers in the celestial domain, let us break the stars. The thoughts of the domain sect. As long as we really trust, should there be no problem?"

"I am afraid that Xu Ziyan does not think so!" Yan Yalong sighed and said.

"But..." another male repair said: "If we are like this, it is very difficult to maintain. There are still more than 20 people waiting for us to raise our family. It is not easy for us to pick up the task outside the six people. Nowadays, it is not easy. The South is increasingly repelling us, so let’s not raise our family, that is, we can’t live without it.”

Six people went silent again, and no one talked for a long time. Xu Ziyan took back the shrouded gods and shook his head, and sighed softly in his heart.

However, she did not immediately go up to talk to them, in which case she suddenly showed her identity and may not be trusted by the other party. Only slowly find the chance.

For them to be descendants of the descendants of the Star Field, there is no rejection in Xu Ziyan’s heart. Mou Zong is not tolerant with the Xingyu Zong, but the six people in front of him have fundamentally had nothing to do with the Xingyu Zong, and Zhai Yalong has been treated in the Xingyu Zong, and it is impossible to happen with the Xingyu Zong. Any intersection.

And after all, they belonged to the descendants of the eastern Zongmen, and Xu Ziyan could not watch them in this way. As long as their heart is not bad, Xu Ziyan is still willing to earn them into the sect.

Teng Ran, the Yang Jia Tian Zun flying in front of him was another meal, looking toward the left side of the air, and then suddenly shouted:


The words fell, and the body shape flew away from the ground in the direction of the right side. All the monks looked like a glimpse, and they all looked toward the left side, but there was nothing in the sky on the left side, and they couldn’t help but look blank. Xu Ziyan is about to release the gods, and then his face is changed, whispering to the former six stars of the descendants of the descendants:


When the words fell, Xu Ziyan’s body shape flew away to the right. When the monks saw someone starting to flee, they flew to the right.

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