The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2188: Fighting three-footed

When the fire cloud approached, they discovered that it was an endless three-legged black. The thunder that came from the air was the sound caused by the wings of the three-footed slap.

The **** who fled in front stopped the pace and his face became very embarrassing. It’s natural to have a chance to escape with his ability, but in the end, it’s not just that these monks who are recruited are hard to live, that is, the monks he brought from the family will die here, and this task is even more successful. .

Therefore, he can't go, not only can not go, but also to protect the lives of these monks as much as possible.

"Flock!" Yang Jiatian respected it.

After being shocked by this voice, all the people immediately reacted. More than two thousand monks immediately formed a garden, and the gods nervously looked at the burning clouds that were coming from the distant sky.

Xu Ziyan originally followed the descendants of the six stars of the descendants, and naturally stood by their six people.


A loud tweet, almost two thousand monks were all in shape, almost sitting on the ground. A violent pressure drooped from the air, suffocating.

Yang Jiatian’s face changed, and he couldn’t help but screamed: “Tian Zun’s three-footed Wu!”

The look of the monks are all changed. The three respects of the Tianzun period are not known as the early days of Tianzun or the higher realm?

This is dead!

At this time, everyone at the same time rang the nearly one hundred three-footed Wu that had just been killed. The heart couldn’t help it. It must have been killed by those three-legged Wuzhong who had the three-legged Wuzhi children, and they were the most beloved. Kind.

"I am going to deal with the three-footed Uranus!"

Yang Jiatian Zun sighed aloud, a three-legged Jinding released from his body, quickly zoomed in the air, and the Tianzun Sanzuwu in the air collided with the past.


A tweet, the three-footed body shape was sharply enlarged, and the foot was fired. A huge forefoot caught the giant tripod.


A thunderous roar, not only a group of three-legged Wu in the sky was shaken four times, but more than two thousand monks on the ground were also shocked to sit on the ground, and the rest of the monks swayed. It is Xu Ziyan's body is also swaying, a few want to fall, if it is not her body strength reached the peak of the late Zun, it is the collision of these two Tianzun will also hurt her.

"Puff puff……"

Many monks around the squirting blood, and the six people of Xu Yalong around Xu Ziyan also sat on the ground with a blood in their mouths, and the eyes were full of fear.


Yang Jiatian's body shape rushed to the sky and shouted in his mouth: "Jin Wutianzun, let's go and play!"

"I'm afraid you can't!" The golden Uzun statue was hoarse and fluttered to the sky.


The remaining three-legged Jin Wu in the air rushed toward the Terran monks on the ground.

"stand up!"

A Yang Jiadi shouted loudly, and all the monks stood up. They knew very well at this time. At this time, there was only a desperate life, otherwise there was only one dead end.

Moreover, in this case, it is not possible to escape. As soon as a single escape, it will be killed by the three-legged Jinwu in the air. There is still a glimmer of hope when they get together.

Xu Ziyan stabilized his body and mind, took out the five-sword sword and stared at the air. Yan Yalong climbed up from the ground and looked at Xu Ziyan strangely. How could they not know that the six weakest ones were also in the middle of Xiandi, and they were all shocked to sit on the ground and spurt blood. How can a monk in the early days of the emperor just shake his body and it will be fine.

Is it that the big monk hides the cultivation, and looks at the defensive mascot of Xu Ziyan and the five-pronged sword in his hand. This is impossible to be the equipment of the great monk!

Shaking his head and turning his eyes to the three-legged Jinwu who was swooping down in the air.


A fairy scorpion was released, and a fairy ritual was sacrificed into the air, and the three-legged Jinwu in the air also spurted a hot flame. The flame blossomed in the sky, and the fire was extremely difficult to extinguish, although there were countless cents and cents. The bombardment, swaying, but still exists.


The flames of a dozen monks fell on the body. In an instant, the flame spread rapidly. More than a dozen monks ignited a raging fire, and they were turned into ashes in mourning.

All the monks have a glimpse of their hearts, urging the body hood to block the flames and release a more violent fairy.

"Puff puff……"

A large number of three-legged golden dragons in the air were broken and sprinkled with blood, but more three-legged Jinwu swooped toward them.

Xu Ziyan moved the five-pronged swords. This is a gold-colored sword. The sword of gold is transmitted from the sword. It turns into a golden awn in the air, and a three-legged golden eagle falls from the air. .

Above the prairie, there has been a raging fire, looking up, the whole sky seems to be shrouded in a cloud of fire, more than two thousand monks seem to be accommodated in a world of fire.

Xu Ziyan looked at the side and saw the six monks of the Xingyu sect beside him, but for the time being, there was no danger to his life. Put a little down in my heart and concentrate more on killing the endless three-legged gold in the sky.


Intensive tweets came from the air, and the three-legged gold was turned into a flame that rushed to the monks on the ground. This time the flame is no longer the flame of the three-legged Jinwu, but their body is transformed, the power suddenly rises a hundred times, like a meteor falling rapidly toward the ground, the surrounding temperature is rising sharply.


A few three-legged Jinwu actually penetrated the gap of Xu Ziyan’s sword, and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan suddenly shrunk the sword, narrowing the original swordsmanship of 10,000 meters to the vertical and horizontal kilometers. The gap between the swords and swords suddenly narrowed, and the three three-legged gold smashed.


Xu Ziyan turned to the first place, and saw the six people in the Xingyu sect rushed to the two rays of light, one purple and one green, and instantly rushed to the three-legged Jinwu in front of them.

Xu Ziyan stared at it, and saw that the dragons and the master of Zhu Shimei’s hands were not the six swords that they had just begun to offer, but the two nine-products’ late peak swords, one green sword, one purple sword.

This blue and purple swordsmanship unleashes the infinite power, criss-crossing in the air, intertwined into a net of swords, enveloping the shape of six people.

Xu Ziyan looked at the quaint and heavy atmosphere released by the two swords, and the heart could not help but secretly:

"Their two ancestors left them a treasure!"

Although Jiu Pin’s late peak fairy is not a big deal for Xu Ziyan, it is already a treasure for most monks. It is in the eastern part of Zongmen’s world. It is also a top-notch equipment. After all, it is a congenital treasure. Very few monks. Not to mention that in the south, in the south of the nine products, the peak of the fairy is absolutely a heir to the treasure.

There are more and more three-legged gold in the sky, and the three-legged Jinwu in all directions have heard the call and gathered here. Moreover, the level of the three-legged gold Ugly that issued the attack is getting higher and higher, and the monks on the ground gradually feel the pressure.


A dozen of powerful three-legged Jinwu once again penetrated the gap of the golden sword, and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan once again contracted the kilometer sword to 100 meters, immediately sealed up those gaps, and twisted dozens of three-legged gold stalks into glutinous rice.

Time seems to have been extremely slow in the fierce battle. The monks looked into the air from time to time, looking forward to the return of the Yang Jiatian. Only when he killed the three-legged King of Kings would he be able to lift the crisis. Similarly, if Yang Jiatian respects the fall, it is the moment when these monks die.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already shrunk the sword of gold to 20 meters. In the 20 meters around her body, there is a golden ball in the air. There is almost no gap, and countless money is thrown at her. Three-legged gold smashed.

Gazing at the side, I saw that the swordsman, which was transmitted by the purple and blue swords of Yan Yalong and Zhu Shimei, had been suppressed to less than ten meters. At this time, the six people gathered together tightly, relying on the purple and blue swords to kill a three-legged Jinwu. However, the Ziqing sword mang is not being compressed, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be suppressed to protect the six.

At this time, two hours have elapsed. The full release of Xianyu has made almost all the monks feel that their body has consumed more than half of their power. At this time, these monks who are not low are anxious. The face began to seep out sweat.


The purple-green double-sword burst into a dazzling light, and the surrounding three-legged golden scorpion was smashed, but it was not waiting for Yan Yalong and Zhu Shimei to breathe a sigh of relief, and the dense three-legged Jinwu rushed down again, and this time they rushed to their three. More gold and more, the power is also more rapid.

Just a dive, the three-legged Jinwu will once again suppress the purple-blue swords, and compress the purple-blue swordsmanship to a radius of seven meters. It was impossible to completely cover the six people.

At this time, Yan Yalong was full of blood, biting his teeth, and exploding all his potential. Kankan extended the scope of the swordsmanship by one meter.

"Yu brother, Zhu Shimei, you two do not care about us, just hold yourself!" A monk shouted to Yan Yalong.

"Shut up!" Yan Yalong stunned his eyes: "With me, you are here!"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze showed a hint of appreciation, and his gaze was changed. He saw the monk who had just made a sound and suddenly smashed the scope of the purple and blue swords, and shook his hand as he waved his sword:

"Hey brother, take care of my sister for me!"

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