The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2190: Income Zongmen


The look of Yan Yalong became even more stunned, and there was a hint of hatred in his eyes. Xu Ziyan’s heart is dark, and this question, let Yan Yalong hate a deeper point on the Star Field, so he is not afraid of his heart to the Stars. When I see that it is too imaginary today, and then live in Taixu for a period of time, it will become a member of Taixu.

At this time, not only Yan Yalong and Zhu Shimei watched Xu Ziyan, but even the four monks of the whistle turned around, staring at Xu Ziyan.

Originally, they did not have any way out. Today, Xu Ziyan saved his life and was grateful to Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, I can't wait for the purple smoke to immediately promise them to enter the Taixu class and become a member of the Taixu.

At this time, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated. He immediately said: "We are all descendants of the Eastern Zongmen. Naturally, we welcome you to join the Taixu."

Six people were overjoyed and immediately bowed in front of Xu Ziyan: "See the Lord!"

Xu Ziyan lifted the sleeves and helped the six people. Six people felt an irresistible force, but they were very soft and they had to get up. They looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes and showed awe.

"Oh, brother, before returning to the sect, you still don't call me a lord, just call my friend."

"Yes!" Yan Yalong six people answered in unison. After being re-settled, Yan Yalong looked hesitantly: "The sovereign...the friend, there are twenty-seven people in our family, but their cultivation is not high..."

Xu Ziyan nodded: "After the end of this mission, you will go home first, and then bring them together to come to Taixu."

"Thank you, Master!" Yu Yalong was overjoyed.

Xu Ziyan smiled a little and no longer spoken. However, Yan Yalong was still entangled in his heart, and one thing did not understand, and his heart always felt uneasy. Hesitated again and again, still asked:

"Lord, do you really let us join Taixu?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and said with a sigh: "What do you mean by your brother? Do you still deceive you?"

"No, no!" Yan Yalong repeatedly waved: "I have been to the east, knowing that the Stars and the Zongsong are not allowed..."

Xu Ziyan looked seriously at the opposite Yan Yalong, half-sounding, and Yan Yalong snorted and looked unnatural. At this time, Xu Ziyan said seriously:

"Yu Yalong, if you really joined Taixu, you have to remember one sentence, you are too imaginary, not a sect. You are no longer a descendant of the celestial domain, but a sect. Disciple. If you can't do this, you don't join."

Yan Yalong heard what Xu Ziyan said, not only did he not have the slightest tension in his heart, but he was overjoyed. The words of Xu Ziyan indicate that the Taixu is too sect, not the attached sect of the ancestors. As a result, Xu Ziyan naturally does not care about the identity of their descendants. However, there is still some uncertainty in my heart, because since ancient times, all the monks who have left the sect to go out to open a sect will choose to attach their own sects, otherwise it will be difficult to survive in the Upper Yuan. So, some people have lost their grounds and asked:

"Sovereign, do you really want to be attached to the sect in the future?"

“Why do you want to rely on it?” Xu Ziyan said faintly: “I will not attach any sect, I will only form an alliance. If I can’t give me equality, even the nine sects will refuse to form an alliance!”


Yan Yalong looked at Xu Ziyan with horror, and he was amazed by the star sarcasm. Only such a sovereign is worthy of following.

Are the nine sects so great?

Yang Jiagongzi sat in the camp of the Yang family's monk, and his eyes swept over a fairy **** in the late stage of the emperor.

"I want to get a purple sword!"

"give it to me!"

The Emperor of the Emperor nodded at the peak of the late stage, and then communicated with other peaks of the Emperor of the Emperor, and then the seven figures disappeared silently in the night.

Yang Jiatianzhuang frowned slightly, but then stretched out again, without words.

There are only more than 1,700 monks left here. These are the monks who are familiar with themselves and gather together to practice quietly. No one has transmitted the knowledge of the gods. Many of the unfamiliar monks here, if they are found by others to explore with God, will cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, no one noticed that the seven peaks of the late Yang Jiaxian Emperor secretly left.

The seven peaks of the Yang Emperor in the late stage of the emperor silently sneaked toward Yan Yalong. In their minds, they thought that they would attack the monks of the seven emperors in the middle of the seven peaks of the emperor. They simply came to the hand and could not even make a sound. child.

In fact, this is true. If Zhai Yalong is really only the middle of the seven emperors, and it is still under the conditions of the sneak attack of the seven Emperor's late peaks, it will not really make any noise, and it will be solved satisfactorily. .


It is a pity that one of the seven people respected the initial Xu Ziyan! Xu Ziyan did not tell his own speculation to Yan Yalong, but only one person released the knowledge.

Therefore, when the seven monks of the late Emperor's peak sneaked in the underground, they were two miles away from Xu Ziyan, and they were scanned by Xu Ziyan.

There are five miles away from the camp, and Xu Ziyan does not dare to spread the knowledge too far. After all, there is Yang Jiatian Zun on the camp. Therefore, Xu Ziyan only spread the knowledge of the gods out of the two, and she is sure that if the Yang family Tianzun also spreads out the knowledge of God, she will be discovered by her, because Yang Jiatianzun is also the beginning of Tianzun, and the intensity of Xu Ziyan's gods is the same. However, if there is such a situation, Xu Ziyan will be exposed.

Fortunately, Yang Jiatianzun did not put a few people in the eyes of Yan Yalong, too lazy to detect. Therefore, when the seven peaks of the late Emperor had just entered the range of two miles away from Xu Ziyan, they were immediately discovered by the consciousness of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not think that these seven people would come from the underground, a touch of green hidden from the body of Xu Ziyan into the ground, and greeted the peaks of the seven emperors. The speed is very fast, as if the soil does not exist. That is the hope of the ancient vine in the middle of the human respect.

Gu Teng hopes to divide seven ancient vine branches at the bottom of the earth and explore the past seven peaks of the Emperor. A man who respects the middle of the big demon wants to attack the peaks of the seven centuries, how can the seven people feel it?

Just as seven people sneaked forward in the ground toward the front, suddenly they had a big mouth next to each other, and they swallowed up seven of them. How the seven branches of the ancient vine contracted in one direction and turned into an ancient vine, and the seven peaks of the late Emperor became the hope of the ancient vine.

The ancient vine turned into a little green light, disappeared in the ground without trace, and returned to the body of Xu Ziyan, and was admitted to the purple smoke space by Xu Ziyan.

Gu Teng hopes to throw the storage ring on the seven monks of the late Emperor of the Emperor to the peach blossom, and then Xu Ziyan put back into the chaos.

All of them, such as Yalong and others, did not know that after Xu Ziyan had done all this, he also withdrew his knowledge and practiced. She believes that the Yang family will not take the monks to attack again. Even if they find that the seven peaks of the Emperor are missing, they will not doubt the seven of them. After all, no one will think that the seven emperors will be repaired in the middle. The monks will silently solve the seven peaks of the late Emperor.

Time passed by in silence, and there were several shouts of monsters coming from a distance. Yang Jiagong opened his eyes from the interest rate adjustment and frowned slightly. It has already passed an hour. The seven peaks of the Yang family have not yet returned. What happened?

There is no movement at all. On this silent night, if there is a fight at the Xiandi level, although there is a distance of five miles, he will certainly be able to hear it, but since the seven peaks of the late Emperor left, there is no longer A trace of voice came back.

This... After the seven guys killed the people, where did they go?

Yang Jiagong did not think that his seven men would have an accident. How could it be? The seven peaks of the late Emperor's Emperor to deal with the seven monks below the mid-term monk will happen?

Are you kidding?

Yang Jiatian Zun, who was sitting in front, frowned slightly. The seven emperors of Yang’s family left for an hour and still did not return. This is absolutely not normal. His knowledge quickly spread out, but in an instant he saw seven people like Xu Ziyan, who were still sitting cross-legged on the grass, not the slightest difference.

The knowledge of Yang Jiatian's **** swiftly swept around Xu Ziyan and others, and did not even find seven people in his family. The knowledge quickly spread, and it was collected after a quarter of an hour. Then it began to scan the ground, and the brow was slightly wrinkled.

He found traces of seven family monks sneaking in the ground, but the traces disappeared about two miles away from Yan Yalong and others. There, they saw the signs of their attack. It was obviously a very powerful demon, and the chances of the seven emperors in the late peaks did not respond. After that, all traces disappeared, and the powerful demon family suddenly appeared here and suddenly disappeared.

Yang Jiatian respected that the demon must be a demon who can be deformed, and according to the residual atmosphere, it is likely to belong to the wood system.

The gods quickly spread out and shrouded seven people, including Yan Yalong and Xu Ziyan. He did not find a trace of the woody demon, and did not find any fluctuations in the mental strength of the seven.

He couldn't find any woody atmosphere here. The atmosphere that Gu Teng hopes to stay in the air has long been absorbed into the purple smoke space by Xu Ziyan, and the six people of Yan Yalong have no idea of ​​killing the seven Yang family monks. How can mental strength fluctuate? As for Xu Ziyan, in the strength of the gods and Yang Jiatian respect is a realm, how can it be seen by Yang Jiatianzun in the slightest flaw?

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