The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2191: Tree demon

You can quietly eat the seven peaks of the late Emperor of the Emperor, and the minimum of your demon is also the beginning of the people. The face of Yang Jiatian Zun’s face is worried. Since the Yaozu sent a person to respect the big demon to explore themselves and others, they proved that this group of people was stared by the demon.

This is really not a good thing!

Looking back at the Yang family son, Yang Jiagong's body is a shake, his heart is low. In the ear, Yang Jiatian respected the voice of the voice:

"We are eyeing the Yaozu. At this time, we need to be united. You are not allowed to deal with them again, otherwise they will make other monks chill."

"Yes, father!" Yang Jiagongzi also knows the voice: "Father, Yang Chong, they are seven?"

“Hey!” Yang Jiatian respected the cold voice: “Dead!”

Yang Jiagongzi stunned his mouth, and the spread was unbelievable. His heart raised a trace of fear. The Yang family came out in the beginning of a total of Tianzun, the middle of the two respects, and the peak of the eighteen emperors. Now, for my own reasons, I have died at the end of the seven Emperor's late peaks. I don't know how my father will punish himself?

"Father, they... how did they die?"

"It was eaten by the Yaozu, we have been targeted by the Yaozu, so you must be careful."

"We were stared at by the demon family." Yang Jiagong took a breath of air.

Although the heart is suspicious, but it is even more hateful to Yan Yalong. If there is no him, how can he send someone to attack? If you don’t sneak under your own hands, what will be eaten by the Yaozu?

"I must kill you!" Yang Jiagong held his fist tightly.

It is very bright.

The Quartet's value whistle rushed back, and Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong also returned to the camp. When Yang Jiagong saw the 匡亚龙, his eyes were full of killing intentions, and he would pass through the minds of the middle-aged monks in the Yang family.

"Five Uncle, I want to kill them."

The middle of the land respected gently nodded, no words, but the eyes were inadvertently glanced at Yan Yalong and their seven people. Xu Ziyan’s heart was a glimpse. He keenly felt the killing of the middle of the land, and he sighed in his heart. It seems that this journey is not easy.

The team continued to set off, and Xu Ziyan’s accident was that he did not take any action against them in the middle of the ten-day period. But this did not make Xu Ziyan feel relaxed, but the heart was even more nervous.

There have also been some demon people on this road, and all human beings have suffered casualties, but the number is not very large.

On this day, everyone turned over a highland, and their eyes changed, because in their field of vision, there was a small village under the high ground.

It was really a small village. It was only about a square in the visual inspection. It was just that the village had a very strange feeling. There were quite a few houses in the square, but the house was very small, as if That village is a dwarf tribe.

At this time, the order of Yang Jiatianzun was passed down, and the remaining 1,500 people were divided into four teams, entering from the four directions of the village.

Yang Jiatian respected himself all the way, Yang family and the two landlords led the way all the way, four people led the way all the way, the two landlords led all the way.

Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong were assigned to the road led by the Yang family. The heart of Xu Ziyan immediately became nervous.

Soon the team gathered together and then walked under the high ground. Xu Ziyan had to enter the western part of the small village, so they still need to surround the village. When I circled the west side of the village, one of the land esteemed and looked up at the sky, and then gave the order to rest. Tomorrow, Tianming still entered the village very much.

There are more than 300 people in the entire camp, and they have become a triangle. Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong seven people were arranged at the outermost corner of a corner. Xu Ziyan sat on the floor and his brow wrinkled tightly. There is no doubt that if their camp is attacked, the monks in the three corners are the most severely attacked.

Since Yang family can find it here, it should have a more detailed study of it, and it is estimated that it is likely to be attacked. And Yang Jiadi respected himself and others in one of the corners, and it was simply uneasy. Because the seven of them are not the highest monks here, at least on the surface are not the highest monks, there are many peaks of the late Emperor.

Good and smart means, you don't have to kill yourself and others, borrow the hands of the Yaozu to kill yourself and others, and the other monks can't see anything.

Looking around, the terrain is very strange. There are three directions in all directions, and only the direction facing the small village is covered by layers of trees. It is a dense forest. At this time, the direction of Xu Ziyan’s seven people is exactly the wood.

Sighing with a sigh, Xu Ziyan whispered to Yan Yalong and others: "Everyone is careful, this night will not be too peaceful!"

"You mean we will be attacked?" Yan Yalong's look was tense.

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, then whispered: "We also put a small triangular formation, I am in front of me, my brother and Zhu Shijie are behind me."

"Yes!" Yan Yalong and others whispered, and the seven figures changed shape, and soon they became a triangle formation. Sitting in the middle of the camp, the middle-aged monk’s eyelids jumped, and he said:

"The seven little guys are not low!"

Xu Ziyan took out the five-pronged sword, placed it on his lap and closed his eyes. Yan Yalong and others looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, and then closed his eyes.

The night fell quickly, and the sky was exceptionally dark in the jungle. A crescent moon hangs in the sky, it is already midnight. Xu Ziyan suddenly sighed a bit:


Holding the sacred sword in one hand, stood up from the ground, and sinking into a glimpse of the gods and said to the device:

"Give me a refinement of a fire attribute five swords!"

"Yes, master." The device immediately entered the time array.

In the consciousness of Xu Ziyan, she has already seen that the surrounding trees are alive at this time. She thinks that there will be a demon attack, but she did not think it was a tree demon. Until the tree demon began to move, she did not find it. These trees have become demon. Looking back at the two mid-level monks, I saw that the two of them did not change. I knew that these two great monks would have known this. And put Xu Ziyan seven people in the direction of facing the tree.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan also understood why the two monks had to camp here instead of entering the village. It was afraid to be trapped in the tree demon. They had to solve all the tree demon here before they entered. Go inside the village.

At this time, the tree demons have been scattered and surrounded by the Terran monks, but the place where the tree demon is most concentrated is the front direction of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan immediately transported the sword of gold to the great consummation. The golden light appeared in the air, intertwined into the net in the air, and sharply cut a tree demon. At this time, Yan Yalong and Zhu Shimei no longer hide their strength. They are not stupid. They also realize that the position of their seven people is the most dangerous place. They immediately took out the purple and blue swords and the power is full.

"Everyone should not retire. If you want to enter the village, you must kill all these tree demons. As long as you kill these trees, each person will send another hundred pieces of Chinese crystal."

A land of Yang’s family shouted loudly, and this voice shouted the spirit of all the monks. One hundred pieces of Zhongpin Xianjing, that is 10,000 pieces of the next product. It seems that this time Yang family has bleeding.

Therefore, all the monks were energetic and struggling to kill the tree demon. At this time, Xu Ziyan did not feel the mood, and said that Xu Ziyan would not put a hundred pieces of Zhongpin Xianjing in his eyes. At this time, her spirit was placed on the opposite tree demon.

In the face of the two mid-term monks, she could not reveal all her strengths, not only could not all be revealed, but part of it could not be revealed. She must control the realm in the early days of Xiandi, so that she can get the hand of the sword.

In the air, the golden light is intertwined into a net and propelled forward. In the meantime, several tree demons are cut into pieces. But more trees are coming up. Xu Ziyan seven people immediately felt the pressure increase sharply.

At this time, Xu Ziyan thought about it and knew that the device had successfully refined the fire attribute Xianjian. Xu Ziyan simply threw the metal sword in his hand toward the front and threw it into the tree demon group, then screamed:


The five-sword sword broke out and immediately shattered three tree demons. Xu Ziyan had one hand and one hand, and the five-character sword of the handle of the fire was held in the hand and stroked in front of him.


There was a humming in the air, and a fire sea spread with the sword of Xu Ziyan to the opposite tree demon. The body of the tree demon immediately burned.

While killing the tree demon while paying attention to Xu Ziyan and others, the middle-aged eyelids are another hop. He just saw that Xu Ziyan was the perfection of the Golden Sword, and now he saw the Xu Zi Fireworks Sword is perfect, and his heart was shocked.

How is this gimmick cultivated?

Yan Yalong and others looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes and they were full of admiration. They knew that the cultivation of Xu Ziyan was definitely not the beginning of Xiandi. Now, in the early days of Emperor Xian’s realm, the sword of great perfection has such a power. If Xu Zi let go of himself All the strengths will be a scene.

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