The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2193: Getting smaller

"Do you think they can survive?"

"There is the same ending if you don't live. The secret of this village must not be revealed. Anyone who knows this secret must die!"

A land esteem looked around, and there was a sardonic smile in his eyes: "But there are quite a few monks who followed us to this place!"

"Come on, huh, huh..."

Xu Ziyan and others have already stood on the edge of the small village at this time. As soon as they step forward, they step into the small village. Fifteen of them stopped at the same time and looked up at the small village.

Slightly wrinkled his brows, Xu Ziyan has a very strange feeling in his heart. This small village is not like the appearance of a small village.

This is not true!

It is a small village, but it is a small village that cannot live. It is not that this small village is only a square, can not live a few people, but this small village is like a miniature model. There are streets, houses, and trees...


These streets, houses, and trees are too small...

It is as if an artist has carved a miniature village in this square, but Xu Ziyan clearly feels the breath of life from this miniature village. The tiny trees are distinctly living. Not carved out. But how can there be such a small tree in this world?

The gods spread out and wanted to check what was in the village, but the gods that had just spread out were immediately bounced out. Xu Ziyan's look is a change, hurriedly looking at other people, seeing other people at this time also look generally, it seems that they are also released after the release of God.

“Is this small village a battlefield? Everything you see is a fantasy?”

Xu Ziyan immediately pulled the Yuanshen of the first one into the sea, letting the queue look at the small village. At this time, Hu Yangang changed his face and finally bite his teeth:

"Let's go in!"

"and many more!"

When his voice just fell, he was stopped by a voice, but turned to look at Xu Ziyan. However, Xu Ziyan just shouted, and then stopped speaking, just looking into the small village. Hu Yangang's face is a sinking. I have already said that I can only have one voice in this team. He must be the captain of the team. But now, he has just issued a forward command, but it has been blocked by Xu Ziyan.

what is this?

However, seeing Xu Ziyan's face was dignified, and he felt strange about this small village in front of him. He also hoped that Xu Ziyan could see something, and he endured the dissatisfaction in his heart and stood there with a gloomy face.

"Array one, what do you see?" Xu Ziyan asked softly in the knowledge of God.

"I can't see anything." The array said in confusion.

"Can't see anything? Is this a big battle that is beyond the peak of the top grade?" Xu Ziyan asked in shock.

"This is not a big battle!"

"Not a big battle?"

"Absolutely not, I can be sure of this. Even if it is beyond the peak of the top grade, I can't crack it, but I can recognize it. There is no sign of a big bang here."

"Not a big battle..."

Xu Ziyan was somewhat embarrassed. He immediately took the device, the five gods of Fuyi and so on, and also pulled the sea into the sea, and also pulled Xiaomumu, Xiaowudao, Xiaojin, a palm of water, Huo Linger, and Xiaotu. Know the sea and let them see what it is.

"This Taoist friend..." Hu Yanang just saw Xu Ziyan standing there, all of them have a bit of time, and they did not speak, and finally they couldn’t help it. They asked in the first two steps.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and stopped Hu Yanang. He did not look at him, but he still looked at the small village.

"You..." Hu Yangang felt that he was being despised, and the displeasure in his heart rose again: "This Taoist friend, if you have nothing to say, we should go in."

"and many more!"

This time, Xu Ziyan spoke up, but she still didn't look at Hu Yanang, because at this time, in her knowledge of the sea, there was a palm of the hand and they had to pass through her eyes but watched the small village in front.

"What are you waiting for?" Hu Yangang said angrily.

Although Xu Ziyan was not able to turn around at will, but in fact, at this time, the observation of Xiaocun really did not have her, so she said:

"Hui Yandao friends, don't you think that there is a life in this small village?"

"Crap!" Hu Yangang said angrily: "There is no life, is it still called the village?"

"But, do you think that such a model-like thing can live? Doesn't that house have a palm?"

"This..." Hu Yangang’s look was also changed. He said with a sigh of relief: "What should I do? Do we return?"

"Retreat is not able to return. If we return, I am afraid that Yang Jiadi will kill us on the spot."

"Why don't you go in!" At this time, the voice of Yang Jiadi's voice passed coldly.

This time, even the face of the purple smoke is also helpless. If you don't go in again, I am afraid that Yang Jiadi will shoot his fifteen people on the spot to kill Liwei, and then send other people to come in.

"go in!"

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and Hu Yangang was also cautious, and fifteen people took a step.

Just taking this step, the faces of the fifteen people immediately showed extreme panic, stayed in place, and did not dare to take another step forward.

In their vision, the scene in front of them suddenly changed, the streets were no longer narrow, but they became very large, the houses were no longer short, but they became very tall, and the trees were no longer slender, but became thick. ......

At this time, there is a voice in everyone’s heart, whether these things suddenly become bigger, or suddenly they become smaller...

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyan forced himself to calm down. Looking far and wide, this small village is still in the shape of a circle, and it is no longer visible at a glance.

"See what?" Xu Ziyan asked in a hurry in the sea.

"This... It seems that a certain monk has concentrated this land with Daxianli. There is a spatial atmosphere of the atmosphere. You should be smaller here!" Xiaowu said softly.

"Space attribute?" Xu Ziyan's right eye showed a whirlpool, the meaning of the space unfolded, suddenly the eyes hurt, Xu Ziyan closed his eyes, a drop of tears fell.

"Your realm is not enough!" Xiaomumu said at this time: "The meaning of the space of this powerful monk should have been cultivated into the realm!"

"So, if we want to go back at this time, is it possible?" Xu Ziyan asked worriedly.

“It’s impossible under normal circumstances!” Xiaomumu said softly.

"What is impossible under normal circumstances?"

"That is to say that since the strength of the fifteen people has come in, it is impossible to go out. Only in this village must have the thing of the great monk, you may have found the thing and you will be able to leave. Of course There is another way to leave."

"Another way? What method?"

"Hey, the other method is much simpler!" Xiaomumu said with a smile: "I can take you out only if the owner comes to my mouth."

Xu Ziyan is awkward, with the existence of small wood, everything is not a problem. In this way, a heart hung by Xu Ziyan will be put down.


Suddenly there was a roar of noise behind her. Xu Ziyan turned her head and saw that it was not the original scene behind him. It had turned into a thick fog and could not see the scenery outside. At this time, Hu Yanang and others were offering a powerful weapon to bombard the space, but their fairy instruments were bounced back without exception.

"It’s a group of fools!" Xiaomu Muyu, who knows the sea, smiled and said: "When the great monk condenses it with Daxianli, it will naturally form a space barrier. Can they be smashed?"

Xu Ziyan’s mind suddenly remembered the power of the lord, the demon, and so on, and could not help but be surprised:

"Small wood, can that power be a holy monk?"

“Not necessarily!” Xiaomumu shook his head and said: “If it is the Tianzun period masters who understand the Tao, they can also display this great power.”

At that time, the monks standing outside the small village were afraid to look at Xu Ziyan and others in the small village, although Xu Ziyan and others were in a dense fog at this time, and could not see the outside. But nothing has changed in the eyes of the monks outside, they can still clearly see everything in the village.

In their careers, when Xu Ziyan and others stepped into the small village, they suddenly became smaller. This change is too fast, so fast that they think that Xu Ziyan and others suddenly disappeared. Then they saw fourteen people like the size of a small bug running towards the village, then they were bounced back and fell to the ground, and then saw fourteen people sacrificed the fairy to bombard there, but Those fairy devices were bounced back without exception.

"It's them..." The monks changed color.

"How did they get smaller?"

"We can't get out, we are trapped inside."

The monks could not help but look at the two Yang family respects with fear. One of them Yang Jiadi smiled and smiled:

"Don't worry, as long as they hang the flag that I gave them on the flagpole, it will solve all problems."


These monks also breathed a sigh of relief, and they almost believed in Yang Jiatianzun in their hearts. If not, why should they give Hu Yangang a banner?


The fate of the fifteen people did not know how. At this time, they had some sympathy for Hu Yangang and some gloating.

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