The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2194: Wind wolf

In her gaze, she saw a bone, a human being, a demon, a long time, and a time to approach. It seems that many people and demon people have come here.


Yang’s family is obviously not mistaken here, but comes here in a planned way. How did they know this place? Is there any way to crack this way and spread it out?

If there is a real way to pass it out, I am afraid that the monk who was concentrated here has been circulated. What is his purpose?


Yang Jia also took out a flag, what role does the flag? Was it also that the original monk was deliberately circulated?

Xu Ziyan stood there thinking about it, completely ignoring those behind him. Those people were bombarded for a quarter of an hour, only to realize that they could not go out at all, and looked at each other with dismay. At this time, they found that there was one less person, and they hurriedly looked back and saw Xu Ziyan still standing there quietly, facing away from them.

"Is it... she is scared..." Hu Yanang murmured.

"You are scared!" Yan Yalong glanced at him, and then strode over to Xu Ziyan. The rest of him also followed the Xu Ziyan.

"Zong...daoyou, what do you see?" Yan Yalong asked nervously.

Xu Ziyan stretched his brow and turned his head and looked at the fourteen people. When I saw everyone’s face, they were all nervous and could not help but smile:

"I am not very clear, but since I came in, we might as well go in and see. Right..." Xu Ziyan looked at Hu Yangang:

"Can the banner that Yang Jia’s monk give you can show me?"

"Oh..." At this time, Hu Yangang no longer has the color of pride. Although Xu Ziyan said that she is not clear about the situation here, but when she sees the calm look of Xu Ziyan, she knows that Xu Ziyan is not scared, but in her heart. Have a certain degree of certainty. Recalling the behavior of Xu Ziyan just outside the village, I feel that Xu Ziyan has a certain understanding of the situation here. Immediately took out the flagpole and handed it to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took over the flag and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't see anything. The flag was very ordinary in appearance. The whole flag was black, a pure black, like a void. There is no trace of the pattern above, it is pure black.

Xu Ziyan knew that the release of the gods at this time would open the eyes of Kun Peng, but the eyes and eyes could not see the slightest cause and effect. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, his heart moved, but his face showed hesitation. In the end, a bit of teeth, a swirl of space appeared in the right eye. Suddenly the eyes were a pain, and she closed her eyes and a tear.

Xu Ziyan understands that there is space in this flag. It’s just that your own realm is too low to be observed.

With a sigh, he returned the flag to Hu Yanang and looked at the eyes of Hu Yangang’s hope. Xu Ziyan shook his head helplessly:

"I didn't see anything, but we still have to be careful!"

Hu Yangang’s face showed disappointment, but he did not say anything, just took the flag. But he did not say anything, does not mean that his men have no opinion on Xu Ziyan.

Looking at Xu Ziyan's gaze is a bit bad, one by one in the heart: "In the early days of a fairy emperor, in the fifteen people, the minimum is repaired, what is the mystery? What is the big brother, it is true, but if you are patient, if I I have long been a slap in the face, let her be less sorrowful, and honestly listen to the order."

"Hey, friends, we sent two people to explore each other, how?" Hu Yan just began to calmly release the order, this sentence seems to be discussed with Yan Yalong, but the tone is unquestionable.

Yan Yalong nodded and sent two people. Hu Yangang also sent two people, four carefully going to the village.

Looking at the four people disappeared into the field of vision, everyone also separated and made a defensive formation. Yan Yalong went to the side of Xu Ziyan, a look of worry. At this time, it is no longer possible to know how to let go. Yan Yalong was close to Xu Ziyan and pressed the sound to a very low level:

"Lord, you really have nothing to discover?"

Xu Ziyan turned around and looked around and found that there was no reaction from the people around him. Hu Yangang was also whispering with a monk. Xu Ziyan erected his ears and heard nothing. In my heart, I understand that since I can refrain from knowing the gods, the hearing of the monks also has a reduced effect. So, it also lowered the voice and said:

"This is not a battle!"

"This is not a battlefield?" Yan Yalong was shocked. He has been here since then, and he believes that it must be shrouded in a powerful array. But now I heard Xu Ziyan said that this is not a battle.

This is not what the formation is? I will cover myself and others, and isolate the gods. The outside becomes a thick fog. This is the battle!

"Well, this is not a battle!" Xu Ziyan lowered his voice and continued: "This is a certain monk who used Confucius to concentrate it."

“Is this concentrated?” Yan Yalong’s face looked blank.


"how come?"

Yan Yalong is very uncomfortable, and it is really difficult to understand his cultivation and experience. If Xu Ziyan does not possess the mysterious existence of Xiaomumu, it is difficult for Xu Ziyan to understand this phenomenon. Yan Yalong stood there thinking for a long time, thinking that his head was a little painful, and finally did not want to understand, only shaking his head bitterly, but looking into the eyes of Xu Ziyan became awe.

He is sure that Xu Ziyan is definitely not lying because it is not necessary. As a result, Xu Ziyan knew what he didn't know, and it was such a mysterious thing. This could not help but make him feel awed by Xu Ziyan.

"No wonder she dared to come to the south to establish a sect, and it is said that a third-class small sect has now developed into a first-class small sect. How long? If it is someone else, I am afraid that the third-rate sect has not yet developed into a second-rate sect. The door is gone, right?

Ok! Taixu was also killed by the Terran and the Yaozu in the Wuthering Mountains, but it achieved the ultimate victory. Moreover, I heard that the Terran in the Wuthering Ranges has recently repelled the offensive of the Yaozu, and then gained the trust of the Wuhou Mountain Terran, or sent their children into Taixu, which is too imaginary to be in a short time. The reason for the development.

By the way, what the lord is doing is definitely not the beginning of the Emperor. ”

Yan Yalong looked at Xu Ziyan and looked hesitant, but now he is really helpless here. He needs a reason to build up his confidence, so he finally did not hold back and pressed his voice and asked:

"Lord, what exactly are you doing?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at him and felt that there was no need to stare at him. Business Fields and other materials Then, pressing down the voice said;

"The beginning of people respect!",

Yan Yalong’s face was not surprised at all, but he nodded for granted. In his heart, it is believed that a monk who has left the sect of the sect to open a sect should be the first person to respect. This is the minimum. Is it still going to let a disciple of the immortal period come out to open a school?

What a joke!

It’s the monk’s late monk’s status as a disciple. How could it be possible to leave the ancestral sect?

Presumably, it was rumored that Xu Ziyan was only the peak of the late Emperor's Emperor.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan also had some worries in her heart. She was not worried about this village because there was no danger in the village. She is worried about Yang family.

I am afraid that at this time, in the other three directions of the village, there are also monks who have begun to enter this small village. In the end, everyone will gather in the center of the small village. This time, the monk of Yang Jialai had a middle age and two middle ages. This kind of strength really made Xu Ziyan have some headaches. I am not really an opponent of the monk in the Tianzun period, even if it is only an early Tianzun.

Xu Ziyan went to the side and took out the jade briefing. She wanted to bring invincible gold and magical magic. If there were two of them, they would be safer.

However, the result disappointed her. It was isolated from the communication jade, and it was impossible to contact Jin Invincible and the Magic. Disappointingly, the jade was summoned, and he walked helplessly toward the entrance to the village.

Suddenly the face of the purple smoke changed, she only felt that the back spine was standing, and an instinct was telling her that the danger was approaching. Without looking back, the figure smashed out toward the front of the slope, and at the same time released a water curtain in the back.


Two wind blades hit the water curtain Tianhua, Xu Ziyan only had time to look back at this time, seeing a wind wolf, Kun Peng blinked, turned out to be a wind wolf in the late Emperor.


The wind wolf was sprayed out of the mouth by two wind blades. Xu Ziyan thought about it. Although he was released in a haste, the water curtain Tianhua, but also reached the initial power of the ordinary monk. Such a water curtain Tianhua is not a wind wolf can be broken, so this water curtain Tianhua and his own monk in the early days of the Emperor did not match!

And this is just a wind wolf in the late Emperor's Emperor. There is a peak of the late Emperor of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, and there is no need to reveal his identity.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan thought of a move, shrinking Xianyuan force, and instantly reduced the power of the water curtain Tianhua.


There is only less than an hour left, and then ask for a pink ticket! By the way, ask for the pink of tomorrow!



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