The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2195: I am so bold

The two wind blades shattered the water curtain Tianhua, but at this time Xu Ziyan ran to Hu Yanang and others. On the other side, Yan Yalong saw the wind wolf rushing toward Xu Ziyan, and flew over to Xu Ziyan. Then he saw Xu Zi’s cigarette **** also released a water curtain Tianhua, the wind that the wind wolf sneaked. The blade is blocked outside, and the figure is not worth a meal. In my heart, I think that Xu Ziyan is a person who respects the early stage and deals with the wind wolf of the late Emperor.

However, he immediately saw that the power of the water curtain Tianhua was sharply weakened, and then it was killed by the two wind blades of the wind wolf. Finally, he saw Xu Ziyan fleeing to him and flying. He gave him a look in the escape.

Yan Yalong suddenly realized that Xu Ziyan did not want to expose his true cultivation, and he screamed and sacrificed the sword to the opposite side of the wind.


The wind wolf spurted out two wind blades, and a wind blade flew out the sword of Yan Yalong. A wind blade rushed toward Yu Yalong, and Yan Yalong hurriedly evaded, extremely embarrassed.

At this time, a figure emerged from Hu Yangang's side, which is another peak of the late emperor in the Huyan squad. He had long seen that Xu Ziyan was not pleasing to the eye. In the early days of a small fairy emperor, he always showed a mysterious look of the gods, as if she knew a lot of looks, and for a long time, she did not say one or two.

So when he saw the wind wolf attacking Xu Ziyan, his heart was still very cool. When I saw Xu Ziyan’s escaping, my heart was more refreshing.

"Save people!"

At this time, he heard the words of his older brother Hu Yangang, and saw that Hu Yangang had already rushed out. The people of the whistling squad are very respectful to Hu Yanang. The words of Hu Yangang are orders, so when he heard that Hu Yan just said "save people", he immediately threw the jokes to the side and instantly rebuilt his own Raised to Dai Feng, the body shape "嗖" and surpassed Hu Yanang.

A wind wolf in the late Emperor of the Emperor did not put it in his eyes. He just wanted to kill the wind wolf in front of Xu Ziyan, who could not look pleasing to the eye. He casually ridiculed Xu Ziyan and let Xu Ziyan know that the world must rely on strength after all. of.

His figure deliberately ran into the past with Xu Ziyan, and at the same time shouted in his mouth: "Get out, rubbish!"

Xu Ziyan's body shape was given to the left side, and the Huyan family monk swept past him and rushed toward the opposite wind wolf.

Aaron Longon lived in shape and turned to stand on the ground in a daze. However, he was not scared by the wind wolf of the late Emperor, but was scared by the monk of the Hoyan family.

The courage is really big, even dare to marry a person who respects the monk is rubbish...

At this time, Hu Yangang also rushed from the side of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong stopped their steps and gathered together to look at the two emperors in the late peaks and left to the wind of the late Emperor.

"Hey brother, you said that the two of them can kill the wind wolf under a few tricks?" Xu Ziyan said with enthusiasm while watching the excitement.

"It should be within three strokes!" Yan Yalong said with some hesitation.

"One trick!" Xu Ziyan extended a finger.

"One move?" Yan Yalong was a little shocked, and his eyes were not clear: "The speed of the wind wolf is very fast, no less than the peak of the late Emperor."

"The Huyan team is not simple, they just live by hunting the monsters. And they are stronger than the wind wolf..."

Xu Ziyan has not explained yet. Hu Yangang has already rushed to the front of the wind wolf. The figure is staggered. The head of the wind wolf is smashed down and blood is sprayed in the neck.

"How?" Xu Ziyan looked at Yan Yalong with a smile.

"High!" Yan Yalong erected a thumb toward Xu Ziyan: "The sovereign is really high!"

At this time, Hu Yanang and the two emperors of the late Emperor's eyes gaze proudly toward Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong. They only tried to kill a wind wolf in the late Xian Emperor, especially in the moment when Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong lost, and looked at Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong. The gaze naturally takes a look down.

However, the eyes of the two of them just looked at Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong, and they almost fell to the ground.

What are Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong doing?

Yan Yalong was actually showing a thumbs up to Xu Ziyan. Although he couldn’t hear what Yan Yalong was saying, the gesture was undoubtedly a compliment.

"You two are just running away? Is it the wind wolf we killed? What do you mean by erecting a thumbs up at that woman?"

The two brothers of Hu Yanang were very depressed at this time, and at the same time they were a little angry, and they strode toward Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong. They are going to question Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong. They saved them by two people. They always want to thank themselves.

"Fast, knot!"

They had just walked to the front of Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong, and they heard shouts coming from the entrance to the village. The four people turned their heads and looked at them at the same time. They saw the four monks who had just sent out to the village to explore them. They ran over and there were more than 200 wind wolves behind them who were quickly chasing the chasers.

"Flock!" Xu Ziyan and Hu Yangang shouted at the same time.

The figure rushed toward the entrance of the village, and the remaining monks also swayed and quickly formed a battle. Yan Yalong and Zhu Shimei had already sacrificed the purple and blue swords.

Xu Ziyan still took out the five-metal metallic sword and transmitted the sword of gold into the sword.


The blade of the sword trembled, and the majestic Golden Sword was distributed from the inside of the blade.


Only in the time when the three interest rates were not available, the wind wolf and the Xu Ziyan and other people collided into one place. The fairy tales and the wind wolf's natal gods collided with each other, and the air became hot in an instant.

More than two hundred wind wolves immediately dispersed after the first wave of impact, surrounded by Xu Ziyan and other people, surrounded by Xu Ziyan and other people, but did not go forward, but kept moving towards Xu Ziyan Wait for someone to spray the wind blade.

The dense wind blade quickly filled up the space, hovering fifteen fiercely around Xu Ziyan, and continuously descending toward fifteen.

Fifteen sides, such as Xu Ziyan, intercepted the wind blades and attacked the wind wolves. The strength of the whistling squad is still manifested at this time. While resisting the wind blade, it can also continue to hurt the wind wolf and slowly kill a wind wolf.

The strength of Yan Yalong's side is going to be some. If it wasn't for this time, Yan Yalong and Zhu Shimei offered a purple and blue sword. I am afraid that the wind wolf has broken their defense.

Yan Yalong and Zhu Shimei made a pair of swords, a purple mang and a green mangling like two dragons flying in space, smashing a piece of wind blade, while strangling toward a wind wolf.

Behind the wind wolf, a white giant wolf has not been involved in the attack. The white giant wolf was white, with no hair, and the body was significantly taller than other wind wolves, almost twice as much as other wind wolves. The body exudes a horrible atmosphere.

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, there was a blue flash. I saw that the white giant wolf had reached the critical point of breaking the human respect. Now, although it is still the peak of the late Emperor, it may only need an opportunity to break through the human respect.

At this time, the white giant wolf's gaze was locked to the face of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan could not help but slightly frowned. I understand that the white wind wolf should also see that the side of their defense is lower than the strength of the whistling squad. It seems that the wind wolf should put the direction of the main attack on his side.

Sure enough, the white giant wolf raised his head gracefully and opened his mouth.


A wolf screamed in the space, and the wolves began to split more power and began to attack them. Soon, the blue and purple swords of Yan Yalong and Zhu Shimei were curbed, revealing flaws, and a wind wolf spurted the wind blade into it.

Suddenly, a golden mans burst out.

That is the golden sword of Xu Ziyan. Although it is only a five-pronged sword, the power of the explosion is definitely not weaker than the purple and blue swords.

A sword is intended to shuttle through the air, but it is a perfect sword, and the wind wolf is cut ruthlessly. The wind wolf began to retreat, and Xu Ziyan and others once again opened the distance, and sprayed a dense wind blade toward Xu Ziyan and others.

At the time of the match against the three-legged Jinwu, the Huyan team was far away from Xu Ziyan, and did not see Xu Ziyan releasing the sword of gold. Now I saw Xu Ziyan’s golden sword, and I couldn’t help but open my mouth.

Although Xu Ziyan was the early stage of Emperor Xian, can the Emperor of the Emperor who possessed the golden sword be able to be the same as the ordinary Emperor? In his view, although the strength of Xu Ziyan at this time is still a little different from him, it is not far from it.

And the person who can understand the sword in the early days of Xiandi, the future is absolutely limitless. Looking at Xu Ziyan's gaze could not help but be a little cautious, and the monk who had promised that the purple smoke was **** was also surprised. However, then the eyes showed a look of disregard.

How do you know the meaning of the sword? Not the same is not my opponent!

Outside the small village.

Hundreds of monks looked at the fifteen people in the village, and they were surrounded by more than 200 wind wolves, and they all had worries on their faces. What worries them is not the life of Xu Ziyan and others. What they worry about is that there are so many wind wolves in the village, so how many monsters will be in the village?

After a while, they have to enter the village, do not know what kind of monsters, what level of monsters are waiting for them.

In the middle of the two seasons of the Yang family, they frowned slightly and began to communicate with God:

"These people are too weak! Killing more than 200 wind wolves is so hard, when can you enter the village and hang the flag?"

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