The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2196: Zombie

"See, what's wrong?"

"The water curtain Tianhua is a bit strange!"

"What's weird?"

"At first, it was easy to block the wind blade that the wind wolf spurted out, but then it was easily broken by the wind blade that the wind wolf sprayed. Although we are blocked here, we can't see the power of the wind blade. But since the first time I can easily block the water curtain of the wind blade, there is no reason to be easily broken by the wind blade in the second time!"

Another Yang Jiadi also frowned. "What do you mean... What did the female practitioner hide?"

"Possible!" Yang Jiadi nodded and said: "If she really hides the cultivation, we must pay more attention to her. Maybe she knows our secrets and wants to fish in the water."

Another Yang Jiadi's face was cold and cold: "She dares? I will kill her when I go in for a while!"

"That's not necessary! Just pay more attention to her. Just go inside, the more dangerous, the more I think of her cultivation is the peak of the late Emperor, the crisis inside, there is no need for us to do it."

Another Yang Jiadi respected the middle of the slightest, and finally shook his head: "I think it is better to be more careful."

"Alright! Their speed is too slow! At this time, the other three directions may be close to the village center. We will send the five disciples of the Yang family, and after putting the flagpoles on, let them marry. Opportunity to kill the woman!"

The Yang family has come to the end of the 18th century, and was hoped that the ancient vine would kill seven. Now there are eleven left, five of which follow Yang’s land, and the other six, including Yang’s family. The son is following Yang Jiatian Zun in the other direction.

At this time, Yang Jiadi sang the five peaks of the late Yang Jiaxian Emperor, and then selected 20 emperors, and led by the five monks of the Yang family to enter the village.

As soon as he entered the small village, the Yang family had preparations in the hearts of the five emperors. Although they were shocked in the eyes, they did not panic. The twenty monks were flustered and ran back toward the back door.

"Don't mess!" a monk from the Yang family shouted: "There is no way out, you can't get out. The only way to go out is to hang the flag on the flagpole."


The twenty monks were bombarded with a few lucky hearts, but they only stopped after a few bombardments. At this point they understood, why the people such as Hu Yanang and Yan Yalong were so panicked, the original tiny world suddenly became huge, how could not panic.

But they also know in their hearts that since both Hu Yangang and Yan Yalong did not come out, they could not go out. I heard that Yang Jia’s monk said that as soon as he entered the village and hanged the flag on the flagpole, he would be able to leave. Although they have a feeling of uneasiness in their hearts at this time, they only choose to believe in Yang. One by one, they tried to calm down their emotions and rebelled against the five Yang family monks.

"Go, kill those wind wolves first!"

With these twenty-five monks breaking in, Yan Yalong and Hu Yangang and others felt that the pressure was greatly reduced, especially the five peaks of the late Yang Jiaxian Emperor, all of which were faintly reaching the critical point of breaking the human respect period, and the strength was even higher. Hu Yan just got it. It was only less than half an hour, and all the wind wolves were killed.

The monks who were recruited were busy harvesting the useful materials of the wind wolf, and Xu Ziyan was busy there. It’s not that she needs these, but the monks of the late Emperor’s peaks are rushing to collect these resources, and she can’t stand there to watch the fun at the beginning of a fairy emperor.

Only the five monks of the Yang family stood in the same place, disdainfully looking at the monks who had been recruited in front of them, but they did not stop. Because when they first recruited these monks, they promised that the resources they had on their way belonged to them personally. These monks were needed when entering the village, so although the five monks of the Yang family were anxious, they were still patient.

After two quarters of an hour, everyone gathered again. One of the Yang family monks gaze over the monks and shouted:

"Dear friends, from now on, I am your captain. I want everyone to be alive. I hope everyone can follow my orders."

The people did not hesitate and nodded immediately. In this case, Yang Jialai is the best choice. Xu Ziyan naturally followed his nod.

The Yang family monk showed a satisfactory color on his face and extended his hand to Hu Yan just: "Give me the flag!"

Hu Yan immediately took the flag and handed it to the Yang family, and he also breathed a sigh of relief. Since entering here, he has been under tremendous pressure. Now the captain is not himself, the flag is also handed over, and the heart feels relaxed.

"Let's go!" Yang Jiaxiu's eyes swept over the crowd, and his final eyes fell on Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong. Shen Sheng said:

"Hey, you are in front of you."

The look of Yan Yalong is a bitter, but at this time it cannot be rejected. You don't want to go ahead, can other people be willing? If you refuse at this time, I am afraid that I will be attacked by others immediately. Therefore, Yan Yalong swept his eyes over Zhu Shimei and others, and said:

"Give me the spirit!"

Zhu Shimei and others all tried their heads, and Xu Ziyan, who was on the side, also tried his head. This makes Yan Yalong cry and laugh, and the heart secretly:

"Lord, do you want to pretend like that?"

However, at this time, under the eyes of the public, he could not have any indications and had to walk towards the front. Xu Ziyan walked side by side with him, and the other five people followed behind them.

Behind them, the five monks of the Yang family led the remaining twenty monks to walk behind, gazed and looked around.

The two-meter-wide bluestone road extends under the foot to the village. This bluestone road does not know how many years of wind and frost have passed. At this time, the moss has been covered and it is slippery. Both sides are large old trees, which makes people feel that this road is more and more deep.

Approximately 50 meters away, everyone has stood at the mouth of the village, as long as Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong stepped into the village.

Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong looked at the sides, and there were rows of houses inside, but there were not hundreds of houses on either side of Xu Ziyan and others.

"Don't stop, go forward!" Yang Jiaxiu behind him shouted.

Xu Ziyan and Yan Yalong looked helplessly and walked toward the village. Walking into the village, everyone's nerves are tightened to the extreme. But the surrounding is quiet, there is no trace of sound, only Xu Ziyan's dull footsteps under their feet:

"Treading step..."

Xu Ziyan looked at the houses on both sides, and saw the houses on both sides closed the door. The walls of the houses were covered with moss. The roof was covered with grass, and a gloomy atmosphere was floating in the small village.

The monks did not open the doors of the houses on both sides, and carefully walked toward the inner village center. Because their task at this time is to find the flagpole, and without the orders of the Yang family monks, they do not want to have extra-budgets.

Xu Ziyan slightly narrowed his eyes, and the blue strobe flashed in his eyes. He looked at the house on the left, and his eyes saw the inside of the house through the wall.

The house was covered with dust and it was very dark. There was a man sitting in a large chair in Zhongtang, with his eyes closed and his body covered with dust. There was no life in the whole body.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is shrinking, and the frequency of blue flashes in his eyes is faster. At this time, it has been recognized that this person with closed eyes has no breath of life, but the extremely dangerous person is a zombie.

Huoran turned to look to the right, and there was a zombie sitting in the right house, and they all closed their eyes. Xu Ziyan slowed down. When Yan Yalong saw that Xu Ziyan slowed down, he also slowed down his footsteps. At the same time, he looked at Xu Ziyan and saw the blue strobe in Xu Ziyan's eyes.

His eyes are shrinking. He knows that this should be a kind of immortality of Xu Ziyan, but he does not know what kind of fairy. For Xu Ziyan, I feel more mysterious.

Xu Ziyan's gaze swept forward on the left and right sides, and the face was shocked and more and more intense. There were zombies in each room, and some rooms had more than one zombie. The feeling of giving Xu Ziyan is that the family has become a zombie.

This has not seen the center of the village, there are more than a thousand zombies, and the level of these zombies are not low, Xu Ziyan suddenly discolored.

"Zong...daoyou!" Yan Yalong lowered his voice and asked, "What did you find?"

"I..." Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and lowered his voice: "There are zombies in the house on both sides..."

"Zombies?" Yan Yalong also changed color.

"Yu Yalong, you hurry!" Yang family monk shouted in the back.


When his voice just fell, he heard a burst of "squeaky" voice. The people immediately stopped and looked toward both sides. They saw the houses on both sides, and all the doors were opened.

As soon as the door opened, a strand of dead air floated out from the inside, making the whole street more gloomy. A smoky wind swayed from the crowd, making people feel cold.

A figure came out of the room and soon filled the street, and surrounded by Xu Ziyan and others who were standing in the middle of the street.

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