The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2197: Fu Weiwei

The surrounding monks also rushed to sacrifice the fairy, formed a war, and nervously looked at the zombies approaching themselves and others.

The battle between the two sides soon took place. Xu Ziyan had already changed a fairy sword at this time. It was a five-character fire attribute sword. A sword smashed out, and the sword of fire turned into a meteor fire and rain towards the zombies on the ground. Pour away. At the same time, various immortals were released from the monks, dozens of zombies were turned into burning fireballs, or frozen into ice sculptures, and the fire was cut into pieces...

"Crushing over!" Yang family monk shouted.

The array of dozens of monks quickly advanced forward, but only a quarter of an hour later, the monks slowed down the pace of advancement, because the zombies were of higher quality, and the zombies on the ground and in the air. The immortality released by the monks began to gradually reduce the lethality of these high-grade zombies.

From the original one, the solution to a zombie to a fairy can only kill three or two zombies, and then to a fairy can only kill a zombie. In the end, it takes more than a dozen cents to kill a zombie. What's even more tragic is that the zombies are getting higher and higher, and there is a faint tendency to lose to zombies.

Xu Ziyan’s seven people burst into three lights, one purple, one green and one red. It was the Jianmang, Zhu Shimei and Xu Ziyan who smashed out the swordsman, and protected the four people behind them in the light swordsmanship. But at this time it has also fallen into defense.

The pace of progress has been forced to stop, everyone can only shrink together, the entire battlefield has contracted, struggling to withstand more and more zombies.


There was still a door open, and a zombie came out of the door and smacked toward Xu Ziyan and others. Xu Ziyan stared at the street, and at the same time, the door was opened, and the door was opened. One by one, the zombies came out from the door and came to the side.


A huge whirlwind was blown from the head of Xu Ziyan and others, and Xu Ziyan looked up, but it was the five Yang family monks. At this time, the five Yang family monks had upgraded the peak of the late Emperor's peak to the peak, and the five people formed a five-line fairy squad, which kept spinning in the air, like a huge hot wheel, grinding in the air. Broken countless zombies, smashed a path hard and rushed toward the front.


Some monks saw the passage that was opened by the Yang family monks, and then saw the power of the Yang family monks. They jumped up one by one and rushed into the passage, wanting to follow the five monks of the Yang family. .

However, that passage disappeared too quickly, but it was filled with more zombies in an instant...

"Oh ah..."

The four monks were only inserted into the body by the arm of countless zombies in an instant, and then burst into pieces.


The monks were discolored and reflexively wanted to fly back, but surrounded by black-pressed zombies, and two monks fell on the spot. Only three monks escaped and their eyes were full of fear.

The people of Yan Yalong did not move, and there was no order for Xu Ziyan. They did not act arbitrarily. The whistling squad did not move, and the cautious Hu Yan just did not make a decision easily. As the twenty monks who came in from Yang’s monks belonged to two small teams, the captain of one of the small teams just issued an order and the team rushed out. But the result was that the team of nine people only survived three people, and even the captain fell. The other eleven squad did not move because they saw Xu Ziyan and Hu Yangang's squad, and eventually they did not move, which saved their lives. Looking at everything that happened in front of me, I couldn’t help but feel awkward.

At this time, because of the departure of the Yang family and the death of the six monks, the entire defensive formation has collapsed and become four small defensive formations.

One is Xu Ziyan, seven people, one is Hu Yangang eight people, one is the eleven individual squad, and there is the unfortunate squad with only three people left.

As a result, the difference in strength suddenly emerged. The strongest is the squad of the eleven monks. The second strongest is the whistling squad. Xu Ziyan ranks third in the third, and the team with only three remaining is in jeopardy.

The eleven squads also recognized the situation in front of them and began to lean toward the whistling squad. At first glance, they knew they were ready to join forces with the whistling squad. The whistling squad naturally immediately saw the other party's mind and began to work hard toward the other side.

"Sovereign, do we also rely on the past?" Yan Yalong defeated a zombie with a sword and anxiously turned to Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the eleven squad and the whistling squad have gathered together, and the captain of the eleven squad shouted unceremoniously:

"Listen to me!"

Hu Yangang looked a little stagnation, but at this time there were only two choices, one to listen to the other, and the other to leave immediately. The strength of the opposing team is obviously stronger than that of the whistling squad, so Hu Yanang just stagnate his face and finally has no words.

"Flock!" The captain snorted, and the two monks joined forces to form a battle, and then the captain shouted to Xu Ziyan:

"Let's come over!"

Xu Ziyan and others have not responded, but the three monks are struggling to lean over to them. But the strength of the three people is too small. They have not waited until they got there, and they were inserted into the numerous arms of the zombies around them, and their bodies were torn apart.

Xu Ziyan looked at the outside of the small village. Although she couldn't see the outside, she knew that Yang Jiadi, who was outside, must look at this side and be able to see herself.

At this time, she did not want to reveal her true cultivation, but she was not willing to get together with Hu Yangang. As long as she did not expose her cultivation, she would have to follow the command of the captain and could not run off in front to make fire. the result of.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge sinks into the purple smoke space. There is a large number of five-to-nine-like charms in Fuyi. It’s all refining during the period. It’s the original purple smoke that was originally intended for sale to the southern monks, but because The southern blockade has not been sold.

Xu Ziyan had some hands, and the dense five-character charms came out around him. He surrounded Xu Ziyan in the middle, flew up and down, and hovered around Xu Ziyan.


A piece of fairy charm in the air, and then turned into a long gun, full of more than 3,000 handles.


Xu Ziyan screamed, and the 3,000-handed long gun began to condense, but it instantly condensed into a huge rifle with nine handles.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan screamed, and the nine-handed rifle became a line and slammed toward the front.


The zombies that blocked the front were broken, and some powerful zombies were not shattered, and their bodies were also hit.


Xu Ziyan shouted, followed by the last big gun, and swept forward. Yan Yalong looked a glimpse, and then he was overjoyed, with the remaining five people following behind Xu Ziyan.

Later, Hu Yangang and others suddenly fell there, but this is the embarrassment, so they missed the opportunity to keep up. I am still struggling.

At this time, on this street, there were three battle groups. The front battle group was the five Yang family monks. In the middle, there were seven people in Xu Ziyan. In the end, they were Hu Yangang.


The last rifle burst, and a large number of zombies were once again surrounded.

"The Sovereign..." Yan Yalong looked shocked. When he thought about it, Xu Ziyan’s body could carry more than 3,000 pieces of fairy charm, which is already amazing enough. Now there will be no more fairy charms on her body. While calling Xu Ziyan, he took out a few of the fairy charms on his body, and Zhu Shimei and others also took out a few fairy charms from their own bodies. This is all the fairy charms on them.


From the front and the rear of them, the sound of the fairy bounce came. Xu Ziyan knew that the former Yang family monks and the later Hu Yangang and others began to release the fairy charm.

Xu Ziyan's eyes were slightly raised. She had already seen it. These zombies are getting stronger and stronger. The last rifle made up of five scented scented squirts has not killed a zombie, just knocking them away.

The hands were pulled in front of them, and then they were raised toward the sky. More than three thousand charms hovered in the air, but this time the fairy charm is the six-character charm.

Yang Jiadi, who is outside the village, has a slight gaze and says to another landlord: "Do you know who the monk is?"

"I don't know!" Another landlord shook his head in the middle: "But she and Yan Yalong, should they belong to the descendants of the Star Field?"

"After the Stars descendants? When are the descendants of the Southern Stars so rich?"

The words fell, and the eyes swept over the monks around them: "Who do you know the female repair who throws the fairy?"

All the monks shook their heads and their faces were weird. They have never seen such a large number of monks who throw fairy charms.

"Hehe!" Xu Ziyan in the village moved the fairy. The six lances quickly condensed in the air.

"go with!"

The six-handed rifle directly smashed the zombies that had been thrown in front, shattered the bodies of the zombies, and bombarded a passage.


Xu Ziyan was swept away and swayed toward the front. Yan Yalong and others held their own few charms and looked at the back of Xu Ziyan until they heard Xu Ziyan’s “go” and reacted, some blushing. I collected the few fairy charms in my hands and excitedly followed the Xu Ziyan.

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