The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2201: Half holy

"Can you break open?" Xu Ziyan asked excitedly.


"Is there any harm to you?" Xu Ziyan asked with concern, she did not want the Thunder giant sword to fall into sleep again.

"Just a little bit of consumption, now I have recovered 60%, and you broke through the human respect, I will recover soon, you do not have to worry about purple smoke."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan’s right foot was vacant, and his body shape rose to the sky, flying toward the Loulouzhu, and his hands were in the air.


A huge Thunder giant sword appeared in the hands of Xu Ziyan, and the thunder of the whole sword flashed, and Wei could force people. It is Yang Jiatian Zun who feels the power of the forced man, his eyes flashed in jealousy, and also greedy.

Xu Ziyan's body shape quickly flew high, flying over the middle of the four beads, and then a sword fell down.


Four thighs with thick thighs smashed toward the four beads.


The brilliance of the four beads shines, but the ray of light shines in an instant, spurting toward the surroundings.

The four seals were broken at the same time. Xu Ziyan's big sleeves waved, and the four beads turned into four streams of light and were collected by Zi Ziyan into the purple smoke space.

"Leave the Louzhuzhu!"

A strong drink rang, Yang Jiatian respected his son in one hand, and his body shape flew like electricity. Although he shouted to leave the Louzhuzhu, the other big hand grabbed the Thunder sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan held the Thunder giant sword in both hands, and raised his repairs to the peak. The explosive power came out. To the big hand of Yang Jiatian Zun, he took out a sword.


Xu Ziyan’s figure flew out and spewed out a blood in the air, but she did not stop at all and flew away from the village.


Yang Jiatian respected the big drink, and Xu Ziyan immediately felt that the surrounding space became like a closed, and his actions became extremely difficult, just like in a thick liquid.

Yang Jiatian's gaze shrinks. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to move under the immortality released by his early Tianzun, although it moved very slowly.


Yang Jiatian respected it and Xu Ziyan’s figure flew toward the big hand of Yang Jiatian.

Xu Ziyan’s right eye has a vortex, which is the eye of space. Although Xu Ziyan's cultivation is far from Yang Jiatian, her spatial attributes can be cultivated to the great perfection.

Suddenly, a burst of light emerged from the right eye. The binding force around it suddenly dissolves.


There is a pair of wings behind Xu Ziyan. It is the wing of the wind. At this time, the wing of the wind is different. Xu Ziyan, who has already realized the meaning of the wind to the realm of Zhongcheng, has developed the wings of the wind, and the sound of "嗖" has disappeared without a trace.

"Ha ha……"

Yang Jiatian respected two sneers and suddenly made a big hand. A whirlwind appeared from the palm of his hand, whistling through the space. Xu Ziyan, who was flying fast, suddenly felt that his body shape was swollen into the whirlpool, and then the vortex shrank back in the direction of Yang Jiatian. Only in an instant, Xu Ziyan was swept back to the small village by the whirlwind, and flew over to the big hand of Yang Jiatian.

Xu Ziyan’s left eye has a vortex that rotates, which is the eye of time.


A scream, the swirling vortex in the air suddenly stopped.

Xu Ziyan’s vortex in the right eye does not stop, and the eye of the space releases light.


The whirlwind was broken like a glass. In the stunned eyes of Yang Jiatian, Xu Ziyan spread his wings...

Suddenly, the landslide burst into a crack, letting Xu Ziyan’s body shape, could not help but look at it. At this time, Yang Jiatian Zun no longer cares about Xu Ziyan, and his eyes looked down.

At the bottom of this time, thousands of monks have fallen, and the blood woven into the earth into a fascinating pattern along the mark. Today, only Yang Jiatianzun, two landlords and eight emperors are still alive, and there are two early monks and six people who have been recruited. The remaining monks have already died.

At this time, the gossip pattern in the center suddenly split in eight directions, the whole earth was shaking, the clouds in the sky gathered, covering the entire sky, and the space was suddenly dark.

But the clouds in the air were neither white nor black, but gray, gray and gray, and the space gave birth to the wind...

The wind was initially small, gradually increasing, and the monks’ robes were blown high...

The sound of the roaring in the wind is so fierce, as if there are countless souls roaring, mourning...

The gray clouds hang down toward the earth, getting closer and closer to the ground, forming a huge gray vortex, a kind of pressure that falls on the minds of every monk, making breath breathe.

A figure gradually rose from the cracked land of the center. He was lying in the air, his limbs were wide open, and his eyes closed and he rose from the ground.


The four flags were smashed, and the soul of the soul rushed toward the center and sneaked into his body.

The Yang family monks put away the compass on their heads, and they stared excitedly at the man floating in the air.

Yang Jiatian Zun turned over and took out a gossip mirror. The teeth were buckled and bitten the tip of the tongue. A blood squirted on the gossip mirror, and then the gossip mirror was illuminated toward the person floating in the air. The gossip mirror illuminated a The light shrouded the man inside.

Yang Jiatian respected the left hand with a gossip mirror, his right hand swayed and decided to have words. A rune in the light of the gossip mirror, shrouded toward the man floating in the air, wrapped him inside, kept spinning, and slid into his body.


The man’s body suddenly burst into violent savage and shattered the package’s signature.


Yang Jiatian Zun spurted a blood out of his mouth and looked at the man floating in the air with a stunned look.

The man's body slowly stood up in the air, a golden armor, a bronze complexion, almost similar to the gold of the armor, like a golden statue.

Yang Jiatian Zun suddenly spurted another blood on the gossip mirror. This is a large mouth of blood, which is twice as much as before. His face was pale and pale, and the gossip mirror was again taken to the golden armor. The more brilliant light is ejected from the gossip mirror, and the more intricately embossed pattern will shroud toward the golden armor.

The golden armor opened his closed eyes...


Two gray rays burst out from his eyes, and the plaids in the air burst into bursts. The sound of the gossip in the hands of Yang Jiatianzun burst into a powder, and his figure flew in the air. Blood spray.


The golden armor once again looked at the body of Yang Jiatian Zun. Two gray lights penetrated the body of Yang Jiatian Zun, and two holes were blasted in the body of Yang Jiatian, and his figure was crumbling in the air.

In the two holes in his body, there were two groups of gray gas squirming and slamming, and the two groups of gray gas burst, and the body of Yang Jiatian was exploded into a broken limb.

Xu Ziyan's look changed dramatically, and instantly opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and his body could not help but shake his body. The golden armor will be a half-step holy level.

"Ha ha ha..." The golden armor will suddenly burst into laughter and laughter.


All the monks present at the same time spurted blood, and the figure was crumbling in the air, only to feel the blood in the body tumbling.

"God, you want to refine me into a zombie of the heavenly level, but I have broken through to the half-step holy level, you can't control me, hahaha..."

His eyes swept across the border and shouted: "Where is the demon? Why didn't he come and let you come these ants!"

Xu Ziyan was at a glance at this time. In ancient times, this golden armor would not know what kind of hatred and hatred there was. The demon wanted to refine him into a zombie, then control him and make him a scorpio. But that day the devil might have fallen in the ancient war and missed the opportunity to control the Golden God of War.

It should be that before the death of the demon, all the things here will be recorded, and the method of sealing and controlling the golden armor will be passed down. Finally, it will be the income of the Yang family. This is where the Yang family came to this seal and opened. Seal, want to control this gold armor zombie.

But the time has passed for so long, from ancient times to today, this golden armor **** will be repaired into a semi-holy. The level of semi-sacred is not the one that the treasures and methods left by the demon can control, which has caused the situation today.

The golden armor will see that no one speaks, and the eyes are fierce. Suddenly opened a big mouth and a suck, two Yang Jiadi and eight Yang Jiaxian emperors, two recruited the first and the six respects of the land, plus the nineteen monks of Xu Ziyan in the air to the gold armor God's big mouth flew over.

At this time, all the monks were panicked, and Xu Ziyan was no exception. Everyone is struggling, but they can't delay the slightest speed.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes of time and the eyes of space were rotated at the same time.




Xu Ziyan felt that the time flow rate only slowed down, but it did not stand still. The binding force of the space is slightly relaxed, and it is not completely free.

Xu Ziyan panicked, this time it was really panic, she felt that even if she had finished her cards, she could not escape the fate that the golden armor would swallow, even if she fled into the purple smoke space, I am afraid that the whole space will be gold. A **** will engulf.

Half holy!

That is a foot that has entered the holy class.

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