The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2202: Tianmo field


Seal with a gossip mirror!

Although Xu Ziyan does not have a gossip mirror, but there is a soul symbol passed down by the phoenix. Nowadays, the realm of Xu Ziyan's fuss has been improved, and it has reached the beginning of the first grade. Although it is not very understanding of the soul symbol, it can still be painted according to the cat.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has no other method. If he does not try, he will only have a dead end. The gods are highly concentrated, and one hand slowly rises in the air and slowly shoots toward the golden armor. The light of the gods in the sea is stunned, and the power of the gods is countless. Going to her right hand.

Instant Void Paint.

A soul symbol is rapidly formed in her right hand, and at this time Xu Ziyan and others have been sucked into the face of the Golden Armor. Xu Ziyan had escaped from Yang Jiatianzun because she had escaped from the original, so she was farthest from Jinjia Shen, and a Yangjiadi Zhongzun and seven Emperor of the Golden Gods had already been sucked into his mouth. The early stage of the land and the three monks were also sucked into the mouth.


Xu Ziyan's soul symbol finally took out, the air shines loudly, the fairy sounds, the time and space are like a quiet. The soul symbolization turned into a streamer, and the sound of "嗖" got into the eyebrows of the golden armor.


The golden armor will suddenly scream at his head and scream. A pair of horrified eyes looked at Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan looked at the golden armor at this time.

She felt that the golden armor would be breaking away from the soul, and that the soul of the golden armor would want to counter her, but his soul could not find a channel to reverse it.

Xu Ziyan took a long sigh of relief. After her own practice, she had further understanding of the soul of the phoenix, and her heart also had a trace of fear for the phoenix.

This soul symbol is too powerful, and even does not give the other party a chance to reflex, so that Xu Ziyan will not care that he will be countered by the Golden God.

However, she also felt that the Golden God will break free, and she has a tendency to control him. Xu Ziyan understands that although she was given a soul symbol, the description in her inheritance can ignore the difference in rank, but it is under the rules of this world. The Holy Order has been equated with the rules of the world and should not belong to this range. If it is not the golden **** of today, it will only be a semi-holy, I am afraid that it has already broken away from the **** of the soul.

At this time, there was only Xu Ziyan in the air, a Yang family and the Yang family son of the late Emperor of the Xian Emperor, an early stage of the Yang family and three people in the early days.

At this time, the Golden Armor will stop the act of swallowing them, but they still bind them tightly. Seven people, such as Xu Ziyan, struggled to break free, but they were discovered by the Golden God and tightly bound them.

This formed a situation of mutual stalemate, Xu Ziyan seven people are breaking free, Jinjia Shen will also break free. The seven people of Xu Ziyan are breaking away from the **** of the golden armor, and the golden armor will break free from the **** of the soul.

Time passed away in this mutual liberation, Xu Ziyan's look gradually changed, and she realized that the soul symbol was gradually suppressed by the golden armor.

Of course this is suppression, not cracking! However, Xu Ziyan believes that as long as the repair of the golden armor is promoted to the holy level, it is when he completely cracks the soul.

Although with the understanding of Xu Ziyan's soul symbol, even if the golden armor will break through to the holy level in the future, cracking the soul symbol will not hurt him a bit, but this golden armor will surely chase himself, not endless. Under the chase of a holy class, Xu Ziyan really could not imagine his consequences.

But now she has no energy to think about the days of being chased in the future, and now anxiously is free from the shackles of the Golden God. Otherwise, it will be killed by the other party in a while, as long as the other party temporarily suppresses the soul, it is when you fall.

Xu Ziyan knows that the gods in the sea are once again shining brightly, and the soul is also surging. The unyielding will was extracted by Xu Ziyan, and the past was conveyed through the connection between the gods and the soul.


The body of the golden armor broke out of the sultry atmosphere, and the eyes flickered. After a while, the eyes of Xu Ziyan became obedient and obedient. After a while, they became fierce and abnormal. The restraint of Xu Ziyan and others was also tight for a while. At this time, the individual knows that this is the best opportunity and struggles desperately.

Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped struggling, and she suddenly understood that if Jin Jinshen would suppress the soul of the seal, it would be his own fall, no matter how long he ran to the ends of the earth, he could not escape the other party's pursuit. She stood still in the air, closed her eyes, and urged her souls through her own gods to make them more active.


The golden armor will make a non-human scream, and he understands the moment when Xu Ziyan urges the soul. Now, only after he completely suppresses the soul symbol, can he kill Xu Ziyan. At this time, whenever he had a killing effect on Xu Ziyan, tears in the soul were all painful. It was not tolerable at all. The pain made his body difficult to move. Not to mention killing Xu Ziyan.

The most important thing is that whenever he kills Xu Ziyan, an irresistible consciousness is always transmitted from the soul array, preventing him from killing Xu Ziyan, so that he can not shoot at all. At this time, he already understood in his heart that even if he suppressed the soul symbol, when he killed the purple smoke, the repressed soul symbol would immediately become active. Only when the soul symbol was completely solved, could he Regain freedom.


It is easy to completely break the soul symbol, I am afraid that it can only be done when the holy level is broken.

"When I break through the holy level, I will kill you!"

After the golden armor will endure this sentence with the intense pain in the soul, the heart gradually dissipated the killing of Xu Ziyan and turned his energy into suppressing the soul.

Slowly looking at Xu Ziyan, the golden armor will reveal a hint of jealousy, a trace of helplessness. He found that Xu Ziyan had been constantly urging the soul of his soul, and it was very difficult for him to suppress the soul. If you can't even suppress the soul of the soul, where can you talk about breaking the holy level? Crack the soul array?

The golden armor will suddenly reach out and draw a stroke in the air. A crack appears in the space. Then, with a big hand, he throws seven people in Xu Ziyan into the crack in the space.

Then looking at the crack in the closed space, muttered to himself: "Throw you to the demon, see your luck..."

When he was at the bottom of the earth, he already knew that Yang Jia’s monk had a killing effect on Xu Ziyan. He could not kill Xu Ziyan by himself. As long as he had this idea, there would be a trace of unyielding will in his soul to dispel his killing. He had to. Xu Ziyan was sent away, but according to his memory, Xu Ziyan and others were sent to the territory of the demon.

His idea is that I can't kill you by hand now. If Xu Ziyan is killed by the Yang family monk or the demon, the unyielding will in the soul will also dissipate, and maybe even the soul will dissipate.

Sure enough, in the moment when Xu Ziyan’s figure disappeared in the space crack, he immediately felt that Xu Ziyan’s control of the soul symbol was weakened a lot. He slowly closed his eyes and looked at the space where Xu Ziyan disappeared and muttered to himself:

"I will break through the holy level!"

The figure slowly sinks to the ground, the cracks in the earth are rumbling, and everything is silent...

Xu Ziyan and others are happy in the moment when they enter the crack of space. For these people, although they can't tear the space at will, it is not difficult to break free from the turbulence of space.

However, their faces were changed. They felt a kind of space bondage. This **** turned out to be that they could not break free, and this bond had the breath of the golden armor. They immediately understood that this is the Golden God will send them to a place.


Where will they be sent to?

Deep in the demon territory.

Endless ladder.

Yanshan soul is still walking on the endless ladder.

Over and over again recalling the past and present, and gradually his body has changed...

"His breath began to change!" The spirit of the Lord and the demon Lord was a revival, and looked at the Yanshan soul in the endless ladder.

The spiritual root of the Yanshan soul, the Tianchi formed on the five-color peak, the sentimental spring in the Tianchi began to boil.


A roar, the spiritual root of Yanshan soul, the five-color giant peak disappeared, but in the next moment it rushed into the realm of Yanshan soul. That is the space that Yanshan soul has cultivated after breaking through the holy level.

That is a world, a continent. There are mountains and rivers, plain forests...

The five-color peak appeared in this world, and the whole world began to tremble. On the day above the five-color giant peak, the sentimental spring in the pool floated up and crashed into the five-color giant peak, turning into a vast ocean...

The continent in that world began to be inundated by the expanding ocean. The vast ocean was rising and it was going to flood the five-color peak. The five-color giant peak seemed to feel the threat of the ocean and began to grow into the air.

Wang Yang is rising, the five-color giant peak is growing...

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